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Body Parts Name of Exercise Frequency

1.) Head Turns: look left, look right.

Head 2.) Head Tilt: ear to left shoulder, ear to repeat it 5 times
right shoulder; keep shoulders down

repeat it 20 times
1.) Shoulders rotation: Perform both
shoulders rotation clockwise and
counter clockwise.

2.) Alternating Chest Hugs: You can

affect the type of pull on the chest by
taking the hands back at a higher or
lower position. It is best to start off the
movement by taking the hands back to repeat it 10-20 times
just above the waist and then increase
the height as the chest muscles start to
warm up.

1.) Chest Stretch: Stretch both arms

individually toward a wall and lightly
Chest press against to lightly stretch 30 seconds
2.) Chest Openers: Widely stretch both
arms and lightly stretch it
1.) One Arm Row: Holding a dumbbell
in your right hand, place your other
hand on a bench or stability ball in front
of you. Step your right leg back keeping
it straight, and bend your left leg
Upper Back Muscle slightly. Lean your chest forward, 1 minute
keeping your back flat.

2.) Reverse Fly: Holding a set of

dumbbells, sit on a bench or stability
ball. With your feet flat on the ground,
hinge at the waist to lean forward
slightly, and bring your dumbbells
behind your calves, palms facing each
With a slight bend at the elbow, raise
your arms outward and squeeze your
shoulder blades, keeping your palms
facing the floor.
Drive your elbow up, bringing the
dumbbell to your ribcage.
Release your arm down and repeat.
Do equal reps on both sides.
1.) Bridges: Lie on the ground and bend
the knees, placing the feet flat on the
floor hip-width apart.
Press the feet into the floor, keeping
the arms by the sides.
Raise the buttocks off the ground until do it 15 times for the
Lower Back Muscle the body forms a straight line from the bridges and 30 seconds
shoulders to the knees. on the stretches
Squeeze the buttocks with the
shoulders remaining on the floor.
Lower the buttocks to the ground and
rest for a few seconds

2.) Lower back rotational stretches: Lie

back on the floor with bent knees and
feet flat on the ground.
Keeping the shoulders firmly on the
floor, gently roll both bent knees over
to one side. Hold the position for 5–10
seconds. Return to the starting
position.Gently roll the bent knees over
to the opposite side, hold, and then
return to the starting position.
1.) Side Shuffle Switch: Stand with your
feet together, arms by your sides.
Shuffle swiftly to your right by taking
three quick steps to the side (right, left,
right), and then lift your left knee up,
Upper Leg Muscle swinging your right arm forward. repeat it 20 times
Immediately reverse your shuffle (left,
right, left) and land with your right knee
up, left knee bent, swinging your right
arm forward.

2.) Squats: Stand with your feet

shoulder-width apart.
Squat down, bending your knees to 90
degrees. Now jump up and land softly
again in the squat position. Use the
strength in your legs and butt to jump
up explosively.
Remember to land as softly as you can
with your knees bent; keep your weight
back, over your heels.

1.) Lower Leg Exercise: standing with

your feet shoulder width apart. Start
by slowly raising yourself up onto the 30 seconds in the calves
Lower Leg Muscle balls of your feet and then bringing and until completion in
your heels back to the ground. the achilles exercise.

2.) Achilles Exercise: Sitting in a chair

with your feet flat on the ground, raise
one foot off the ground, about 3-4
inches. Using your foot, start to draw
out the capital letters of the alphabet
1.) Jump Rope: Holding the handles of a
jump rope in each hand, jump with
both feet as you spin the rope under 30- 1 minute in jump
Calf Muscle you and over your head. Keep your core rope and 30 seconds on
engaged and your shoulders lowered. downward dog

2.) Downward Dog: Begin in a tabletop

position with your hands planted on the
ground beneath your shoulders and
your knees below your hips. Pressing
firmly into your palms, tuck your toes,
lift your knees off the ground, and
slowly extend your hips upward.
Without locking your knees, carefully
straighten your legs until your body
creates a triangle shape with the
ground. Remember to engage your core
as you continue to lengthen your spine
and lift your hips as high as possible. To
deepen the stretch, bend one knee and
then the other to peddle the feet.
1.) Sit Ups: Lie on your back with bent
knees and your feet anchored.
Tuck your chin into your chest to repeat 10-20 times in
Other Muscles lengthen the back of your neck.
situps as long as you can.
(All around muscles to trigger Interlace your fingers at the base of 30 seconds on jumpin
when doing the exercise) your skull, cross your arms with your
hands on opposite shoulders, or place
your palms down alongside your body.
Exhale as you lift your upper body up
toward your thighs.
Inhale as you slowly lower yourself back
down to the floor.

2.) Jumping Jacks: Stand upright with

your legs together, arms at your sides.
Bend your knees slightly, and jump into
the air. As you jump, spread your legs
to be about shoulder-width apart.
Stretch your arms out and over your

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