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Ok so I was 7-8 when I was in school, so I was in class and this kid named Anthony kept picking on

me (Btw I was the most nice kid in the 2 grade) Anthony would call me garbage, and I wouldn’t care
since I didn’t understand anything he would do to try to make me mad. Then I for some reason get
mad at random times and throw chairs,when I threw a chair at a wall it made two little holes and for
some reason my episode just stopped and I was like “:o omg I’m so sorry!” And the counselor said
“that would’ve been a student of class was on!” But then the worst part of my life happened, I got
stolen from my mom from child protection service’s. They said they would bring me to my mom, but
they took me to a random house where I stayed for 2 months,I had these episodes again and tried
hurting everyone around me. Oh and there was a soldier from WW2 I think, I didn’t try hurting him
since he was old and a soldier. But the whole time that was happening my mom was trying to get me
out of there by telling the cps that they literally stole me and never told her, and that it wasn’t her
fault that my diabetes was doing bad. The CPS gave me back to my mom and step-dad, and we
moved 2 times Away from that horrible place called “Bismarck”, man that place sucks, they closed
most of the kids place there when I was a kid. But the second place was called “NewTown” there’s
so much drug abusers there and so much abandoned houses there and so much broken glass
EVERYWHERE, I recommend that you don’t go to newtown EVER! But with all that out of the way,
I’m living happily in the forest in a Beautiful home, I’m 17 now so I’m fine!
If you have any questions tell them if the comments.

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