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So, I have a cousin (29) who loves Pokémon, he haved his first son two years ago.

His exgirlfriend
(mother of the baby) cheated on him and told everyone she was pregnant of my cousin. So, bc of this
they where about to get married and have "a functional family for the baby", but the baby born like two
weeks before the 9th month, so was a surprise for everyone the fact trato the baby was ginger. My
cousin (he haves dark skin, hair and eyes, his exgirlfriend is fkn blonde) got sad about this and called me
and told me everything that happened. I didn't think too much what to tell him, so my stupid ass said
"Don't worry, it's a Shiny one, u know those are hard to find"

He doesn't talk to me since then. I only knew he broke with the mother of the baby bc my mom told me.
Yeah, I suck.

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