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Esthetic Dentistry

PROCERA: A new way to achieve an

all-ceramic crown
Matts Anderssoti, DDS, Odont Df'^/Michael E. Razzoog. DDS, MS.
Agneta Oden. MSc, DDS. PhD***/Emst A. Hegenbarth, ZTM*^^**/Brien R, Lang, DDS, MS*****

The Procera System embraces the concept of computer-assisted design and computer-assisted machining to
fabricate an all-ceramic crown composed of a densely sintered, high-purity aluminum oxide coping combined
with a compatible veneering porcelain. Strength, precision of fit. color stability, cementation, and wear charac-
teristics are among the many factors that concern elinicians when fabricating all-ceramie restorations with this
new crown system. This article presents, in summary form, the data from the tnany studies on Procera AllCeram
crowns that have been conducted at clinical and laboratory centers around the world. The evidence reported in
these studies dearly demonstrates that the Procera AUCeram crown represents a combination of computer
technology and creativity for which a positive prognosis can be made. Today its appiication is restricted to
single crowns; however, with continued development, multiple unit all-ceramic anterior and posterior fixed par-
tial dentures are clearly in the future. (Quintessence Int ]998-,29:285-296)

Clinical relevance S ince the early 1990s, researchers and clinicians

have been seeking new ways of fahricating all-
ceramic restorations that possess the needed qualities
Procera AUCeram crowns can be used successfully of strength, color stability, favorahle wear characteris-
as all-ceramic restorations in all areas of the mouth, tics, and precision of fit so that they may be placed in
and their length of service will reach 5 years or all regions of the dental arches. Additionally, these
more without complications. techniques must produce crowns that consistently meet
these qualities in a manner that is cost-effective for the
patient, dentist, and laboratory. Several all-ceramic sys-
tems are now available, demonstrating technologies
that are reported as satisfying the detnands of the den-
tal profession.'"-'
The Procera System (Nobel Biocare) is one such
' Director of Procera Developmenl. Nobel Bioi^are, Göleborg, system that embraces the concept of computer-assisted
Sweden, design and computer-assisted machining (CAD/CAM)
«* Associale Professor. Deparimeni of Prosthodonlies. School of
to fabricate dental restorations.-'-^ Initially, the Procera
Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
*** Director of Research and Development, Procera Sandvik AB,
System was used to fabricate crowns and fixed partial
Stockholm, Sweden; Assistant Professor, Department of Dentiil dentures hy combining a titanium substructure with a
Biomaterials, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. low-fusing veneering porcelain. This CAD/CAM
-*** Master Dental Technician, Bruchköbel, Germany. technology has been used to produce the Procera
.»*»» pjofesior. Department of Prosthodontics. School of Dentistry, AUCeram crown. This crown is composed of a densely
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. sintered, high-purity aluminum oxide coping that is
Reprint requests: Dr Brien R. Lang, Department of Prostho don tics. combined with the low-fusing AUCeram veneering
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109,
E-niailbrli| porcelain."

Quintessence I niernational 285

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Fig 1 The depth of the orientation grooves Fig 2 The incisai reducfion should be Fig 3 When compieted, the preparation
shouid be at least 1 5 mm. approximately 2 0 mm The axial reduction shouid demonstrate a distinct chamfer
shouid be 1.5 mm and is achieved with a shoulder and rounded line angles.
chamfer diamond.

Clinical procedures Once the preparation is completed, making the im-

pression of the prepared tooth requires no special con-
Preparation of the tooth siderations, and the die is fahricated wilh routine tech-
niques. When the master of the prepared tooth and
Several recommendations have been suggested for the opposing dentifion have been articulated, the die can
the preparation of ihe natural tooih. A moderate cham- be removed from its cast and prepared for scanning with
fer preparation with rounded, smooth contours and a the Procera Scanner,
lack of sharp line angles will produce the optimal pre-
cision of fil of the eventual coping. The internal finish Use of the computer-assisted de.sign system
line of the preparation should he rounded, especially at
the edge of the chamfer preparation, with a depth of 0.8 The Procera System consists of a computer-controlled
to 1.0 mm. Occiusal reduction should be at least 2.0 design station in the dental laboratory that is joined
mm to ensure an adequate thickness of coping material through a modem communicafion link to Procera Sand-
and esthetic porcelain. Proximal hoxe.s or grooves vik AB in Stockholm, Sweden, where the coping is fah-
should be avoided; however, interproximal concavities ricated. At the design station, a scanning device con-
that provide a resistance form may he used with premo- trolled by a personal computer maps the surface of the
lars and molars if they have rounded angles to accept die or replica of the prepared tooth.
the probe tip. Prior to the start of the scanning, the die is ditched
As for any preparation design, ultrafine diamonds or below the finish line to clearly define the extent of the
tungsten carhide burs are the instruments of choice for preparation (Fig 4). The die is then oriented vertically in
final tooth reducfion and smoothing of the margins. The the scanner's die holder (Fig 5). A sapphire baJl forms
greater the definition of the finish line on the tooth and the tip of the scanner probe that contacts the surface of
die, the more preci.seiy the margin is recorded by the the die as it rotates around a vertical axis. Extremely
scanner and eventually delineated at the computer- light pressure of approximately 20 g maintains the prohe
assisted designing station (Figs 1 to 3). in contact with the die as it rotates.

286 Volume 29, Number 5

Andersson et al

Fig 4 In (tie laboratory the die is ditched tc clearly delineate the Fig 5 The die is located m the center of the scanning stage, and
finish line prior to scanning. the probe is brought inio contact to begin the scanning process.

As the platform rotates, otie data point is collected at

every degree around the 360-degree circumference of
the die. During each rotation of the die, the prohe is
autotnatically and continuously elevated 200 \im by the
computer and another scan line is read until the entire
surface contour of the die has been mapped, thus
describing the tooth through the use of approximately
50,000 measured values (Fig 6),
When scanning is completed, the data are viewed on
the computer screen for completeness, as defined by an
absence of any void in the illustrated preparation
topography and continnous scan lines without disrup-
tion in the data set (Fig 7), After evaluation of the data
set is completed, two-dimensional plots may be visual- Fig 6 Within 3 minutes, more than 50.000 data points are gath-
ered, defining the three-dimensional shape of the die.
ized on the computer screen and rotated hy 5 or 10
degrees around the vertical axis of the die (Fig 8).
Marking of the finish line on the two-dimensional
plots is the next step to he completed during design of change this dimension. The emergence angle of the
the coping. One half of the two-dimensional plot, begin- coping from the tooth is selected, and the relief space
ning at the starting position of the scanning (0 degrees), for the luting agent is automatically established by a
is brotight on screen and enlarged so that the margin of computer algorithm. When the design of the coping
the preparation can clearly be distinguished from the has been completed, the file is saved in the computer
ditched extent of the preparation. At every 10 degrees of and is ready for transmission via modem to the pro-
rotation, the margin of the die, or finish line, is marked duction station (Procera Sandvik AB) (Fig 11).
by the operator with keystroke computer commands, and
the software interpolates the segment hetween the marks Manufacture of the coping
(Fig 9). The finish line is further refined by the operator,
who repeats this process by marking the margin at 5- The data of the preparation and the design of the coping
degree increments. When the margin of^the preparation is transferred via modem to the facility in Stockholm.
has been defined, it is saved to a computer file for Sweden, where the coping is manufactured with ad-
designing the coping (Fig 10), vanced powder technology and the CAD/CAM tech-
The next step in the design process is to estahlish nique. This process takes into account the sintering
the thickness of the coping to be fabricated. A default shrinkage of approximately 20% by enlarging a model of
of 600 fim is customary for the coping thickness: how- the preparation that is used in the manufacturing process,
ever, for special situations the operator may choose to A high-purity aluminum oxide powder is compacted

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Fig 7 Preparation ot the coping begins by verifying that all of the Fig 8 The two-dimensional image of the scanned die is illus-
data points have been recorded and transferred to the computer trated The image may be rotated to view ctoss-sections at
Any missing data would appear as a vertical gap on this comput- degrees around the long axis of the die.
er screen.

Fig 9 The finish line ot the preparation is marked by the operator Fig 10 The finish line ol the preparation is represented as a two-
at every 10 degrees around the circumference of the die. dimensional line in Ihe top portion of the screen. To further define
the finish line, the die cross-sections seen in the lower part of the
screen are remarked at every 5 degrees around the circumfer-
ence ol Ihe die.

against the enlarged preparation model, the outer shape

of the coping is milled, and the coping is sintered to full
density. The coping is examined for quality control and
sent by mail to the dental laboratory, where the ceramist
finalises the restoration by the addition of the AllCeram
veneering porcelain to create the appropriate anatomic
forai and e.^ithetic qualities.

Addition of Ihe vetieeriug porcelain

[n certain situations, it may be necessary for the

ceramist lo thin the coping in selected areas. It is pos-
sihle to thin the coping, especially on the facial surface
Fig 11 Once the preparation margin has been defined and con- at the finish line, to 0.3 or 0,4 mm to achieve the emer-
firmed by (he operator, the parameters of the aluminum oxide
coping are selected from the computer menu Finally, the coping gence profile and the desired esthetics. If the marginal
design is merged with the die and its finish line to assure that an area requires thinning, a medium- or fine-grit sintered
acceptable coping has been created by the CAD process.
diamond should he used, along with copious amounts

Volume 29, Number 5,

Andersson et ai

of water. Care at this stage will reduce the risk of eruture to support answers to all of the questions imme-
cracking the thin marginal area. diately, but that is not possihie, given the constraints of
A special veneering porcelain (AllCeram Porcelain, the scientific puhlication process. Therefore, the authors
Ducera), with a coefficient of thermal expansion adjusted have chosen to summarize what is known about the
to match that of aluminum oxide (7 x lO"*' \im/mL). has Procera AllCeram crown from the articles, abstracts, and
been developed for Ihe coping. The ceramic material has presentations by investigators at centers evaluating the
fluorescent properties that correspond lo those of the nat- Procera system, recognizing that much of the material
ural dentition. These fluorescent properties and the vital- will he presented in greater detail in future publications.
ity of the restoration minimize problems of metamerism.
The high melting (2,050°C} temperature of the alu- Strength of the crown
minum oxide allows the maintenance of the sharply
deñned margins of the coping when the AllCeram Por- The strength of a crown is of utmost importance.
celain is added lo its surface. No distoriion to the shape Copings manufactured by an industrial process show
of the coping has been experienced as a result of the fir- strength values never before reached by an all-ceramic
ing of the AllCeram Porcelain. The first layer or liner of restoration. Andersson and Oden'' examined the flexural
the veneering material is applied in a thin and even strength of the densely sintered high-purity aluminum
layer over the surface of the coping and ftred at a tem- oxide coping material. They used a three-point bending
perature of giO^C. The liner gives the initial color to the test on 14 specimens 5.0 ± 0.25 mm wide, 1.00 ± 0.05
crown, which is important in the cervical area if darker mm thick, and 26.2 ± 0.1 mm long. The bending test
or higher chroma shades may be required. was performed in a universal testing machine (Model
The buildup of the dentin, incisai, and transparent 1361, Instron], and specimens were fractured in a man-
porcelains is carried out according to the layering struc- ner specified in ISO 6872.' The span hetween the center
ture of the tooth design. Characterizations such as of the bearers was 14.2 mm, and the rate of application
mamelons, secondary dentins. and contrasts can be car- of force was 0.498 N/sec, The density of the sintered
ried otJt with the inten.sive porcelains. Final .staining of coping material was 3.96 + 0.03 g/cm', and the flexural
the restorations is rarely necessary because of the vital- strength measured was 601 ± 73 MPa. Today, the density
ity of the crown. After glazing is completed and the of the sintered coping is close to the theoretical density,'
final mechanical polishing of the crown is carried out The failure stress inflexuraltests of the coping mate-
with diamond polishing paste, the restoration i.s ready rial was evaluated by Zeng et al," who used the three-
for try-in, final adjustments, if necessary, and cementa- point bend, ring-on-ring. and pi s ton-on-three-ball tests.
tion (Figs 12 to 16). These authors reported substantial differences in the
failure stresses (up to 50%) with the different testing
Evaluation of the crown methods. The results emphasized the importance of
knowing the test method being used and the tnethod of
Every new material and procedure must be evaluated calculation when data are reported or compared. In this
against the standards of care currently available to the study, the Procera AilCeram coping material had a con-
profession at the time of its introduction. Certain re- sistently higher failure stress than did the other two
quirements with regard to the qualities of strength, color materials in all three of the test situations.*
stability, favorable wear characteristics, and precision of Wagner and Chu,' in a similar investigatiori, evalu-
fit are essential for any all-ceramic crown to be success- ated the strength of aluminum oxide (Procera AllCeram)
ful. Details on the handling properties of the restoration with a biaxial flexural test. They reported significant dif-
and questions of a technical nature are extremely ferences in flexural strength for the Procera AllCeram
important. coping material (687 MPa) compared to two other popu-
For the Procera AllCeram crown, studies evaluating lar all-ceramic systetns, In-Ceratn (Vident), at 352 MPa,
these requirements and the accompanying clinical ques- and IPS Empress (Ivoclar). at 134 MPa. The fracture
tions of handling and techniques have been ongoing for toughness of Procera AilCeram (4.48 MPa • m"^) and
the past 4 years. Answers to some of these questions In-Ceram (4.49 MPa • m"-) were significantly higher
have been pubiished, while other questions have been (P = .005) than the fracture toughness of the IPS
answered through presentations at meetings in countries Empress ceramic (1.74 MPa • m"-).
around ihe world. With each answer to a clinical ques- The strength of the Procera AllCeram coping when
tion, new ideas and proposals are developed, leading to comhined with its low-fusing veneering porcelain (All-
many other studies and projects that are still in progress. Ceram Porcelain) was also examined in both tension
As is always the case, the dental profession wants the lit- and compression with the biaxial flexural test

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AndersEon et al

Fig 12 After final adjustment ol the occlusion the sur- Fig 13 Compieted Procera AiiCeram crown on maxiliary ielt cen-
laoe of the Procera AUCeram crown is polished with tjai incisor. (Courtesy of Dr Herman Kupeyan, Windsor, Ontario,
conventional porcelain polishing points. Canada.]

Fig 14 Completed Procera AiiCeram crown on maxiilary right Fig 15 Compieted Procera AiiCeram crown on maxiiiary ieft iat-
first molar. (Courtesy ol Dr Herman Kupeyan, Windsor, Ontario. erai incisor, (Courtesy of Mr Ernst iHegenbartii, ZTM, Bruchkobei,
Canada.) Germany.]

(similar to ASTM F394-78 and ISO/DIS 6872 tests).>" A

l.O-mm porcelain veneer, when combined with 1.0 mm
of the coping material, exhibited the lowest strength
(158 MPa) when tested in tension, while a 0.5-mm
veneer porcelain with 1.5-mm-thick coping material
recorded substantially greater strength (415 MPa) when
tested in compression. The values reported demonstrat-
ed a coping material strength, and a strength in combi-
nation with AUCeram Porcelain, that should withstand
the functional and parafunctional forces that occur in
the anterior and posterior areas of the dental arches
without fracturing.
White et al' ' examined the modulus of rupture of the
Fig 16 Compiefed Procera AiiCeram crown on maxiliary right
cential inoisor. (Courtesy of Mr Ernsf Hegenbarth, ZTM, Procera AUCeram System in a similar study. In this in-
Bruchköbel, Germany.] vestigation, four beam designs were created to determine
the moduli of rupture of the Procera AUCeram coping
material veneered with AUCeram porcelain. The four
beam designs were: coping-coping, veneer-coping, cop-
ing-veneer, and veneer-veneer. These designs allowed the

290 Volume 29, Number 5,

Andersson et ai

investigators to study ihe responses of the coping and al'^ evaluated the color stability of the AllCeram Por-
veneer materials in compression and tension. celain specimens placed for 1,200 hours in an acceler-
The mean sheiu- stresses (and their standard errors) at ated aging device. Twenty Procera aluminum oxide
the geometric centers of the beams were cop ing-coping, disks, 16.0 mm in diameter and 2.0 mm thick, were
39.1 fSE 1.6) MPa; veneer-coping, 8.9 (SE 1.3) MPa; used as the suhstrate to which 2.0 mm of veneering
coping-veneer. 12.9 (SE 2.0) MPa; and veneer-veneer, porcelain was added.
4.3 (SE 0.2) MPa. The mean modulus of rupture of the A colorimeter (Minolta Chroma-Meter CR-321) was
Procera AllCeram coping material was 5ÜS MPa, while used to determine the baseline color readings of Yxy
the modulus of rupture of AllCeram porcelain veneering and L'*a*h* values prior to placement of the disks in the
material was 76 MPa, The modulus of rupture was Weather-0-Meter. During the accelerated aging process,
exclusively influenced hy the material forming the ten- the specimens were exposed to light, heat, and changes
sile surface." The thickness of the coping material in humidity for 300, 600, 900, and 1,200 hours. The
should be maximized, and the thickness of the veneer- total fime of 1,200 hours was considered equivalent to
ing porcelain should be minimized. 5 years in the oral environment. At each time interval,
The effect of the thickness of the coping on the the specimens were removed from the Weather-0-
strength of the coping was assessed by Abed et alj- who Meter, and Yxy and L*a*b* values were recorded with
compared the in vitro fracture resistance of Procera All- the colorimeter.
Ceram crowns fahricated with two different coping From the color data, a color change (AE) was calcu-
thicknesses. A stainless steel master die was milled to lated as a single measure of the color comparison for
the dimensions of a simulated crown preparation for a each specimen prior to aging and at the end of each of
maxillary premolar according to the requirements of the the four aging test periods. A AE value greater than 3.7
Procera AllCeram crown. The die was replicated in a has heen reported as necessary for observable color
material that has a modulus of elasticity similar to that of changes to he detected hy the human eye.'^'* In this
dentin. Copings were fabricated for two groups of nine study, the AE value was 1.4! (SD 1.10) after 300 hours
specimens, which formed the experimental populations. and 1.03 (SD 0.62) after 1,200 hours of accelerated
One group received 0.5-mm-thick copings, while the aging, indicating that no clinically detectable color
other group received 0.7-mm-thick copings. change was measured for the AllCeram veneering
AllCeram Porcelain was added to each coping to cre- porcelain.'''
ate a crown with an overall axial wall thickness of 1.0
mm and an occiusal thickness of 2.5 mm. To simulate a Masking ability of the crown
cemented condition, the internal surface of each crown
was air abraded with 50-(jm aluminum oxide under a Several clinicians have asked, "If the coping is so dense,
pressure of 80 psi. silanated, and cemented to the tooth will it still permit the passage of light and a translucency
replica (die) with a resin cement (Panavia 21, J Morita), that is required to produce an esthetic crown? If it is
Each crown specimen was held under a load of 5.Ü kg translucent, is it necessary to opaque the underlying
for 10 minutes while the cement was allowed to set. and tooth and substructures before cemenfing the crown to
the crown-tooth simulations were stored for 24 hours in mask any unwanted color showthrough?" The coping is
100% humidity- translucent, which can he clearly demonstrated by sim-
Specimens were placed in the Instron machine and ply placing a light source inside the coping and seeing
loaded till fracture at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/sec. the illumination or translucency of the light source
A mean fracture load of 225 kg was measured for the showing through the coping (Fig 17). However, the cop-
crowns with a coping thickness of 0.5 mm, while the ing is not transparent and thus will not allow any stain-
0.7 mm coping fractured under a mean load of 220 kg. ing of the underlying dentin or any other unwanted dis-
From the analysis of these data, it was concluded that coloration to penetrate the coping. Use of an opaquing
no significant difference in the fracture resistance of material to mask stained dentin or an underlying sub-
Procera AlíCeram crowns was found with coping thick- structure, such as the alloy used in a post and core or an
nesses of 0.5 and 0.7 mm.'- amalgam buildup of the preparation, is unnecessary.
To demonstrate this capahility, a study was initiated
Color stability of the crown to evaluate the masking ability of various thicknesses of
the coping.''' Tooth preparation models were milled
Ease in applying the veneering porcelain and the produc- from white plaster and from hlack graphite, and copings
fion of a finished crown with a translucence very similar were fahricated for each of these models in various
to that of natural teeth have heen reported.'' Attanasi et thicknesses (0.4, 0.6, 0,8, and 1.2 mm). The masking

Quintessence International 291

Andersscn étal

laboratory familiar witb their use, while the Procera

AllCeram aluminum oxide samples were prepared by
Procera Sandvik, and the AllCeram porcelain was applied
to the surface of the coping material by a ceramist famil-
iar with this technique. The Procera and Ceramco disks
were polished flat with 600-grit silicon carbide paper,
ultrasonicaliy cleaned, and then autoglazed. The Olympia
gold disks were polished flat to 1,0-mm variance with a
diamond paste and then cleaned uitrasonically. Each disk
was then secured in a plastic well for po,sitioning in the
wear inachine. The enamel abrader was brought into con-
tact with the material specimen under a load of 1,0 lb
during 10,000 rotational cycles in human saliva.
Fig 17 Natural translucency ci tiie Procera aluminum oxide cop- For wear measurements, polyivinyl siloxane) im-
ing iliustrated by the blue ligfit passing througii the copings.
pressions were made of the enamel ahraders and their
reference holes before and after the wear test. These
ability of the coping specimens was determined by mea- impression,s were sectioned along the long axis of the
suring the reflectance from both the occiusai surface of steel rod holding the enamel abrader, and the wear was
the preparation models and the occlusal surfaces of the determined by comparing the depth of the reference
copings placed on the models with the colorimeter holes. All measurements were made with a stereo-
(Minolta Chroma-Meter CR-321). microscope (Zeiss) at x64 magnification,Measurements
The data output from the colorimeter was recorded were made with a profilometer (Surfanalyzer System
from an area 3,0 mm in diameter on the ocelusal surface 400, Federal Products) on the disk samples at four
of both the models and the models plus the copings as locations on the circular path that the abrader had trav-
CIE L*a*b^'^ color coordinate values. The L^i'a^b^'^ values eled. Vertical loss was calculated, and an average of the
of the various copings measured on black graphite and four readings was used for data analysis. The wear data
white plaster exhihited no significant differences when were evaluated by analysis of variance and Scheffe's
the occiusai wall thickness of the coping was increased. test f/"^,001),
From this investigation it was concluded that additional The mean wear values of the enamel abraders when
laboratory procedures to eliminate the unwanted influ- opposed by the Olympia gold (9 pm), the AllCeram
ences of any dark underlying tnaterials are unnecessary," Porcelain (60 pm), and Ceramco porcelain (230 |im)
were significantly different (P < ,001). Significant dif-
Wear characteristics of tbe crown ferences were also found when the wear of the disks
was compared. The wear of Olympia gold (0.3 |jm) was
Hacker et al'^ studied the wear of enamel against speci- significantly different from the wear of the AllCeram
mens of (1) Procera AllCeram aluminum oxide coping Porcelain (4,3 pm) and Ceramco porcelain (3.7 pm).
material veneered with the AllCeram Porcelain, (2) Results showed that feldspathic porcelain was more
feldspathic porcelain (Ceramco), and (3) Olympia gold abrasive to the enamel, while the AllCeram Porcelain
(JF Jelenko). The enamel specimens were prepared from was more compatible with the enamel.'*
recently extracted human teeth as ahraders approxi- The knowledge that the Procera AllCeram porcelain
mately 3,0 mm in diameter. These enamel abraders were occiusai surface will not destroy the opposing natural
polished flat with 600-grit siiicon carbide paper and then tooth is reassuring to the clinician. A sacrifice of greater
attached to the end of a steel rod for positioning in a spe- wear of the Procera AllCeram crown is the tradeoff for
cially designed wear machine. Once positioned in the the reduced enamel destruction; however, this tradeoff
wear machine, the enamel specimen was further polished is a clear benefit to the patient. In vivo research on the
fiat using 3,0-tim variance silicon carbide paper while the wear characteristics of Procera AllCeram crowns is in
abrader was rotating in the wear machine, A hole was progress in an attempt to demonstrate this same advan-
drilled in the center of the enamel abrader to function as tage in the clinical environment.
a reference for measurements prior to and following the Clinicians have also asked, "Should I be concerned
wear test, and the abraders were uitrasonically cleaned about wear if the coping material becomes exposed in
and stored at 100% relative humidity. the oral environment?" There are several reasons tbat the
Disk-shaped specimens of the Ceramco porcelain coping may become exposed during the restoration of a
and the Olympia gold were prepared by a commercial tooth. In some situations, the occiusai surface of the pre-

292 Volume 29, Number 5,

Andersson et al

pared tooth may have been underprepared, leaving only iation specification No, 8=' states that the luting cement
enough space to accotnmodate a coping of reasonable film thickness for a crown restoration should be no
thtckness and a very thin layer of the veneering porce- more than 25 pm when a Type 1 luting agent is used or
lain. Once cemented, the coping may becotne exposed 40 pm when a Type 11 luting agent is nsed, McLean
by wear of this thin veneering porcelain. Alternatively, and von Fratmhofer-- examined 1,000 crowns clinically
the coping may have heen exposed by selective occlusal over a period of 5 years and concluded that a marginal
reshaping to accomtiiodate the occlusal contacts with the opening of < 120 pm is cltnically acceptable. Studies
opposing dentition. In any case, it is very important to of other all-ceramic crown systems have reported mean
know just how the exposed cnping material tnay aflect marginal openings that were often less than 155 pm but
the opposing dentition. ranged from 0 to 313 pm,-'•-•' It would seejn appropri-
To answer this question, a study was initiated by ate that a marginal opening between 40 pm and 100
Wilson et al'" to examine the in vitro wear of enamel pm would he considered clinically acceptable by most
opposed by aluminum oxide disks. Fifteen human ena- practitioners.
mel specimens, ,3,0 mtn in diameter, were polished May et al-^ created five patient simulation model,s
with 600-grit silicon carhide paper, 3,0-|am silicon car- with a maxillary right first premolar and first molar for
hide film, and thoroughly cleaned, A stnall reference measuring the precision of fit of the Procera AllCeram
hole to he used in wear measurements was placed in crown. The tooth preparations were statidardized using
the center of each enamel specimen. The fifieen enamel (J) a total convergence angle of 10 degrees, (2) cham-
specimens were divided into three groups of five each. fer margins 1,3 to 1,5 mm circumferentially, and (3¡
Fifteen Procera aluminum oxide disks, 10,0 mm in occlusal reduction of 2,0 mm. Procera AllCeram cop-
diameter, were fabricated to form the coping speci- ings were fabricated, and the anatotnic features of the
mens. The aluminum oxide disks were also divided tooth were built up by the ceramic technician using the
into three groups: five disks were roughened with a dia- AllCeram Porcelain, The crown was cemented to it,s
mond bur, five were roughened and then polished with die; a silicone impression material was used as the lut-
Dialite polishing points (Brasseler), and five were ing agent (Extrude light-bodied, Kerr), When the sili-
roughened, polished, and then glazed but not polished. cone had .set, tbe crown was carefully removed from its
All specimens were ultrasonically cleaned before die, leaving the silicone intact on the die. To measure
being placed in the wear machine. An aluminum oxide the precision of fit, a 12,0-mm- area that completely
disk was aligned opposing a human enamel specimen, covered the silicone material and die was digitized
and a load of 453,6 g was applied axially. The enamel nsing a laser digitizer and an x- and y-axis measure-
specimen, under load and in contact with the aluminum ment matrix of 100 pm between each data point. When
oxide disk, was rotated for 10,000 cycles in the wear digitizing was completed, tbe sibcone luting agent was
machine in the presence of human saliva. removed from the die, and the die was again digitized
Wear was determined by measuring the depth of the without removal from the digitizer. The database creat-
enamel reference hole prior to and following the ed hy this procedure provided measurements of the
10,000 wear cycles. The enamel wear, when the enamel physical dimension of the three-dimensional space (lut-
was opposed by the roughened aluminum oxide disk, ing space) hetween the crown and the die and the
ranged from 90 to 1ÍÍU pm. The wear of enamel topography of the internal surface of the crown.
opposed by the roughened and polished disk ranged The marginal opening (MO) and internal adaptation
from 15 !o 60 fim. When the aluminum oxide disk was of the crowns were determined from the datahase. The
glazed and not polished, the enamel wear ranged from mean MO for the molar was 62 pm (SD 49), with the
210 to 313 |jm. From these data it was determined that lower and upper 95% confidence intervals of 55 and
if the Procera aluminum oxide coping should hecome 70 pm, respectively. The mean MO for the premolar
exposed in the oral environment, it will not cause was 55 pm (SD 51), witb lower and upper 95% confi-
excessive wear to opposing enamel if it is polished dence intervals of 48 pm and 63 prn, respectively, Tbe
with suitable porcelain polishing points.''' MOs for both groups of artificial crowns were well
below the 100 jam selected as the standard for a clini-
Precision of fit of the crown cally acceptable crown. All other internal measure-
ments between the die and the internal surface of the
A range of 25 to 40 jjm for tbe marginal adaptation of coping were less than 100 pm as well. Based on this
cemented restorations has been suggested as a clinical investigation, a Procera AllCeram crown can be treat-
goaP"; however, marginal openings in this range are ment planned with confidence, knowing that MO will
rarely achieved clinically. The American Dental Assoc- consistently be less than 70 pm."

Quintessence International 293

Andersson et ai

Cementation strength of the crown abrasion with 50-(im aluminum oxide at high speed
(160 psi),
Blixt et aP^ evaluated the hond strength of a phosphate A 4.0-mm area was i.solated on the treated surfaces
cement (Phosphacap-phosphate), two glass-ionomer of each aluminum oxide specimen, and a resin cement
cements (Ketac-cem, ESPE, and Vitremer, 3M Detital), (Panavia 21) was applied to this area according to the
and a resin cement (Dual-Cement radiopaque, Ivoclar manufacturer's instructions. After the cement had set,
Williams) to the Procera altjminum oxide coping mater- the speciniens were kept at 100% humidity for 7 days.
ial. In their study, these investigators also examined the The specimens were subjected to a shear load in the
influence of surface treatment, ie. leaving untreated, Instron machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min.
sandblasting, and silica coating with the Rocatec system The results were: treatment I, 18.27 ± 3.89 MPa:
(ESPE), on bond strength. The Procera coping material treatment 2, 21.46 ± 4.28 MPa: treatment 3, 20.13 ± 4.35
specimens for this study consisted of cubes, 10.0 mm MPa: and treatment 4, 18.09 ± 5,18 MPa. A two-way
on a side, and cylinders. 4.8 mm in diameter. The cubes analysis of variance indicated no significant difference at
were rigidly held in a vice, leaving four parallel piano- P < .05 in the shear bond strengths of the resin cement
surfaces available for luting. The cylinders were luted to under any of the four treatment conditions tested. More
these surfaces with a seating force of 5 kg for 10 min- important than the surface treatment method was the
utes. After luting, the specimens were .stored in artificial high bond strength obtained with the resin cement
saliva for 48 hours prior to testing. Panavia 21.-'
The shear force necessary to separate the cylinder To determine which luting agent should he u.sed with
from the cube was measured with an Alwetron machine the Procera AllCeram crown. Dwan et al-* examined the
(AB Lorentzen & Wettre). Scanning electron micro- effect of différent cements on the fracture resistance of
photographs (SEMs) (Jeol ISM-820) were made of the the Procera AllCeram crown. A stainless steel master
cubes and the cylinders prior to and following the shear model was milled to the dimensions of a porcelain
testing. Eighty luting conditions formed the experitnen- crown preparation for a maxillary premolar. The master
tal population, arranged in four groups, according to model was then replicated to produce 27 dies in a mate-
the luting materials, and three subgroups, arranged rial with a modulus of elasticity similar to that of dentin.
according to the surface treatment. Procera AllCeram copings with a thickness of 0.5 mm
Within the untreated subgroup, the shear force for the were fabricated for the 27 dies, AllCeram Porcelain was
glass-ionomer cements was the highest (Ketac-cem, added to the copings to produce an axial wall thickness
4.2 ± 3.1 MPa, and Vitremer, 3.7 ± 2.3 MPa). The of 1.0 mm and an occiusal thickness of 2.6 mm.
lowest shear force within the untreated subgroup was the The dies and their respective crowns were then di-
resin cement, at 2.5 ± 2.4 MPa: the value for the vided into three groups of nine each, and the internal sur-
phosphate cement was 3.4 ± 1.1 MPa. The sandblasted faces of the crowns vi-ere air abraded with 50-|jm alu-
surfaces were very similar to the untreated subgroup, minum oxide particles at 80 psi. The abraded surfaces
with the exception of Ketac-cem, at 12.7 ± 2.8 MPa. The were then silanated prior to cementation. The three luting
silanated suhgroup demonstrated the highest shear force agents tested were zinc phosphate, a resin cement (Pan-
values for all materials, with the resin cement at 36.9 ± avia 21). and a hybrid glass-ionomer cement (Duet, Fuji
S.8 MPa. The bond strengths of the specimens luted with Duet). All crowns were cemented according to the manu-
Dual-Cement radiopaque and surfaces treated by the facturer's recommendations and under a load of 5 kg for
Rocatec system were significantly higher than those of 10 minutes. After the cement had set, the samples were
the other materials and surface treatments.-" held in 100% humidity for 24 hours prior to testing.
Awliya et al"' also examined the influence of surface Specimens were placed in an Instron machine and
treatments, specifically Kinetic Cavity Preparation loaded until fracture at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/sec.
(KCP) abrasives on the shear bond strength of resin Panavia 21 (225 kg) and Duet (214.6 kg) withstood sig-
cements to the Procera aluminum oxide coping materi- nificantly higher fracture loads than did the zinc phos-
al. Forty coping material specimens were fabricated by phate cement (153.5 kg). However, all of the values for
Procera Sandvik. The specimens were divided into four the different luting agents were clinically acceptable.-"
groups of 10 each for testing the bond strength under In a similar study, Blixt et aP" evaluated the bond
four different surface abrasion treatments: {!} air ahra- strengths of two chemically cured luting cements
sion with 25-iim aluminum oxide at medium speed (Panavia 21. J Morita. and Dyract, Dentsply) to the
(120 psi): (2) air abrasion with 15-\im aluminum oxide Procera AllCeram coping material and to dentin. Twenty-
at high speed (160 psi); (í) air abrasion with 50-fim four cylinders and matching cubes of the Procera coping
aluminum oxide at medium speed (120 psi): and (4) air material were fabricated for this study. Their seating sur-

294 Voiume 29, Number 5,199g

Andersson et al

faces Were cotiditioned by either sandblasting (50%) or clearly higher bond strength when cetnented to the
sandblasting and silanation (SO'J'f). Twelve cylinders Procera AUCeram aluminum oxide coping material.'"
were luted to cubes with Panavia 21 and 12 with Dyract
using a seating force of 5 kg for 10 minutes, Dentinal liiocomputihility of the ciown
surfaces were prepared from three recently extracted
molar teeth for 12 tests. Any restoration that contains aluminum poses a poten-
The surfaces of dentin were prepared according to the tial threat to heaith should the alutninum ion leach out
manufacturer's instructions for the two luting agents, and get into the bloodstream- To ensure that this threat
Silanated aluminum oxide cylinders were bonded to the is not valid, a study examining the biocompatibility of
dentin with Panavia 21 or Dyract. All specimens were the Procera AUCeram crown was initiated. Adamczak
stored in artificial saliva for 48 hours prior to testing. and Linden" measured the effect of pH on the release of
Shear bonding forces were tested in a Alwetron machine aluminum from the densely sintered, high-purity
atid the surfaces were examined by SEM (Jeol JSM - Procera AUCeram coping material in vitro. The speci-
820}. The thickness of the cements was measured at x50 mens were hung in a glass jar containing 50 mL of arti-
magnification with a stereomicroscope (Elvar. Leitz). ficial saliva buffered with phosphate to give solutions of
The mean thickness of Panavia 21 was 0.063 mm and pH 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, The tests were carried out under
that of Dyract was 0.050 mm. The highest shear bond dark conditions at 37"C.
strengths were recorded for the Panavia 2\ specimens, The solutions were changed after 4, 12, 20, 28, and 90
regardless of the surface treatment. For the sandblasted days and analyzed for the release of aluminum with an
aluminum oxide specimens, the shear bond strength for atomic absorption spectrometer (PYE UNICAM SP9,
Panavia 21 was 37.54 ± 4.10 MPa. while for the silan- Phillips). The results indicated that the Procera AUCeram
ated alutninum oxide specimens, the bond strength was aluminum oxide coping material does not show any leak-
40.64 ± 3.15 MPa. The bond strength between the dentin age or dissolution of aluminum at any of the pH levels.^'
and Panavia 21 was 8.47 ± 2.20 MPa. The SEM evalua- The safety of using a Procera AUCeram crown in the oral
tion revealed that cohesive failure occurred between cavity was clearly established by this investigation.
dentin and the luting agents in all cases, leaving cement
attached to the aluminum oxide surface.-" Clinical evaluation of the crown
The higher shear bond strength obtained when a resin
cement was used for cementation of the Procera AU- A long-term clinical trial of Procera AUCeram crowns
Ceram crown led to a stndy of Awliya et al,-'" who evalu- was conducted by Oden et al (unpubli.shed data, 1997).
ated several different resin cements in an attempt to One hundred crowns formed the experimental popula-
determine if one cement were better than another for the tion. The evaluation involved using the California Dental
Procera system. Forty Procera AUCeram aluminum oxide Association's quality evaluation guidelines.^- Of the 97
specimens were fabricated by Procera Sandvik. The spec- crowns available for assessment after 5 years in service,
imens were divided into four groups of 10 each, and the only three posterior teeth (or 3.1% of the Procera All-
aluminum oxide surface was air abraded with 50-|jm alu- Ceram crowns) had experienced a fracture through the
minum oxide at 80 psi and the Microetcher (Danville veneering porcelain and the coping material. All the re-
Engineering). maining crowns were rated as either excellent or accept-
Following surface preparation, each group received able for surface, color, anatomic form, and marginal in-
one of the following four luting agents: IPS Empress tegrity. These results indicate that Procera AUCeram
(Ivoclar); C & B Metabond (Parkell); Enforce (Caulk/ crowns can be used successfully as all-ceramic restora-
Dentsply); or Panavia 21 EX (Kuraray). After the ce- tions in all areas of the mouth, and their length of sen'ice
ment had set, the specimens were kept at 100% humidi- without complications will reach 5 years or more (Oden
ty for 7 days. The aluminum oxide .specimens were then et ai, unpublished data, 1997).
subjected to a shear load in the Instron machine at a
crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Summary
The results were Empress. 8-84 ± 2.95 MPa: C & .B
Metabond, 10-77 ± 1.55 MPa; Enforce, 11.99 ± 3.11 The Procera AUCeram crown represents a combination of
MPa; and Panavia 21, 16.S1 ± 4.02 MPa, The analysis of computer technology and creativity for which a positive
variance demonstrated a significant difference in bond prognosis certainly can be made. Today its application is
strength between Panavia 21 and the other resin cements; restricted to single crowns; however, with continued
no differences were found among the other three development, multiple-unit all-ceramic anterior and pos-
cements- The resin cement Panavia 21 demonstrated a terior fixed partial dentures are clearly in the future.

Quintessence Intemationai 295

Andersson et al

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296 Volume 29, Number 5, 199g

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