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15 Crazy Useful Things You Did Not Know How To Use

There are some things that are right under our noses every day that we would never believe
how useful they can really be. This is usually because we never really got to know how to
properly use them. Believe me, some of these items and their uses will shock you.
Let’s not keep you waiting any longer. We will look at 15 items that are crazy useful but you
never knew because you did not know how to use them properly or that they could even be
used that way.

1. Have You Taken Note of the Indentation Inside a Tic Tac Lid?

Take a close look at that lid and say what do you think that indentation as seen in the image
above is for? Some people think it is to help properly seal the lid to avoid air leaking in. Well,
while it actually does that, it also functions as a serving tool as it helps offer up one tic tact at a
2. Have You Noticed the Extra Fabric That Comes with Some of Your New

Well, just in case you thought that little extra piece of fabric was a sample to help you find that
exact same type of fabric or something, then you may not be entirely correct. Actually, while you
may put it to that use, it was actually put there for a totally different purpose.
Its primary purpose is to help you determine how different washing agents will react with your
new cloth before using it on the entire cloth.
3. Have You Noticed the Hole at the End of a Measuring Tape?

Have you ever thought of what its use is? Wait! Have you even ever taken note of it? Well, it is
there to make measuring easier for a single person to handle. Just hook the tape head to a nail
using the hole and you can pull the tape without needing anyone to hold it down for you.
4. How About the Serrated Edge of the Measuring Tape’s Head?

Now that you know what the hole in the head of the measuring tape is, does the serrated edge
have any use? Yes it does. It’s simply there to help you mark the position you are measuring.
Simply press it into the surface and the serrated edge will mark it for you.
5. What’s the Deal With the Hole in Your Pot’s Handle?

We can already guess the answer that most of us will offer because it’s pretty simple right? Well
like most of us already know, this hole is for hanging the pot. However, it has another use. It is
also used as a holder for your spoon while cooking so it does not drip everywhere.
6. How About the Hole in Your Pasta Spoon?

That’s pretty obvious right? Yes it is and it is for straining out the water from your pasta after you
are done cooking it. However, it also has another use. That hole at the center can hold
approximately one person’s portion of uncooked pasta so it can also double as a pasta
measurement tool.
7. Have You Noticed the Small Arrow Beside Your Car’s Gas Gauge?

Do you know what this arrow is meant to signify? In fact, the first questions should actually be if
you’ve ever taken note of it. Well, it simply tells you what side of the car the gas cap is located.
This is especially important when driving a car you are not accustomed to.
8. Do You Know What the Hole Beside the Key Hole In a Padlock is For?

Do you think it’s just a design that happens to be in most padlocks? Well, it actually has two
uses. First, it allows water that gets into the padlock run off and secondly, it also offers an
opening for easy oiling of the padlock’s mechanism for smooth operation.
9. Some Tube Caps Come with Spikes. Do They Have Any Use?

Well, if you thought it was just a design, it actually is more than that. The presence of this spike
usually means that there is a membrane covering the top of the tube. Simply turning the cover
and pressing the spike against the membrane opens it up for use. That’s the purpose of the
10. Have You Noticed Erasers That Have Two Halves Colored Blue and Pink?

A lot of people know the answer to this (or so they think). If you are one of those who think the
blue side is for erasing pen writings while the pink side is for erasing pencil writings, sorry you
are wrong. The pink side is for erasing on regular paper while the coarser blue side is for
erasing pencil writings on harder paper because the pink side will usually not erase it properly.
11. Can You Think of Any Other Use for the Tab On the Top of Your Soda

Yeah you got it. It’s for opening the can. However, you will also notice that it allows you swivel it
around. This is so it can act as your straw holder. After pulling the tab to open the can, swivel it
around until it is covering the new can opening. The hole in the tab is for your straw. This is its
second function.
12. Have You Noticed Some Toothpicks That Have Indentations at One End?
Does this Have Any Significance?

Well, these types of toothpicks sure do look lovely. However aside from their looks, you can
break off the indented part and use it as a kind of stand for the rest of the tooth so it is not
resting directly on the table. More hygienic right?
13. Did You Know That Chinese Takeout Box is More than Just a Box?

Many of us enjoy Chinese cuisine. We get the takeout box, take it home and pour the food out
into our nice plates at home. Actually, when you go get your Chinese takeout, the box is
supposed to be converted to a plate you will eat the food from. Yeah! It is a kind convertible box.
14. Have You Noticed A Loop At the Back of Some Dress Shirts?

The use for this loop is pretty obvious right? Well just in case it is not to some, it is simply there
to provide an easy way to hang the shirt without getting it rumpled especially in situations where
there are no hangers.
15. Brass Door Knobs – Is there Anything Special About Them?

Aside from the fact that they look lovely and add good aesthetic value to your door, they also
have health benefits. Brass kills bacteria so it makes your door knob – which should actually be
a place filled with bacteria considering that everyone touches it – safe and healthy.
There you have it – 15 things you may not have known their full use. Now you know and can
now make proper use of them.

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