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SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDENT: ____________________________________
TERM: DATE: ___________________________________2021

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, as in the example.
play /often / on / Sundays / they / football They often play football on Sundays.
1. late / is / she / sometimes
2. early / up / sister / never / Sundays / on / gets / my
3. usually / he / goes / to / on / Fridays / the / cinema
4. go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to / ?
5. she / the / beach / to / always / goes / in / the / summer
6. sometimes / her / does / she / Fridays / on / shopping
7. go / we / twice / month / the / theatre / to / a
8. never / in / is / the / at / mornings / Peter / home
9. he / work / rides / bike / to / his / often
10. home / they / get / six o’clock / usually / at
11. every / homework / students / their / good / do / day
12. you / out / how / in / do / evenings / often / go / the / ?

B. Put the frequency adverbs and expressions in the right place.

1. Susan is late for school. (never)
2. My brother doesn’t write letters to his friends. (usually)
3. We go on holidays. (twice a year) ONCE A MONTH_____________________________________________
4. Peter wears a tie. (sometimes) __________________________________________________________________
5. I eat fish. (once a week) ________________________________________________________________________
6. Do the children watch TV? (often) ______________________________________________________________
7. My father is very busy. (always) _________________________________________________________________
8. Peter tidies his room. (never) ___________________________________________________________________
9. My brother and I go fishing. (every week)
10. My mother goes shopping on Saturdays. (always)
11. Do you get up late at the weekend? (usually)
12. I drink tea. (every morning) ___________________________________________________________________
13. Mary rides her motorbike to work. (sometimes)
14. I exercise in the afternoons. (often) ____________________________________________________________
15. Does Jane have lunch at home? (usually)

C. Use the prompts and the frequency adverbs to write sentences about yourself.
1. get up at seven o’clock ___________________________________________________________________
2. have a shower in the morning _____________________________________________________________
3. have lunch at school _____________________________________________________________________
4. do homework in the afternoon ____________________________________________________________
5. play computer games in the evenings _______________________________________________________
6. cook dinner ___________________________________________________________________________
7. watch TV before I go to bed ______________________________________________________________
8. go to bed early ________________________________________________________________________

D. Answer the following questions using frequency expressions.

1. How often do you eat pasta? _____________________________________________________________
2. How often do you meet your friends? ______________________________________________________
3. How often do you brush your teeth? _______________________________________________________
4. How often do you do exercise? ___________________________________________________________
5. How often do you use the computer? ______________________________________________________
6. How often do you go away? ______________________________________________________________

E. Choose the correct sentence.

1. a) Jim never is at work.

b) Jim is at work never.
c) Never is Jim at work.
d) Jim is never at work.

2. a) We have usually lunch at 12 o’clock.

b) We usually have lunch at 12 o’clock.
c) We have lunch at usually 12 o’clock.
d) We have lunch at 12 usually o’clock.

3. a) She travels always by train.

b) Always she travels by train.
c) She always travels by train.
d) She travels by always train.

4. a) They go out sometimes in the evening.

b) They sometimes go out in the evening.
c) They go out in sometimes the evening.
d) They go sometimes out in the evening.
F. Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some sentences may have more
than one answer).
1. My brother is never sad. He’s _______________ happy.
2. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m _______________ late.
3. Mary failed only one test in high school. She _______________ passed her tests.
4. I always remember to do my homework. I _______________ forget to do it.
5. Steven seldom goes to a cinema. He _______________ sees movies.
6. Judy saw a doctor for the first time in three years. She _______________ gets sick.
7. I get up at five o’clock seven days a week. I _______________ get up early.
8. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I _______________ see snow.
9. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only _______________, not often. Just a few times a
10. My sister almost never eats burgers and fries. She _______________ eats healthy foods.
11. I _______________ take a bus to class, maybe three or four days a week.


G. Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

Play Go
Wash Teach
Drive Carry
Fly Start
Help Kiss
Watch tidy
Like Enjoy
cry Mix

H. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Peter and his friends __________ to school by bus. (go)
2. Elephants __________ leaves and grass. (eat)
3. David's father __________ in a hospital. (work)
4. The bank opens at 9.30 and __________ at 4.30. (close)
5. Tom and Jim __________ football every day after school. (play)
6. Mr Jones is a teacher. He __________ History. (teach)
7. Our lessons __________ at 9.00 and __________ at 3.30. (start / finish)
8. My pen friend __________ in Japan. (live)
9. Mary and her brother __________ cartoons every Sunday morning. (watch)
10. John __________ his room every day. (tidy)

I. Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in the

Mr Letty is a postman. He doesn't work in the post office. He always

works outside in the streets. He __________ letters to all the people in
the neighbourhood every day. He doesn't __________ but he __________
his motorbike. At the weekend, Mr Letty doesn't work. He __________.
He __________ the countryside, so he always __________ to his country house with his wife. Mr and
Mrs Letty __________ in the rive
Go/ work /ride/ deliver/ love
jog /rest /fish /walk

J. Complete the blanks with the negative or the interrogative form of the Present Simple of the
verbs in brackets.

Mark: Hi, Tess! What are you doing?

Tess: I'm watching the football team.
Mark: Do you watch (watch) them every day?
Tess: No, I don't. They __________ (not play) every day.
They play four times a week.
Mark: __________ you __________ (have) a favourite player?
Tess: No, I __________ (not have) a favourite player.
Everyone on the team is good.
Mark: __________ the attacker __________ (move) fast?
Tess: No, he __________ (not move) fast, but he's very
clever. __________ you __________ (like) football, Mark?
Mark: No, I __________ (not like) it. I like basketball. It's a
great sport.

K. Read the following routine, identify the mistakes and correct them.
My Brother’s Daily Routine
My brother always get up at 6:00 am, and then wash his face, and brush his teeth. After breakfast, he
go to college at 7:00 am. He study history and English and he always pass his exams with an A+
grade! Then, he hurry back home at around 4:00 pm and do his homework before he has dinner at
6:30 pm, and then he watch TV in the evenings. In his free time he play tennis and read magazines.
He also has a part-time job two days a week: he teach English and Spanish at a local college!

L. Read the foollowing text about Lupita and discuss

Lupita's Day
Hello. My name is Lupita Gonzalez. I work in a large company in
Monterrey, Mexico. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am
a secretary. I answer the telephone and take messages. I also use
a fax machine and a computer. My first language is Spanish but
sometimes I speak English. Many of our clients are from the United
States. My supervisor is Mr. Torres. He is an engineer. I start work at
8:00. I usually drive to work. I have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00. I finish
work at 5:30. I go home and help my mother prepare dinner. We
have dinner at 9:00. After dinner I usually watch television a while.
I usually go to bed at 11:00.
A. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?
1. Lupita works in a small company. (……….)
2. Lupita is an engineer. (……….)
3. MrTorresisLupita’ssupervisor. (……….)
4. Lupitadoesn’twatchtelevision. (……….

B. Answer the following questions from the text:

1. How does Lupita go to work?
2. Who lives with Lupita?
3. What time does she leave her office
4. What does Mr Torres do?

C. Complete the sentences from the text?

1. Before she goes to bed, Lupita
2. Lupita speaks Spanish, but she

Dear mom and dad, Well I want to tell you about my first week of classes
at the University. I get up at 6:00 every morning. That is really early for
me. I don't like to get up early you know. I usually eat breakfast in the
school cafeteria. The food here is pretty good. I have German class
every morning at 7:30. After German class I have Business and
Economics on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00. I have a lot of
homework in that class but I really like it. I also have English Composition
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and
Thursdays, I have United States History. The campus here is really big.
After some problems during the first days, I now know where all the
buildings and classrooms are. My dormitory is close so I walk to all my
classes. My roommate's name is Eric. He is from Los Angeles. We are
good friends now. He is quiet and doesn't make a lot of noise.
Sometimes Eric and I have dinner together. We don't see each other
much because our school programmes are really different. During the
evening I study. Sometimes I study in the library and sometimes in the
dormitory. I usually go to bed around eleven. Mom, I sure miss your cooking. Could you send me
some of your homemade chocolate cookies? Well, I have to go. Take care. Love, Jerry

We can use the past simple to talk about things we did in the past.

The past simple ending is -ed for regular verbs: play – played, watch – watched,
want – wanted.

Irregular verbs have a special form: eat – ate, write – wrote, go – went for the
negative, don’t change the main verb.

Use ‘didn’t’ instead: play – didn’t play, eat – didn’t eat.

1) Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses:

a) They ____________________ (watch) TV last night.

b) Priscila ____________________ (talk) to her friends all day.

c) I ___________________ (have) a terrible headache yesterday.

d) Bob _____________________ (come) home from school late.

e) They ____________________ (arrive) late and ___________________ (miss) the bus.

f) She ____________________ (study) hard and ___________________(pass) the exam.

g) He ____________________ (call) the office to tell them he was sick.

h) I ___________________ (speak) to the director as he was leaving the room.

i) Dr. Johnson ______________________ (get up) early this morning.

j) Mary _____________________ (do) her homework and ________________ (go) to school.

k) Chris ____________________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.

l) The dog ______________________ (follow) us down the road.

m) Those students _____________________ (work) hard last semester.

n) Lucio ___________________ (stop) at the corner and __________________ (call) us.

o) I ___________________ (try) to talk to Helen last night.

p) I ___________________ (pay) the phone bill yesterday.

q) My dad ____________________ (catch) a cold when he ________________ (be) in Canada.

r) She _____________________ (leave) home early yesterday.

s) They ____________________ (know) each other very well when they ________________ (be) kids.

t) The teacher _____________________ (bring) the exams corrected.

u) She was cleaning the vase when she ____________________ (drop) it.

v) We ___________________ (jog) in the park yesterday.

w) The fire ____________________ (occur) while we ___________________ (be) out.

x) I __________________ (meet) some nice people at the party last weekend.

y) Carol _____________________ (sleep) until late on the weekend. Then, she _______________
(go) out to lunch.

z) We ______________________ (fly) to the USA on a great airplane.

2) Write questions or negatives sentences:

a) She visited her parents last weekend.

Question: __________________________________________________________?

b) He cleaned his room before school.

Question: ___________________________________________________________?

c) The teacher found the missing exams.

Negative: ____________________________________________________________?

d) Tom wanted to go to the movies alone.

Question: ___________________________________________________________?

e) Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake.

Negative: ___________________________________________________________?

f) I knew what to do.

Negative: ____________________________________________________________?

g) Alexandre helped Anita with her homework.

Question: ___________________________________________________________?

h) You ate cookies after dinner.

Negative: ____________________________________________________________?

i) You talked to her earlier.

Question: ___________________________________________________________?

j) We turned off the TV after the news.

Negative: ____________________________________________________________?

k) He drank only a coke at the party.

Question: ___________________________________________________________?
l) Mom made breakfast early.

Negative: __________________________________________________________?

3. Complete the following text using the past tense of the verbs in brackets.

Anna's holiday ____________ (be) great last summer. She _______________ (stay) in a college in England
for two weeks. She ________________ (have) classes in the mornings and in the afternoons she
________________ (do) some sports like swimming or tennis. In the evenings she often __________________
(go) dancing or ________________ (watch) films with her new friends. At weekends they
__________________ (drive) to some interesting places. Once they __________________ (visit) Marwell Zoo
where they _______________ (see) some beautiful animals. Anna ____________________ (not like) the food
at the college but that _____________________ (not be) a problem. She ____________________ (meet) a
lot of people and ____________________ (learn) some English. All the students in her class
________________ (be) sorry to go home. They all _________________ (promise) to come back next

4. Find the verbs in the past simple and write them in the boxes.

Yesterday I went to the playground near my house. I had a lot of fun. I played on the swings
and the slide but I didn’t go on the roundabout. I saw my best friend there. We talked about
her birthday and she invited me to her party. Afterwards I didn’t want to go home!

5. Complete these sentences in the PAST TENSE, using the correct verb:

* play * enjoy * watch * listen * talk * phone * stop * walk * travel * like * stay

Example: I watched the late film on TV last night.

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great!

2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton last summer.

3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup.

4. Her parents ………………….. by train from Kiev to Moscow.

5. I ………………….. you four times last night but you were sleeping.

6. We …………………. along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.

7. She …………………. the film but she didn’t like the main hero.
8. The men ………………….. work at six o’clock.

9. I ……………………. to the new Shakira’s album yesterday. t’s great.

10. They ………………… to us about their trip to India. It was very interesting.


6. Read the following text and then answer the questions.

Mr Jones's Shop

Mr Jones's shop sold food. Mr Jones and a young man worked there. The young man's name was

George. A man came into the shop on Monday. He was a funny man. Mr Jones was in the office. It

was behind the shop. The funny man looked at George and said, "I want a small table, please." George

said, "We don't sell tables in this shop. We sell food." The

man smiled and answered, "A small, brown table." He

took a picture out of his bag and showed it to George.

It was a picture of a small, brown table. George put his

mouth near the man's ear and said, "We do not have

tables in this shop! Food! Not tables!" The man smiled

and answered, "That's good. Thank you." Then he sat

down on a chair and waited. George was not happy. He went into the office and spoke to Mr Jones.

Then he and Mr Jones came out again. Mr Jones was angry. He looked at the man and said, "What

do you want?" The man smiled and answered, "I want a loaf of brown bread, please. Haven't you got

any bread in your shop?" Mr Jones said, "Yes, we have." He looked at George, and then he went and

got a loaf of brown bread from a big box and gave it to the man.

a. Look at these questions. Find the right answers. Then write the questions and the answers:

1. Did Mr Jones work in George's shop?

a) No, he didn't. b) Yes, he did. 5. Did the funny man ask George for a table?
a) No, he didn't. b) Yes, he did.
2. Who worked in Mr Jones's shop?
6. Did George show him a table?
a) A funny man did. b) George did.
a) No, he didn't. b) Yes, he did.
3. Did the shop sell tables, or food?
7. Whose office did George go into then?
a) It sold food. b) It sold tables.
a) Mr Jones's. b) The funny man's.
4. Did the funny man ask George for some
food? 8. Did Mr Jones speak to the funny man?
a) No, he didn't. b) Yes, he did. a) No, he didn't. b) Yes, he did.
10. Did the funny man ask Mr Jones for a table,
or some food?
9. Was Mr Jones happy, or angry?
a) A table. b) Some food.
a) He was angry. b) He was happy.

b. Write this story. Choose the right words each time:

Mr Jones sold (food/tables and chairs) in his shop. His shop was (behind/in front of) his office. A

(funny/young) man worked in the shop too. (A/The) funny man came into the shop on Monday; He

asked (George/Mr Jones) for a (chair/table). Then he showed George a (picture of a table/table).

George (did not sell/sold) the funny man a small, brown table. The funny man (smiled/was not happy).

He sat down and (waited/was angry). Then (George/the funny man) brought Mr Jones out of the

(office/shop). Mr Jones (smiled/was not happy). The funny man asked him for a (loaf of brown

bread/small, brown table), and Mr Jones gave (him a big box/it to him).

7. Write and draw.

When did you last go to a playground or somewhere fun? Draw a picture and write about where you
went and what you did!


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