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Mika A.


1. What are the qualities of a successful Personnel Manager?

A personnel manager is in constant interaction with employees and therefore
has to cultivate qualities to create positive workplace relationships. Such qualities
include respect for human values, personal integrity and empathy for problems
facing employees, according to Management Study Guide. However, she has to
maintain a respectable balance between interacting with employees and maintaining
their respect as their boss. She maintains dignity, courtesy and social awareness
when interacting with employees, management and representatives from
government and trade unions. An important characteristic of a personnel manager is
effective leadership skills. A personnel manager is in charge of organizing and
coordinating the affairs of the department. She directs staff in effectively fulfilling
their duties and responsibilities. She also acts as the link between management and
the employees. She advises and assists management in developing effective
workplace policies. She, therefore, should have adequate understanding of the
needs of the employees, and create a favorable balance between the best interests
of employees and the objectives of the business.

2. How will a Personnel manager gain acceptance and recognition in the

In order for a Personnel Manager to gain acceptance and recognition
inside the organization three conditions needed to exists:
1. Top management must convince that Personnel Manager is needed in
the organization.
2. Qualified administrations must be available
3. Personnel Management must demonstrate their capacity to contribute
to the organizations’ objectives and goals.
3. Explain why supervisors and department heads should regard the Personnel
manager as a friend and not an enemy.
Managers can (and should) be friendly with their employees. They should
make conversation and get to know their team members. But they also
need to set boundaries and ensure that the relationship stays
professional. No matter how well you get along with employees, at the end
of the day, you’re still their boss. You assign tasks, review their
performance, make decisions on promotions and raises, and have the
responsibility of delivering constructive criticism and, sometimes, laying off
or firing them. Friendship can complicate that dynamic and make it difficult
to do your job effectively, which should always be your number one
priority. Even if you are able to remain unbiased about work friends, other
employees may not perceive the relationship that way. If you give your
friend a big client, an interesting project, or a raise, people may wonder
whether that client/project/raise was actually warranted or if it was simply
a handout to a friend. This perception problem could put your own job at
risk if rumors spread, morale suffers, or executives feel your relationships
are interfering with your ability to manage.

4. Why is the management of human resources not exact science?

It is not an just Science but it’s an art also, Because Human Resource
Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting employees,
providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the
performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits,
motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their
trade unions, ensuring employees safety, welfare and health measures in
compliance with labor laws of the land and finally following the Orders /
Judgements of the concern High Court and Supreme Court, if any.
Therefore, human resource management is meant for proper utilization of
available skilled workforce and also to make efficient use of existing human
resource in the organization. The best example in present situation is,
construction industry has been facing serious shortage of skilled workforce. It is
expected to triple in the next decade from the present 30 per cent, will negatively
impact the overall productivity of the sector, warn industry experts. Today many
experts claim that machines and technology are replacing human resource and
minimizing their role or effort. However, machines and technology are built by the
humans only and they need to be operated or at least monitored by humans and
this is the reason why companies are always in hunt for talented, skilled and
qualified professionals for continuous development of the organization.

5. What is often the best guide in the management of human resources? Why?
Top management’s understanding and support. To ensure the
development and
implementation of a company’s personnel program and efficient services on
personnel matters, top management must make the important decision to
establish a personnel department, define its function, responsibilities and
authority and provide a favorable climate so that it can perform its function
efficiently. Selection of personnel manager. He must have the proper
background, training, experience, and ability to implement personnel programs
and policies. Policy and program formulation-shifting of powers and functions.
The powers and functions must be well delineated to prevent overlapping and
conflicts in relationships by providing a supervisory manual of policies
procedures and programs covering the different aspects of these relationships

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