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Ôn thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Anh và thi Học sinh giỏi môn tiếng anh

Chuyên đề: Tìm lỗi sai trong đoạn văn và sửa

Exercise 1:The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Identify the mistakes and provide the
corrections in the spaces below.


1 One of the most amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands. It
2 takes places every April in the Sahara Desert in the south of Morocco, a part of the world
3 when temperatures can reach fifty degrees centigrade. The standard length of the
4 marathon is 42.5 kilometers but this one is 240 kilometers long and spends seven days to
5 complete. It began in 1986 and now attracts about two hundred runners, the majority of
6 their ages range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of them come from France
7 and the rest to all over the world. From Britain, it costs 2,500 pounds to enter, this
8 includes return air fares. The race is rapidly getting more and more popular despite, and
9 perhaps because of, the harsh conditions that runners must endure. They have to carry
10 food and something else they need for seven days in a rucksack weighing no more than
11 twelve kilograms. In addition to this, they are given a liter and a half of water every ten
12 kilometers. Incredibly, near all the runners finish the course. One man, Ibrahim EI Joual,
13 took part in every race from 1986 to 2004. Runners do suffer terrible physical hardships.
14 Sometimes they lose toenails and skin peels on their foot. However, doctors are always
on hand to deal with minor injuries and to make sure that runners do not push themselves
too far.

Write your answers here:

Line Mistakes  Corrections Line Mistakes  Corrections

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.
Đáp án:
1. Line 1. places  place 6. Line 7. this  which
2. Line 2. when  where 7. Line 8. and  or
3. Line 4. spends  takes 8. Line 9. something  anything
4. Line 5. their  whose 9. Line 11. near  nearly
5. Line 6. to  from 10. Line 13. foot  feet
Exercise 2:The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and
provide the corrections in the spaces below.

Line 1 Plastics are among the most ubiquitous materials in our economy,
Line 2 our lives, and our environment. They are also among the most pervasive
Line 3 and persistent pollution on Earth.
Line 4 In recent years, stark images of beaches, waterways and wildlife
Line 5 filling with plastic have spurred demands on action to address plastic
Line 6 pollution. These calls are coupled with grown concern that plastic and its
Line 7 toxic additives pose serious risks to human health at every stages of the
Line 8 plastic lifecycle. Far more attention has been paid to the impacts of this
Line 9 same lifecycle on the Earth’s climate. This is a dangerous oversight.
Line 10 From catastrophic wildfires in California to searing heat waves and
Line 11 record drought in India, the scale and growing severe of the climate crisis
Line 12 are undeniable. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns
Line 13 that humanity must limit warming below 1.5C or face far greater and
Line 14 potential irreversible climate chaos. Achieving this, we must cut global
Line 15 emissions 45% in 2030 and reach zero net emissions by 2050.


1. Line 6. Line
2. Line 7. Line
3. Line 8. Line
4. Line 9. Line
5. Line 10. Line
Đáp án:

1. Line 3: pollution-> pollutants 6. Line 7: more - > less

2. Line 4: filling-> filled 7. Line 11: severe -> severity
3. Line 5: on -> for 8. Line 13: potential- potentially
4. Line 6: grown-> growing 9. Line 14: Achieving -> To achieve
5. Line 7: stages -> stage 10. Line 14: in -> by
Exercise 3: There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Write them down and give the
correct answers in the space provided.
1 Of the many unexplained phenomenon which continue to puzzle scientists and laymen like,
2 the corn circles of Southern England remain one of the most mysterious. These perfect-
3 formed circles, which, when they see from the air appear to have been inscribed with an
4 enormous carving tool, seem to be a part of significant message; so far, however, nobody
5 managed to decipher it, and it is doubtful if anyone will ever be able to. But the main
6 question – how the circles came to be there – are just as far from being solved. Although
7 several people have come forward claiming to have made the circles ourselves, scientists
8 declare that it would be impossible for even a large group to create shapes of such precision
9 on so a large scale. These circles have become one of the strongest arguments in support
of the existing of intelligent extra-terrestrial life forms.

Line mistakes Correction


Đáp án:

Line mistakes correction

1 1. phenomenon phenomena
1 2. like alike
2 3. perfect-formed perfectly-formed
3 4. see are seen
4 5. significant message a significant message
4 6. managed has managed
6 7. are Is
7 8. ourselves themselves
8 9. so such
9 10. existing existence
Exercise 4: The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and
provide the corrections in the spaces below.

Crime preventing is as crucial in the workplace as it is in the home or neighbourhood. Reducing Line 1
crime is as much a part of good management as prompt delivery, good staff relations, and other Line 2
acceptable management functions. Losses from shops through shoplifting are extremely high Line 3
and utimately, those losses are payment for by all of us in high prices. There are many
Line 4
opportunities for shopkeepers themselves to reduce shoplifting. As with all types of criminal,
Line 5
prevention is better than cure. The best deterrent is the present of staff properly trained in how Line 6
to identify potential shoplifters. There are also many secure devices now available. Video Line 7
camera surveillance is a popular system, even with quite small retailers. In clothes shopping, Line 8
magnetic tag marking systems that set off an alarm if they are taken out of the shop have proved
their worthless. However, there are many simpler measures that retailers should consider. Better Line 9
lighting and ceiling-hung mirrors can help staff to watch all parts of the display area. Similarly, Line 10
simply arrangement shelves and display units to allow clear fields of visible is a good deterrent Line 11
Line 12

Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Đáp án:

1. preventing->prevention 6. secure -> security

2. acceptable-> accepted 7. shopping -> shops
3. payment -> paid 8. worthless -> worth
4. criminal -> crime 9. arrangement -> arranging
5. present - > presence 10. visible ->vision/visibility
Exercise 5: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. IDENTIFY and CORRECT
them. Write your answers in the space provided in the column.
1 Leonardo Dicaprio is one of the hotter young film stars around at the
2 moment. His face has been on the covers of all the top movies and young
3 magazines over the last few months and he has been the subject of countless
4 articles, rumours and showbiz gossip. Leonardo doesn’t like reading about
5 him because “I read things about me that I’ve never said in my life and
6 never did”.
7 Leonardo Dicaprio was born in Los Angeles on 11 November, 1974. He’s
8 a Scorpio. His full name is Leonardo Wilhelm Dicaprio. His mother is
9 Germany and his father Italian-American. They called him Leonardo
10 because when his mother was still pregnant, he started kicking while she
11 was stood in front of a painting by Leonardo De Vinci. His friends call him
12 Leo. He has a scar from when he was stinging by a Portuguese man-of-war.
13 His parents separated before he was born, so his mother moved to a poor
14 neighborhood of Hollywood there Leo grew up. At school he was very good
15 at imitating people, especially Michael Jackson. This made him very
16 popularly. His childhood hero was Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea.
17 After appearance in TV commercials and episodes of Roseanne, he played
the cast of Roseanne, the TV sitcom starring Kirk Cameron. Leonard played
the part of Luke, a homeless boy. Lately, he played the part of Jim Carroll
in The Basketball Diaries. But he has really become famous since he acted
in the film Titanic.

Your answers: Ex: Line 1: hotter =>hottest


Đáp án:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
2 young youth 10 stinging stung
4 him himself 11 there where
5 did done 13 popularly popular
7 Germany German 14 appearance appearing
9 stood standing 16 Lately Later
Exercise 6: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes.
Write your answers in the answer box below. Line (0) has been done for you as an example.


0 The Thames Barrier is a major part of the flood defending scheme for protecting
1 London against rise water levels. The defenses also include raised river embankments
2 and additional flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique
3 structure that are the Barrier spans the 520-metre wide Woolwich reach and consist of
4 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported between concrete structures
5 which house the operating machinery. When raising, the four main gates each stands
6 as high as a five-storey building and as wide as the opening of Tower Bridge. Each
7 weights 3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of operation, the Barrier has closed
8 twenty-nine times to protect London.
9 View the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria. Picnic at the riverside embankment.
10 Enjoy beautiful views from the riverside walk. Visit the shop stocks a large selection
11 of souvenirs, books and Barrier information.
12 There is a children play area suitable for 4-to-12-year olds, located adjacent near the
13 riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a memorable experience.

Source: FCE successful practice tests

Your answers
e.g. Line 0: defending  defence
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
Đáp án:
Lines Mistake Correction Points
1 rise rising 1
3 are is 1
4 consist consists 1
5 raising raised 1
9 at on 1
7 weights weighs 1
8 has closed has been closed 1
10 shop stocks shop which/that stocks 1
12 children children’s 1
12 adjacent near adjacent to 1
Exercise 7: There are ten mistakes in the text below. Underline the mistakes and correct
them in the space provided.
Although speech is the most advance form of communication, there are many ways
of communication without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols and gestures may be
find in every known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinging on the
environment in such way that it attracts attention as the dots and the dashes of a telegraph
circuit. Coding to refer to speech, the potential for communication is very great. Less
adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A
stop sign or a barber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more
difficult to describe than signals and signs because of its relationship with the receiver's
cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theatre provides performances with
an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also
communicate some certain cultural message. Although signals, signs, symbols and gestures
are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They usually do not allow ideas to
share without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver.

Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Đáp án:
1. advance => advanced 6. coding => coded
2. find => found 7. its => their

3. impinging => impinge 8. performances => performers

4. way => a way 9. message => messages

5. as => like 10. to share => to be shared

Exercise 8: There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct

Line 1 Skiing is one of the most popular sports in the world. According to
Line 2 recent estimation, about one hundred millions of people ski regularly or
Line 3 occasionally.
Line 4 Sliding across the snow on skis is also one of the most ancient methods
Line 5 of transport known to the man. It has demonstrated that men were
Line 6 already travelling across the snow by means of primitive skis before the
Line 7 invention of the wheel. In the Asiatic region of Altai and in Scandinavia,
Line 8 for example , the remains of skis have been found which dated back to
Line 9 4,000 BC. Further evidence is supplied by ancient cave paintings which
Line 10 depict people skiing, and a Norway saga which tells the story of an
Line 11 invasion of its territory 8,000 years ago by a tribe of skiers who came
Line 12 from the north.
Line 13
Line 14 Nowadays, skiing, apart from a sport, has become a big industry
Line 15 and a notable feature of leisure culture. Ski resorts and all the activity
Line 16 that they generate is the main source of wealth in many mountain
regions, which were previously remote and accessible. And far from its
once elitist image, skiing is now enjoyed by an increasingly broader
spectra of society.

Mistakes Correction
1. ……………………..…. Line: …..
2. …………………..……. Line: …..
3. …………………..……. Line: …..
4. …………………..……. Line: …..
5. …………………..……. Line: …..
6. …………………..……. Line: …..
7. …………………..……. Line: …..
8. …………………..……. Line: …..
9. …………………..……. Line: …..
10. …………………....…. Line: …..
Đáp án:
Mistakes Correction
1. estimation - Line: 2 estimates
2. millions of - Line: 2 million
3. the man - Line: 5 man
4. has - Line: 5 has been
5. dated - Line: 8 date
6. Norway - Line: 10 Norwegian
7. a sport - Line: 12 being a sport
8. is - Line: 14 are
9. accessible - Line: 15 inaccessible
10. spectra - Line: 16 spectrum
Exercise 9: The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and provide
the corrections in the spaces below.
Human memory happens in many parts of the brain in once, and some Line 1
types of memories stick around longer than other. It was formally Line 2
believed to be rather inefficient, however, it is really more sophisticated Line 3
than that of a computer. Researchers approached the problem from a Line 4
variety of point of view have all concluded that there is a great deal Line 5
more store in our minds than has been generally supposed. Dr. Wilder Line 6
Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their Line 7
brains electrically he could elicit the total recall of specific events in his Line 8
subjects’ life. The memory trace is the term for whatever is the internal Line 9
representation of the specific information about the event stored in the Line 10
memory. Assumed to have been done by structural changes in the brain, Line 11
the memory trace is not subject for direct observation but is rather a Line 12
theoretical construct that we use to speculate about how information Line 13
presented at a later time. Almost theories include the strength of the Line 14
memory trace as a variable in the degree of learning, retention, and Line 15
retrieval possible for a memory. One theory is that it is the result of an
limited combination of interconnections between brain information
that support recall. Or, to put it other way, improved performance is the
result of strengthening the chemical bond in the memory.

0. Line 1: in => at
Your answers:
Lines Mistake and correction Line Mistake and correction
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Đáp án:
Lines Mistake and correction Line Mistake and correction
1. line 2 formally => formerly 6. line 10 for => to
2. line 3 approached => approaching 7. line 11 almost => most/ almost all
3. line 4 store => stored 8. line 13 limited => unlimited
4. line 7 life => lives 9. line 14 other => another
5. line 9 done => made 10. line 15 bond => bonds
Exercise 10: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find out and correct them.

Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major
directions: the realistic and the formalistic. Realism and formalism are merely
general, rather than absolute, terms. When using to suggest a tendency toward
either polarity, such labels can be helpful, but at the end they are still just labels.
Few films are exclusive formalist in style, and fewer yet are completely realist.
There is also an important difference between realism and reality, although this
distinct is often forgotten. Realism is a particular style, where physical reality is
the source of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic. Virtually
all movie directors go to the photographable world for their subject matter, but
what they do with this material - what they shape and manipulate it - determines
their stylistic emphasis.

Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete

reality with a minimum of distortion. In photographing objects and events, the
filmmaker tries to suggest the copiousness of life himself. Both realist and
formalist film directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from
the chaotic sprawl of reality. But the element of selectivity in realistic films is
less obvious. Realists, in short, try to preserve the illusion that their film world
is unmanipulated, an objective mirror of the actual world. Formalists, on the
other hand, make no such pretense. They deliberately stylize and distort their
crude materials so that only the very naive should mistake a manipulated image
of an object or event to the real thing.

Đáp án:

1. using -> used 6. what -> how

2. at -> in 7. himself -> itself
3. exclusive -> exclusively 8. crude -> raw
4. distinct -> distinction 9. should -> would
5. where -> whereas/while 10. to -> for
Exercise 11: Each line of the following passage contains ONE mistake.
Identify and correct them. Write your answer in the space give.
Sport in society
The position of sport in today’s society has changed out of all recognization.
People no longer seem to think about sport as ‘just a game’ – to be watched or
played for the sake of enjoyment. Instead, it has become large business
worldwide. It has become accepted practice for heading companies to provide
sponsorship. TV companies pay large sums of money to screen important
matches. The result has been huge financial awards for athletes, some of them
are now very wealthy, particularly top football players, golfers and tennis
players. In addition, it is not usual for some athletes to receive large fees on
top of their salary, for advertising products or making individual appearances.
A trend towards shorter working hours mean that people generally tend to have
more free time, both to watch and to take part in sport activity.
Your answers:
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
1. ………………… ………………… 6. ………………… …………………
2. ………………… ………………… 7. ………………… …………………
3. ………………… ………………… 8. ………………… …………………
4. ………………… ………………… 9. ………………… …………………
5. ………………… ………………… 10. ………………… …………………
Đáp án:
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
1. recognization recognition 6. them whom
2. about of 7. usual unusual
3. large big 8. individual personal
4. heading leading 9. mean means
5. awards rewards 10. sport sporting
Exercise 12: There are 10 mistakes in the passage. Find out and correct them.
Line After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became very rich
man. Therefore, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late.
Nobel preferred not to remember as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895,
just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for
5 rewarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to
mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics,
chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economy was added in 1968, just sixty-
seven years after the first award ceremony. Nobel’s original legacy of
nine millions dollars was invested, and the interest in this sum is used
10 for the awards which vary from 30,000 to 125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the
awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) is presented to the
winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges
decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively
15 few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the
beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this
is scarce; others have shared their prizes.

Your answers:
Line Mistakes Corrections
Đáp án:
Line Mistakes Corrections
1. 1 very -> a very
2. 2 Therefore -> However
3. 3 remember -> be remembered
4. 5 rewarding -> awarding
5. 7 Economy -> Economics
6. 9 millions -> million
7. 9 in -> on
8. 12 is -> are
9. 13 judges -> judges’
10. 17 scarce -> rare
Exercise 13: Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them
The BBC World Service on radios claims a regular worldwide audience of some 25 million for
its English language programmes. It is funded directly by the British Foreign Office, despite any
Government attempt to control the content of programmes are vigorously fought off. It is
broadcast around the world and nobody who has access to a radio with short wave need be
without it. The archetype listener today is under 30, male, likely to be the second or even third
language. Few women tune in, which is why there is no women’s programme including in its 24-
hour services. The biggest and the most important of the news programme is Newshour, a 60-
minute survey of world news which goes out at night at 10 p.m.British time. This slot cannot
please everyone but be the optimum time to catch any listeners having breakfast in Hongkong or
settling down during the night in West African. It can recommend to anyone who wants to
understand the world, not just Britain. At any rate, which is its aim and certainly by comparison,
most British domestic news programmes seem trivial and parochial.
Đáp án:
Line Mistake Correction
2 despite Though
3 are Is
5 archetype Archetypal
5 the a
6 including Included
7 services Service
10 be Is
12 during For
12 recommend be recommended
13 which that
Exercise 14: The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and provide
the corrections in the spaces below.
He gets most everything wrong. But last weekend Donald Trump got something right. Line 1
By the horror of the other leaders of the rich world, he defended democracy against its Line 2
detractors. Perhaps predictably, he has been universal condemned for it. Line 3
His crime was to insist that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) should Line 4
have a sunset clause. In other words, it should not remain valid definitely, but expire after Line 5
five years, allowing its members neither to renegotiate it or to walk away. To howls of Line 6
execration from the world’s media, his insist has torpedoed efforts to update the treaty. Line 7
In Rights of Man, publishing in 1791, Thomas Paine argued that: “Every age and generation Line 8
must be as free to act for themselves, in all cases, as the ages and generations which Line 9
preceded it.” This is widely accepted – in theory if not in practice – as a basic democratic Line 10
principle. Line 11
Even if the people of the US, Canada and Mexico had explicitly consented for NAFTA in Line 12
1994, the idea that a decision done then should bind everyone in North America for all time Line 13
is repulsive. So is the notion, championed by the Canadian and Mexican government, that Line 14
any slightly modified version of the deal agreed now should bound all future governments. Line 15

0. Line 1: most => almost
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Đáp án:
1. Line 2: By => To 6. Line 8: publishing => published
2. Line 3: universal => universally 7. Line 9: themselves => itself
3. Line 5: definitely => indefinitely 8. Line 12: for => to
4. Line 6: neither => either 9. Line 13: done => made
5. Line 7: insist => insistence 10. Line 15: bound => bind
Exercise 15: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes.
Write your answers in the answer box below. Line (0) has been done for you as an example.

0 Stress is often called the 21st century illness but it has always been with us if perhaps
1 with different names. Those days we regard stress is a necessary evil of modern
2 living. Yet stress is not negative and without it we will not enjoy some of the
3 highpoints in life just as the anticipation before a date or the tension leading up to an
4 important match. All these situations produce stress but unless you can control it and
5 not the other way around you will feel stimulated, not worn out. Unlike these
6 situations, what are generally positive and easier to deal with, sitting in a train that is
7 late, being stuck in a traffic jam, working to a tight deadline are more harder to
8 manage and control. Stress is now recognized as a medical problem and as a
9 significant factor in causing coronary heart disease, high blooded pressure and a high
10 cholesterol count. Patients are often unwilling to admit to stress problems although
11 they feel they are a form of social failure and it is important that symptoms should
12 be identified in order to avoid unnecessary suffering. So why should we be looking
13 out for as danger signals? Common signs of stress are increased tiredness, irritability
14 and the inability to solve with certain situations.

Your answers
e.g. Line 0: the a
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
Đáp án:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
1 is x 8 more much
2 will would 9 blooded blood
3 just such 11 although because
4 unless if 12 why what
6 what which 14 solve cope/deal

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