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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.74.5.558 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on February 7, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.

The grasp and other primitive reflexes

J M Schott, M N Rossor

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:558–560

Primitive reflexes are typically present in childhood, resistance see in spasticity in that the former can
suppressed during normal development, and may be induced with any length of the finger flexors
and is self sustaining.4 The grasp reflex may
reappear with diseases of the brain, particularly those diminish if the dorsum of the hand is stroked, and
affecting the frontal lobes. In this review we discuss thus the reflex may not be present if the patient’s
hand (palm uppermost) is rested in the examin-
some historical aspects surrounding these reflexes, how er’s palm. Opposition of the thumb may also be
they might be elicited and interpreted, and their noted, possibly dependent on the size and nature
potential clinical utility in modern neurological practice. of the object that is grasped.
In the instinctive grasp reaction, deliberate
.......................................................................... progressive closure of the whole hand is made in
a series of small movements on a stationary con-
tact within the palm, terminating eventually in a

he primitive reflexes are a group of behav-
ioural motor responses which are found in complete grip. When well developed, this reaction
normal early development, are subsequently will occur in response to stationary light stimula-
inhibited, but may be released from inhibition by tion in any part of the hand, and is often preceded
cerebral, usually frontal, damage. They are thus by series of movements bringing the object closer
part of a broader group of reflexes which reflect to the centre of the palm. When the reaction is
release phenomena, such as exaggerated stretch weak, it may only be provoked by light pressure to
reflexes and extensor plantars. They do however the radial part of the hollow of the hand. Removal
of the object may lead to movements of pursuit or
involve more complex motor responses than such
grasping, and movement of the object within the
simple stretch reflexes, and are often a normal
palm leads to tightening of the grip. Pressure on
feature in the neonate or infant.
the palm rather than movement appears to be the
References to primitive reflexes abound in
most important feature when eliciting this
textbooks of neurology, and they are often reflex.4 Many of the phenomena of this reaction
features of clinical demonstrations. However, they have been classified as “forced groping” or
are often misinterpreted and their utility overem- “forced grasping” by other authors,3 and there
phasised in the modern era of detailed neuropsy- may be an overlap or coexistence with utilisation
chology and neuroimaging. They can, however, be behaviour.
a valuable diagnostic adjunct to the examination It has long been recognised that both these
in certain instances. reflexes are present in newborn infants, disappear
Many primitive reflexes are recognised. These during normal development, and may reappear in
include grasping, oral, nucocephalic, corneoman- disease states, suggesting that these responses are
dibular and glabella tap reflexes, and utilisation suppressed but not lost during maturation. While
behaviour; these reflexes are discussed below. The bilateral grasp reflexes are often seen with degen-
palmomental reflex has recently been reviewed as erative diseases or diffuse vascular disease affect-
part of this series.1 ing the frontal lobes, attempts to localise the
lesions responsible for these responses more
GRASPING REFLEXES accurately have not been consistent. Early de-
Grasping has been associated with lesions of the scriptions suggested that unilateral grasp re-
sponses were due to lesions of the contralateral
frontal lobes for nearly a century and referred to
frontal lobe,3 5 possibly as a result of failure of the
by a number of different terms including “the
frontal lobe to inhibit parietal lobe function.5
grasping reflex”,2 “forced grasping” and “forced
More recently lesions in the supplementary
See end of article for groping”,3 the “instinctive grasp reaction”, and
authors’ affiliations motor cortex and cingulate gyrus have been
“magnetic apraxia”.4 5 Seyffarth and Denny- implicated in the aetiology of these responses,
Brown4 reviewed these reflexes in detail, and sug- although there is no consensus as to which region
Correspondence to: gested their separation into two distinct re- is responsible for which response.6 7 Moreover,
Professor M N Rossor, sponses: the grasp reflex and instinctive grasp
Dementia Research Group, lesions of the frontal lobes may abolish these
reaction. reflexes,8 and grasping is often bilateral, even
Box 16, National Hospital
for Neurology and Eliciting the grasp reflex requires dual stimuli. with a unilateral lesion. Practically, there may be
Neurosurgery, Institute of The first is a distally moving deep pressure over a little value in differentiating the palmar grasp
Neurology, Queen Square, specific area of the palmar surface of the hand, from the instinctive grasp reaction—the presence
London WC1N 3BG, UK; which elicits a brief muscular contraction (the
m.rossor@ of either should increase the suspicion of an “catching phase”). This then develops into a underlying organic brain disorder. In our experi-
strong “holding” phase only if traction is made on ence, groping reactions are much less common,
Received the tendons of the flexor or adductor muscles and are associated with more advanced disease
9 December 2002
now in contraction, the response being main- states.
13 December 2002 tained by continued traction. This “holding” A group of foot reflexes allied to the palmar
....................... phase can be distinguished from the myotactic grasp were described by a number of authors
The grasp and other primitive reflexes 559

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.74.5.558 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on February 7, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
from the 1930s onwards. Brain and Curran described the Sucking reflexes may be seen in response to tactile stimula-
grasp reflex of the foot,9 Goldstein the tonic foot response,10 tion in the oral region, or in response to the insertion of an
and Seyyfarth and Denny-Brown the grasp reflex of the toes.4 object (for example, a spatula) into the mouth. The snout
Although there are subtle variations in the responses reflex is present when the lips pucker in response to gentle
described, all these authors conclude that stimulating the sole pressure over the nasal philtrum. Rooting responses are seen
of the foot (particularly over the metatarsophalangeal joints when the mouth turns towards an object gently stroking the
using a distally moving object) leads to flexion and adduction cheek (tactile rooting), or towards an object (for example, ten-
movements of the toes, and that while the reflex is distinct don hammer) brought into the patient’s field of view (visual
from the Babinski response, the two reflexes may appear con- rooting). Particular care must be taken to distinguish these
currently. As with the palmar grasp, this response is seen in reflexes from tardive or buccolingual dyskinaesias in patients
infants, may reappear consequent to damage to the frontal who have been exposed to neuroleptics.
lobe or its efferent connections, and may be particularly By contrast, closure of the mouth with pouting of the lips
frequent with contralateral, medial frontal lobe damage.11 elicited by either tapping around the mouth or onto the lips
However, as Seyyfarth and Denny-Brown found no patients (or tapping a spatula placed over the lips) represents an
with grasp reflex of the toes in the absence of finger increased myotactic stretch reflex, and not a primitive
grasping,4 it is unlikely that testing for the presence of this response. Pouting may be present (at least electromyographi-
reflex will give more diagnostic information than can be cally) in normal individuals,15 although brisk responses,
deduced from the presence or absence of palmar grasping. indicative of upper motor neurone lesions, may be seen in the
context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, or
small vessel cerebrovascular disease.16 Confusingly, the terms
UTILISATION BEHAVIOUR snout and pout have historically often been used
Utilisation behaviour was first described in five patients with interchangeably.11 To avoid confusion, we suggest that the
either unilateral or bilateral frontal lobe lesions by Lhermitte term pouting should only be used to describe the increased
in 1983.12 He noted that these patients, when presented with myotactic stretch reflex.
utilitarian objects, were compelled to grasp and use them.
Examples of this behaviour were patients who, when GLABELLA TAP REFLEX
presented with a bottle of water and a glass, but no In 1896 Overend first reported that in the normal subject, light
instructions, would unquestioningly and automatically fill the tapping over the glabella produces a reflex blinking of both
glass and drink from it. The same, automatic, unquestioning eyes.17 This reflex has been referred to as the glabella tap sign,
behaviour could be elicited on presentation of a hammer and nasopalpebral reflex, and blinking reflex. The reflex has two
nail; envelope and sheet of paper; cigarette and lighter; and components; an initial myotactic monosynaptic reflex is
cheese, knife, and bread. Normal subjects failed to perform followed by a later multisynaptic nociceptive reflex. In normal
these tasks even when the objects were placed directly in their subjects the latter response habituates, showing increased
hands.12 Shallice et al further refined the concept of utilisation latency and decreasing amplitude.18 A positive glabella tap
behaviour, by classifying it into two forms.13 The first reflex refers to failure of habituation of the response—that is,
“induced” form, occurs when, as shown by Lhermitte, an when repeated tapping continues to produce a blinking reac-
object is placed in front of the patient. The second “incidental” tion. The reflex is thought to be similar to the reflex
form is observed when the patient is involved in other tasks, blepharospasm seen in newborn and premature infants, in
and shows such behaviour when his or her attention has not whom it can continue for six months.19
been drawn to the object in question. Assessment of The glabella tap has long been thought to be an early sign of
utilisation behaviour thus should include both careful Parkinson’s disease; Garland, writing in 1952, stated that
observation of the patient’s behaviour (particularly with “ . . .On tapping the glabella both eyelids blink in time with the
respect to interaction with the external environment), as well tapping, whether this be fast or slow, and this blinking will
as attempts to elicit such responses. A particularly striking continue indefinitely; the normal person will only blink after
example may be seen when a patient is presented with a series the first few taps. For all practical purposes this physical sign
of pairs of spectacles, which he proceeds to put on his nose, is diagnostic of Parkinson’s disease”.20 However, the glabella
one on top of another. tap reflex may also be positive as a release phenomenon as a
Utilisation behaviour may be localised to damage to the result of diffuse (probably frontal lobe) damage,21 and in one
inferior frontal lobes, as originally proposed by Lhermitte.12 13 report was positive in 36% of patients with no intracranial
However, it may also be seen with certain subcortical lesions, pathology.18 As the glabella tap reflex is neither sensitive for
and particularly the thalamus (see Eslinger for review14). the presence of intracerebral pathology, nor specific for
Whether this behaviour therefore results from a lack of fron- parkinsonism, its role in modern clinical practice is question-
tal inhibition releasing the parietal lobes which are dependent able.
on visual and tactile stimulation from the outside world as
proposed by Lhermitte,12 or from disruption of intrafrontal CORNEOMANDIBULAR REFLEX (WARTENBERG’S
mechanisms is unclear.14 The aetiology of utilisation behaviour REFLEX)
can include stroke, neoplasm, frontotemporal dementia, corti- A horizontal movement of the mandible to the contralateral
cobasal degeneration, and Alzheimer’s disease.14 In our side on touching the cornea of the ipsilateral eye was first
experience, the presence of either spontaneous or induced described by von Sölder in 1902.22 This observation went
utilisation behaviour is highly indicative of underlying organic largely unnoticed outside Germany until Wartenberg’s exten-
brain disease. sive review of the “winking jaw phenomenon” in 1948.23
Wartenberg (who suggested that the reflex be elicited with
some pressure to the cornea, best applied with a solid glass
PRIMITIVE ORAL REFLEXES applicator) regarded this reflex as an inverted and reversed
Despite being frequently cited and demonstrated, the primi- Marcus Gunn (or “jaw winking”) phenomenon in which “ . . .
tive oral reflexes are often wrongly interpreted, in part as a on lateral movement of the jaw to the right side (left external
result of confusing terminology. The true primitive oral pterygoid), the left upper lid is raised quickly and
reflexes include the sucking, rooting, and snout reflexes, powerfully . . .”.24 Wartenberg suggested that these two
which can all be considered as appropriate feeding responses phenomena were caused by an associated movement between
in infants. the orbicularis oculi and the external pterygoid muscles, due
560 Schott, Rossor

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.74.5.558 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on February 7, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
to a supranuclear lesion of the trigeminal nerve.23 The reflex chronic meningitis.32 In all these cases particular care must be
may be present in acute coma (especially if due to a structural taken when eliciting and interpreting these reflexes; it is par-
lesion25), cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkin- ticularly important to distinguish them from upper motor
son’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.26 neurone signs, with which some of these responses can be
The nuchocephalic reflex was first described by Jenkyn et al in .....................
this journal.27 It is elicited by rapidly turning the shoulders of Authors’ affiliations
a standing patient to the right or left. The reflex is present J M Schott, Dementia Research Group, Institute of Neurology, University
College, London, UK
(“uninhibited”) if the head holds its active original position M N Rossor, Dementia Research Group, Institute of Neurology,
through active contracture of the cervical muscles. In infants, University College, London; and Division of Neuroscience and
the reflex is present (“uninhibited”) until around the age of 4, Psychological Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK
when it disappears (“inhibited”). Jenkyn et al found the pres-
ence of the reflex in adults to be correlated directly with REFERENCES
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