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Assignment 3

1. Choose one of the following topics. Then, brainstorm for 10 to 15 minutes as you list ideas
that could be included in a writing assignment.


1. Dangers

2. Profit

3. Business opportunity

4. Speed

5. Information

6. Time

7. Entertainment

8. Virtual education

9. Virtual fraud

10. Social media

11. Costs

12. The internet in the future

13. Social distancing.

2. Choose one of the following topics. Then, freewrite for 5 to 10 minutes.

Topic: A first day at school

I still remember my first day at that new high school, and I used to the same friends in my little
elementary school. That day I felt so small, so insecure, with fear, I don't know what, but with a lot
of fear. Besides that it was difficult for me to socialize, the stress did not allow me to concentrate,
that day I remember as a long and anguishing day, I think it is the first day that you face the real
world, with some puberty on top and understanding fears, that suddenly before I did not

Now when I send my son to class that first day, I understand how he might feel. Of course I know
that times are different and that the internet, the chat room, and all that prepare them differently.
But now bullying is also stronger in these times, and I think I have to make an effort not to convey
my fears to him, and on the contrary fill him with security.

That first day is essential, as it is the first impression that he is going to make on his classmates, so
I prepared myself, I told him to be simple and sociable, to smile without being exaggerated, that if
he was made fun of, he would not take it seriously and remember that he is a special being, and
everyone would love him very much. At the end of the day, everything was different, it was more
my concern than anything else, I had an incredible time, and I think that this generation is much
safer or my parents lacked helping me more in my school years.

3. Ask questions to generate ideas about the following topic. The genes in genetically modified
foods have been manipulated in some way and usually contain genes from a different kind of
life-form mixed with their own genes. Should food manufacturers be required to label
genetically modified foods? Why or why not?

1. Are all standards set by the government and regulatory institutions for food handling met?

2. What consequences could this genetic mix have?

3. What health hazards would they have in the short term?

4. Would there be long-term consequences?

5. If manufacturers label that products are genetically manipulated, would it release them from liability
for adverse health effects?

6. What does the regulation say about what should be described on the label?

7. What types of food are being marketed?

8. What do the trading companies think?

9. Are the trading companies familiar with the procedures?

10. Can these products be sued for misleading advertising?

11. What benefits could this genetic manipulation have for the final consumer?

4. Use mapping to generate ideas about the following topic. Each of us has unique abilities,
aptitudes, or personality traits that makes us special in some way. What makes you special?
5. Use any of the strategies discussed in this lesson to generate ideas about the following topic.
Should public school students be required to take sex education classes? Why or why not?

1. Pregnancy
2. Harassment
3. Homosexualism
4. Sexual identity
5. cases of abuse
6. Sex at an early age
7. Lack of communication with parents
8. Little homeschooling.
9. Adolescence
10. Children
11. Ignorance
12. Principles
13. Morals.
14. Modesty.

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