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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

Effect of Using a Modified Warming System on

Activities and Productivity of Honey Bees
El-Sheikh F. M. 1, Asmaa A. Eissa2 and M. A. Al-Rajhi1
Agric. Eng. Res. Institute, Agricultural Research Center ARC, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Plant Protect Res. Institute, Agricultural Research Center ARC, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Email Id: moh.elrajhi@yahoo.com1* & asmaa.anwer111@gmail.com2

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045378


This study was conducted in a private apiary at El-Baramon, EL-Daqahliyah governorate, Egypt during the 2019-2020
winter seasons. Hives from the Langstroth type containing equal strength of honeybee colonies from the species of hybrid
Carniolan were used. The research aims to increase the honeybee colonies' activities and maintain the strength and
quality production by mounting a simple warming system into the hive. This study included primary studies on three
methods of warming (pushing hot air, using thermal coil, and using halogen lamp) to determine the best method adapted
with bee colonies. The in-hive temperature was adjusted to a minimum of 21 ºC through a heat sensor. The secondary
studies were conducted to study the effect of the best warming system on bee colonies' temperature, strength (sealed brood
area and a number of occupied frames), and productivity (honey and pollen areas). Results showed that the system
containing halogen lamps was the best method adapted with bee colonies. The minimum and maximum ambient
temperatures were at 3.00 am and at 2.00 pm, respectively. The average temperatures outside and inside the nest were
(19.17, 20.15, and 21.6 ºC) and (36.63, 36.76, and 36.65 ºC) for unwintering (control), normal wintering, and with
warming system, respectively. The mean values of (honey, pollen, and sealed brood areas, cm 2); and a number of occupied
frames on the end of March were (745,606 and1958 cm 2); and 5 frames for unwintered hives (control) and (1043, 914,
and 3456cm 2); and 14 frames for halogen warming system, respectively. The total cost of the fabricated warming system
was about 21.9 LE/season. Significant increase in hive products; (honey, pollen, and sealed brood areas); and a number
of occupied frames were detected when using a halogen warming system comparing with unwintered and normal wintered
groups. While the productivity was increased by about 19.51% and 30.38% respectively for honey and pollen areas
compared with the normal warming system.

Keywords: bee colonies, warming, halogen warming system, hive temperature, honey area, pollen area, sealed brood area,
number of occupied frames.

Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors affecting brood rearing. Honey bees are cold-blooded
insects, and thus the brood rearing activity is related to the temperature of the environment in which they are located. The
optimum temperature for the life of bees is (34 ±1 °C) (Eskov, 2007). It was found that the higher the brood temperature than
the maximum, the incidence of deformation and death of the brood increased, the performance of the workers decreased and
the queen stopped laying eggs completely (Tautz et al., 2003). When it falls below 15 °C, the bees gather in a cluster,
bringing the temperature to 30 °C. Regulation mechanism:
- A group of bees assembles as a heat insulator in the outer layer of the cluster without thermal heating
- Thermal generation by bees at the center of the cluster, Southwick, (1985), Stabentheiner et al., (2008)
Temperatures of 46 – 47 ᵒC are lethal to bees, when the temperature rises in the summer; the workers bring water and move
their wings strongly over the hexagonal cells which lead to the evaporation of water, which reduces the temperature inside
the cell. (Seeley, 1995). Honeybees can survive at a temperature between -20 and +48 ºC and even -40 and +60 ºC. However,
they show the best performance at temperatures between +21 and +35ºC. If the temperature falls below +14ºC , bees do not
move around to collect honey and pollen and forming a winter cluster (ball); honeybees remain active within the winter
cluster. The cluster core, in broodless colonies, is within the range of 20-30 °C. Keeping a suitable range of temperature from
33 to 36 °C inside colonies is very important for honeybees (Petz et al. 2004). The internal temperatures are strongly
associated with the external temperature, as discussed in more detail by Rice (2013). This constant temperature is essential
for the optimum growth and development of the brood. Deviation from the optimum temperature range can occur when the
ambient air temperature changes (Tautz et al. 2003) Also; the ambient temperature has a great effect on foraging activity
(Blazyte Cereskiene et al. 2010). Moreover, very low temperatures below 10 °C can prevent flight activity (Joshi and Joshi

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

2010). The production of brood cells is lower during cold periods of the year compared to hot periods ( Borges and
Blochtein, 2006). Honeybees control their hive environment to survive drastic changes in the field environment (Jones and
Oldroyd, 2007). At low ambient temperatures, worker honeybees warm up the brood by heat their thoraces through muscular
activity and press their warm thoraces onto capped brood cells (Bujok et al., 2002).
It attempts to isolate the temperature inside the colony, and lessen the consumption of honey within the colonies from about
21 to 25%, (Detroy et al., 1982), Morse, 1999 recommended keeping bee colonies during the winter in dark-painted hives
and exposed to full sunlight. Increased temperatures typically result in higher growth rates, higher respiration rates, and
shorter development times and influence the adult body size (Petz et al., 2004). A temperature within the hives can be
controlled with technological techniques (Tani and Cugnasca 2007, Fehler et al. 2007, Shao and Xin 2008, Es’kov and
Toboev 2009). Thermoelectric energy can be used to prevent temperature changes in the hive and to create the appropriate
ambient temperature (Pulli and Zheng 2005). Various techniques have been used for the heating of the colony and the hive
and a yield analysis has been conducted (Wineman et al. 2003). (Nageh, 2011) designed a new device, using Electric-
powered containing a structured organizer to adjust the temperature inside the beehive. (Vollet-Neto et al. 2011) indicate that
the use of heaters for beehives during periods of low ambient temperature may be helpful for beekeeping, that artificial
heating during cold periods increased brood cell production.
(Mardan and Kevan, 2002) observed that capped brood deforms above 36 ºC. Bees or adult population was estimated at the
rate of 2000 adult bees, which can cover a comb from both sides (Hauser and Lensky, 1994).
This research aims to increase the activities of honeybee colonies, maintain the strength of colonies, and early production of
packages by mounting a simple and low-cost warming system into the hive.

Materials and Methods

This study was conducted in a private apiary at El-Baramon, EL- Daqahliyah, Egypt to solve the problems due to climatic
changes especially in winter; the study was performed during the winter season of 1 December 2019 until 30 March 2020,
when environmental temperatures were considerably lower than the ideal for honeybees nest temperature, especially at night.
Langstroth hives in the same strength as hybrid Carniolan bees have been used during the winter season 2019-2020.
The study included primary trials such as pushing hot air, thermal coil, and halogen lamp there were conducted to determine
the best method adapted with colonies. The halogen lamp has been stabilized as the most appropriate method of heating, as
the way of air pushing gives a great sound and vibration inside the hive which affects the bees and pushes them to leave the
hive, and the method of the tungsten coil gives a high temperature that may lead to the burning of the bees and also is rapidly

1- Warming system: The proposed system is composed of two basic units (heating unit and temperature control unit). The
warming system was designed to stop halogen ally at in-hive temperature reaches the optimum degree. The Air thermostat is
attached to the sensor probe and adapted at 21 °C to off the system ally with regular manner.
The warming system is located at the free part inside the hive. As it has been observed that worker bees start to crowd into
the brood when the internal temperature falls below 21 ºC, this temperature has been determined as the optimum of the
internal temperature. The temperature must be kept between certain degrees to create the optimum for the bees within the
hive. Therefore, thermoelectric warming system has been used. The heat source (thermal coil or halogen lamp) was put in a
formatted gypsum block to avoid direct contact and burning risk as shown in (figure 1 -A) and (figure 1-B). The gypsum
block was covered with galvanized iron mesh. Arduino board connected with temperature sensors, two temperature sensors
placed inside a hive and one sensor located outside, and a small screen was used to determine internal hive temperatures
(inside the nest, outside the nest) and in the bee yard. The whole system was collected on a breadboard; adapted to work after
adding rheostat and normal resistance to the cycle, and connected to a power bank as indicated in (figure 1-F). At the end of
the active season and when the location of apiaries is far from the source of electricity, colonies must be transferred to a place
near the source of electricity.

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

Fig. 1-A: Gypsum block and thermal coil Fig. 1-B: Halogen lamp

Fig. 1-C: Perforated cover Fig. 1-D: Heat sensor

Fig. 1-E: Hot air blower fixed at the bottom of the

hive Fig. 1-F: System used to
determine temperatures
Fig. 1: The different parts of warming systems

2- Beehives: A total of 12 Langstroth beehives were divided into two groups, first group for the primary experiments
contains 3 hives and the second one for the basic experiment contains 9 hives as shown in (Fig. 2). Outside dimensions
for hive were: 53×43×25cm and wall thickness of 2cm with removable tops, two small ventilation holes located under the
cover to permit ventilation and allow moisture exchange. Some pieces of sackcloth were put over the combs to preve nt
any foreign insect from interning the hive and absorb vapor from the evaporation process. Hives content honey bees that
had been established 8 months before the onset of the experiment on a sunny site in the bee yard. All hives faced south
direction, and the combs were numbered from west to east. Beehives were equal in strength, queen's age (about 8 months
old), and a number of combs covered with bees from both sides (6 combs). Nosemaapis and Varroa destructor were
monitored every 12 days throughout the winter season and treated whenever necessary. Bees were fed with syrup of two
parts granulated sugar to one part water during the study period.

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

Hot air impulse Tungsten coil Halogen lamp

Primary trials

Normal Normal Normal

wintering wintering wintering
system 1 system 2 system 3
Main trials

Warming Warming Warming

system 1 system 2 system 3

Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of the experiment

3- The climate of the tested region: The climate in this area is classified as the subtropical Mediterranean. The present
study was carried out from 1 December 2019 until 30 March 2020. The minimum temperature degree recorded 8 °C in
December, 8 °C in January, 8.5 °C in February and 10 °C in March, while the maximum temperature recorded 19 °C in
December, 20.5 °C in January, 21.5 °C in February and 23 °C in March. The mean temperature during daytime was 17.9,
15.9, 17.5, and 19.7 °C in December, January, February, and March, respectively. The possible sunshine duration hours
were about 1295 during the study. The minimum value of mean rainfall was 10 mm in March, and the maximum value
was 59 mm in February. The average wind speed was 3.3, 3.7, 3.9, and 4.3 m/sec. during December, January, February,
and March, respectively. In general, the activity of foragers stops at wind speed above 9 m/sec. (Hoopingarner and
Waller, 1992), but wind speed never reached that value during the study.

4- Study variables: The primary studies included three types of warming methods [pushing hot air, thermal coil (0.57kW),
and using a halogen lamp (0.40kW)] to determine the best warming method adapted with bees. The main experiments
were conducted to evaluate the selected warming method which including three groups of hives (unwintered, normal
wintered, and halogen warming system). Normal wintering by beekeepers can be accomplished by raising the combs in
excess of the need for the colony, putting a piece of sackcloth over the combs, and put the colonies at a short distance
beside each other.

Experimental procedures:

The measurements: measurements and instruments included internal hive temperature (inside the nest and outside the nest);
bee strength (sealed brood area and a number of occupied frames); food stores (honey and pollen) and total costs. The
temperature was measured at the first, mid and the end of the day during the diurnal, and the minimum and the maximum
readings were calculated. The number of sealed brood cells located at the lower edge or sides of the comb . Honey is stored
along the top edge of the comb and pollen stored along the sides of the comb. Each colony was monitored by taking photos of
the new sealed brood, honey, and pollen cells after removing the bees. Comparing consecutive the number of new sealed
brood, honey, and pollen cells. The nearest areas of capped brood, honey, and pollen cells were determined in all the
experimental colonies by considering 4 cells as 1 cm sq. of a comb. The number of combs covered with bees from both sides
was investigated every 12 days throughout the winter season for adding empty new combs. This investigation was carried out
throughout the winter season on 12 December, 24 December, 5 January, 17 January, 29 January, 10 February, 22 February, 6
March, 18 March, and 30 March. The obtained data are presented in figures and the graphs were drawn using Microsoft excel

Results and Discussion

Evaluation heat source units

Many objectives during confirming experiments such as thermal coil and halogen lamp were tested. No burning risk of the
warmed colonies was observed when using a thermal coil or halogen lamp; because they were put in a Gypsum block. The
thermal coil (0.57 kW) was not effective compared with the halogen lamp (0.40kW), because it was destroyed after a short
time and more electric consumers. The air blower causes a big noise when operating, which led bees to get out of the hive or
the whole colony to leave the hive. The best heating source was a halogen lamp. The warming system contains halogen lamps

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

turned in times of low air temperature, in the night, from about 55 seconds every about 50 minutes, and stop during the
afternoon when the temperature is higher. The actual periods to operate the device during the day were about15minutes.

2- The mean ambient beehives, outside and inside nest temperatures

Figure (3) shows the mean ambient temperature around beehives, outside the nest, and inside the nest for the studied colonies
during day hours. From figure (3-A), the minimum and maximum ambient temperatures were 6.75°C at 4 am and 19.13°C at
2 pm, respectively. The average ambient temperature was 12.97±3.01°C during the daytime so; the ambient average
temperature was less than about 11.03°C nest. The figure clear that at a minimum and maximum normal worming was 17.0
°C at 5: 7 am and 21.4 °C at 14: 15 pm. The average normal worming was 18.99±1.42°C during the daytime so; the normal
worming average temperature was higher than about 6.02°C ambient. The figure illustrates that at a minimum and maximum
halogen worming were 21.0 °C at 6 am and 25.3 °C at 2 pm. The average halogen worming was 22.97±.097°C during the
daytime so; the halogen worming average temperature was higher than about 10.0°C ambient. Therefore, Fig. (2 -B) clear that
the temperature inside the nest was ranged from 30.0 to 33.3 °C and from 32.0 to 34.2 °C respectively using normal and
halogen worming. Then, the average controlled temperature at the twice warming systems was 31.91±0.68 and
33.21±0.51°C. These results mean that the controlling temperature enabled to keep a temperature at the state with the lowest
SD especially at using the halogen worming system.


Daily Hour

Daily Hour
Fig. 3: The average temperatures of the ambient, outside nest, and inside the nest.

Impact of wintering method on honey area, cm2

The mean value of a honey area, cm2 (figure 4) increased at the end of March from 853cm2 for normal warming hives to
1043cm2 with a halogen warming system. In general, the honey areas were decreased for the normal wintering method from
146 cm2 on the first day of the experiment (12 December 2019) up to 106 cm2 in the nearly middle of January (17 January
2020) and started to increase from 221 cm2 at the end of January (29 January 2020) up to 853 cm2 at the end of the
experiment (30 March 2020). This is due to the effect of changes in ambient temperature during the study. The warmer

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

environment using the halogen warming system in hives has increased honey consumption by about 19.5 % compared to the
normal warming hives at all experiment times. The high temperature around the brood area could have enhanced several
activities of the workers, including the ripening of the honey crop.

Fig. 4: Effect of wintering method on honey area, cm2

The best fit curve for the relationship between honey areas "HA" and experimental days "D" at both warming systems is the
quadratic equation as shown in the following Eqs. (1 and 2). The equations clear that the coefficient of determination "R2"
were 0.983 and 0.960 for the normal and the halogen worming systems respectively.
At normal warming HA = 0.0856x2 - 7503.6x + 2E+08 R² = 0.9828 (1)
At halogen warming HA = 0.0677x2 - 5935.6x + 1E+08 R² = 0.9596 (2)

Impact of wintering method on pollen area

Figure (5) shows the relationship between pollen area (cm 2) and date through the test using normal and halogen worming
systems in beehives. From the figure, the minimum and maximum values of pollen areas were 216 and 629 cm2 at using a
normal worming system and they were 311 and 914 cm2 at using a halogen worming system. The figure signed that after 27
days from the beginning experiments the pollen areas decreased from 346 to 216 cm 2 at normal worming and from 411 to
311 cm2 at halogen worming. Then, after that, the pollen areas continually increased to the end experiment after 81 days.
This trend may due to the effect of changes in ambient temperature during the study.
The figure also shows that the halogen worming system was increased the average pollen area by about 30.38% from the
normal worming system. However, this finding is consistent with the results obtained by Dodologlu and Gene (2002).

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

Fig. 5: Effect of wintering method on pollen area, cm 2

The best fit curve for the relationship between pollen area "P A" and experimental days "D" at both warming systems is the
quadratic equation as shown in the following Eqs. (3 and 4). The equations clear that the coefficient of determination "R 2"
were 0.985 and 0.918 for the normal and the halogen worming systems respectively.
At normal warming PA = 0.0898x2 - 7873.1x + 2E+08 R² = 0.9850 (3)
At halogen warming PA = 0.086x2 - 7542.6x + 2E+08 R² = 0.9182 (4)

Impact of wintering method on brood sealed area

The relationship between the sealed brood areas and the test days was illustrated in Fig. (6). The data cleared that the average
of sealed brood areas were 1608.5±440.7 and 2561±400.8 cm 2 respectively at normal and halogen warming systems.
Whereas, the figure explains that the lowest and highest sealed brood areas were 986 and 2363 cm2 respectively at normal
warming system and were 1822 and 3456 cm 2 respectively at halogen system. Generally, the data cleared that the halogen
worming system tower the normal worming system. However, the differences between the sealed brood areas under warming
systems were ranging from 29.09 % after 63 days from the beginning test and 60.03 % after 63 days from the beginning test.
These results may due to the rate of brood cell production declines or even completely stop during periods of low ambient
temperature because, workers spend more energy and time on thermoregulation than for brood care (feeding, building brood
cells), which results in reduced production of brood by the colony. There was a significant decrease in the rate of brood cell
production with decreasing environmental temperature, which is consistent with ( Velthuis et al., 2000; Borges and
Blochtein, 2006). The decrease in brood cell production during cold periods might be associated with the queen’s sensibility
to low temperatures (Velthuis et al., 2000); or worker’s sensibility to low temperatures; or change of tasks by workers, which
would stop working on brood cell construction and switch to thermoregulation ( Engels et al., 1995). The results of average
brood area activities in the current study are higher than the results reported by numerous researchers (Guler and
Kaftanoglu, (1999), Karacaoglu et al., (2003).

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

Fig. 6: Effect of Wintering Method On Sealed Brood Area, Cm 2

The best fit curve for the relationship between sealed brood areas "SA" and experimental days "D" at both warming systems is
the quadratic equation as shown in the following Eqs. (5 and 6). The equations clear that the coefficient of determination
"R2" were 0.985 and 0.846 for the normal and the halogen worming systems respectively.
At normal warming SA = 0.0485x2 - 4240.5x + 9E+07 R² = 0.9854
At halogen warming SA = 0.1494x2 - 13094x + 3E+08 R² = 0.8462

Impact of wintering method on the number of occupied frames

The number of occupied frames as shown in Fig. (7) increases by increase the test period. The figure shows the decline of
data obtained using the normal worming from the first day to 36 days from 6 to 5 occupied frames of the test period and it is
increased to 10 occupied frames at 81 days at the end of the test period. Hence, the corresponding number at using the
halogen worming system has a direct proportion with the test period which increased from 7 to 14 occupied frames nu mber
from the first test day to the end test at 81 st days. Meanwhile, the values of coefficient of variance for normal and halogen
worming systems were 21.07 and 17.95 % respectively. Generally, the data obtained using the normal worming system
decrease from about 33.3 % from using the halogen worming system. These results trend may due to by elevating nest
temperatures, induced by halogen warming system, fewer workers are needed for thermoregulation and, consequently, more
bees can work on brood cell production. In general, it can be said that brood area growth activity was higher when using a
halogen warming system than those of other groups. This result is similar to the results obtained by Gene et al., (1999).

Fig. 7: Effect of wintering method on a number of occupied frames

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 6/June 2021

The best fit curve for the relationship between a number of occupied "NA" and experimental days "D" at both warming
systems is the quadratic equation as shown in the following Eqs. (7 and 8). The equations clear that the coefficient of
determination "R2" were 0.985 and 0.846 for the normal and the halogen worming systems respectively.
At normal warming NA = 0.0003x2 - 24.603x + 538304 R² = 0.9770 (7)
At halogen warming NA = 0.0008x2 - 74.188x + 2E+06 R² = 0.9686 (8)

Cost estimation
The total fixed costs of the halogen warming system were 100 LE (60 LE for the thermostat, 10 LE for the lamp, and 30 LE
for connections). The expected life of the system was about 5 years. It operates about 15 min/day for 120 days per year, so
the total operating hours were 150 hours, so, the mean fixed cost was about 0.67 LE/h. It is operated by an electric halogen
lamp of 0.40kW and the price of one kW was 1.0 LE, so the operating costs were 0.4 LE/h. The summation of the total cost
of the fabricated warming system was about 1.07 LE/h.

Table 1: The total operating cost of the warming system

Total system price, LE 100

Operating hours/ 5 year 10×120×0.25= 150
Fixed cost, LE/h  0.67
Operating cost, LE/h 0.4
The total cost, LE/h 1.07
The total cost, LE/season 32.1

It was observed that the optimum values of hive temperature management; maximum areas of (honey, pollen, and sealed
brood); and a maximum number of occupied frames were achieved by using the halogen warming system comparing with
unwintered and normal wintered groups whereas, the halogen warming system inside the hive, which worked to stabilize the
temperature at 21° C, increased the rate of bee activity. The current study may send a clear message saying that a good
knowledge about wintering of beehives by using a new method during the winter season, is the ideal manner for the middle
(with 30 - 100 beehives) and small beekeepers to dealing with the honeybee colonies, existed in areas which their low
temperatures during winter to get a lot of benefits for these colonies and everyone who deals with it. Taking into
consideration the fluctuations that have occurred in recent years in the temperature .


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