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Differences between Parashara and Jaimini: Sage Jaimini in his sutras has not given karkatwas of

rasi & grahas, because he says for any doubts, please refer to Parashara hora shstra.

Parashara system uses sthira karaka, for example planet Sun means father; Moon means mother;
Mars means siblings; Mercury means maternal uncle; Jupiter means elders; Venus means wife ;
Saturn means servants; Rahu means paternal grand father; Ketu means maternal grand father. In
Jaimini, chara karaka are used. This means role of planet is not fixed, but changes according to their

The chara karakas are seven in number and are called Atma karaka, (AK) Amatya karaka (Amk),
Bhratru karaka (BK), Matru karaka (MK), Putra karaka (PK), Gnati karaka (GK), and Dara karaka (DK).
The highest longitude planet in the chart excluding Rahu & Ketu is considered as AK. Next is Amk,
after this BK, then MK, then PK, then, GK and last is DK.

These seven planets are linked to the natural karakatwas of Parashara system. That is SUN is the
Atma karaka in Parashara system and He is the soul or life force of the Jeeva, but ignorance of real
knowledge is covered by karma and therefore other planets depending upon their position in the
chart is treated as the particular karaka. The Atma karaka is same as lagna in Parashara and decides
health (physical body), personality (status & fame) and look of the native.

Amatya karaka (Amk) is the most important as he/she is the executor to lift Atma to the higher
level. If AmK is strong, person is visible to himself and outside world. If not, dull person.

Bhratru karaka (BK): In parashara this is 3rd house and represents brothers & sisters, courage, sahaja
bhava etc. So, the planet representing BK gives the support or courage or effort to come up in life. If
planet is well placed, native is courageous. As 3 rd house aspects 9th, the 9th house is also studied and
foreign travel can be seen from this planet.

Matru Karaka (MK): is equivalent to 4th house of Parashara system. This means it represents
Mother, Vehicles, real estate, Agriculture etc. To achieve this in life support of AmK is a must.

Putra karaka (PK): This is equivalent to 5th house of Parashara system. This means PK represents
higher education, children, mantra, additional wealth, speculation, Poorva punya etc. As 5 th house
aspects 11th house, 11th house is also included with PK.

Gnati Karaka (GK): This is equivalent to 6th, 8th & 12th house of Parashara system. This means GK is a
problem giver or causes delay, non adjustable nature etc.

How chara karakas are seen in chart. Jaimini simplified the concepts given by Sage Parashara. How
to link chara dasha with chara karakas? This gives the real image. If chara dasha is of AK (king) then
there will be fluctuations in many charts, where AmK is weak? Because AmK has to guide or execute.
If AK – AmK is having good link then results are good, the same should be available in D9 also. If
relationship between AK & AmK does not exist, then fluctuations in life are seen. Fulfillment of
desire is dependent on AK and AmK is the executor.

The second level of check is the quality of the planet. That is, check graha karakatwas. For example,
Saturn & Mercury, Saturn & Venus are friends. The planets AK & AmK should aspect each other both
rasi & navamasa. The aspect relationship 3 / 11 is the best, 2 /12 are neutral, 5 / 9 is a passive
relationship, and 6 /8 is the least preferred relationship. In 5 /9 relationship, perfect affinity is not
seen relation exists because of only poorva punya. If raja yoga is present only in navamsha then
occasional benefits are seen in life. Also if raja yoga is seen in one particular divisional chart, then
benefic results are experienced in that part of life. That is to say during chara dasa, if raja yoga is
seen in D10, then good results are felt in profession only.

In the chara dasa running period if AK alone is posited in the same rasi or is aspect by the rasi then
native will find fluctuations in the period or rise & fall during the time. The other planets influencing
AK other than raja yoga forming planets also influences the benefits on the native.

The age of the native is very important in prediction, this dictates kala Desha and varthamana.

IF AK & BK are combined together by any means, it is a situation of action because BK represents 3 rd
house of efforts. The results are not in natives hand because executor AmK is missing only BK is
giving efforts but not raja yoga. The BK triggers the desire of AK but results are not guaranteed
without AmK. If the relationship between AK & BK is 3/11, then effort gives slight gain, because
native listens to co born and they help to achieve desire. If the relationship between AK & BK is 5/9,
then native & co born listens to each other without any contempt. If the relationship between AK &
BK is 6/8, then difference of opinion between native & co born or even father.

Matru karaka (MK) signifies 4th house & rules mother, conveyance, real estate; land primary
education – degree but not professional one, and so on. If AK is associated with MK, then desire of
AK is connected with 4 th house. If Venus happens to be the MK then desire of AK is any one of Venus
kawakawa, may be vehicles and so on. The strength of AK determines the desire of the native,
because desire need not be fulfilled. The desire needs drive & energy sometimes, and this is given by
Amk & BK. Suppose AK, AmK, BK & MK are all associated then desire is definitely fulfilled as desire
(AK), executor (AmK) and energy (BK) all three are combined. The chara karaka BK is insignificant by
its energy to achieve things that are very much important.

Putra karaka (PK): is next only to AmK. This planet has many positive points. If PK is neecha then such
a native is unlucky. This is because native poorva punya or blessings brought from earlier life is
absent. The 5th house is this life with certain blessings from past lives. The lagna or 1 st house is the
past karma and 9th house is bhagya the native receives in the present life. If PK is strong and well
placed in own house triangle house then native gains even if there is no raja yoga in the chart.
Suppose PK is in 3rd house, then native has to put lots of effort to achieve good. Suppose PK is in 11 th
house, then a native gain without effort or native is lazy but still gains and is not sufficient. The
position of PK in 6th house and being debilitated is not good for the native because brilliancy is lost.
Wonderful raja yoga is formed when AK & PK are associated and combination is better than AK –
AmK. Suppose PK is Mercury, then native will have an extra ordinary brilliance. Suppose Rahu is
associated or even GK is associate then native uses brilliance for negative work or creates something
new that may not last forever.

Gnati karaka (GK): GK signifies 6 th house and also the houses 8 th & 12th. Primarily GK is 6th house and
signifies competition, struggle, delay or denial. GK is opposition, native behaves in an unusual way in
every respect or where major decisions are to be taken.
Dara karaka (DK): signifies 7th house, also the maraca house. Native loses independence. That is 7 th
house is the death of independence house. This is similar to 22 nd drekanna or 64th navamsha.
Independent decisions can’t be taken wherever DK is associated.

Chart 1

Lag Ve Su Ra

Su Me 10:03:1985 ; 12:40 pm; Ju R

Bangalore Male;
D1 D9
Ve Mo Ma R

Ke Ju R Mo Ma R Ke Lag Me Sa R
Sa R

Sa R Su Ma R Ju R Ve Me Mo

Personality Analysis

In D1, there is no link between AK & AmK, therefore personality of native is unfulfilled as desire is
present but action or execution is absent. AK is retro therefore confirmation of desire is not seen or
there is conclusiveness. From lagna, AK Saturn and AmK Mercury are respectively are in 4 th & 9th
house, hence to life of native is comfortable. 4 th house is the house of sukha and 9 th house is the
house of bhagya, so no problem to lead a normal life.

In D1, AK is also conjoined with Moon, DK and BK Mars’s retro. As BK is retro, self efforts are not
focused. Efforts are a waste. As DK is also with AK, native finds some reprieve in wasting self efforts
and gets happiness. AK Saturn is retro so native does not listen to others suggestion, but because
of DK association native listens to DK.

Jupiter Retro, MK is associated with Sun AmK and Mercury GK therefore native is finding lot of
obstacles form mother father and maternal uncle or from family in general. As MK Jupiter is retro
native seeks happiness in an unconventional way. The association of MK with AmK makes the native
to look for happiness but because of GK native is finding happiness with hurdles or expected
happiness is not fulfilled.

Chara dada Analysis: AS Gemini is the lagna, 9 th house falls in apasavya house and hence order of
dasa is anti clockwise.

Gemini rasi: Lord is Mercury. In clockwise direction, 9 houses away. Age 0 – 8 years and period is
1982 – 1990. Rahu is in Gemini. AK BK & DK are aspecting Gemini. This menas native is active
during early age and is taken care of well by the parents and family. As BK is retro native was
hyperactive during this period.
Taurus rasi: Venus is the lord. In clockwise direction, 9 houses away. Age 8 – 16 years and period is
1990 – 1998. Venus PK and Jupiter retro are aspecting Taurus. This means native is not finding any
problem with primary education. But note PK is in 8 th house and Jupiter vidya karaka is aspecting the
rasi so with no many problems primary education is present for the native.

Aries rasi dasa: Lord is mars and is posited 6 houses away in clockwise direction. Age: 16 – 21 years
and period 1998 – 2003. Sun AmK and Mercury GK are aspecting the rasi, therefore native is having
problem with education during this period. From Sage Parashara method, Mercury being lagna & 4 th
lord along with 3rd lord Sun is in 9th house, the 4th house contains 2 retro planets, 5th house one retro
planet and hence education is not a straight forward path. $lord and 9 th lord have exchanged their
house therefore education is present with the native. As AmK is in 11 th house form dasa rasi, native
begins earning at the fag end of the rasi dasa.

Pisces rasi dasa: Jupiter is the lord and is 6 houses away in counter clockwise direction. Age: 21 – 26
years and period: 2003 – 2008. AK BK & DK are aspecting Pisces. AK & DK forms raja yoga and AmK
in the 12th house from Pieces gives native an opportunity to earn well in foreign.

Aquarius dasa: Saturn or Rahu is the lord and Saturn is stronger being AK. Age: 26 – 31 years and
period: 2008 – 2013. Sun AmK and Mercury Gk are posited in Aquarius, Jupiter retro MK is aspecting
the combination. The same combination continues even in D9 also. In D1, combination is 5 – 9
relation so with hurdles native completes higher education.

Capricorn dasa: Saturn is the lord and Saturn is 5 houses away in counter clockwise direction. Age:
31 – 35 years and period: 2013 – 2017.

Chart 2

Lag Me Ra Ma Ke Su Ra

26:06:1983 ; 02:26 pm; Ve Ve
Bangalore Male;
D1 D9
Su Mo Me

Ke Mo Ju Sa Sa Ma Ra Lag

Ve Me Mo Su Ju Sa Ma

In D1, Venus AK and Mercury AmK combination is forming raja yoga. Similarly, Venus AK & Jupiter PK
is forming raja yoga. At the 2nd level Mercury AmK & Jupiter PK is also forming raja yoga. The raja
yoga is not sustained in D9, so during rasi dasa involving Ak, AmK & PK some rise & fall or
fluctuations are seen.

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