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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


STUDENT ID : 10151669


ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Research the methods of dissemination of knowledge used

by the prophets. Draw a parallel between the methods of propagation used by Prophet
Ibrahim A.S, Prophet Musa A.S, Prophet Isa A.S and Prophet Muhammad(SAW).


Almighty God, for the purpose of blessing humanity and helping its growth, established a
path to reach the throne and approach Him, and established guides for that path. The divine
prophets are the same teachers who show the truth, who reveal the way to seekers of truth and
distinguish the way from evil. Of course, humans have different morals and temperaments;
therefore, several methods are required for their education and guidance. In this article, the
prophetic method of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) based on Nahl's verse 125, was investigated and
the verses were analyzed according to the methods of preaching, argument and controversy
because, according to the above verse, humans they are divided into three types of followers
of the truth, the evaders of the truth and the opponents of the truth. Therefore, the preacher
needs an appropriate promotional method to apply to each group. The results show that the
most important method of preaching used by Abraham (AS) is the demonstration presentation

The term method comes from Greek, metha and hodos. Metha means through or through,
while hodos means path or path (Arifin, 1987). Therefore, the method means the meaning of
the path or path that must be followed or passed to achieve certain objectives. In general, the
method is also defined as how to do something. It may be good or not, because some factors
can make a method good or not.. Education is a system, it has certain principles and
components that support the attainment of the goal of Islam Education.


Propagation is transmitting a message using appropriate and effective tools. Throughout

history, all schools of thought and people trying to get their message across to others have
used different methods and tools. Or Propagation means conveying a message and since the
mission of all divine prophets, particularly the holy prophet of Islam (S), was to bring
humanity from darkness to light, propagation is of significant importance as a means of
transmitting the message of God to His servants. Propagation methods in Islam can be
classified into three categories, eg. verbal (oral), written and practical, each having several
types. The verbal method includes speeches, lamentations, debates and commanding the good
and forbidding the bad and so on. The written method includes letters, written invitation, etc.
As for the practical method, it has different types that will be covered in our detailed answer.

Since the mission of Islam as the last and most perfect religion is an eternal and global
mission, the propagation and familiarization of people with divine law and knowledge, as well
as giving good news and alerting people are of great importance. This is because Islam is the
religion of orienteering and considers orientation to be extremely important. It is therefore
impossible to guide people unless they are familiar with the aims, knowledge and teachings of
Islam. Propagation methods in Islam can be classified into three categories, namely, verbal
propagation, written propagation and practical propagation:

1-Verbal propagation: This method is very diverse and includes speeches, sermons, calls to
prayer, supplications, recitation of the luminous verses of the holy Qur'an, carrying out
celebration programs on various auspicious occasions and mourning on serious occasions,
debates, ordering the good and forbidding the bad etc.
2-Propagation written through:

a) Verses of the Holy Quran:

The luminous verses of the holy Qur'an as a written work, which has always been available to
all humans, have a remarkable value in guiding humans in such a way that their role as a
guide, even today, leaves no room for doubt. As it is written: "The light and a clear Book of
Allah have come to you; with it Allah guides those who will follow His will to the paths of
safety and will bring them from total darkness to the light by His will and will guide them to
the right path. . "

b) Valuable traditions narrated by the holy Prophet (S) and his family (A.S).

c) Sending letters:

The sending of letters was considered by the holy prophet (S) from the first days of his
invitation. His letter to Najashi, the king of Ethiopia, is an example of this method of
propagation. After the Hudaibiya peace treaty and when it was guaranteed that the pagans
would not invade again, the holy prophet (S) implemented his idea of spreading beyond Hijaz
and summoned everyone to monotheism and the religion of Islam, sending envoys and letters
throughout part. This invitation lasted until his death. Great kings, Christian religious
authorities and famous tribal chiefs were the main recipients of these letters.

3-Practical propagation: Islam emphasized this method a lot. The holy Qur'an states, "What!
You order men to be good and to neglect their own souls." Elsewhere, it says, "O you who
believe! Why do you say what you do not do?"

Imam Sadiq (A) said: "Call people to justice by means other than their languages" . The holy
Prophet (S) and the Imams (A.S) benefited widely from this method of propagating and
promulgating Islam because the words of a propagator have an influence on others only
when he himself puts them into practice. . Furthermore, the ability of the holy Prophet (S) and
the Imams (A.S) to perform miraculous and extraordinary acts that other people are unable
to perform is another type of practical spread that has been tremendously effective in people's
tendency towards Islam.

The holy Qur'an encouraged sincere propagators who fear no one but God in its propagation
and says: "Those who convey the messages of Allah and fear Him, and fear no one but Allah;
and Allah is sufficient to take this into account. Quran 33:39.
The Islamic perspective of knowledge

The Islamic perspective of knowledge (‘ilm) is derived from the Qur'an, which is considered
the source from which a piece of knowledge about the existence of humanity (Rosenthal,
2007), both in this world and in the hereafter, is extracted. From this perspective, therefore,
and, of course, based on sound reasoning, the Qur'an serves as the essence of rational or
scientific knowledge, as well as religious knowledge in Islam.

Islamic knowledge is generally defined as the type of knowledge that is used for religious
discourse in Islam and for discovering and reflecting on the truth through the worship ritual (I.
Yusuf, 2012). However, with an emphasis on the Qur'an and Adith, this type of knowledge,
which is tawhidic, is considered the first priority in all types of beneficial knowledge and is
evaluated in the context of belief, morality and worship (Saeed, 2005) Consequently, it
expects it becomes the basis of the other branches of knowledge. The aim of Islamic
knowledge is to allow the Muslim student to understand the purpose of the creation and
existence of humanity through an ethical analysis of nature and how nature behaves.

After research we concluded that, the method used by the prophets in the transmission of
knowledge was a divine method and of great caution and patience.
Afandi, M. (1993). The method of Muslim learning as illustrated in Al-Zarnuji’s ta‘lim Al-
muta‘allim tariq al-ta‘allum. Montreal, Québec, Canada: McGill University.
Google Scholar

Tabari, Ibn Jarid, Tabari History, vol.2 p.882, Tahqiq Nukhbatun minal Ulama al-Ajella, al-
A'lami Institute, Beirut

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