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Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Al-Ikhlas Amberi

Mapel : Matematika

Nama :

Kelas/Semester :

No.HP/WA :


 Alphabet (Huruf)

A: /ei/ G: /jie/ M: /em/ T: /ti/ Z: /zi/

B: /bi/ H: /eic/ N: /en/ U: /yu/
C: /si/ I: /ai/ O: /ou/ V: /vi/
D: /di/ J: /jei/ P: /pi/ W: /dabelyuw/
E: /i/ K: /kei/ Q: /kyuw/ X: /eks/
F: /ef/ L: /el/ R: /ar/ Y: /wai/

 Numbers (Angka)

1 : one 11 : eleven 21 : twenty one

2 : two 12 : twelve 30 : thirty
3 : three 13 : thirteen 40 : forty
4 : four 14 : fourteen 50 : fifty
5 : five 15 : fifteen 60 : sixty
6 : six 16 : sixteen 70 : seventy
7 : seven 17 : seventeen 80 : eighty
8 : eight 18 : eighteen 90 : ninety
9 : nine 19 : nineteen 100 : one hundred
10 : ten 20 : twenty 1000 : one thousand
24 : ____________ 52 : ____________
36 : ____________ 69 : ____________
77 : ____________ 83 : ____________

 Days (Nama Hari)

Monday : Senin Thursday : Kamis Sunday : Minggu
Tuesday : Selasa Friday : Jumat

Wednesday : Rabu Saturday : Sabtu

 Months (Bulan)
1. January : Januari 7. July : Juli
2. February : Februari 8. August : Agustus
3. March : Maret 9. September : September
4. April : April 10. October : Oktober
5. May : Mei 11. November : November

6. June : Juni 12. December : Desember

 Colors (Warna)
Merah : Red Hitam : Black
Kuning : Yellow Putih : White
Hijau : Green Jingga : Orange
Biru : Blue Merah Muda : Pink

Ungu : Purple Coklat : Brown

 Classroom objects (Benda-benda di kelas)
Teacher : Guru Eraser : Penghapus
Student : Siswa Marker : Spidol
White board : Papan tulis putih Ruler : Penggaris
Desk : Meja belajar Pencil : Pensil
Chair : Kursi bag : Tas
Book : Buku uniform : Pakaian Seragam
Pen : Pulpen shoes : Sepatu

 Subject pronouns (Kata ganti subjek)

I : Saya He : Dia (laki-laki)
You: Kamu She : Dia (perempuan)
We : Kami It : Itu (benda mati, binatang, nama tempat yang hanya 1)

They : Mereka
 Classroom Commands (Ungkapan Perintah di kelas)
Stand up, please! : Berdiri!
Greet to our teacher! : Beri salam kepada guru!
Sit down, please! : Duduk!
Let’s pray together! : Mari berdoa bersama!
Open your book : Buka bukumu
Close your book : Tutup bukumu
Raise your hands : Angkat tanganmu
Read : Baca
Write : Tulis
Listen : Dengar
Repeat : Ulangi

Speak : Bicara
 Permissions (Izin)
Can I borrow your pen, please? : Bisakah saya meminjam pulpenmu?
Can I go to the toilet, please? : Bisakah saya ke toilet?

Can I go out for a moment? : Bisakah saya keluar sebentar saja?

 Question Words (Kata Tanya)
What : Apa
Who : Siapa
When : Kapan
Where : Di mana
Why : Mengapa
How : Berapa/ Bagaimana

Useful Expressions:
 Hi
 Hello
 Good morning
 Good afternoon
 Good evening
 Good night
 How are you?
 How do you do?

What’s your name? My name is …..

What’s your full name? My full name is …..
What are you? I am a ……
How old are you? I am …… years old.
Where do you live? / What’s your address? I live on …..
Where are you from? I am from ……

 Self Introduction

Situation 1: Dini is greeting Yuli in the morning and ryan is greeting Yuli.
Dini : Good morning, Yuli.
Yuli : Good morning, Dini.
Ryan : How are you?
Yuli : I’m fine,thanks. And you?
Ryan : I’m fine too.

Situation 2: Mr. Firman is greeting Irma, the new student.

Mr. Firman : Good morning.
Irma : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Firman : How do you do?
Irma : How do you do?
Mr. Firman : What’s your name?
Irma : My name is Irma.

Listen to the teacher. Then, practice the dialog with your friend.
Mrs. Mary : What’s your name?
Erni : My name is Erni Dwiyanti.
Mrs. Mary : Where were you born?
Erni : I was born in Makassar.
Mrs. Mary : When?
Erni : On December 10, 1999.
Mrs. Mary : What’s your address?
Erni : My address is on Jalan Melati No. 21
Mrs. Mary : What’s your phone number?
Erni : It’s 82956881
Mrs. Mary : Are you in the first year at school?
Erni : Yes, I am.

Answer the questions orally!
1. What’s your name?
2. What’s your full name?
3. What are you?
4. How old are you?
5. Where do you live? Or what’s your address?
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!

Hi, my name is Dewi. My full name is Dewi Permata Nasution. I am 12 years old. I am a student at SMP
Athirah. I live on Jalan Veteran Selatan No.48 Makassar.
I have a close friend. Her name is Lina. Her complete name is Herlina Safira. She is 13 years old. She is a
student too.isHer
1. What the address is on jalan Macan No. 32 Makassar.
writer’s name?
1. Is Dewi a teacher?
2. Where does she live?
3. Who is Lina?
4. How old is Lina?
5. Is she a student?
6. Where does Herlina live?

Complete the paragraph to introduce your self.
My name is ___________________. I’m ____ years old. I’m from ________________. I live in
_________________. I study at _______________. I’m on the ___________ grade. My hobby is ____________.

Complete the chart below with your own information and your friend’s.

About you About your friend

Name : ……………………………………………….. Name : ………………………………………………..
Address : ……………………………………………….. Address : ………………………………………………..
Phone Number : ……………………………………………….. Phone Number : ………………………………………………..
Place of Birth : ……………………………………………….. Place of Birth : ………………………………………………..
Date of Birth : ……………………………………………….. Date of Birth : ………………………………………………..
School : ……………………………………………….. School : ………………………………………………..
Grade : ……………………………………………….. Grade : ………………………………………………..

 Introducing People
Listen carefully and repeat three or four times. Listen to the rising and falling intonation.
1. Are you Indonesian? 6. Are they new students?
2. Can you spell your name? 7. What is it?
3. Are they Chinese? 8. What day is it?
4. Is she Anita? 9. How about you?
5. Is he Arman? 10. What day is it tomorrow?

Listen to the monologue and answer these questions!

1. What’s her name?
2. How old is she?
3. Where is she from?
4. Is she happy study in her school?

Listen and practice the conversation.
Rani : Hi, Tita. This is my friend, Ayu from Bali.
Tita : Hi ayu. My name is Tita. Nice to meet you.
Ayu : Nice to meet you too.
Tita : Welcome to Makassar.
Ayu : Thanks.


 Headmaster * Laboratory * Lavatory
 Teacher * Yard * Ware House
 Librarian * Canteen * Flag
 Classroom * Teachers’ Room
 Library * Office
 Reading
Read the text carefully.
Aldo’s School
My name is Aldo. I want to tell you about my school and my classroom. I go to SMP 140. My school has six
classrooms, one library, two laboratories, two yards, one canteen, and one teacher’s room, one office, two lavatories,
and one warehouse.
My classroom is between Ari’s classroom and Rina’s classroom. The library is in front of the computer
laboratory. The lavatories are behind the classrooms. The lavatories are beside the warehouse.
There are two yards in my school. One is in front of my classroom, and the other is in front of the school garden,
next to the canteen.
Answer these questions.
1. What school does he go to?
2. How many classrooms does Aldo’s school have?
3. Where are the yards?
Write T for true sentences and write F for false sentences
Statements T or F
1. The school has six classroomsand six another rooms are beside the lavatories and ware …
2. Aldo’s classroom is in the middle …
3. There is one yard in Aldo’s Schoool. …

Read and study the announcement at school below.

Assignment for VII grade students
Go to the library and borrow an English magazine. Find an article on school life and write a
summary. Submit it next week.
See Ms. Mary in the teacher’s room for further information.
Ms. Mary

 Listening
Study these prepositions of place
In front of : di depan Behind : di belakang
Beside/ next to : di samping On the corner of : di sudut dari
Under : di bawah Above : dia atas
On : di atas Between : di antara

Listen to your teacher and do the commands

Example : Put the pencil in your bag

Look at the picture!

Where is the aquarium?
It is on the shelf

Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of place!

1. The cat is …………….the sofa.
2. The radio is …………….the table.
3. The books are ……………the shelf.
4. The clock is ……………..the picture.
5. The glasses are ……………the bottle.

 Speaking
Ask your friend whether he/she can lend you the stationary that he/ she have.
1. Student 1 : May I borrow your ruler?
Student 2 : Of course, here it is.
Student 1 : Thank you.
Student 2 : You’re welcome
2. Student 1 : Can you lend me a pencil?
Student 2 : I’m sorry. I’m using it, but Lina has two.
Student 1 : Can you lend me, Lina?
Lina : Of course. Here it is.
Student 1 : …………….
Lina : …………….

 Writing
Now, write down what your friends bring to the classroom in the following table.
Your Friend’s Name Things He/She Bring to the Classroom

 Grammar Focus
Penggunaan This is/ That is (singular)
These are/ Those are (plural)

This is ini adalah That is itu adalah

These are (hanya 1 benda) Those are (lebih dari 1 benda)

This is a chair That is a flag

These are books Those are shoes

Translate these sentences into English!

1. Ini adalah sebuah pensil. : ________________________________________.
2. Itu adalah meja-meja. : ________________________________________.
3. Itu adalah sebuah mobil merah.: ________________________________________.
4. Ini adalah spidol-spidol. : ________________________________________.
5. Itu adalah sebuah boneka. : ________________________________________.


 Listening
Look at to the picture and listen to your teacher. Point or touch part of your body that is mentioned.

Find the meaning of these words on your dictionary!

1. Head 13. Body 25. Back
2. Hair 14. Shoulder 26. Waist
3. Forehead 15. Chest 27. Hip
4. Eyebrow 16. Arm 28. Bottom
5. Eyes 17. Armpit 29. Leg
6. Nose 18. Elbow 30. Thigh
7. Ear 19. Wrist 31. Knee
8. Cheek 20. Hand 32. Ankle
9. Mouth 21. Finger 33. Foot
10. Lip 22. Nail 34. Heel
11. Tooth 23. Stomach
12. Neck 24. Belly

 Speaking
Listen and Practice the dialogue!
Teacher : Is Rany ugly, Ihsan?
Ihsan : No, she isn’t. She is beautiful.
Teacher : Is she slim, Roy?
Roy : Yes, she is slim.
Teacher : Does Rani have wavy hair, Ihsan?
Ihsan : No, she doesn’t. She has long straight hair.
Teacher : How is she?
Roy : She is very kind.
Teacher : Excellent. Ihsan and Roy are clever students.

Learn about this one!

Rudi : What time is it?

Wati : It’s nine o’clock

Past/ after = Lewat

To/before = kurang/ sebelum
A quarter = ¼ jam (15 menit)
A half = ½ jam (30 menit)

09. 15 : It’s a quarter past nine 09.35 : It’s twenty five to ten
09. 20 : It’s twenty past nine 09.45 : It’s a quarter to ten
09.30 : It’s a half past nine 09.50 : It’s ten to ten

What time is it?

02. 00 : It’s … 07. 45 : ……..
11.15 : …….. 10. 55 : ……..
04. 30 : ……..

 Reading
Study these words below.
Tall : tinggi pointed nose : hidung mancung
Short : pendek flat nose : hidung pesek
Fat : gemuk white skin : kulit putih
Slim : langsing dark skin : kulit gelap
Long : panjang straight hair : rambut lurus
Old : tua wavy hair : rambut berombak
Young : muda curly hair : rambut keriting
Beautiful : cantik
Handsome : tampan

Physical Appearance
Ari is a tall boy. His friend, Indra is short. Andi is a fat boy. He is Ari’s friend, too. Ari is very kind. He is a good
boy, so his friensd like him very much.
Anita is a pretty girl. She is Ari’s sister. She has long hair. She is very kind, too. Anita always helps her
grandmother. Anita has a friend. Her name is Ratna. She has short wavy hair and she is a slim girl.

Write TRUE or FALSE based on the text!

1. Ari is a tall boy …….
2. Andi is a thin boy. …….
3. Anita is a pretty girl. …….
4. Ratna has long wavy hair. …….
5. Anita is a slim girl. …….
6. Ratna is Anita’s Friend. …….

 Writing
Look at the picture carefully and describe about the picture

Luna Maya is a famous Indonesian actress. She is very tall. She is pretty.
She has long straight hair. She also has a sharp nose and white skin. Her
eyes are beautiful. I like her very much.
Ucok Baba…………………………………………………..

 Grammar Focus
Possesive Adjective
Subject Pronouns Possesive Adjectives Examples:
- I My That is my house = itu adalah rumah saya
You Your
- We Our These are her pens = itu adalah pulpen-
They Their Pulpennya (dia perempuan).
He His
She Her
It Its



room Kitchen


 Listening
Look at these words below. Then, listen and repeat to your teacher.
- Gate : Pagar/gerbang - Bathroom : Kamar mandi
- Yard : Halaman - Dining room : Ruangan makan
- Door : Pintu - Kitchen : Dapur
- Window : Jendela - Stairs : Tangga
- Living room : Ruang tamu - Garage : Garasi
- Bedroom : Kamar tidur - Basement : Lantai dasar

 Speaking
Read the dialogue and practice it with your classmates.
Amanda is looking for his brother Azis. She is shouting.
Amanda : Where are you, Azis?
Azis : I’m in the living room.
Amanda : What are you doing?
Azis : I’m watching TV.
Amanda : Oh, do you know where mom is? She isn’t in her bedroom.
Azis : She is in the kitchen. She is cooking for dinner.
 Reading
Read the text and answer the questions.
My name is Julia Handoko. I have one son. My husband works in an oil Company ad my son is in junior high
school. We live in a big house. The color of our house is green and white. The house has a beautiful gate. The front door
is very big. The house has five windows. The garage is next to the house.
Our house has one living room, one kitchen, two bathrooms, and three bedrooms. We only have two televisions,
three beds, two sofas, one stove, one computer, and one refrigerator. We love staying there because our neighbors are
very friendly.
1. Where does Mrs. Handoko’s husband work?
2. What are the colors of their house?
3. How many windows are there in the house?
4. Where is the garage?
5. Do they have one television?

 Writing
Draw your house and write about your house on a sheet of paper!

 Grammar Focus
There is/ There are


There is : hanya terdapat satu benda

There are : terdapat lebih dari satu benda

 There is a cupboard in the bedroom = Ada sebuah lemari di dalam kamar tidur
 There are ten plates in the kitchen = Ada sepuluh piring di dapur.
 There is one pillow on the bed = Ada satu bantal di atas tempat tidur.
 There are many chairs in the dining room = Ada banyak kursi di ruangan makan.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ada sebuah lukisan di dalam ruang tamu. : _____________________________________.
2. Ada dua motor di dalam garasi. : _____________________________________.
3. Ada banyak bunga di halaman. : _____________________________________.
4. Ada sebuah kompor di dalam dapur : _____________________________________.
5. Ada lima gelas di atas rak di dalam dapur. : _____________________________________.



 Listening
Look at these words. Then listen and repeat after your teacher.
Grandparents Son Grand daughter
Grand father Daughter Husband
Grand mother Uncle Wife
Parents Aunt
Father Cousin
Mother Nephew
Brother Niece
Sister Grand son

 Speaking
Answer the questions orally!
1. Do you have brothers? Do you have sisters?
2. How many brothers do you have?
3. How many sisters do you have?
4. Where does your brother or sister go to school?
5. Where are you in your family?

 Reading
Read the text below!
The Wijayas
Mr. and Mrs. Wijaya have two children, Arman and Irma. Arman married to Mary, and Irma married to Robby.
Mary is Arman’s wife and Robby is Irma’s husband. Mr. Arman has two children. They are Andri and Sisca. Mr. and
Mrs. Robby have one son. His name is Firman
Mr. Arman is a doctor and his wife is a dentist. Their children are elementary school students. Mr. Robby is a
lawyer and Mrs. Robby is a housewife. Firman is a kindergarten student.

Find out words in the text that have these Indonesian equivalents!
1. Suami Irma : …………………..
2. Istri Arman : …………………..
3. Seorang anak laik-laki : …………………..
4. Ibu rumah tangga : …………………..
5. Seorang pengacara : …………………..

 Writing
Look at to the family tree!

Mr. Rudi Mrs. Ana

Mr. Budi Mrs. Anita Amanda Mr. Ryan Mrs. Mona

Bima Dina Saras Mita Maya

1. Mrs. Anita is Mr. Rudi’s daughter

2. Dina is Bima’s sister
3. Mita is Saras’……………………….
4. Mrs. Ana is Amanda’s ……………………….
5. Mr. Ryan is Dina’s ………………………
6. Mita is Mrs. Anita’s………………………….

7. Maya is Mita’s …………………………….

8. Mr. Budi is Mrs. Anita’s …………………………
9. Mrs. Mona is Mr. Ryan …………………………..
10. Mr. Rudi and Mrs. Ana are Amanda’s ……………………….
11. Bima is Mr. Ryan’s ………………………….
12. Bima is Saras’ ………………………….
13. Maya is Mr. Rudi’s ………………………….
14. Mr. Rudi and Mrs. Ana are Bima’s, Dina’s Saras’, Mita’s, and Maya’s ………………………………
15. Amanda is Maya’s …………………………..

 Writing
Match the question with the correct answer.
Questions Answers
Your brother’s father is your … Nephew
Your brother’s sister is your… Uncle
Your mother’s father is your … Father
Your uncle’s son is your … Grandfather
Your father’s brother is your … Sister
Your mother’s sister is your … Cousin
Your brother’s son is your … Aunt

 Grammar Focus
Have / Has
I He
You have She has
We It

For Example:
+ I have two sisters + Joni has a niece.
- I don’t have two sisters. - Joni doesn’t have any niece.
? Do you have two sisters? ? Does Joni have any niece?
Yes, I do Yes, he does
No, I don’t No, he doesn’t

‘Any’ hanya digunakan pada kalimat negative dan introgatif (tanya).



 Listening
Listen and repeat about the types of jobs below:
Teacher Pilot Mechanic
Doctor Stewardess Photographer
Dentist Waiter Fisherman
Nurse Cook Salesperson
Farmer Reporter Businessman
Carpenter Librarian Civil servant
Postman Architect Actress/actor
Policeman Driver Tailor
Soldier Hairdresser Sailorman
Firefighter Secretary Lawyer
Butcher Barber

 Speaking
Practice to pronoun this following dialogue.
Sofia : What is your father, Tio?
Tio : He is a farmer. We plant rice and corn. We have three squares. One is for corn and
the others are for rice. And your father?
Sofia : My father is an architect. What is Bima’s father?
Tio : He is a firefighter. He fights the fire.

Fauzan : Where does your father work?

Wahid : He works at school.
Fauzan : Is your father a teacher?
Wahid : No, he isn’t. He is a librarian. How about your father?
Fauzan : He is a doctor. He works at a hospital.

 Reading
Read the text and answer the questions.
Mr. Ardi is a becak driver in Makassar. He is 45 years old. Everyday he parks his becak in front of Pasar Terong.
He hopes he can find more people who want to go by his becak. When he goes home in the afternoon, he usually
earns Rp. 30.000.
1. Who is Mr. Ardi?
2. How old is he?
3. Where does he usually park his becak?
4. Why does he like to wait in Pasar Terong?
5. How much does he usually earn everyday?

 Writing
Match the profession on the left with the workplaces on the right.
a. Carpenter 1. A person who flies an airplane is a …..
b. Photographer 2. A person who sets electric system is an …..
c. Stewardess 3. A person who takes pictures is a …..
d. Driver 4. A person who drives for someone else is a …..
e. Pilot 5. A person who answer the phone and receives guests in a hotel or in
an office is a …..
f. Electrician 6. A person who serves passenger on a flight is a …..
g. Tailor 7. A person who makes furniture is a …..
h. Receptionist 8. A person who makes our shirts or our dresses is a …..

What kind of jobs these people have.

1. Her name is Indiana. She works at school. She has so many students. She uses chalk to write on the blackboard.
Indiana is a …..
2. He is Brian. He uses knife to make his work easy to do. People come to his place to buy meat. Brian is a ….
3. Her name is Melanie. She uses gun and handcuffs to do her works. If there is a bad guy, she will chase him and
put him in jail. Melanie is a …..
4. Ian always takes care of bad tooth. He checks or fixes people’s teeth. Ian is a …..
5. Miss Anne works in the hospital. Believe it or not, the doctors need her in doing their jobs. People say she is the
doctor’s assistant. Anne is a ….
6. Pat’s job is very fun. Everyday he rides .his bicycle around the city just to deliver letter. Pat is a …..
7. Lucy works in the kitchen. She makes delicious food for the restaurant guests. Lucy is a …..



 Listening

Listen to your teacher and fill in the missing words in the dialogue.
Alif : Hello, Maya! How …
Maya : I am ….. How ……you, Alif?
Alif : I am fine too. You look so …….lately.
Maya : Yes, I am. I have so many works to do. But it finished up yesterday.
Alif : So, you are ….. busy anymore, are you?
Maya : No, I’m not.
Alif : What are you …..tomorrow?
Maya : I’m ….doing…………. why?
Alif : Would you ….to see “Spiderman 3”?
Maya : I’d love to. What time …….the movie start?
Alif : At 4 p.m.
Maya : Okay. … tomorrow.

 Speaking
Read the passage outloud. Try to pronounce it well.
I like going to Sentosa. It is a place in Singapore. It is a lot of fun. I like the underwater world best. There are all
kinds of fishes.
You can get to Sentosa by ferry. You get on the ferry at the World Trade Center. You can go by cable car too.
You can see all over Singapore from the cable car.
I hope to visit Turtle Island next.

 Writing

Translate the passage above into Indonesian!


Language Spotlight
Inviting and responding to someone
 Inviting
Use “Would youlike…..”
- Would you like to have dinner wih me?
- Would you like go to the cinema with me?
- Would you like to play basketball with us?

 Responding
Positive Negative
I’d love to. I’d love to,but…..

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