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because I mention the different four

bodies from time to time, I felt it

necessary to explain for readers not
yet aware of the multiple energy
bodies a human has.
The Four Bodies
Many of you will be aware of the fact, that you have at least four
energy bodies. I will focus on these four as there are many great
already written on this subject that take it way beyond the four.
The four main bodies we will touch
upon here are:
The Physical body
The Emotional body
The Mental body
The Spiritual body
Everyone on the planet is aware of the physical body because that is
one that you can physically see and experience. The physical body is
also the last line of defense where our negative thoughts and
manifest into illnesses if left untreated.
But what if the medical world understood the importance of the
Emotional and Mental bodies? How many illnesses could be
or certainly prevented from expanding by concentrating on these
Taking it a step further, the spiritual body has also begun to play a
role in healing the other three bodies. Hypnotic regression therapy is
working what might be perceived as to be miracles.
In the near future it will be proven that all illnesses begin with a
thought -
or in other words - in the head. There is already far reaching research
being done to prove this fact. (The mental body) Do some research
the placebo effect, you will find that proof.
It will be understood that the emotional body is an essential part of
make up for preventing illnesses from reaching the last line of
the physical body.
Imagine with me for a moment that it would be widely understood
by the
masses that illness will no longer be necessary. Oh yes! I understand
that at the moment to those who are suffering, this seems a far
idea, but I dare to guarantee you that with the integration of this
knowledge, you will no longer need to suffer illness.
It will take a massive shift in consciousness and there is “hope”.
Because that shift in consciousness is already taking place. If you look
the right places you will see that it is already happening.
The Value of self!
This parable was written with the
purpose of stimulating thought about
how one perceives “self”.
Would that be through the eyes of
Or have you reached the stage of
awareness that you are more concerned
with the day to day expansion of self
through observing self?
The Value Of Self
In this parable, I wish to place some examples of my past thinking
processing and blockages with myself - or others around me. It is
expressly with the purpose of a sharing of thoughts and experiences
if it is perceived to be confrontational, then truthfully, I have
achieved my
goal with it. You are looking at SELF.
The Outer Value
Allow me to begin with examples of what I will term the outer value
the purpose of this sharing.
While being present at a workshop a very dear friend of mine shared
me an example of how one makes choices in life. Two ladies had
begged her to allow them to be at a particular workshop to see if she
could find a way of getting them in for FREE. The week long
could certainly have been perceived to be expensive. After a great
of emailing back and forward it was eventually decided that they
be allowed to participate at no cost. This of course, felt good for all
parties concerned.
One day during the workshop, my friend happened to be walking
these ladies who were describing in great detail, a holiday that they
just returned from. I will spare you the emotions and feelings that
friend went through at that moment and leave them up to your own
imagination. The point being, these ladies had been faced with a
of going on holiday or taking the workshop. Through manipulation of
caring people, they had found a way to do both. It is not my
intention to
judge here, nor will I. I will leave it up to you, what lessons are being
shared here.
Another example:
Because of my personal experiences of providing workshops in the
I now have a totally different outlook and respect for Americans who
attend workshops. They think nothing of traveling many hours -
sometimes a day or more to be present at a workshop they feel will
assist them in their journey.
Those who have experienced the American highways will know that
it is
totally different to Europe. The highways in the US are often very
and on long trips you might not see another vehicle for miles. Here in
Europe for instance, it is almost always bumper to bumper and you
travel from one end of the country to the other within a few short
God forbid that it takes more than an hour to drive anywhere to take
class, seminar or workshop. Two different countries, cultures and
Investment In What Others Think Of You
Allow me to place another example in front of you. How often do we
out and spend a great deal of money on shoes, clothes, holidays etc,
only to ask ourselves, “Can I afford this?”
Then, regardless of the answer, we buy them anyway. I am not
that this is a bad thing, because if you understand how the flow of
universal abundance works, it can be a very good thing. What I am
wondering here is, what is the motivation behind this type of
Do we do it to make ourselves feel good? To look good (for ourselves
others)? Or perhaps we care more about what others think of us and
how they perceive us to be.
The Inner Value - Investment In Self
If you are still with me, I thank you for your perseverance! I did say
there was a higher purpose to me writing in this manner. Yes it was
meant to be provocative. Why? Quite simply because I knew what
coming at the end, and I know that those who get to the end will
that there are always more ways of looking at things. I am merely
another way of looking at things in front of you.
When we are willing to look at the distances traveled, or the extra
we saved, for instance, as an investment in ourselves, our
change from one of lack (not enough time nor money) to one of self
worth (I am worth the time and money!). I often travel eight hours or
more to provide a workshop while in the USA. I have found that the
traveling time, especially if with a wonderful companion, can be of as
much value as the seminar itself!
My point is this, that when we spend the time and money on our
journey, taking the time to nourish our inner selves-our souls, we are
investing in ourselves in a way which brings satisfaction and
fulfillment -
something that shoes and clothes never could. It lasts the rest of our
lifetimes. Now answer me this question in all truth - Which contains
most value if you look at it this way?
Let me take it just a little bit further. The value of inner self is also
important with regards to what we call “flow”. As we are in the flow,
energy is at a higher vibrational rate and that in its self has an effect
all those around us and extends even far beyond to the whole of the
collective consciousness. Being in the flow also contains all aspects of
energy - which includes financial abundance.
NOTE: When we are in the state of “flow” we often find that our
visualizations and manifestations are more rapidly created.
Allow me to ask the question again. Which contains the most value if
look at it this way? The outer value, or the inner value?
Negatives To Positives
In this parable I have placed some
examples of how one perceives in
duality more often that not from the
negative perspective.
I have also added statements that
would offer insight into how it may
have been otherwise perceived.
Negatives To Positives
The strangest thing about us human beings - at least the largest
percentage of us - is that we tend to look more to the negative side
things than the positive. I will share a little later on my perception on
this is. Lets first enjoy a few examples.
During a discussion with another dear friend I felt my OPOM’s
me to be alert and listen to what she was saying and how. I have to
before hand, that this lady is quite a happy person and lives her life
according to her own rules. Even her boyfriend is absolutely
to this first rule. I know her as a person that does indeed, for the
part, stand in her power, lives her passion and walks/talks her truth,
and I
love her dearly.
She is very much into the animal realms, perhaps even more so than
relates to humans. We both feel and agree that her future career will
very much involved with animals. This does not mean that she
relate to humans, she absolutely does. She sings every weekend in a
band and is extremely happy with that life. During the week she
nights as a receptionist and is very content with that for the time
What really first caught my attention was a story she shared about
she works. It is a building with a ground floor, a first floor, and then
apartments above.
It so happened that one of the people living in the apartments above
recently passed on and was laying in state on the ground floor. My
knew this and thought it would not bother her as she came to work
night on the first floor. As she passed the room where this person
laid out, she could not help but look. As quickly as possible she
past the door and on up to the first level to where she worked. The
couple of hours wasn’t too bad because she could still hear
from the apartments above. As the movement above quietened
her mind started to play tricks on her. She called a girlfriend of hers,
which wasn’t all that unusual as they often talk together at nights.
was unusual was what happened a short while later. As my friend
discussing what she felt was going on, her friend suddenly started to
a clear presence in her home. This definitely spooked her and she
very happy about it she asked what she should do. My friend
very calm and offered the suggestion that they both concentrate on
bringing this entity/energy to the light.
As my friend was telling me this I was getting the clear impression
the entity that was there was not there with any negative intentions.
had happened here was that in their haste and their natural leaning
towards the negative they had automatically assumed that this
entity was
one with malevolent intentions.
If they had taken just a moment to calm down, to take a few deep
breaths and look at what actually was happening, or to perhaps look
the duality (negative-positive) energies within the situation, they
have attempted to communicate with this entity. Fear was clearly
predominant emotion in this situation. Perhaps they might have
found out why the entity was there and appearing to them in that
As I placed this suggestion in front of her she realized indeed how
had handled this situation. As we discussed this further, she became
aware that there had been an opportunity offered to share
from the other side. It might well have been an entity that had been
so that a message could be relayed to the family members of the
recently deceased. Perhaps offering comfort or pre-agreed
There is no judgement of my friend here, nor did she feel it that way.
was simply an experience that was placed in front of them so that
could become aware of how they react to many situations in their
lives as
so many of us do. Because they are now both aware of that, they
now both become more open to viewing situations from two
perspectives and not just jumping in and acting upon their first
Both agree that this was a valuable lesson and changed their lives
much for the positive.
As for my friend, I feel that it was a lesson that will lead her to her
passion - working with animals. She has been moving towards this
some time, yet something was blocking the flow of the creation of
that. It
will be interesting to follow her choices and manifestations now that
has become aware of the blockages that she herself, had been
through her programmed reactions.
Recently we hosted a live event. We called it “Day of Awareness”. It
because of this event that I became so very much more aware that
are so many out there in the world who are searching for answers.
Answers to their daily challenges, answers to the reasons why some
successful and others are not. What became very much apparent
my own sharing of the “7 Steps to manifesting your hearts desires”
the way that so many seem to look at what life places in front of
them. I
was somewhat shocked and amazed at the results of many of the
questions asked. Amazed that so many seem to prefer to look at
experiences from a negative or lower vibrational point of view.
An example is, for instance, meeting and paying your monthly bills.
many of you see that still as a source of worry? How many curse
as they fall through the letterbox? I offer an alternative with these
thoughts and at the same time a challenge. I challenge you, dare you
even, to look at them in a different light. As they fall through the
thank yourself and the universe that you are able to meet them each
every month. Put that out to the universe* with a true feeling of
and joy. I know the results of this one already. Have no doubt in your
mind that things will change simply by changing your energy thought
Here is another example. Health issues. I know I am about to broach
subject that affects so many on this planet right now, and I will share
simple sentence that will assist you to change the energy patterns of
health within your bodies. “I AM a healthy, wealthy, happy being.”
Making this statement every single morning will change your life. The
important part of the sentence here is the first two words.
Everything that
follows those two first words are manifested as they are heard by
every cell and the universe. Think about the words you allow to
them. Example: I AM feeling under the weather today. I Am full of a
I am poorly.
Lets take a look at how we can change those to positive statements -
even if we are indeed, going through the symptoms. A simple one of
course would be, 'I am well'.
To take this a step further - 'I bless this experience for the much
rest it provides me. I understand that my body required it at this
in my journey. I thank my body and the universe for the lessons
from this experience'. (I know it is a bit long winded, I felt that this
had to be expanded upon for a broader understanding). What you
just done in the changing of the statement is move from the role of
to the role of empowered being.
Another example I would like to present to you: 'I am poor'. 'I am
struggling to make ends meet'. Yet again, in this statement you are
putting something out to the universe I am pretty sure you are not
consciously wishing to create? Lets create a different energy by using
some small changes.
I have enough to meet my needs. Or, perhaps, I am happy that I am
always able to make ends meet.
Do you see the difference in the two statements? Although the
circumstances might not have changed from what they were, you
indeed created an energy that is not in the victim role. You have
moved it
up a level to one of empowerment.
I can feel you asking, "How do I take this up yet another level?" Well,
it is
quite simple really. You simply change the words to even more
empowering ones. For instance: 'I am blessed to have created all I
require and more'. By using words like these, you are putting out to
universe that you have already received whatever you require. The
result is that YOU have created it. You are definitely no longer in the
of lack or victim. You have changed the energies from negative to
Now I hear you asking, "Is it really that simple Ian?" It is if you do not
allow your thought patterns or your words to slip back into the
This does take some practice in the beginning, because it means you
constantly monitoring your thoughts. The good news is, after a
while, it
becomes second nature. You have successfully changed your path
victim to empowered being. You have changed your thought
from that of constantly negative to continually positive.
* Universe. I chose to use the word “Universe” to allow for your
choice in
the energy pattern you believe in. Be it GOD, Allah, Angels, guides
At the end of the book I will go even deeper into the perception of
Universe or Universal as opposed to whichever other name one
to use for the powers that be.
Negatives expanded.
Even while we are still in the womb we are already receiving
of how the world is on the outside.
Most pregnancies will be pleasant ones and the situations
the mother will mostly be peaceful and a time of joy. However, there
at times, circumstances that the growing child within will experience.
Shock through the mother from loud noises - a car honking it's horn,
some kind of siren or alarm. Perhaps emotional shocks such as an
argument within the relationship or the death of a loved one. The
within, will experience these things and feel through the mother's
emotions, that it is not pleasant.
There are of course, worse scenarios, but that would not serve the
purpose of this parable. I feel that from the perspective of inside the
womb, enough examples have been shared.
Let us take it a step further to the birth of the child. This is a
experience for the child in general as it is being squeezed through a
narrow channel - for a natural birth. For a caesarian, the child is
pulled -
sometimes by cold, hard instruments - into the cold air. Being
out into a strange environment, all of a sudden being required to
take its
first breath for itself can be very shocking and traumatic for the
Why Do We Often Choose To Perceive
Things In A Negative Light?
In this parable it is my intention to place
some examples in front of you, so that
you can consciously begin to make
different choices from a new place of
As the baby begins to grow, and starts to discover this new world
through crawling, it will all of a sudden begin to hear the words 'No'
'Don't' all the time.. Here we are again at another example of
No judgment here, this is the way most of us were brought into the
and went through the process of growing up. It is also the way many
us raised our own children, as this is how we were taught from our
parents. We didn’t know any different, it has been passed down to
from generation to generation. It is the accepted norm.
Once the child goes to kindergarten or school it will be faced
with rules which are often full of 'No', 'Don't', 'can't', 'should' and
'shouldn't'. This is the way that society begins to shape and control
Even just with these few examples is it any wonder that throughout
lives we are generally programmed towards the negatives.
Of course much of it depends on how awakened parents are to the
that we do live in a world of duality. Parents might choose for
instead of saying 'no', to providing an explanation as to why the child
may choose to do something differently. No matter how young the
is, this will give them a conscious choice as to whether or not to do
certain things.
An example perhaps, as a child reaches out for a hot cup of coffee,
stating that it is hot and holding the child's hand close to the cup, the

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