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Types of Biodiversity
Biodiversity usually makes our planet beautiful, keeps the planet
balanced, and helps it to function accordingly. In particular,
biodiversity refers to the variability of life on Earth. As there are
different types of biodiversity, perhaps the greatest value of
biodiversity is yet unknown. Many of the Earth's biodiversity is
disappearing at an increasingly alarming rate, even before we
know what is missing. However, scientists and researchers
worldwide are working on finding the actual cause and eliminating
or slowing down the loss rate.

Here, we are discussing the different types of biodiversity and

their details. Before discussing the various biodiversity types, let
us first get a quick overview of biodiversity with its definition and
understand its importance.

Types of Biodiversity
There are three essential types of biodiversity, which are listed

Species Biodiversity

Genetic Biodiversity

Ecological Biodiversity
Let us discuss each in detail:

What is Species Diversity?

The species' diversity refers to a group of similar organisms that
typically mate to produce offspring. They commonly share the
same lineage. Species diversity is the most basic classification
unit and includes all species ranging from plants to various
microorganisms. Additionally, two different individuals from the
same species group are also not exactly similar; they have
diversity. For instance, two other human beings are not the
same. Apart from this, people situated in entirely different
regions have a significant level of diversity.

As species diversity is seen in natural and agricultural ecosystems, the

total numbers of different species of plants and animals located in an
area form this type of diversity. It is believed that there are about 5-10
million species in the world; however, only 1.75 million of those species
have been named scientifically so far on Earth. Some areas have more
species than others. Areas with more species diversity are generally
referred to as 'hotspots' of diversity. The more species found within the
area, the more biodiverse the area is called, making the more
biodiverse ecosystem.

What is Genetic Diversity?

It refers to differences between the genetic resources of
organisms. Each individual of a particular species differs from the
other in its genetic cons titution. That is why every human is
different from another. Similarly, the species of rice, wheat,
maize, barley, etc., have different varieties.

Each member of any animal or plant species differs widely from

other individuals in its genetic makeup because many
combinations of genes are possible that give specific
characteristics to each individual. This genetic variability is
essential for the healthy reproduction of a species.

Today, the diversity of nature is being exploited more by using

wild relatives of crop plants to create new varieties of more
productive crops and breed better domestic animals. Modern
biotechnology manipulates genes to develop better types of drugs
and a variety of industrial products. Although all species have
come from a single or common ancestor, species diverge and
produce new unique characteristics over time, thus contributing
to biodiversity.

What is Ecological Diversity?

Ecological diversity is the complex network of different species
present in local ecosystems and the dynamic interactions. An
ecosystem consists of organisms of many several species living in
a region and their connections through the flow of energy,
nutrients, and matter. Those relationships occur as organisms of
different species interact with each other. The primary source of
energy in almost every ecosystem is the Sun. The radiant energy
of the Sun is converted into chemical energy by plants. This
energy flows from those systems when animals eat plants and
are then consumed by other animals in return. Fungi get energy
by decomposing organisms, which release nutrients back into the

Thus, an ecosystem comprises living components (microbes,

plants, animals, and fungi) and non-living components (climate
and chemicals) connected by energy flow and interact with each
other. Ecological biodiversity is associated with plant and animal
species living together and connected by the food chain and food
webs. Diversity in various ecosystems, such as deserts,
rainforests, mangroves, etc., also includes ecological diversity. It
is generally observed between different ecosystems in a region.

Ecological diversity has three major perspectives: the diversity of

different species in a landscape is typically measured in three
distinct scales. They are termed alpha diversity, beta
diversity, and gamma diversity:

Alpha Diversity
Alpha diversity is the type of ecological diversity found within a
specific region, community, or ecosystem. More specifically, alpha
diversity refers to the species diversity within a community at a
local scale or small scale, most often the size of one ecosystem.
Generally, it is represented by the total number of different
species (or species richness) in that particular region. This is
often measured by the total number of taxa (distinct organism
groups) within the corresponding ecosystem (species, genera,
and families). In particular, if we think of diversity in an area, we
refer to the alpha diversity more often than not.

Beta Diversity
Beta diversity refers to the type of ecological diversity measured
by distinguishing the species diversity between different
ecosystems or along with environmental gradients. The
measurement of beta diversity typically involves comparing the
number counts of taxa unique to each ecosystem. In simple
words, it is the measure of species diversity between two
separate entities at a larger scale, usually separated by a
specific geographical barrier such as the mountain ridge or the
river. It is the rate of change in species composition across
habitats or among communities. Furthermore, beta diversity
determines a quantitative measure of the diversity of
communities that experience the changing environments.

Gamma Diversity
Gamma diversity typically refers to all species richness over a
large region (at a vast scale). It is the measure of the complete
diversity for various distinct ecosystems within a region. In
simple words, it is often studied as a biome where the species
diversity is observed between several ecosystems. This usually
ranges over the areas such as the whole mountain slope or the
complete littoral zone of a seashore.

Let us understand these three perspectives with the help of an

example. Suppose an area of mountain slope is the landscape.
The mountain slope usually contains various patches of
grasslands and forests, as shown in the image below:
Here, Alpha diversity refers to all such species diversity situated
within every single grassland or forest patch of the slope. Beta
diversity refers to all such species diversity located between any
two patches and their corresponding communities. Lastly, the
given landscape's Gamma diversity refers to all those species
diversity present along with the entire range of the slope.

1. Wildlife support healthy ecosystems that

we rely on. 
Conservation researchers Paul R. and Anne Ehrlich posited in
the 1980s that species are to ecosystems what rivets are to a
plane’s wing. Losing one might not be a disaster, but each loss
adds to the likelihood of a serious problem.
Whether in a village in the Amazon or a metropolis such as
Beijing, humans depend on the services ecosystems provide, such
as fresh water, pollination, soil fertility and stability, food and
medicine. Ecosystems weakened by the loss of biodiversity are
less likely to deliver those services, especially given the needs of
an ever-growing human population.
One example of this is Kenya’s Lake Turkana — the world’s
largest desert lake, a habitat for a variety of wildlife including
birds, Nile crocodiles and hippos and a source of food and income
for about 300,000 people. The lake is under heavy pressure
because of overfishing, cyclical drought, changing rainfall patterns
and the diversion of water by upstream developments, and these
changes are leading to a loss of biodiversity, declines in fisheries’
yields and a reduced ability to support humans. Without
conservation methods in place, this could be the fate of many
more ecosystems.

3.Importance of the
2. Keeping biodiverse ecosystems intact
helps humans stay healthy. 
Research indicates that there is a close link between disease
outbreaks and the degradation of nature.
Seventy percent of emerging viral diseases have spread from
animals to humans. As the global wildlife trade continues and
development projects expand deeper into tropical forests, humans
are increasing their exposure to wild animals — and the diseases
they may carry. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic can likely
be sourced to a wild animal and fish market in Wuhan,
China. This shows that we must take care of nature to take care of
Read more: Poaching, deforestation reportedly on the
rise since COVID-19 lockdowns
Deforestation is also accelerating climate breakdown,
which in turn may boost the spread of disease by allowing disease
carriers like mosquitoes to extend their geographic ranges and
infect new populations of humans. 
With COVID-19, we’ve seen the damage that diseases can do not
only to human health, but also to the global economy. By
protecting biodiversity in Earth’s ecosystems, countries could save
lives and money, while helping to prevent future pandemics.  

3. Biodiversity is an essential part of the

solution to climate change.  
In a landmark study published in 2017, a group of researchers
led by Bronson Griscom, who researches natural climate solutions
at Conservation International, discovered that nature can deliver
at least 30 percent of the emissions reductions needed by 2030 to
prevent climate catastrophe. Protecting biodiversity plays a
crucial part in achieving these emissions reductions.
The destruction of forest ecosystems is responsible for 11
percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions caused by
humans, so conserving forests would stop the release of these
gases into the atmosphere. Trees and plants also store carbon in
their tissue, making it even more necessary to protect them.
Some ecosystems, such as mangroves, are particularly good at
storing carbon and keeping it out of the atmosphere — where it
contributes to climate change. Forests and wetland ecosystems
provide crucial buffers to extreme storms and flooding related to
climate change. These ecosystems are complex, which means they
function best, and are more resilient to the effects of climate
change, when all the pieces of the ecosystem are in place —
meaning the biodiversity is intact.
“For a relatively small investment, high-biodiversity forests and
other ecosystems can be conserved and restored as a powerful
means to rein in climate change while also helping communities
cope with associated storms, flooding and other impacts,”
Langrand said.

4. Biodiversity is good for the economy.

At least 40 percent of the world’s economy and 80 percent of the
needs of the poor are derived from biological resources.
Altogether, the food, commercial forestry and ecotourism
industries could lose US$ 338 billion per year if the loss of
biodiversity continues at its current pace. Around 75 percent of
global food crops rely on animals and insects such as bees to
pollinate them, but many of these pollinator populations are in
decline — which could put more than US$ 235 billion of
agricultural products at risk. 
Meanwhile The Economics of Ecosystems and
Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative estimates that global sustainable
business opportunities from investing in natural resources could
be worth US$ 2 to 6 trillion by 2050.
Millions of people also depend on nature and species for their
day-to-day livelihoods. This is particularly true for struggling
communities in developing countries, who often turn to high-
biodiversity ecosystems as their source of food, fuel, medicines
and other products made from natural materials for their own use
and as sources of income. Nature-related tourism is also a
significant income generator for many people as well.

5. Biodiversity is an integral part of culture

and identity.
Species are frequently integral to religious, cultural and national
identities. All major religions include elements of
nature and 231 species are formally used as national symbols in
142 countries. Unfortunately, more than one-third of those
species are threatened, but the bald eagle and American bison are
examples of conservation successes because of their role as
national symbols. Ecosystems such as parks and other protected
areas also provide recreation and a knowledge resource for
visitors, and biodiversity is a frequent source of inspiration for
artists and designers.
Julie Shaw is director of communications for the Critical
Ecosystem Partnership Fund. CEPF is a joint initiative of
l’Agence Française de Développement, Conservation
International, the European Union, the Global Environment
Facility, the Government of Japan and the World Bank. 
4.conservation of biodivesty

Biodiversity conservation refers to the protection, preservation, and

management of ecosystems and natural habitats and ensuring that
they are healthy and functional. To protect and preserve species
diversity. To ensure sustainable management of the species and
Conservation of biological diversity leads to conservation of essential
ecological diversity to preserve the continuity of food chains.

The genetic diversity of plants and animals is preserved.

It ensures the sustainable utilisation of life support systems on earth.

It provides a vast knowledge of potential use to the scientific community.

A reservoir of wild animals and plants is preserved, thus enabling them to

be introduced, if need be, in the surrounding areas.

Biological diversity provides immediate benefits to the society such as

recreation and tourism.

Biodiversity conservation serves as an insurance policy for the future.

Types of conservation
Ex situ conservation

Conserving biodiversity outside the areas where they naturally occur is

known as ex situ conservation. Here, animals and plants are reared or
cultivated in areas like zoological or botanical parks.

Reintroduction of an animal or plant into the habitat from where it has

become extinct is another form of ex situ conservation. For example, the
Gangetic gharial has been reintroduced in the rivers of Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan where it had become extinct.

Seedbanks, botanical, horticultural and recreational gardens are important

centres for ex situ conservation.

In situ conservation
Conserving the animals and plants in their natural habitats is known as in
situ conservation. This includes the establishment of

National parks and sanctuaries

Biosphere reserves

Nature reserves

Reserved and protected forests

Preservation plots

Reserved forests

Agrobiodiversity conservation

After the introduction of cotton, tobacco, sugarcane, sunflower, soyabean

and so on, farmers became victims of monocultures in their greed for
money. Therefore many of the indigenous varieties of crops were lost.
Moreover, the hybrid varieties of fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes),
introduced for pulp are more susceptible to disease and pests. Though
hybrid varieties are preferred, traditional wild varieties of the seeds should
be conserved for future use in the event of an epidemic which would
completely wipe out the hybrids.

Botanical gardens, agricultural departments, seed banks etc., alone should

not be given the responsibility of agrobiodiversity conservation. Every
farmer, gardener an cultivator should be aware of his role in preserving and
conserving agrobiodiversity.

Convention of Biological Diversity

The aim of the convention is to save species and plants from extinction and
their habitats from destruction.

The developed countries are looking for a sustainable supply of biological

resources from the developing countries and easy access to them as well.
The developing countries lacking the technology to exploit their resources
are inviting the developed countries to do so. This has resulted in the
developed nations channeling out the benefits of these natural resources.
The developing countries are now demanding a higher share of the
accrued economic benefits. The developed nations are also concerned by
the unsustainable exploitation of natural wealth, particularly rainforests.

Key points from the Convention on Biological Diversity

The aim of the Convention on Biological Diversity is 'the conservation of

biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic
resources. The convention stipulates that Parties must :

develop national strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of

biological resources;

establish protected areas, restore degraded ecosystems, control alien

species, and establish ex-situ conservation facilities;

establish training and research programmes for the conservation and

sustainable use of biodiversity and support such programmes in developing

promote public education and awareness of the conservation and

sustainable use of biodiversity;

recognize the right of governments to regulate access to their own genetic

resources, and, wherever possible, grant other Parties access to genetic
resources for environmentally sound uses;

encourage technology and biotechnology transfer particularly to developing


establish an information exchange between the parties on all subjects

relevant to biodiversity;

promote technical and scientific cooperation between parties (particularly to

developing countries) to enable them to implement the convention;

ensure that countries that provide genetic resources have access to the
benefits arising from them; and
provide financial resources to developing countries/parties to enable them
to carry out the requirements of the convention.

Biodiversity |
of biodiversity
The word, “Biodiversity”, is combination of two
words, “Bio” means life and “diversity” means
variety. Therefore, Biodiversity is variety of
various living organisms present on earth and they
are interrelated and interacting with each other’s in
their ecosystem or habitat.

What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms and
their interactions with each other, i.e. life on Earth.
The diversity linked to micro-organisms, different
plants and animals is included in biodiversity.
Bacteria, fungi and other
microorganisms, bryophytes and the various plants,
birds, insects, fish and humans are all the
fundamental part of biodiversity.
Biodiversity can occur in a very small particular
area or in a very large area like the ocean. For
example, biodiversity can occur in a very small
aquarium where there are few small fish or can occur
in a large ocean where whales and sharks like huge
fish live with other aquatic animals. Biodiversity can
be present in different ecosystems such as the desert
ecosystem, the aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial
ecosystem, including the grassland ecosystem, the
forest ecosystem, etc. Biodiversity is therefore
present everywhere on earth.
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Definition of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is defined as the distinction
between living organisms and includes diversity
within species, between species and ecosystems from
all sources, including marine, terrestrial, aquatic
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which
they are a part.

Type of Biodiversity
There are three prime types of biodiversity viz,
Genetic biodiversity, Species biodiversity and habitat
/ ecosystem biodiversity.
Genetic biodiversity: 
Genetic biodiversity is related to the genes of
living organism and is the diversity within the
specific species. Genes are responsible for
transmission of certain factors or traits from one
generation to the next within the same species, so
genetic biodiversity has occurred within the same
specific species.  It is also called as within species
diversity. Genes give unique characters or features to
each individual species.
For example, human beings are the Homo
sapiens and, besides all, the homo sapiens are not
exactly alike. There are some differences in shape,
size, body colour, hair style, etc and these differences
make them unique identity. Each person is
genetically unique and that’s why different peoples
have different faces, features and characters, they
are all humans but genetically different and that
is genetic biodiversity in human.
Likewise, genetic biodiversity covers different
varieties of a single species or a distinct population
of a single species. For example, if we see animals
like dogs and cats, there are thousands of different
breeds are available. Flower like rose, there are
different varieties of roses of colours, shape and
other characters available.  
Genetic Biodiversity: Different breeds of dog but categories as single species

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In broad, Genetic biodiversity covers the genetic

changes that occurs in the number or structure of
genes, in same species, which givers different
characteristic, aesthetic features and behaviour.

Importance of genetic diversity: Due to

pollution, there may be adverse effects on some
specific species and loss of fertility due to changes in
genes. As each species has different genes which
gives it a different strength and immune system.
Some species may tolerate the adverse effect of
pollution in their ecosystem and their success in
surviving,  but some may be severely affected and
suffer infertility or die.  This may be responsible for
extinction of certain species and certain habitat.

Adverse effect of human activities

Human began to cultivate a hybrid crop and
replaced the traditional culture in a particular area
in the same way that it happened with the animals.
Man has made some changes in animal genes and
responsible for their genetic changes thus changes
their features and characteristic. This was resulted
into extinction of the original species.  Sometimes
human releases the formed fish in the river, then
these formed fishes compete with the wild fish, if the
genes of the wild fishes are not wired much to
fertilize well, their population can be replaced by
formed fishes. In addition, these formed fishes can
reproduce a new type of fishes which can replace the
original one.
The disadvantage of genetic changes is the extinction
of one species that was useful for specific purpose
and replaced by a new one that has different
characteristic. Once the species extinct, it can no
longer be replaced by another, may be an alternate
evolution but cannot be replaced because genes are
always different depending on the species.
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Species biodiversity:
Species biodiversity occurs among different type
of species (more than one different species) in a
particular area or location.  Here, the number of
species is the basic unit for classification. Different
organisms have different features and characters
and that is why they cannot reproduce or interbred,
therefore they are considered as different species.
The organism that can be reproduced with each
other is considered to be as single species.
The diversity among the number of species and their
different individual varieties that live in a particular
area at a given time is called species biodiversity.
Here, there may be changes in the type and numbers
of species over time,  period or session. So, in a
particular area, there may be particular species such
as horse, dogs, elephant, lion, particular birds,
plants, etc and some of them may be more at
particular location, then it is called as species

Species richness is the number of specific

individual organism in that area which is rich in
number ie the highest among all. 
AREA-1: Species biodiversity - species richness

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for example, in area-1,  there are three different kind

of birds like Bird-A, Bird-B & Bird-C. Now, count the
individual bird for finding the highest number i.e.
richness. There are total 12 birds in which Bird-A are
five, Bird-B are three and Bird-C are four in number,
therefore  the highest number of birds are Bird-A
species at a particular area and at particular time
period, is called as the species richness.
There is another terms used in species biodiversity
related to number of species at particular area at
particular time period and that is species
evenness. It means there are the similar number of
individuals in particular area in a given time.  

Global biodiversity: Global biodiversity is

also called as the gamma biodiversity in which there
are a wide variety of different plants and animals
and different kind of other organisms living
Each organism is different from each other’s and
living together in particular area at particular time.

Importance of species biodiversity

It may take several years to develop an ecosystem
with specific species in a particular area. The
ecosystem contains many factors such as
temperature, availability of food, climate, seasons,
etc. where species can be adopted and help them
maintain their population through reproduction.
They interact with the environment and become part
of the food chain. In the event that certain species
disappear, there may be an impact on other species
and the ecosystem may be affected. There may be an
imbalance in the food chain. Several years may
require the development of other species to take over
the function of lost species, but may not be able to
replace all the characteristics. Therefore, once the
species has disappeared from this earth, its functions
cannot be replaced completely.

Adverse effect of human activities on species

Industrialization, deforestation, agriculture,
pollution and changes in habitats are the main
dangers for the biodiversity of species. It affects the
reproduction of the species and kills directly due to
various diseases formed due to pollution of human
Humans are responsible for the migration of certain
species from one ecosystem to another ecosystem,
and the loss of species from this local ecosystem
results. Monoculture farming is one of the main
reasons for the extinction of plant species. CO2
emissions from various industries responsible for
global warming and the disruption of species
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Ecosystem biodiversity/ Habitat
The ecosystem is the interaction and interrelation
between different living organisms and its non-living
environment. The species can be different in
different environments from geological conditions
and therefore the diversity linked to different types
of ecosystem such as forest, desert, aquatic
ecosystem is called ecosystem biodiversity.
Ecosystem biodiversity/ Habitat biodiversity

The term ecosystem was first coined by AG Tinsley

in 1935. There are different types of ecosystems,
such as the aquatic ecosystem, the terrestrial
ecosystem of the desert ecosystem, the
grassland ecosystem and the ecosystem forest. All
of these different ecosystems have biodiversity and
different species of one ecosystem may not survive in
another ecosystem, for example, in the aquatic
ecosystem, some aquatic plants and aquatic animals
are there and they cannot survive in the
desert ecosystem.
Therefore, the species of different types of organisms
living in a particular ecosystem, they are adapted to
this specific environment and that is why it is called
ecosystem biodiversity.
In some areas there is an exceptionally high level of
biodiversity and this particular area is called hot
Some species are very rare and can be found in a
particular ecosystem, these species are called
endemic species.
There is landscapes diversity can also see on earth
and exist in the form of natural and cultural
elements. Presently most of the landscapes are not
virgin in Europe as these landscapes converted into
agricultural used. After waste awareness, they
developed some landscapes artificially.
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Importance of biodiversity
Biodiversity is very important for balancing our
terrestrial environment and our ecosystem.  
Below is the main importance of biodiversity
Food chain: There are enormous living organisms
living on earth and helpful for making a specific food
chain which is very useful for balancing and
maintaining our ecosystem.
Aesthetic value:  Biodiversity is very useful for
aesthetic value of our earth.
Provides varieties of food:  Several varieties of
food can be obtained from different kind of plants
and animals.
Provides medicinal resources: Different kind of
medicines can be prepared from different kind of
plants and animals
Productive values: Certain daily products can be
obtained from different kind of animals and plants
in the form of oil, leather, etc
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Importance of biodiversity to humans
Over 8.7 million species on our planet have a specific
ecosystem like a patch of wood. Healthy biodiversity
ensures the stability of ecosystems by reducing the
dependence of one species on another for food
shelter and even the maintenance of the physical
Wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National
Park in 1995 to control the growth of the population,
which had grazed much of the park. It was a
phenomenal success, the introduction of wolves
changed the course of the trees of the rivers, the
seedlings had the chance to grow along the banks by
stabilizing the banks and helping to clean the water.
The river began to wind more and more and the
beavers returned, as did the birds to the new trees.
One species can make a huge difference to an entire
ecosystem. We would all prefer a lush green planet
with lots of insect birds and flowers rather than a
barren planet, but to really convince people that
biodiversity is important, we need to look at its
economic value.
The World Conservation Union estimates that the
goods and services provided by ecosystems represent
around $ 33 trillion a year, reduced by diversity.
Millions, if not billions, of people face a future, as
food suppliers are more vulnerable to pests and
diseases, fresh water is scarce, and we have no drugs
to cure life-threatening diseases.
Biodiversity protects the water resources it cleans; it
controls the route to be followed and the stabilizer
banks thus reducing the risk of flooding.
Biodiversity has also improved the quality of the soil
again reducing the risk of flooding and increased
fertility, so potential crop yields. We are currently
taking a hundred billion kilograms of food from the
oceans. If you don't keep these supplies, how are we
going to replace food sources in the future and what
about traditional and modern medicine.
Medicine biodiversity necessary for diseases like
cardiovascular disease and diabetes. So many
modern medicines are derived from wild species
such as some pain relievers, heart medicines,
anticancer medicines and diabetes treatments. There
are so many other important species that have not
yet been studied or discovered that could provide us
with a generally important remedy or treatment. If
we do not start to prevent biodiversity loss, we may
never the chance to discover and develop this
potentially life-saving drug.
Loss of biodiversity increases the spread of
infectious diseases. The epidemics of avian influenza
with Ebola virus, malaria and corona
virus Pandemic  COVID-19 have all been
attributed to human impacts on deforestation of
Biodiversity also help humans to generate income
via tourism,  Europe and Africa generates
remarkable amount of income as agriculture,
forestry and fishing combined, but even England has
increased its animal species less and its landscapes
less extreme than the value of the forest day of other
countries or even estimated at around 1 billion
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Loss of biodiversity
There are certain threats to the biodiversity that is
responsible for the extinction of certain species and
1. High population rate:  High population rate
responsible for loss of habitat for different types of
animals as well as plants.  
2. Pollution:  Pollution including air, water and soil
 3. Natural calamities: It is related to the loss of
biodiversity due to certain natural impacts such as
forest fire, certain insects destroy plants and certain
epidemics in animals
4. Deforestation:  Cutting of trees for the
industrialization and urbanization.
5. Exotic species: Some species migrate from one
ecosystem to another ecosystem and then dominate
completely dominate over certain species,
eliminating certain existing species are called as
exotic species and this is also one of the reason for
the loss of biodiversity.
6. Illegal hunting: It is also responsible for
extinction of many species of animals.
All the major 6 factors above are responsible for the
loss of biodiversity.  There are other factors also
responsible for the loss of biodiversity such as
a. The spread of hostile plants and animal species
from one ecosystem to another.
b. Loss of habitants due to climate change,
degradation, and destructions caused by human or
other dominant species in a particular ecosystem.
c. Uncontrolled use of natural resources by human to
get energy.
d. Destruction of water bodies, migration of species,
disturbance of water flows and changes in aquatic

Conservation of biodiversity
The protection, management and preservation of
genetic diversity, species and ecosystems are
important and are also called biodiversity
conservation. We must protect flora and fauna for
the sustainable growth of individual species and of
all types of ecosystems. As there is a strong
interaction and relationship between the varieties of
species, the ecosystem and the environment, they
are interdependent. The richness of species, the
ecosystem, the environment and the sustainable
growth of life on earth are also called
optimal conservation of biodiversity.
All over the world, biodiversity loss is observed due
to habitat loss, global warming, climate change,
excessive exploration of resources, illegal poaching
of rear animals, deadly diseases, pollution of the
environment, industrialization, urbanization,
deforestation, etc. the need to take strict measures
against the causes of biodiversity loss and to
preserve it by preserving it through legal obligations
by the government and other social organizations.
It is true that humans are the most beneficial species
that benefit from almost all the benefits of
biodiversity. Therefore, it is his primary
responsibility to take corrective action against the
damage caused by it and to improve biodiversity
through scientific management.
The main objective of conserving biodiversity is
to save life on earth, preserve all species, maintain
the ecosystem and a healthy environment forever so
that it remains healthy for the next generation as
Conserving biodiversity is very important for
maintaining the food chain, providing a healthy
environment for varieties of species, including
humans, and gaining support for our sustainable
Here are the main objectives of biodiversity
1. Protect and maintain the important ecosystem
from destruction by preserving natural resources,
maintaining the crucial ecosystem process,
minimizing use, optimizing consumption, avoiding
waste and maintaining aids and survival systems.
2. Since humans are part of the biodiversity of the
ecosystem, it is ethical to conserve biodiversity.
3. Protect and preserve the extinction of varieties of
plants and animal species.
4. Promote the development of rear species, ensure
the exploration of new species with their importance
and their ecosystem for sustainable biodiversity.
5. Maintain the aesthetics of the Earth.
6. Since man is the main consumer of resources, the
conservation of biodiversity requires economic and
scientific advantages
 There are two types of biodiversity
conservation, one is In-situ and the other is Ex-
situ conservation
 Environment Management in oil refinery
In-Situ conservation of biodiversity (onsite)
The conservation of species in their original
ecosystem without disturbing their natural life or
within their natural habitat is called as In-situ
biodiversity conservation. Here, the area/
ecosystem/habitat with high natural biodiversity is
converted into national park or sanctuary. Some
time this reserved ecosystem is also called as
biosphere reserve and a government regulating its
maintenance and preservation by enforcing certain
legal obligations.

Ex-Situ conservation of biodiversity (off-site)

Here, the conservation of species takes place off-site
i.e away from their natural habitat, these species are
shifting and protected in a new ecosystem. For
example, some rare species of wildlife have moved
from their natural habitat to the zoo and botanical
garden to aid recovery strategies for endangered
species. This also includes the conservation of
genetic resources.

Biodiversity conservation challenges

1. There are still several species which are not yet
discovered, the habitat of the servals and the
landscapes are still not explored and therefore their
effect on each other, ecosystem and species, is still
unknown. In such circumstances, it is very difficult
to develop indicators for measuring and monitoring
the parameters of biodiversity.
2. Although the conservation of biodiversity in
certain areas is regulated by legislation by declaring
the area as a national park, sanctuaries, botanical
garden, inclusion in all the relevant laws remains
3. Maintaining Ex-Situ conservation of biodiversity
is costly economically.
4. Management of biodiversity conservation


Biodiversity is the variety of various living

organisms present on earth and their interaction and
interrelationship in the ecosystem. There are three
main type of biodiversity viz. genetic, species
and ecosystem or habitat biodiversity. Human
domination is the greatest common thread of
biodiversity because it takes advantage of his power
and consumes all type of resources by endangering
the life of other species. Biodiversity is
very important for balancing our terrestrial
environment and our ecosystem. Humans are also
responsible for pollution and unwanted elements in
the environment. Biodiversity conservation is
very important for the sustainability of a healthier
earth by preserving and protecting species,
ecosystem, and natural resources.

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