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Me A How To GET YOUR ets Nth eg TRY THIS THE ONE” aT) Nag t's amagazine created by guys just like you. We have searched the world for some of the best experts and advice on how to become more successful with women. Now, we have compiled the best information into this magazine to help you take your life to the next level. e got tired of being frustrated with women and the games they played. We knew that there was a way to cut through the BS. We wanted to leam the same tools and techniques that the best of the best use to sleep with the hottest women around and create great relationships. Now that we have figured it out, we want to share it with you. e talked to everyone! We reached out to the top experts in the fields of dating, pick-up, psychology, lifestyle development, and human behavior. One by one we learned about the secrets to attracting women regardless of looks, income, or age. Any man has a chance with any long as he knows what to do. were giving it all away! We have become crazy passionate about sharing the information that we learned with as many men as possible. It starts with the magazine, but it will become a movement. Our mission is to create a better class of men. Men who don't fear women...instead they have fun with them Men who women naturally gravitate to Men who reign supreme in the bedroom Men who have the fools and power to create better lives for themselves Are you ready for this? Because we are ready to show you the way. De eT TH Ta Ws to know the secret that separates the men who date perfect 10's and the guys who masturbate in front of the computer on Friday night? They take action. We can give you the best tips, tools, techniques and advice all day, but it is useless unless you actually use it. So we ask that every reader makes a simple commitment" “| (insert name here) will use one thing | learn in each issue within three days" That's it! We learned the difference between success and failure lies in execution. If you implement one thing (or more) from every issue, then you will see significant changes in your life. Guaranteed! Now if you are ready to make that commitment, then it's time to shit or get off the pot. Put your name and email in the form below fo show us you are serious about making a change. Best Email: Sone OWA Nom Col Rel Molilole] Reel mmole Neola oh Mie ARCA tips newsletter. You'll get amazing advice from out experts on how to attract and seduce the woman of your dreams. SETGUR Publisher Editor Contributor Manager Art Director DC Magazines Dennis Crosby Christine Ada Sandoval : Marija lvkovié HOW TO REACH US Click SUBSCRIBE Inside The Mag or App LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES TECHNICAL AND BILLING ISSUES Support@DCMagazines GET STARTED, CLICK THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON NOW START FREE TRIAL CARLOS XUMA THE GREAT SEDUCER FROM ALPHACONFIDENCE.COM CONOR BOYLAND, BADASS DATING COACH AT THETAQOFBADASS.COM QUR DATING EXPERTS: HARRY BALDWIN THE MACHO DATING GURU AT EXPERTMENSDATINGADVICE.COM ROOSH V BANG-ING WOMEN SINCE 2006 AT ROOSHV.COM KEZIA NOBLE DAN BACON THE SENSATIONAL HELPING GUYS GET LAID AT ‘WING GIRL FROM MODERNMAN.COM KEZIA-NOBLE.COM TOD MARK MANSON TEACHING MEN TO BE THE MANLY DATING FEARLESS DATERS AT COACH FROM MARKMANSON.COM ABSOLUTEABILITY.COM QUR DATING EXPERTS: CHASE AMANTE, THE GUY GIRLS CHASE AFTER AT GIRLSCHASE.COM AJ HARBINGER, THE BLUE-EYED CHARMER THEARTOFCHARM.COMCOM eae ae aH ene WHAT TO SAY Tae PT TaN LINES THAT ALWAYS WORK GET ALL THIS AND MORE WHEN YOU SIGNUP FOR ET se FT ti : OUR BEST ADVICE IN YOUR INBOX eee > HOW TO GET YOUR F 4 EX BACK Ny Y MEET GOOGLE YOUR Ae ONLINE WINGMAN CONTENT: PAR SMG SoM ala RUIN YOUR CHANCES PGMS Olin STILL LIVING AT HOME...TRY THIS HOW TO FIND THE ONE CONTENT: HOW TO DATE LIKE A REAL MAN NO GIRL CAN HURT A MAN WITH OPTIONS ... That before meeting someone, instead of worrying whether they'll like you, wonder if you’ll like them. .. That instead of feeling the need to impress her, you could wonder if impresses you. ..That instead of sitting there silent, wondering what to say next to get her to like you, you could sit there silent wondering what she will say to make you —_ like her. ... That instead of waiting around for her to return your call, you could find \ " \ something to do while she waits for your call. ... That instead of worrying if you’re tall enough or good-looking enough for her, you could decide whether she’s too superficial to recognize your great qualities. 7 ... That instead of trying to come up with the perfect date, you could decide that a woman who really likes you doesn’t need a perfect date. ... That instead of looking for a conversation she'll enjoy, you could talk about something you enjoy. ...That instead wondering when she wants to be kissed, you could decide when you want to kiss her? That instead of feeling in bed you are, you could wonder how good she , you could Je whether or not to approval to her. Phat instead of getting upset about why she doesn’t want to be with ou could decide that ‘ou probably don’t want to be with her. Pr eainol esteem. Only make eaten who make time for you. Only be ores Cem im Cin Prego tong ete interested in dating SOTA Go what will make you TT ae what will make her ra Nano eae woman who meets ROC eG Oona COE) Pitre GET STARTED, CLICK ON THE START FREE TRIAL BUTTON NOW You may be saying I don’t have enough perience to think like this,” or “’'m not cool enough to decide if she’ good enough for me or not.” It’s that sort of thinking that got you here. It’s time to change your mind about datin omen are cted to someone they can look up to and pect, someone who they can trust. If their man is constantly looking to her for approval, for what to say and how to feel, how could she respect or trust him? These questions are designed to change your mind, to change your perspective on how you are going about dating and meeting women. Chanees are in the past you have searched for a tactic or strategy that will make her like you, that will make her want to be with you, that will make her want to have sex with you. This mindset leads to unattractive behavior. It creates anxiety, insecurity the need to impres her, to try too hard, to say or do things that don’t feel like the real you. You are what makes a woman feel these things — not the words or the strategies. If you aren’t happy with the results you get, then it’s time to improve you. Change your mind about dating. Change your mind about yourself and change your results with women. The new mindset leads to attractive behavior. It helps you freely express yourself. Tt removes fear of rejection and being I don’t care how hot she is. Is she | There’s no such thing as “dating ad- good enough for you? Yeah, she’s vice”. It’s all about self-improvement. got a great body and a pretty face, Work on yourself. Conquer your anxiet- but do you enjoy being around her? : ies. Resolve your shame. Take care of Are you ready to leave on a dime yourself and those who are important to if she offends you or breaks your : you. Love yourself — beeause otherwise trust? If not, that’s probably why — | 10 one else will. you're not with her. i - by Mark Manson Written by Mark Manson . Mark Manson is a writer, entrepreneur and dating coach and the author of Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. Mark has been working with men on improving their emotional, romantic and sex lives since 2007. You can read more from him at his website: “THE ONE” Are you trying to find “The One?” Well aren’t we all. But like anything else, there’s a right way and a wrong way to make this happen. If you've been looking for love in all the wrong places it’s time to try a new approach to finding the right girl for you. Here’s our quick and dirty guide on how to make it happen. STOP FINDING HER Stop trying to find “The One.” It’ going to happen. It’s not that there someone out there for you — someone that’s reat, if not a per match. It’s that you can’t hunt just for them. Rather than going after “The One” relentlessly, try to expand your social sales funnel. What do we mean by t It means that when you're trying to find a wife or girlfriend, you just need to meet a lot of different women. mong them ng to be the right woman for you. So how do you build this soe’ funnel? Going Out 2-3 Times a Week Host an Event 1-2 Times a Month It all starts with going out a few times a week. You go out, you party, and you have a killer time. In that process you meet people. You meet both women and meet men. You get phone numbers of people who are expanding your re network. It doesn’t matter if they’re guys or girls, really. The purpose of the social sales funnel is to get more people in the pipeline. You still want to emphasize quality over quantity, but remember that the guy you hang out with tomorrow might introduce you to “The One” next week. I-life social You're going out and putting people into your social sales funnel. That’s great! It means that you're that much closer to being able to find a wife that’s right for you. Now you need to take that to the next level by hosting an event once or twice a month. It doesn’t have to be at your place. It can be a party at a bar. The cool thing is that if you do this enough, the bar is g t loving you for bringing people in. You might even be lucky enough to get a drink named after you. No matter where you do it, do something. Tell the guys to bring booze and everyone to bring their friends. You're g Tease ambassador, the guy who introduces people who are soon to be best friends. It all leads up to this: Going on dates. Now that you have so many people in your social ales funnel, you probably aren’t going to have a very hard time finding women to go out with. Just remember that you're selecting the best one, rather than letting them select you. When you build a social sales funnel like this, it’s not going to be hard to do just that. - by AJ Harbinger Written by AJ Harbinger AJ Harbinger is the CEO and co-founder of The Art of Charm. Prior to founding AOC, Harbinger pursued a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology at the University of Michigan. With no prior knowledge about social dynamics, Harbinger pored over the material, quickly mastering the fundamental concepts. His background in biology helped him to apply the scientific method, taking his book knowledge to the next level through in-field experience. While still at the University of Michigan, he founded the Pickup Podcast, which was later featured on SiriusXM Radio. He lives in Hollywood, California, which provides no shortage of places for him to continue to test and develop the techniques taught by The Art of Charm. THIS IS FOR YOU GM TS eV Ee Te T received a letter recently that I thought was thought-provoking point that it needs to be reviewed and restated. I think it’s such a criti There ii nom, ‘you are not successful with women right now, you need to learn more and practice more. And then, leave no other option for yourself besides succes Bottom line: you must persist. This is probably the number one suc i of all men, throughout histor ands, or buts. and interesting. ic bullet in dating and attracting women - other than thi: T’ve seen some not-very-attractive guys with suet game that they were always lining up a new lady. They were balding, slightly chubb: guys. Not good looking by Hollywood standards at all. But they knew that one thin going to override their appear attitude. Are these guys getting as much sex as the gorgeous model guys? I suspect some probably are. They might not have Ferraris, but they are getting a ton of booty in the process. aybe not every one of them is an actress or supermodel, though. A lot of guys will just throw their hands up at this and shriek, “Hey! What’s the point then? If good looking guys get more sex and better looking women, then what gives?” In fact, in the letter I got from the reader, he said this: “Like many other authors and dating experts you continue to overlook the fact that how you look and appear physically is the most important factor in success with beautiful women. I truly know this from first hand, real experience.” The ‘Blame Game’ I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him. Your “image” such as how you dress, how well groomed you are, and so on does matter. But your physical looks don’t matter all that much. I know tons of good looking guys that are clueless with women. But what men want to think is that their looks, something they cannot really control, are to blame. Why? It’s because if you can pin the blame on something that you can’t change, you can spend the rest of your life failing, complaining, and shaking your fists at the heavens, sereaming “It’s not Oh, and you get Too harsh? Perhaps you’re right. But let me remind to quit trying, give you that physical looks are not as important as you up, and whine about want to think. I suspect many guys like you already it, too. know this. THE 50 HOTTEST SEX TIPS ALL WOMEN WISH YOU KNEW GET STARTED, CLICK ON THE START FREE TRIAL BUTTON NOW Cae ee ARCA RCO CRT] thought “What the hell does she see in him?” you know what I mean. What we men do is project our reality on women. We assume that since we are initially all about the looks and how “hot” she is, that means that women AIC CCRUC IME ICRC Nee cee Carr ha COICO NMC ean a CON Cn You see, from an evolutionary RETO OME CURC URC Racing tity he needs to know about a woman’s REVI Nm aera enn eg Poe cea N oCe TaN and complexion, healthy hair and teeth. These visual indicators tell him Sam RSS Ment acon RCo hme survive if he were to mate with her. A woman can see some physi indicato’ her is whether she and her children would be able to survive if this was in charge. For 9 mont ally vulnerable. but more important to be even more ph And after the child was born, there would be many years where this guy would have to provide and protect the family. So she learned how to choose men using the most important indic 5 characte tor of all: Is he capable? Smart? Does he take chai rge and get things done or does he c and complain all the time? Does he wuss out and blame others? Women learned very quickly how to sift out the good apples from the bad ones by focusing on what really matters to her. Things she can’t tell from just looking at your fa SON STROSS ETT CCe Tm Tenor Orc UT NES Would you just give up trying to with beautiful wome y A with hot chic Vill you give up completely. a monk? It junds kind that wv a silly obst challe would lly take on, just b e it’s what as men. tS aay TCR ATTN CCT OTe Tar te rertmn | Wr tar ints pretend that his perception is 100% true? What then? meters Ask yourself: If the worst pected we Id you do then? Thi 0 many different areas of life, not just with women. You'd have to do what millions of men have to do every day when they’re faced with a challeng ire out a w und it, thr it, or under it. Physical looks only get your foot in the door. She can still say “no thanks” and slam the door shut on you. Pay attention at the bars and clubs and you'll see this happening all the time with good looking guys. Ultimately, I don’t believe there are specific laws that say “Only beautiful women will sleep with beautiful men.” Human relationships are not like math where you add up some numbers and always get the same result. And because of this, you can get the unfair advantage! The Tricks to Attracting Women 1. SHOW PERSISTENCE The attraction strategies I teach are flexible and versatile. They allow you to exploit the loopholes of human behavior and psychology so that you can stack the deck in your favor. ‘You can make the laws of attraction bend and flex to what you want by employing very simple techniques. The more and better you learn them, the more success you enjoy. There is no man who is born for failure with women if he’s willing to get in there and persist. I did just that. aye Twas a beaten-down “nice guy” who once endured a two-year dry spell that would have made a celibate monk weep in his cot at night. But I turned that angst and anger into motivation to figure out the game of women - and win. Not to surrender in defeat. Remember, it’s easier to change yourself than the rest of the world. It’s easy to accept an assumption rather than question it - and change your life as a result. PaaS CONFIDENCE T happen to believe one fact completely and without a doubt with respect to men’s attitudes. This is one of the guiding principles in my “Secrets of the Alpha Man” program: “You will only attract the quality of woman into your life that your level of self-confidence will allow.” Did you catch that? You will only attract the quality of woman that your current level of self-confidence will allow you to have. Sure, a guy who has average looks is not going to be as immediately appealing to a woman as a hot guy, but in what context - meat market pickup clubs? Remember this critical fact: How you look is less important than how you make a woman feel. This one fact is the foundation for su ss with women that 95% of men don’t fully understand. Have you ever used hotornot.con It’s a Web site that lets you post your picture and have it rated on a scale from 1 to 10. Go there and see what kind of rating Some people’s from a 2 to a perf ome pictures get. pictures vary anywhere ct 10. How can there be so much variation in a person’s sex appeal? There are two reasons for this. 1. Each woman’s tastes are different. another One woman’s ugly i: gorgeous. Women are all over the board with their preferences. 2. You can put up a different picture with a different attitude and look from the same person and get completely different ratings. They’ve even done studies where women willrate men differently at different e. times during her monthly ey How can this be? So you'd understand it better, ask any woman you know to go through a et of pictures of you have her help you pick out which one is most enti And then have her explain her choices to you. Chane are she won't be able to, but the women that can will tell you it’s all in the attitude and sexiness you convey. You’re the same person, but with different attitudes BE sua The same thing happens in real life. Your appearance is directly influenced by your attitude. So, back to the truth - how you look is less important than how you make her feel. But you do have to make the most of what you've got first so that she'll be ested enough to peak below the surface. If you’re not having the success with women you want right now, i because something is still missing. I'll bet that I know what this i s all in the attitude. inter too. Every single guy I know who has improved s game with wom- or hot - has shirked off that bitter, whining attitude that he can’t get success because of this or that, and he just goes and does it an right there attitude of persis ce. Remember that scene in the movie Apollo 13 where Ed Harris talks about the situation and says, “Failure is not an option!” He wanted to be clear that there was no point in that crisis where they could throw their hands up and say “Can’t do it! Those guys are just going to have to die up there. We give up.” This is essential. You can’t give yourself the option to fail, or it will probably happen because that option is always easier than success. There is always a reason that you're not getting the s uccess you want with women, and there is always a solution. “There is always a solution.” So my message is this: The only people who fail in this world are those who persevere. There are plenty of guys who want to find this mystical magical combination of words that will get a woman in bed with you tonight. It does not exist. It’s what they used to call Snake Oil. A hyped up myth we wish were true, but never will be. I’m here to tell you that you can have almost any woman you want, but you're going to have to get a little education to do it. It’s not instantaneous, but it’s a lot faster that hoping you'll figure it out by accident. The great secret that every man is looking for is already in front of you: Any method will work, if you really use it and work it. And it’s not as hard as you might imagine. And failure will not be an option Stay Alpha! - by Carlos Xuma irlfriend TI m, Alpha ‘ou how to Li j with women. instant attraction, and get es MEET GOOGLE YOUR ONLINE WINGMAN omen are attracted to power and status. When a woman decides to date you, it’s because she sees your potential to improve her life, whether you're a handsome man she can enjoy looking at, have big muscles s| can squeeze to feel safe, possess thi of humor that makes her laugh so hard she squirts, or wield mad social power she can brag to friends about. A man will imagine having sex with a young, pretty woman. But a woman will imagine talking to, learning from, adventuring with, and introducing you to her friends. This is why it is crucial that you develop not only your skills with approaching and seducing women, but your social status, skills, assets, knowledge, talents, resources, and social network. When everyone is talking about you, she’ll definitely text you back. When you have great power and known as a great man, she will always text you back. If you reach the pinnacle of social power, fame, you will need an unlisted number to ward off the hoards of hot women fighting for your love. Tf you want to attract and keep the hottest girls, you need to develop something other than just the ability to approach. [fF SHE GOOGLES YOU In this great and modern era, Goog! can be your friend. If someone Googl your name, where do you appear? If you Google Anthony Newton, my picture appears next to a Vancouver Province cover story. It says I wrote a novel and teach seduction for high rates. It doesn’t matter that it’ an article about the pickup ar subculture. I’ve used this soc to flip the script on flaky gi demonstrating that I ha ul, Tam do things and people talk about me. | proof by . Even att AF In tribal communities a young man proves himself to his society by being a great hunter, a great shaman, or a great warrior. In a tribe of 200, it isn’t terribly difficult to prove your worth to society. But in the modern era where millions of people live in cities, the only way to prove your status and power is to achieve a level of fame, where you are recognized by thousands, or millions. It’s be of this vacuum that many men fall into despair, depression, drugs, and video games. They have no way to prove their worth. ause What does it matter if you’re the best mechanic, corporate lawyer, or dise golf champ if nobody knows? This is why we're addicted to social media. It gives us the illusion of social power, DHV stories can also help. “One of my friends is annoying to hang out with, because people are always hitting him up for advice on the street. Do you have any friends like that?” presence, and respect. See the selfie of me skydiving? See me rock climbing? If only she asked about my life, she would know. But she won’t ask. Not at first. That’s where cold “Why?” She will ask. For myself, I will continue to increase my fame, status and power until I have the abundance and respect I approach comes in. You have to intrigue her enough with your charm, style, and confidence that she becomes mesmerized, so that later that night she Googles you. desire. And when I tire of this pursuit, I will fade into a small mountain community to make art in solitude with the woman and animals of my choice. If global fame is too daunting a task, seek small fame. Find a group of like-minded individuals, a collective of sorts, and assume a leadership role. Take every opportunity to be seen and heard. Stand up for what you believe in and reap the benefits of your new found power. If you don’t have any special skills or a social circle of like minded individuals, then you need to start learning something today. That or go masturbate. Nothing wrong with a life of quiet solitude. = - by Tony D Tony D is an author and seduction instructor. His novel, A Thousand Tiny Failures - Memoirs of a Pickup Artist, has been called better than The Game, which he denies. His website is Absolute BAR MISTAKES THAT RUIN YOUR CHANCES WITH oe Friday night. You’re iding at the bar with your friend, patiently waiting to get drinks. It’s taking a while. Do I wave this guy down or just trust that he sees me standing here? 10 minutes go by. Some irls at the bar who walked up after you did and are getting served before you. hat the fuck? They pretend like you aren’t there. Eventually you get served. You leave a really good tip because you heard that tipping well gets you better service. The bartender snatches the money up without even looking to see who it came from. You and your friend stand there f other, clutching your drinks, scanning the room and waiting for something fun to happen. 7 Shit... we're not doing anything. You start walking around the room together, trying to smile and look like you're going somewhere fun, scanning the faces around you for girls who look approachable. You walk by a group of girl Nah, we can do better... You walk by the next group... Say something, say something...Ugh... Shit... Why is my mind completely blank? I wi talking so much before we got here... Okay, okay... I got the next one, for sure... You walk by the next group... Come on man! Say something! Shit, they just gave me a dirty look, they hate me... You know what... I just need to regroup, I’m not in the zone right now. You wind up standing on the opposite side of the room, facing each other and clutching your drinks, scanning the room. Once again you're waiting for something fun to happen. This is not fun... Sound familiar? Next time you go to the bar, here are 5 mistakes to avoid that can completely ruin your night and make approaching girls feel like pulling teeth. Ne ans GET STARTED, CLICK ON THE START FREE TRIAL BUTTON NOW classic signal 1y is “on the prowl.” Looking around too much communicates that you are needy because you are more interested in checking out girls than having fun with the people you came with. People perceive that as shifty and creepy. Instead, imagine you have tunnel vision. Only focus on interacting with the people you came with, and talking to anyone close to you. Instead of walking around looking for girls, you will stay where you are and naturally draw them to you. It keeps you in the zone, having fun, and generating a positive vibe around you and your friends. MISTAKE LOOKING DOWN T00 MUCH HESITATING TOO LONG If you want to talk to girls, go talk to them! Don’t over-think it or make it into a big deal. It’s not complicated. Waiting too long just causes excuses to form in your mind and make you nervous. Thoughts like “I don’t have anything good to say,” “They look like bitches anyway,” “I need to get a drink first” should be shunned. Instead of hesitating, waiting forever to get drinks, finding a spot to stand, or observing the room, just walk right in and start talking to the first group of girls you see. The bar isn’t going anywhere. him, that is not how it works, Women have to feel sexual attraction for you and THEN they will consider having sex with you or being your girlfriend. Bars and clubs ean be intimidating environments. The prevailing attitude, as a regular guy, is to think that “You are worthless in here and hot girls are way more important than you. They get served before you, they don’t pay for drinks, and they don’t wait in line. If you'd like to make up for how worthless you are, pay a lot of money to get in and buy drinks for these perfect angelic girls that you don’t deserve.” Obviously that’s a bunch of crap, but it can feel that way sometimes. Instead of buying into that, change your mentality to a much happier one like “There just might be a lot of interesting, fun people in here, not to mention a whole lot of cute girls who really want to meet me. I wonder what kind of erazy adventure we'll get into tonight?” MISTAKE TRYING T0 BE : Ht] COOL INSTEAD OF © TRYING TOBE FUN | A lot of people live their lives in fear of being judged. They are always trying to fit in and be “cool”. Ironically, if you’re trying to be cool, are you cool? No! The people who are cool are the ones who don’t care about being cool. Instead of focusing on what other people think of you, focus on having fun and genuinely laughing. For example, recently a girl made fun of me at a bar for drinking a beer with fruit in it. She said “I’m going to have to revoke your man card for drinking that.” I laughed and said, “I'll be keeping my man card, and please try not be jealous of how much better my beer tastes.” Ten minutes later she ordered a round of the same fruity beers and introduced me to all of her friends. Next time you go out to tl GP Cry Oo in mind and you'll have a night to remember! ROMO aT pi Written by Conor Boyland el Conor Boyland is the Executive Coach at The Tao of Badass. A ds former student, he now leads their live Black Ops training programs around the world, sharing his wisdom and experience with guys from all walks of life. When he’s not traveling, he is based at the San Diego headquarters with the Tao coaching team. To learn more about The Tao of Badass, NO GIRL CAN HURT A MAN WITH OPTIONS " SS Ss _—_—— —— a SS SSS "ve been fortunate and hard-working enough to fornicate with many gre girls in my life. I can confidently say that being with them made my life brighter. Even so, there is one fact I cannot deny: losing them didn’t mak me unhappy. No matter how great a girl was, how emotionally attached to her, or how mind-blowing sex was, my long-term happiness wasn’t affected by my decision to end my relationships with them. I'm sure you've read a lot of sappy “I need advice with this one special girl” requests on the internet where a man is depressed because he lost his girl. Why do these guys seem to have their happiness irreparably harmed while players don’t? Why do some guys linger on past relationships more than others? The simple reason is that players cope by having sex with new women. It’s quite astonishing how a new vagina makes you forget an old vagina, even if that old vagina was far superior. It’s happened to me a couple times where I broke up with an especially amazing girl. It’s the kind I knew would take months or years to find again. The next girl I slept with would be only 60% of her worth. Even then, that 60% eliminates any emotional longing for the previous vagina. Fresh pussy that’s a touch above average makes you easily forget a great pussy you recently had. la important. It says that your life ‘ade because a girl left you, no matter h . There will probably be acute an amnesiac. I can’t even human, all. But in the long run, as long remember most of the girls | pursue other women, there is no net ne T’ve dated. At the time, I was quite excited to sleep with them, enough that I put in some effort into keeping them. It’s guys who don’t practice game and put themselv back in the market that won’t be harmed if I’m forced to drink Jameson for have a deb i y of my And it wouldn’t take long until dL, forg get the ta te of Double Black. The most empowering FCCEVAT TRE MET Teae Cee TSU Lea em CSS emotional than women. It’s not uncommon TOR Se ORO BOOSTS Teo Pane COUN Tek Oe even decades after he dumped her, regardless of how many dicks she’s had. But a player quickly forgets his past flames in the face of OTL TSN era It’s so rare to hear of players crying about some past girl that ’m Oi oma iate mS Ko to a new pop song by a man obsessed with that one special tgirl. Game eNO os aN to get laid, it’s the best SCN OOLm Ne | NCA ROB While I do value past times 've had on a dead relationship, simply go out with dream girls, the new girl hasa__and get laid. It won't take more than sme laugh once two or three fresh notches to get over And for me, whatever you had in the pa about what I lost. Instead of lingering - by Roosh V Vv nist, racist, and homophobic American who likes traveling to Eastern European countries to take advanta of poor, innocent, young women who don’t have feminism to keep them safe from predators like himself. an read his blog at www.rooshv

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