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cat file | sed ‘’

cat file | sed ‘p’

cat file | sed -n ‘p’
sed ‘s/name1/name2’ file
cat -n file | sed ‘s/name1/name2/g’ 
cat -n file | sed ‘s/name1/name2/gi’ (i flag will work case insensitively)
cat -n file | sed -r ‘3,5 s/name1/name2/g’
sed ‘s/^/name2/g’ file
sed ‘s/$/name2/g’ file
echo “” | sed ‘s/http:\/\//www./g’
To not apply search and replace on any specific line:
Cat -n file | sed ‘7! s/name1/name2/g’ 
To give space after every line:
cat file | sed G

To print any specific line:

cat -n file | sed -n ‘3p’
cat -n file | sed -n ‘3,5p’
cat -n file | sed -n ‘/FRANK/p’ (Print line where the pattern matches)

To delete line:
cat -n file | sed ‘3d’
cat -n file | sed ‘3,5d’
cat -n file | sed -r ‘/FRANK/d’ (Delete line where the pattern matches)
cat -n file | sed ‘/^$/d’ (Delete all the blank line)
cat -n file | sed -e ‘/ *$//’ (Delete all the spaces at the end of the line)
cat -n file | sed -e ‘s/ #.*//g’ (Delete # and anything after that, all the comments)

To perform multiple action:

cat -n file | sed -e ‘3d’ -e ‘G’
To search and replace using condtion:
cat -n file | sed ‘/25/ s/name1/name2/g’  (wherever 25 is found, on that line only search and
replace will work)

To change any specific word to capital letter

cat file | sed ‘s/firefox/\U&/g’

sed -i option will modify the original file

sed -i.bak will create a backup file of the original file before applying modification
sed -r for matching extended regular expression
sed -e for multiple command 
AWK Syntax:
awk options ‘selection_criteria {actions}’ input_file
Selection_criteria: filtering condition and execute once for a given input file
Actions: print statement, assignment statement, arithmetic manipulation, increment/decrement,
awk built in functions/variables, loops or if statement.

$0 -entire line
$1,$2,$3….$n -1st column, 2nd column, 3rd column…..nth column
NR -line number in the given input file
NF -number of columns in each line of the given input file


awk -F"|" '{print $0}' emp_ns.txt

Pattern matching in selection criteria:

awk -F"|" '/DBA/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4}' emp_ns.txt
awk -F"|" '/DBA/ {print $0}' emp_ns.txt
awk -F"|" '/[Cc]ho[wu]dhary/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4}' emp_ns.txt
awk -F"|" '/[Cc]ho[wu]dhary/ {print NR,$1,$2,$3,$4}' emp_ns.txt

Select lines from 3 to 6:

awk -F"|" 'NR==3,NR==6 {print NR,$1,$2,$3,$4}' emp_ns.txt
awk -F"|" 'NR==3,NR==6 {print NR,$1,$2,$3,$4 > "sample.txt"}' emp_ns.txt

Comparison operators (if there are no spaces):

awk -F"|" '$3 == "DBA" || $3 == "Manager" {print $1,$2,$3,$5}' emp_ns.txt (add DBA in the last
column to show the difference)

(If there are spaces):

awk -F"|" '$3 ~ "DBA" || $3 ~ "Manager" {print $1,$2,$3,$5}' spa_emp_ns.txt

Regular expression in selection criteria:

awk -F"|" ' $2 == /[Cc]ho[wu]dhary/ {print $0}' emp_ns.txt  (won’t work due to reg expression)
awk -F"|" ' $2 ~ /[Cc]ho[wu]dhary/ {print $0}' emp_ns.txt (use ~ for reg expression)

Number comparison:
awk -F"|" '$5 > 600 && $4 ~ "Technology" {print $0,$5*.25,$5*.50}' emp_ns.txt

Command inside another file:

Copy $5 > 600 && $4 ~ "Technology" inside emp.awk then call it using -f switch after awk
awk -F"|" -f emp.awk emp_ns.txt
To count how many employees are in tech department and their salary is greater than 5000?
awk -F"|" '$4 == "Technology" && $5 > 5000 {count++;print count,$2,$3,$4,$5}' emp_ns.txt

BEGIN and END in awk:

awk options ‘BEGIN {actions}
Processing statements
END {actions}’ input_file
BEGIN: Initialize the value of the variables. Print the heading. Execute only once.
Processing statements: will execute for all the records present in the input file.
END: Print the output variable after completing the manipulation in processing.

Total number of lines in a file:

awk -F"|" 'BEGIN { count=0; } { count++; } END { print "Total number of line: " count; }'
awk -F"|" 'BEGIN { print "TAHOE PNR"; } { count++; } END { print "Total number of line: "
count; }' emp_ns.txt 

Calculate bonus for all the employees and add it along with input file:
awk -F"|" 'BEGIN { bonus_pct=.25; } { bonus=$5*bonus_pct;print $0"|"bonus }' emp_ns.txt

Calculate total no of employees in Technology dept.:

awk 'BEGIN { FS="|";count=0; } $4 == "Technology" { count++; } END { print "Total no of
employees:" count }' emp_ns.txt

Print average salary of the employees in technology department:

awk -F"|" '$4 == "Technology" { count++; tot+=$5; print count,$2,$3,$4,$5; } END {print "The
average salary is:", tot/count}' emp_ns.txt

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