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TLSC 110 School Site observation log ( F-2015, revised 7/20/2015 DCE)

TLSC 110 School Site Observation Log

You will complete a site observation log for each of the school visits you make. The observational notes you record
here will be used for other projects throughout Sequence 1, so you are encouraged to be detailed and thorough and to
keep your observation logs for the entire semester.

Name: Najiyah Bello

Site Name: William C. Goudy Tech. Academy Date: September 5th, 2019

Classroom Observation 1

Grade Level: 8th Grade Subject: English Language Arts

Part I. Describe what is going on in your classroom today. (Lecture, lab, reading, assessment, activity,
❖ Today students began by writing in their assigned notebooks about their feelings and
thoughts starting 8th grade and overall school memories from previous years until now. At
the end the students were asked to share out the adjectives they used in their writings to
explain their emotions. Some students said tired, nervous, scared, or happy to be finally in
eighth grade.
❖ The students also did an activity of reviewing nous, verbs, and prepositions. In this activity
students were asked to create relationships between nouns and verbs using prepositions to
link the ideas together. For instance, if it was a female student who had a brother she would
write “I am a sister to [brother’s name]” to show her family relation. Additionally, the
students were encouraged to use relations that were specific to them –think outside of the
box--. In other words, if they were apart of a religion and did certain practices or spoke a
certain language(s).

Part II. Classroom Description and Diagram (Draw the layout of the classroom. Notice where the desks,
centers, rugs, supplies are placed and what is on the walls and boards.)
❖ The layout of the classroom consists of the students being in pods of 5 or 6 desk however,
there were also two tables in the back of the room and the educator desk in the back, right
❖ The teacher had a lot of lamps placed around the room, bookshelves, rugs (near the back of
the room), and plants
❖ There were two air conditioners (though I think this was a part of all if not most of the
classrooms) but, the classroom also had a line of windows on the left side wall.
❖ The smart board was located in the center front additionally she teacher had a whiteboard
on the right side near her desk.
❖ The door to enter in the classroom was located in the front at the right
❖ There were storage drawers and cabinets.
❖ There were posters relating to English concepts/ vocabulary in addition to bulletin/ cork
TLSC 110 School Site observation log ( F-2015, revised 7/20/2015 DCE)

Part III. Describe what do you think the role(s) of the teacher in this classroom? Describe activities or
actions the teacher taking to fulfill this/these role(s)
❖ In the observation classroom there were two teachers. One, being the main teacher focus on
teaching the students the concepts and guiding them like any other teacher to thinking on
their own. She wrote her own examples on the board, got the students attention when
needed, etc.
❖ The other teacher was more of a supplementary educator. She walked around the
classroom, pod to pods, make sure the students were listening and following along with
everyone else. If the students seemed to be goofing off, she would point to their paper and
have them remind her of what they were supposed to be doing instead. She also made little
interferences if she notices the students were still confused or had questions of clarity.

Part IV. How is primary language development and secondary language development supported in the
classroom? How are students with special needs supported in the classroom?
❖ Specifically, during this time, the students were encouraged to use their own unique aspects
to form relationships during the classroom activity they were doing. When overhearing the
teacher speak with her students one female student mentioned a long list of languages she
could understand and speak fluently.
❖ Additionally, I noticed how two students, male and female, sitting in the front pod near the
door spoke to each other in a different language the entirely of the class. I thought it was
interesting how the teacher gave them the thought of using how they are learning English as
an example in the activity.
❖ The teacher also mentioned how she wanted to learn Spanish.

Part V. Record notes to summarize what you notice the teacher doing during the class session you
observe. How has what you observed connected with course readings?
❖ Educator leads students to higher thinking by using personal examples and connections to
the concept being taught.
o This idea relates to a skill that was mentioned in the book to lead teachers to
successful teaching --- by engaging students’ mind and motivations the educator was
able to allow them to come up with their own personal connections to the lesson
being explained. When the students were able to continue the activity without being
guided by the teachers and when re grouping with the entire class to share out their
ideas the teacher gave them positive feedback to each and every example.
❖ Educator regroups the students when they are steering off into their own conversations.
o This idea relates to a skill --- engaging students’ behavior because the teacher
reinforces the rules and expectations in her classroom. For instance, the back table
consist of a group of male students constantly laughing and having side
conversations. In result to the constant destructive behavior, the teacher tells them a
few times that they need to stay on track and then leads to the final action of telling
them they can no longer sit together in her class anymore.
❖ Educator calls out behavior that will not be tolerated in her classroom.
o During the time of my observation a comment was made of asking the class if they
paint their nails. One of the male students took it to their accounting of “jokingly”
replying yes thus, leading the educator and other students to know of the humor in
his voice. Because of this comment the teacher then ask the student of their true
intentions of making the comment and if it was to make jokes against someone
personal gender association that it would not be tolerated in her classroom.
TLSC 110 School Site observation log ( F-2015, revised 7/20/2015 DCE)

o Additionally, the teacher mentions how she does not have assigned seating for the
students when they enter into her classroom. The desk is solely on a first come and
first serve basis – if someone were to be in your seat you had been sitting in all week
they are essentially allowed to because it is not “yours” --. This is set in place to
allow students to move to new areas to better their concentration. The educator
explains that they can move when they want and to wherever they want around the
room if it allows them to focus better, see better, etc.
▪ Each of these ideas leads to the educator using a learning strategy mentioned
in the book called Metacognitive and Behavioral strategies because they
teacher students to reflect on their own actions and how they are affecting
not only themselves but also their peers.
❖ Two students spoke English and their traditional language
o This idea represents the word Additive Bilingualism because the students already
are fluent in their traditional language and now is adding English.
❖ Educator did a relax breathing activity – lights were off, students were told to close their
eyes and inhale deeply and exhale (non- dramatically )
❖ Previous day recap
TLSC 110 School Site observation log ( F-2015, revised 7/20/2015 DCE)

Classroom Observation 2

Grade Level: 7th Grade Subject: Mathematics

Part I. Describe what is going on in your classroom today. (Lecture, lab, reading, assessment, activity,
❖ First students did an opener of simplifying fractions – first filled out the solutions on their
own then went over them in full class discussion.
❖ Students did an activity that challenged their thinking’s --- the activity required using prior
knowledge and knowledge they may or may have not learned to find the solution to the
problem. During this activity it was entirely led by students with the help of their group
members. Though, the teachers were there for a resource they would use what the students
already figured out to guide them further into their reasonings --- to find the solution.

Part II. Classroom Description and Diagram (Draw the layout of the classroom. Notice where the desks,
centers, rugs, supplies are placed and what is on the walls and boards.)
❖ Compared to the over classroom visits of this day, this classroom in particular was much
brighter and more seemed like a more open and fun environment.
❖ The desks were arranged in groups of three or four around the room.
❖ There was a circular table in the center back.
❖ There were storage cabinet.
❖ Bulletin boards, bookshelves, and posters of math material
❖ Similar to the other classroom that smartboard was located in the center front
❖ The teacher desk was in the front left corner and the special ed teacher had a standing desk
in the back, right corner.
❖ The front door was in the front right.

Part III. Describe what do you think the role of the teacher in this classroom? Describe activities actions
is the teacher taking to fulfill this role
❖ Similar to the other classroom, there were two educators also present in this classroom.
Both of the teachers seemed to equally share ideas and the authoritative presence in the
classroom. For instance, the fraction opener was led by the main teacher however, the
second challenged activity was led/introduced by the second teacher.
❖ The second teacher was a special education educator but, he did not make it anymore
known to be just that. He walked around to each pod during the activity and interacted
with all the kids. From being an outsider point of view, I would not and still not point
out/notice which student(s) would consider to be special needs. The way the student
interacted with each other was so inviting and welcoming that everyone seemed to have
their fit and place in the classroom.

Part IV. How is primary language development and secondary language development supported in the
classroom? How are students with special needs supported in the classroom.
❖ Though in this classroom it did not seem language was a barrier to these group of students,
I am sure if it was the educators know which steps to take and actions to do to help those
students feel connected.
TLSC 110 School Site observation log ( F-2015, revised 7/20/2015 DCE)

❖ The primary language spoken in the classroom was English however, some students did
have a thick accent of a different cultural background.
❖ The special needs students have a special needs educator in the room monitoring them.
Part V. Record notes to summarize what you notice the teacher doing during the class session you
observe. How has what you observed connected with course readings?
❖ A special needs educator was present during this room
o Student(s) is receiving an Individualized Education program (IEP) to assist them in
their scholarly activities.
❖ Educator and the students came up with a special rhythm that signified that they students
needed to quiet down and listen to the teacher
o This concept supports the idea of the setting an academic emphasis as read int eh
book because each time she has to do the rhythm to gain her students attention it
means that she has something helpful/important to say or that the students are
getting out of control and need to regroup themselves. – Reminds the students that
they are in school to learn not to treat it as a playground—
❖ Educators emplaced a challenging mathematical activity and had the students spend the
rest of the class hour finding the solution.
o Teaches students to become more aware of their Metacognitive Strategies.
o Creates a higher level of thinking by having the student to implement what they are
expanding their knowledge on and what they are newly going to be leaning in class.

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