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Arab Academy for Science

and Technology

Graduate School of Business

MBA Program

Course: Statistics for Business

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel bary ( )

Vice President

Arab Academy for Science and Technology


This course contains many topics and its applications in Business

studies. In each topic we consider firstly the theoretical part then we

consider its applications with real examples. Also, students can suggests a

real problem according to their specialization and one of the case studies

is to formulate the suggesting problems in Mathematical or statistical

Model, then solving it .


 Describing data and statistical measurements .

 Regression and correlation.

 Forecasting and Time series .

 Introduction to probability, independent case , conditional

probability , total probability and Bay's rule.

 Probability distributions : (Binomial, Poisson and normal ) .

 Estimation and confidence intervals .

 Test of hypotheses : ( one and two samples ).

 Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) .

 Non parametric methods: Chi- Squared applications .

 Introduction to Decision Theory .


Assignments 20%

Participation + Attendance 10%

Mid –term exam 30 %

Final Exam 40%



1. Lind, Marchal and Mason (2006) , Statistical Techniques in Business

& Economics , Eleventh Edition , Mc Graw Hill , USA.

2.Anderson , Sweenetand and Williams (2002), Statistics for Business

and Economics , South – western , United Ststes .

3.Levine , Krehbiel and Berenson (2006) , Business Ststistics , Prentice

Hall . New Jersey , USA.

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