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Write on Muslims beliefs about Angels.

Belief in Angels is an Article of faith in the Islamic religion and the Muslim faith
is incomplete if Angels are not believed to be in existence. Angels are the creations
of Allah against the belief they are Allah’s daughters. Angels are Allah’s helpers
and were made to be trusted followers and servants of Allah. They follow the
command of Allah and are not able to do anything other than Allah’s commands.
Angels are key part of our world and every person is assigned their own Angel to
protect them from Satan. Angels are also assigned specific duties for example to
write down our deeds(they are known as Keraman- e-Katibeen). One of the Angels
called Hazrat Jibreal is the first creation of Allah. Angels are created by Noor
(light) and they cannot be seen by human. Angels have two huge wings and when
Prophet (SAWS) saw Hazrat Jibreal, the entire horizon was covered by his wings.
The Angels have been assigned particular tasks by Allah such as Hazrat Jibreal
brought revelations down to the Prophets. Munker and Nakeer (AS) go into our
graves an interrogate us on the good and bad things we had done in our lives.
Hazrat Mikeael (AS) is the controller of rain. Izreal (AS) takes our souls out of our
bodies when we die. Hazrat Israfil (AS) will blow the trumpet on the day
judgement. Angels used to come in the form of humans to the Prophets. Hazrat
Lute (AS) had seen to Angels in human form, Hazrat Zakariya (AS) also
experienced the same by the visiting of an Angel when he was given the tidings of
a son. Bhebi Mariam has also seen Hazrat Jibrael (AS) with Hazrat Zakaria (AS).
Angel Malik (AS) is the keeper of Hell and Angel Rizwan (AS) is the keeper of
Heaven. These are some of many Angels that are assigned duties by Allah.
Angels always are there to assist us all the time. They are all around us all the
angels cannot be seen even when they are multiple Angels right next to us doing
their assigned job. They pray for our misdeeds and pray for our forgiveness from
Allah. The Angels travel faster than light and they are always circumambulating
the Kaaba. The Angels protect us from Satan and Mishaps. The Quran says “But
verily, over you (are appointed angels) to protect you- kind and honorable, writing
down (your deeds).” The Angels are considered to be in a lower status than
humans because Allah had ordered the Angels to bow down to Hazrat Adam (AS).
We need to be grateful to Allah that he has made us the most superior of creations.
The belief in Angels strengthen our faith in Allah and this makes us see that Allah
has created things that humans can never imagine creating.

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