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Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394


The roles of cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in cocaine-induced

behavioral sensitization and conditioned place preference in mice
Jadna B. Lopes 1 & Juliana R. Bastos 1 & Rayssa B. Costa 1 & Daniele C. Aguiar 1 & Fabrício A. Moreira 1

Received: 20 October 2018 / Accepted: 30 September 2019 / Published online: 30 October 2019
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Rationale Cocaine is a psychostimulant drug that facilitates monoaminergic neurotransmission. The endocannabinoid system,
comprising the cannabinoid receptors (CB1R and CB2R), the endocannabinoids, and their metabolizing-enzymes, modulates the
mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway and represents a potential target for the treatment of addiction.
Objectives Here, we tested the hypothesis that the cannabinoid receptors are implicated in cocaine-induced motor sensitization,
conditioned place preference (CPP), and hippocampal activation.
Methods Male Swiss mice received injections of AM251 (CB1R antagonist; 0.3–10 mg/kg) or JWH133 (CB2R agonist; 1–10
mg/kg) before acquisition or expression of cocaine (20 mg/kg)-induced sensitization and CPP. After the CPP test, cFos-staining
was employed as a marker of neuronal activation in the hippocampus.
Results AM251 inhibited the acquisition (0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg) and expression (1 and 3 mg/kg) of sensitization, as well as the
acquisition (10 mg/kg) of CPP. JWH133 inhibited the acquisition (0.3 and 1 mg/kg) and expression (1 and 3 mg/kg) of both
sensitization and CPP. JWH133 effects were reversed by AM630 (CB2R antagonist; 5 mg/kg). AM251 and JWH133 also
prevented neuronal activation (c-Fos expression) in the hippocampus of CPP-exposed animals.
Conclusions CB1R and CB2R have opposite roles in modulating cocaine-induced sensitization and CPP, possibly by preventing
neuronal activation in the hippocampus.

Keywords Psychostimulants . Reward . Drug abuse . Addiction . Memory . Endocannabinoids

Introduction to various molecular, cellular, and behavioral changes. In ex-

perimental animals, one major effect of repeated cocaine ad-
Cocaine addiction is a chronic disorder for which pharmaco- ministration is an increase in motor stimulant responses,
logical treatments are limited (Penberthy et al. 2010). This termed behavioral sensitization (Shuster et al. 1977; Steketee
psychostimulant drug blocks the reuptake of monoamines, and Kalivas 2011). Several protocols have been developed to
including dopamine, and increases the levels of this neuro- study this response, with previous studies showing that a sin-
transmitter in some brain regions (Heikkila et al. 1975). gle dose of cocaine is sufficient to induce sensitization
Dopaminergic neurons project from the substantia nigra and (Marinho et al. 2015; Valjent et al. 2010). Behavioral sensiti-
the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to forebrain regions zation is relevant for studying both the neurobiology and treat-
(Bjorklund and Dunnett 2007), comprising distinct neuronal ment of addiction, since it is a robust protocol and responds
pathways linked to cognition, mood, and reward (Bressan and well to pharmacological interventions. However, its use is
Crippa 2005; Volkow et al. 2017). After continuous use, co- limited due to some confounding factors, particularly when
caine and other drugs Bhijack^ brain reward systems, leading the testing compounds reduce spontaneous locomotion
(Steketee and Kalivas 2011).
Another experimental approach to the study of cocaine
* Fabrício A. Moreira addiction is the conditioned place preference (CPP) test. The
CPP test is generally performed in a box containing two dis-
1 tinct compartments with different contextual cues, which are
Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biological Sciences,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos equally explored by the rodents in a pre-test session. The
6627, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil conditioning session consists of injecting the drug of interest
386 Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394

and confining the animal in one compartment (the conditioned knockout mice. CB2Rs seem to play an opposite role on the
stimulus), whereas vehicle injection is paired with the other rewarding effects of cocaine, since their activation leads to
compartment, in alternate days. After the conditioning phase, similar results compared to CB1R antagonism on cocaine
the test session is performed in absence of the drug (i.e., the self-administration (Zhang et al. 2015) and CPP
unconditioned stimulus). If there is an increase in the time (Ignatowska-Jankowska et al. 2013). Moreover, the overex-
exploring the paired compartment, as compared to the pression of CB2R also attenuates cocaine-induced responses
vehicle-paired side, the drug is considered as a rewarding (Aracil-Fernandez et al. 2012). Finally, studies that directly
stimulus. (Bardo and Bevins 2000; Mucha et al. 1982; compared the effects of CB1R antagonists and CB2R agonists
Sanchis-Segura and Spanagel 2006). One major advantage observed that both classes of compounds inhibit the hyperac-
of CPP is its sensitivity to manipulations that affect the acqui- tivity and the CPP induced by cocaine in rats and mice (Delis
sition and the expression of the conditioned response. et al. 2017; Gobira et al. 2019). However, it is still unclear if
However, the interpretations of this test are limited by the fact the same applies to cocaine sensitization. In addition, the brain
that the animal does not self-administer the drug regions implicated in the cannabinoid modulation of cocaine-
(Cunningham et al. 2006). Another limitation is that the neural induced CPP remains to be investigated.
circuitry underlying CPP is only partially understood. It is Here, we tested the hypothesis that CB1R and CB2R facil-
proposed to involve brain regions related to rewarding re- itate and inhibit the behavioral effects of cocaine, respectively.
sponses, particularly the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, We compared the effects of three doses of the CB1R antago-
as well as structures underlying contextual learning, such as nist, AM251, and the CB2R agonist, JWH133, on motor sen-
the hippocampus. This structure has been proposed as a key sitization and CPP induced by cocaine in mice. Moreover, we
brain region responsible for the formation of memories related investigated the effects of these drugs on cocaine-induced
to addictive drugs, possibly through efferent connections to neural activation (c-Fos expression) in the hippocampus after
the brain rewarding system in the ventral striatum (Hitchcock the CPP protocol. Our data support the hypothesis that CB1R
and Lattal 2018; Meyers et al. 2006; Sjulson et al. 2018; and CB2R have opposite roles in modulating some addiction-
Trouche et al. 2016). related effects of cocaine.
The endocannabinoid system, comprising the cannabinoid
receptors, the endocannabinoids, and the enzymes responsible
for their synthesis and degradation, modulates dopaminergic Methods
reward pathways (Covey et al. 2017; Pan et al. 2008; Riegel
and Lupica 2004). The physiological effects of the main Animals
endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol
(2-AG), are mediated by two Gi/o protein-coupled receptors, Male Swiss mice (20–25 g) were housed in groups of five
CB1R (Devane et al. 1988; Matsuda et al. 1990) and CB2R animals per box in a room under constant temperature (24 ±
(Munro et al. 1993). The CB1R is densely expressed in vari- 2 °C) and a 12 h light/dark cycle, with free access to water and
ous brain regions, including the nucleus accumbens, the pre- food. The experiments were conducted with a total of 598
frontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the VTA, among others animals during the light phase of the cycle, in accordance with
involved in reward and addiction (Herkenham 1992). The previous protocols (Cunningham et al. 2006; Shuster et al.
CB2R, first described as a peripheral receptor, seem to be also 1977). All procedures used in the present study were approved
expressed in the central neural system (CNS), with recent by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals (CEUA) from
evidence suggesting its localization in dopaminergic VTA the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), protocol
neurons (Zhang et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2017) and in the number 55/2016, in accordance with Brazilian and interna-
hippocampus (Brusco et al. 2008a; Stempel et al. 2016). tional guidelines for the use of laboratory animals.
Both cannabinoid receptors may influence the behavioral
and molecular responses to psychostimulant drugs (Covey Drugs
et al. 2017; Moreira et al. 2015). For instance, CB1R antago-
nists attenuate behavioral sensitization (Corbille et al. 2007; Sensitization and CPP were induced with a dose of 20 mg/kg
Marinho et al. 2015; Mereu et al. 2015), acquisition of CPP of cocaine (Merck & Co., Inc.) diluted in saline (NaCl 0,9%).
(Hu et al. 2015; Yu et al. 2011), and relapse to self- To dilute the cannabinoid-related drugs, a solution was pre-
administration (De Vries et al. 2001) induced by cocaine. pared with 5% ethanol, 5% Cremophor®, and 90% saline.
CB1R antagonists also reduce neuronal activation after They were administrated before the acquisition or expression
cocaine-induced sensitization (Marinho et al. 2015). phases of sensitization and CPP. AM251 (Tocris), an
However, there are conflicting results showing that cocaine- antagonist/inverse agonist of CB1R, and JWH133 (Tocris), a
induced self-administration (Cossu et al. 2001), sensitization, CB2R agonist, were administered at the doses of 0.3–10
and CPP (Martin et al. 2000) remain unaltered in CB1R mg/kg. AM630 (Tocris), a CB2R antagonist, was administered
Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394 387

at the doses of 5 or 10 mg/kg. All drugs were intraperitoneally Immunohistochemistry

administered in a volume of 10 ml/kg. The dose ranges were
selected based on previous studies (Xi et al. 2011; Zhang et al. Two hours after the CPP test, the animals were anesthe-
2015; Zhang et al. 2014). tized with ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (15 mg/kg)
and transcardially perfused with saline and paraformalde-
hyde 4% (PFA) in PB 0.1 M (pH 7.4). The brains were
Behavioral sensitization
fixed in PFA for 2 h, cryoprotected in sucrose 30% for 48
h, frozen in isopentane solution, and kept at − 80 °C.
Cocaine-induced sensitization was evaluated in a cylindrical
Coronal slices (25 μm) were obtained with cryostat
arena (30 cm diameter and 50 cm high). In both days, the
(Leica CM1850) and immediately transferred to PBS
animals were initially habituated to the arena for 10 min.
0.01 M (pH 7.4). The quantification of c-Fos expression
After habituation, they received a 20 mg/kg dose of cocaine
in the hippocampus of mice exposed to CPP was per-
and were immediately placed back to the arena, where loco-
formed using a procedure previously described (Batista
motion was measured for 10 min (test phase). Cannabinoid
et al. 2016). Slices were incubated with hydrogen perox-
drugs were administrated either on day 1 or day 2, to test for
ide 3% in PBS 0.01 M for 30 min. Epitopes were blocked
their effects on the acquisition and expression of cocaine-
with bovine serum 1% in PBS 0.01 M with Triton X-100
induced sensitization, respectively. AM251 and JWH133
0.1%. Incubation with anti c-Fos primary antibody (sc-52,
were administered 30 min before cocaine (i.e., 20 min before
rabbit polyclonal IgG, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), diluted
the habituation phase), whereas AM630 was administered
at 1:500 in the blocking solution, was performed for 44 h
40 min before cocaine injection (i.e., 30 min before the habit-
at room temperature. After washing, the slices were incu-
uation phase). Mouse activity was recorded with a video cam-
bated with secondary biotinylated antibody (goat anti-
era (Microsoft LifeCam®) and the total distance traveled was
rabbit IgG 1:1000 in PBS with BSA 1% and Triton X-
analyzed with ANY-maze (4.5 version) software. The data are
100 0.4%). The avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex
presented as the total distance traveled (in meters) on each day.
(Vectastain ABC kit, Vector Lab) was used to amplify
the target antigen signal. To reveal c-Fos staining, 3,3′-
Conditioned place preference diaminobenzidine (DAB) was used. We counted positive
c-Fos cells, manually (ImageJ 1.51j8 version), in slices
Cocaine-induced CPP was evaluated using an acrylic box between − 1.82 and − 2.06 mm from bregma (Paxinos
with two compartments (15 × 12 × 12 cm each) connected and Franklin 2004). The images were obtained with a
by a central corridor (9.5 × 5 × 12 cm) with removable doors light microscope (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and Zen
between each compartment. The walls and floors had distinct software (× 10 objective). In order to analyze the whole
color and texture. On day 1, each animal was placed in the hippocampus in each slice, four images per slice were
central corridor with free access to the box compartments for taken. We selected for cFos analysis only those groups
15 min. Animals spending more than 70% of the time in one in which we detected a behavioral effect of treatments
of the compartments were excluded from the experiment. with cannabinoid-related drugs. The results are presented
During the conditioning phases (days 2–7), they received co- as the number of positive cells per hippocampus slice.
caine and vehicle injections, alternately, immediately before
exposure to a specific compartment of the box for 30 min.
Half of the animals had cocaine paired with one compartment Statistical analysis
and the rest of the animals with the opposite compartment. On
the test day (day 8), the same procedure described for day 1 All statistical analyses and graphic elaborations were per-
was repeated. formed with GraphPad Prism 5 software. Results from sen-
To test for drug effects on CPP acquisition, AM251 and sitization protocol were subjected to two-way analysis of
JWH133 were administrated 30 min before each cocaine in- variance (ANOVA), considering drug treatments and days
jection, whereas AM630 was administered 40 min before. To as experimental factors, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc
test for drug effects on CPP expression, the cannabinoid drugs test. Cocaine-induced CPP scores were analyzed by one-
were administrated only on the test day. The experiments were way ANOVA followed by the Newman-Keuls test. The
recorded with a video camera (Microsoft LifeCam®) and the control experiment for the effects of cannabinoid drugs
time spent in each compartment was analyzed using ANY- on CPP were subjected to one-sample t test, in which the
maze (4.5 version) software. The data are expressed as CPP CPP score of each group was compared to zero (neither
scores (in seconds), which is defined as the time spent in the preference nor aversion). The significance level was con-
drug-paired compartment minus the time spent in the vehicle- sidered as p < 0.05. Data are presented as mean and stan-
paired compartment (Cunningham et al. 2006). dard error of mean (s.e.m.).
388 Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394

Results interaction: F4,50 = 2.185, n.s.; Fig. 3b). As a control for drug
effects on basal motor activity, we analyzed the effects of
Effects of CB1R antagonism and CB2R agonism AM630 (5 mg/kg), JWH133 (0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg), and
on cocaine-induced sensitization AM251 (0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg) in animals that did
not receive cocaine administration. Importantly, none of these
The administration of the CB1R antagonist AM251 (0.3–3 drugs modified the total distance moved (F9,49 = 0.7124, n.s.),
mg/kg), on day 1, prevented the acquisition of cocaine sensi- discarding stimulant or depressing motor effects as potential
tization (treatment: F4,70 = 9.444, p < 0.0001; day: F1,70 = confounding factors (Table 1).
24.03, p < 0.0001; interaction: F4,70 = 1.350, n.s.; Fig. 1a).
Moreover, when administered on the second day, AM251 (1 Effects of CB1R antagonism and CB2R agonism
and 3 mg/kg) inhibited the expression of cocaine-induced be- on cocaine-induced CPP
havioral sensitization (treatment: F4,66 = 12.19, p < 0.0001;
day: F1,66 = 45.93, p < 0.0001; interaction: F4,66 = 3.024, p = The highest dose of AM251 (10 mg/kg), administrated before
0.0237; Fig. 1b). Similar to AM251, the CB2R agonist, cocaine injections, inhibited the acquisition of CPP (F4,47 =
JWH133, prevented the acquisition of cocaine-induced sensi- 7.741, p < 0.0001; Fig. 4a). This compound, however, failed
tization, except at the highest dose (drug: F4,54 = 6.609, p = to prevent the expression of CPP (F4,44 = 4.956, p = 0.0022;
0.0002; time: F1,54 = 9.965, p = 0.0026; interaction: F4,54 = Fig. 4b). The CB2R agonist, JWH133, also modified cocaine
2.124, n.s.; Fig. 2a). JWH133 (1 and 3 mg/kg) also inhibited effect in the CPP paradigm. JWH133 (10 mg/kg) prevented
the expression of cocaine-induced sensitization, when admin- the development of cocaine-induced CPP when administrated
istered on the second day (drug: F4,49 = 4.385, p = 0.0041; during the acquisition (F4,46 = 4.168, p = 0.0058; Fig. 5a) and
time: F1,49 = 5.583, p = 0.0221; interaction: F4,49 = 1.290, n.s.; in the expression phase (F4, 44 = 4.843, p = 0.0025; Fig. 5b).
Fig. 2b). Next, we investigated if AM630 (10 mg/kg) prevents
The CB2R antagonist, AM630 (5 mg/kg), reverted the ef- JWH133 (10 mg/kg) effects. This compound reverted
fect of JWH133 on both acquisition (drug: F4,50 = 12.21, p < JWH133 effects on both acquisition (F4,42 = 7.650, p =
0.0001; time: F1,50 = 50.05, p < 0.0001; interaction: F4,50 = 0.0001; Fig. 6a) and expression (F4,49 = 6.222, p = 0.0004;
4.034 , p = 0.0065; Fig. 3a) and expression phases (drug: F4,50 Fig. 6b) of cocaine-induced CPP. To test if the cannabinoid
= 7.136, p = 0.0001; time: F 1,50 = 21.11, p < 0.0001; drugs induce conditioned place preference or aversion,

Fig. 1 Effects of the CB1R

antagonist, AM251 (0.3, 1, and 3
mg/kg), on cocaine (20 mg/kg)
sensitization in mice. a AM251,
injected 30 min before cocaine on
day 1, prevented the acquisition
of sensitization. *p < 0.05
compared to vehicle +
vehicle∣cocaine; #p < 0.05
compared to vehicle +
cocaine∣cocaine (n = 8/group). b
AM251, injected 30 min before
cocaine on day 2, prevented the
expression of sensitization. *p <
0.05 compared to vehicle∣vehicle
+ cocaine; #p < 0.05 compared to
cocaine∣vehicle + cocaine. (n =
7, 8, 7, 8, 8). Each bar represents
the mean and s.e.m. The data
were analyzed by two-way
ANOVA followed by Bonferroni
post-hoc test
Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394 389

Fig. 2 Effects of the CB2R

agonist, JWH133 (0.3, 1, and 3
mg/kg), on cocaine (20 mg/kg)
sensitization in mice. a JWH133,
injected 30 min before cocaine on
day 1, prevented the acquisition
of sensitization. *p < 0.05
compared to vehicle +
vehicle∣cocaine; #p < 0.05
compared to vehicle +
cocaine∣cocaine (n = 6, 6, 7, 7,
6). b JWH133, injected 30 min
before cocaine on day 2,
prevented the expression of
sensitization. *p < 0.05 compared
to vehicle∣vehicle + cocaine; #p <
0.05 compared to
cocaine∣vehicle + cocaine. (n =
7, 8, 7, 8, 8). Each bar represents
the mean and s.e.m. The data
were analyzed by two-way
ANOVA followed by Bonferroni
post-hoc test

AM251, JWH133, and AM630 injections were paired with from zero, discarding any potential source of confounding
the context with no subsequent cocaine treatment. The CPP factors (AM251: t8 = 0.4825, n.s.; AM630: t8 = 1.341, n.s.;
score obtained after treatment with these drugs did not differ JWH133: t8 = 0.9380, n.s.; one sample t test; Table 2).

Fig. 3 Effects of the CB2R

antagonist, AM630 (5 mg/kg), on
the inhibitory effect of JWH133
(1 mg/kg) on cocaine
sensitization in mice. a AM630
prevented the inhibitory effect of
JWH133 on the acquisition of
sensitization. *p < 0.05 compared
to vehicle + vehicle +
vehicle∣cocaine; #p < 0.05
compared to vehicle + vehicle +
cocaine∣cocaine; &p < 0.05
compared to vehicle + JWH133 +
cocaine∣cocaine (n = 6/group). b
AM630 prevented the inhibitory
effect of JWH133 on the
expression of sensitization; *p <
0.05 compared to vehicle∣vehicle
+ vehicle + cocaine; #p < 0.05
compared to cocaine∣vehicle +
vehicle + cocaine; &p < 0.05
compared to cocaine∣ vehicle +
JWH133 + cocaine (n = 6/group).
Each bar represents the mean and
s.e.m. The data were analyzed by
two-way ANOVA followed by
Bonferroni post-hoc test
390 Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394

Table 1 Effects of AM630, JWH133, and AM251 on basal locomotion

in mice exposed to the arena during 10 min after habituation. Distances
traveled were not different from vehicle, indicating that none of the
compounds interfered with motor activity. Results are expressed as
mean ± SEM (n = 6 mice/group)

Treatment Dose Distance traveled (m)

Vehicle – 8.25 ± 1.14

AM630 5 mg/kg 8.49 ± 1.47
JWH133 0.3 mg/kg 9.85 ± 1.17
1 mg/kg 8.40 ± 0.84
3 mg/kg 10.29 ± 0.68
AM251 0.1 mg/kg 9.24 ± 1.96
0.3 mg/kg 8.90 ± 2.18
1 mg/kg 8.24 ± 0.37
3 mg/kg 6.44 ± 0.99
10 mg/kg 7.07 ± 1.48

Neuronal activation in the hippocampus

after cocaine-induced CPP

After the CPP test, animals from vehicle + vehicle, vehicle +

cocaine, AM251 + cocaine, and JWH133 + cocaine groups
were randomly selected for c-Fos quantification in the hippo- Fig. 4 Effects of the CB1R antagonist, AM251 (1, 3, and 10 mg/kg), on
campus. In line with the behavioral results, the administration CPP induced by cocaine (20 mg/kg) in mice. a AM251 inhibited the
of the CB1R antagonist during the acquisition phase (F2,11 = acquisition of CPP (n = 11, 11, 10, 10, 10). b AM251 failed to inhibit
the expression of CPP (n = 12, 12, 8, 8, 9). *p < 0.05 compared to vehicle
31.84, p < 0.0001; Fig. 7) and the CB2R agonist during the
+ vehicle group, #p < 0.05 compared to vehicle + cocaine group. Each bar
acquisition and the expression phases (A: F2,10 = 8.22, p = represents the mean and s.e.m. The data were analyzed by one-way
0.0077, B: F2,9 = 23.01, p = 0.0003; Fig. 8) prevented the ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post-hoc test
increase in c-Fos expression in the hippocampus.
this protocol, we demonstrated that AM251, a CB1R antago-
nist, inhibited both the acquisition (when administrated on day
Discussion 1) and the expression (when administered on day 2) of
cocaine-induced sensitization. These results corroborate stud-
Drugs that target CB1R and CB2R have been investigated in ies using rimonabant, another CB1R antagonist (Marinho et al.
animal models relevant to cocaine addiction. Herein, we tested 2015; Mereu et al. 2015), although other authors did not ob-
three doses of the CB1R antagonist, AM251, and the CB2R serve any effect with AM251 (Corbille et al. 2007;
agonist, JWH133, to provide a detailed analysis of their effects Kupferschmidt et al. 2012), rimonabant (Filip et al. 2006) or
on cocaine-induced sensitization and CPP in mice. We in CB1R knockout mice (Martin et al. 2000). These discrep-
showed that these compounds inhibit motor sensitization at ancies might be explained by differences in animal species
doses that preserve basal locomotion. Moreover, and strains.
complementing previous studies (Delis et al. 2017; Gobira Regarding the role of CB2R, previous studies have focused
et al. 2019), we found that AM251 and JWH133 also on the acute effects of cocaine on locomotion, but not on
prevented cocaine-induced CPP. Finally, using cFos as a behavioral sensitization (Delis et al. 2017; Gobira et al.
marker of neuronal activation, we observed that these com- 2019; Xi et al. 2011). Here, we show that the selective
pounds inhibit hippocampal activity in animals exposed to the CB2R agonist, JWH133, prevents the acquisition and expres-
context previously paired with cocaine. sion of cocaine sensitization at doses that did not change the
Behavioral sensitization protocols vary considerably in re- acute response to this psychostimulant drug, corroborating
gard to the time between acquisition and expression phases. In previous results in mice overexpressing the CB2R (Aracil-
the present experiments, we found that a two-injection proto- Fernandez et al. 2012). The effects of JWH133 on the acqui-
col results in cocaine sensitization, in accordance with previ- sition of cocaine sensitization occurred only at the lowest and
ous studies (Marinho et al. 2015; Valjent et al. 2010). Using intermediate doses. Although the reason for this is unclear, it is
Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394 391

Fig. 5 Effects of the CB2R agonist, JWH133 (1, 3, 10 mg/kg), on CPP

induced by cocaine (20 mg/kg) in mice. a JWH133 inhibited the
acquisition of CPP (n = 10, 11, 11, 10, 9). b JWH133 inhibited the
expression of CPP (n = 9, 11, 9, 10, 10). *p < 0.05 compared to vehicle
Fig. 6 Effects of the CB2R antagonist, AM630 (10 mg/kg), on the
+ vehicle group; #p < 0.05 compared to vehicle + cocaine group. Each bar
inhibitory effect of JWH133 (10 mg/kg) on CPP induced by cocaine
represents the mean and s.e.m. The data were analyzed by one-way
(20 mg/kg) in mice. a AM630 reversed the inhibitory effect of JWH133
ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post-hoc test
on the acquisition of CPP (n = 10, 10, 10, 9, 9). b AM630 reversed the
inhibitory effect of JWH133 on the expression of CPP (10, 11, 11, 11, 11).
*p < 0.05 compared to vehicle + vehicle + vehicle group; #p < 0.05
unlike to depend on effects on motor activity, since JWH133 compared to vehicle + vehicle + cocaine group. Each bar represents the
did not reduce spontaneous locomotion at any of the doses mean and s.e.m. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed
tested. Regarding the antagonism of CB2R, AM630 did not by Newman-Keuls post-hoc test
alter cocaine effects, in accordance with previous results
(Blanco-Calvo et al. 2014). memory. As for the CB2R, the selective agonist JWH133
In addition to locomotor sensitization, we investigated the inhibited both the acquisition and expression of cocaine-
role of cannabinoid receptors in cocaine-induced CPP, a induced CPP. These results indicate that the CB2R modulates
contextual-memory paradigm. Behavioral sensitization and the rewarding memories formed after cocaine injections, cor-
CPP have different implications for the various aspects of drug roborating a recent study using rats as experimental subjects
addiction, each recruiting specific neural substrates. (Delis et al. 2017).
Sensitization seems to depend on converging circuitries relat-
ed to motivational and motor responses (Steketee and Kalivas
2011), whereas CPP engages brain regions related to contex- Table 2 Effects of AM251 (10 mg/kg), AM630 (10 mg/kg), and
JWH133 (10 mg/kg) on CPP. CPP scores were not different from 0,
tual memory formation (Bardo and Bevins 2000). We ob- indicating that these compounds induced neither place preference nor
served that the antagonism of CB1R (with AM251) prevented aversion. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 9 mice/group)
the acquisition of cocaine-induced CPP, corroborating previ-
Treatment Dose CPP score (s)
ous studies with rimonabant (Delis et al. 2017; Hu et al. 2015;
Yu et al. 2011). When administrated on the expression phase, AM251 10 mg/kg 16.87 ± 34.95
AM251 failed to revert cocaine effects. Thus, CB1R seems to AM630 10 mg/kg 39.11 ± 29.17
participate on the acquisition of the contextual memory related JWH133 10 mg/kg 3.23 ± 40.28
to cocaine, although it is not necessary for the evocation of this
392 Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394

Fig. 7 Effects of the CB1R antagonist, AM251 (10 mg/kg), on c-Fos software. *p < 0.05 compared to vehicle + vehicle group, #p < 0.05
expression in mice hippocampi after CPP induced by cocaine (20 mg/kg). compared to vehicle + cocaine group. Each bar represents the mean and
AM251 prevented the increase in c-Fos expression when injected in the s.e.m. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by
acquisition phase of CPP. Brains were randomly chosen from each group Newman-Keuls post-hoc test. Representative images obtained from mice
of animals after the behavioral experiment (n = 4 mice/group). Positive dentate gyrus are also presented
cells in both sides of the hippocampi were manually counted with ImageJ

Fig. 8 Effects of the CB2R

agonist, JWH133 (10 mg/kg), on
c-Fos expression in mice hippo-
campi after CPP induced by co-
caine (20 mg/kg). JWH133
prevented the increase in c-Fos
expression when injected in the
acquisition (a) and expression (b)
phases of CPP. Brains were ran-
domly chosen from each group of
animals after the behavioral ex-
periment (n = 4 mice/group).
Positive cells in both sides of the
hippocampi were manually
counted with ImageJ software. *p
< 0.05 compared to vehicle + ve-
hicle group, #p < 0.05 compared
to vehicle + cocaine group. Each
bar represents the mean and s.e.m.
The data were analyzed by one-
way ANOVA followed by
Newman-Keuls post-hoc test.
Representative images obtained
from mice dentate gyrus are also
Psychopharmacology (2020) 237:385–394 393

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