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What’s conditioned in conditioned

place preference?
Joseph P. Huston1, Maria A. de Souza Silva1, Bianca Topic1, and Christian P. Müller2
Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Institute of Experimental Psychology, University of Düsseldorf, 40204 Düsseldorf, Germany
Section of Addiction Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-
Nuremberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany

Conditioned place preference (CPP) is a learned behavior [16–19]. Although the theoretical underpinnings of CPP
shown in many vertebrates, including humans. CPP are complex, there is a general assumption that it is based
occurs when a subject comes to prefer one place more on classical conditioning-derived ‘incentive motivation’
than others because the preferred location has been [20,21]. However, this may be an oversimplification of
paired previously with rewarding events. The CPP para- the multiple learning processes involved, which may bias
digm is widely used to explore the reinforcing effects of and misdirect the interpretation of experimental results
natural and pharmacological stimuli, including drugs of with this paradigm. Here, we address the question of what
addiction. There is a general assumption that an ac- is actually conditioned in the CPP procedure and what
quired place preference is based on classical condition- learning processes may occur.
ing derived ‘incentive motivation’. However, this may be An important impetus to experimental use of CPP was
an oversimplification of the multiple learning processes the discovery of rewarding effects of brain stimulation by
involved. We argue that although CPP may appear as an Olds and Milner [22], who observed that rats returned to
incentive-driven behavior related to secondary reinfor- the site of a chamber where they had received electrical
cers, it may also be a result of operant conditioning of brain stimulation. Subsequently, CPP was observed with
behavior prevailing at the conditioning site, as well as a various other rewarding agents and it became a screening
result of conditioned treatment effects. Here, we outline tool for new drugs with an unknown reward potential
alternative explanations for an observed CPP, which may [23,24]. For example, CPP is one way to investigate the
fundamentally affect the interpretation of results with reinforcing effects and addiction potential early in devel-
this paradigm in its use as a screening tool for rewarding opment of new drug therapies. Whereas CPP methods are
properties of treatments. undoubtedly simpler to employ than drug self-administra-
tion techniques [23], it is certainly not simpler to interpret
Humans and most animal species prefer certain places results derived there from. Distinct learning processes are
over others. Although place preferences may be solely due involved in the establishment of a CPP. In addition, CPP
to sensory characteristics of particular places, they may retrieval depends on yet other mechanisms. A CPP can be
also be acquired as a consequence of events which are induced by various pathways but also altered in multiple
associated with those places. These events can shape the ways [25,26]. Understanding and experimental character-
preferred dwelling and local behavior for the future, which ization of the reinforcer-specific mechanisms is, thus, piv-
is considered to be a result of learning and memory and otal for an advanced interpretation of CPP results.
observed as conditioned place preference (CPP). CPP can
be easily induced under controlled experimental conditions What is conditioned during CPP learning?
in many species, such as flies [1], rodents [2,3], primates There are at least three major processes by which to
[4,5], and humans [6] (Box 1). account for why an animal spends more time in a place
The CPP method has assumed considerable importance in which it received a reinforcer. Whichever of these three
and is now routinely used in the neurosciences, genetics, processes is operative will determine the interpretation of
and pharmacology to explore the reinforcing effects of the result of the place-preference experiment.
natural and pharmacological stimuli [3]. A major advan-
tage of the method is that it can identify reinforcing as well Incentive-driven behavior
as aversive effects of a treatment in the same procedure The most commonly assumed explanation invokes the seek-
[7,8]. It also plays an important role in the study of addic- ing out of a place or stimulus complex which had been paired
tive and potentially addictive drugs [9–15]. In that, phar- with the reinforcer. The underlying learning process for
macological (e.g., receptor agonist/antagonist) or genetic incentive-driven behavior is assumed to be based on Pav-
(e.g., receptor knock out) brain manipulations are tested lovian conditioning [27]. Thereby, the reinforcer can be a
for how they affect CPP as an addiction-related behavior drug treatment or a conventional ‘reward’, such as food, that
the animal ‘likes’ or ‘wants’ [28]. In this paradigm, the
Corresponding author: Huston, J.P. (
Keywords: conditioned place preference; reinforcement; reward; incentive; classical reinforcer, an unconditioned stimulus (UCS), has some
conditioning; operant conditioning; conditioned drug effects. effects on the organism which elicits an unconditioned
162 0165-6147/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3
Opinion Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

Box 1. How CPP is measured drugs are administered before CPP conditioning, their be-
In principle, CPP involves the association of a treatment with a
havioral effects are usually expressed and perceived during
particular section of an arena. A ‘rewarding/reinforcing’ effect is and after place conditioning. These behaviors can be single
considered to be manifested by a relative increase in time spent in limb movements or complex chains of behavior. In another
the area that had been paired with the treatment. CPP in rodents context, this was shown as ‘superstitious behavior’ and
and primates is usually tested in test boxes which contain at least demonstrated by Skinner and others in pigeons [32,33].
two different compartments, which differ sufficiently [14,57,58] or
in test environments with distinct subareas [13,59]. Thereby,
Superstitious behavior occurs upon inadvertent reinforce-
proximal intra-maze cues appear to be of greater importance for ment of spontaneously shown behaviors, which then in-
compartment distinction than distal spatial cues [60]. The CPP crease in frequency. During CPP conditioning, a behavior
procedure involves three phases that can be varied in the number or chain of behavior can hypothetically be enhanced in its
of trials [21,60]. During a baseline phase, the animal is allowed to frequency and linked to a particular place by a reinforcing
explore all areas of the maze without restrictions to habituate to
the environment and to provide a baseline for sojourn times in the
agent. When the animal confronts this place again, it is
single compartments. Thereby, no gross spontaneous preference likely to re-engage in whatever behavior was reinforced in
for one of the compartments should emerge. In the conditioning that context including those behaviors that produce contact
phase, the treatment (e.g., a drug with rewarding properties) is with the place [34]. Thus, the behavior is under control of the
paired with the conditioning compartment. Although drugs are
discriminative stimuli (SD) that prevailed during presenta-
administered before the animal is placed in the compartment,
natural reinforcers, such as food or sexual encounter, are tion of the reinforcer (Figure 1). Consequently, engaging in
presented in the compartment. Thereafter, the animals are such reinforced behavior will increase the probability that
returned to their home cages. A pseudo-conditioning session is the animal will remain in the vicinity of the SD (i.e., in the
usually administered, whereby the animal receives a sham compartment in which it received the reinforcer).
treatment (e.g., a vehicle injection) and is placed in the alternative
compartment of the maze. This is done to avoid a novelty based
preference and to control for the emotional effects of the (mostly Conditioned treatment effects
aversive) drug application procedure. Conditioning and pseudo- As a third theoretical alternative, pharmacologically in-
conditioning are repeated several times [40]. Drug-induced CPP is duced CPP may be a consequence of conditioned treatment
usually tested after a vehicle injection, but may be enhanced after effects. A stimulus paired with a drug-induced behavior
a drug injection [23]. The main readout in the paradigm is the time
that is spent in the conditioning compartment during test minus
can serve to elicit behavior very similar to that induced by
baseline. If the difference is positive, a CPP and ‘reinforcing action’ of the drug itself [35–37]. Conditioned drug effects may occur
the treatment is inferred. If the difference is negative, a conditioned independently of a drug–CPP [38]. Their potential contri-
place avoidance and aversive action of the treatment is concluded. bution to CPP is particularly obvious in the case of psy-
chostimulant drugs, the behavioral effects of which are
response (UCR). This is associated with the stimulus well known to be conditionable to environmental cues
properties of the place, which become conditioned stimuli which have been paired with their action [35,36,39]. As
(CS). Consequently, the CS assume ‘incentive value’ of their in case 2 above for operantly conditioned behavior, condi-
own, which leads the organism to ‘seek’ these out, or to tioned treatment effects may increase the probability that
‘prefer’ them [20,21,29–31]. According to this view, the the animal will remain in the vicinity of the stimuli asso-
expression of a CPP reflects a Pavlovian conditioned ap- ciated with the acute treatment effects which may finally
proach response similar to sign-tracking behavior, that is, contribute to CPP sojourn time (Box 1). Note that the
the animal is attracted to the CS [32]. An additional contri- resulting place preference in this case may be totally
bution is assumed by conditioned reinforcement or reward. independent of any ‘reinforcing’ consequences of the treat-
This is the learning about the relationship between the ment, and the term ‘place preference’ would be a misnomer,
rewarding effects of a stimulus and the cues in the paired because the animal’s conditioned response may simply
compartment. Both processes were dissociated at anatomi- prevent it from leaving this particular environment
cal level. Whereas the Pavlovian conditioned approach (Figure 1). Such an account may explain the difficulty
depends on amygdala and nucleus accumbens, conditioned and lack of a CPP dose–response function for the powerful
reinforcement appears to rely on the hippocampus [26]. pharmacological reinforcer, cocaine [40–42]. Cocaine-in-
Although such an analysis has considerable face validity duced hyperactivity can readily be conditioned to an
it should be remembered that it is a theoretical accounting UCS [35,36,39]. The CS may then elicit conditioned hyper-
and not to be confused as fact. The notion of ‘conditioned activity during testing. This activity may actually increase
incentive’ as developed by Bolles [30] and Bindra [29] has the probability that the animal will leave the conditioning
much appeal as an explanatory concept, but it may only compartment in the test and, thus, mask possible reinfor-
partially provide a valid account for the CPP phenomenon cing (case 2) and incentive (case 1) processes. The same
(Figure 1). reinforcer may also lead to conditioned treatment effects
that may be incompatible with leaving the treatment
Operant conditioning of behavior prevailing at the compartment (e.g., vocalization [34,43]). A single condi-
conditioning site tioned drug effect may or may not imply that a drug has
Less obvious is the theoretical possibility that CPP occurs as reward or reinforcing value, in spite of an apparent CPP.
a consequence of reinforced behavior. A reinforcer acts to And in some cases, the conditioned drug effect may simply
increase the probability of recurrence of those behaviors mask the reinforcing properties of the drug.
that precede or coincide with the onset of a rewarding event. Hypothetically, all three processes could operate con-
Both natural stimuli and drugs can influence behaviors that currently in a CPP paradigm and, thus, contribute addi-
are spontaneously shown in the test environment. Although tively or counteract one another. These factors must be
Opinion Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

Baseline Condioning Test

(a) Incenve-driven behavior

UCS*+ UCS*- CS+* CS*-

(b) Operant condioned behavior

SD*+ SD*- SD+* SD*-


(c) Condioned drug effects

place preference
UCS*+ UCS*- CS+* CS*-


TRENDS in Pharmacological Sciences

Figure 1. Different learning processes may lead to conditioned place preference (CPP) after drug or natural reinforcers. (a) CPP may occur as incentive-driven behavior. As a
result of conditioning, neutral, unconditioned stimuli (UCS) work as proximal/intra-maze (UCS+) and distal/extra-maze (UCS*+) cues that become associated with the
positive drug effects (orange). Thereby, they become conditioned stimuli (CS+/CS*+) which may elicit incentive motivation to ‘seek them out’ during the test. The UCS–/
UCS*– become associated with sham (vehicle) treatment to become a CS–/CS*– and do not elicit an incentive motivation during the test. (b) Animals may show
spontaneous behaviors (R) in the maze which can be reinforced by operant conditioning. Thereby, proximal and distal discriminative stimuli (SD+/SD*+) become associated
with R by the reinforcer. During the test, SD+/SD*+ may induce R, which prevents the animal from leaving the conditioning compartment. The SD–/SD*– will be associated
with sham treatment and do not elicit specific behavioral responses during the test. (c) Drugs and natural reinforcer may induce an acute unconditioned behavioral
response (UCR). This can be conditioned to a UCS+/UCS*+. They become a CS+/CS*+ and may elicit a conditioned response (CR) similar to the UCR during the test.
Thereby, the CR occurs in the conditioning compartment and prevents the animal from leaving this compartment.

considered when interpreting the outcome of any CPP tion can be limited when conditioned drug effects on loco-
experiment. Possible interactions between brain manipu- motor activity occur.
lations and all three processes should be considered. Testing the contribution of operant behavior may re-
quire a more careful monitoring of spontaneous behaviors
Dissociating mechanisms at experimental level and their frequency in the CPP compartments. One may
Assuming that all three processes are active in the CPP, need to score these behaviors during baseline and the
and let us say that one wishes to test the influence of a conditioning sessions. An increase in frequency of these
brain manipulation on CPP, it might be possible to segre- behaviors during conditioning trials can show whether a
gate the contribution of the three processes to the main reinforcer (e.g., a drug) acts on these spontaneous beha-
CPP readout, the sojourn time, by small manipulations viors. Accordingly, this action should result in distinct
during testing and behavioral fine analysis. The contribu- effects during conditioning, but not during pseudo-condi-
tion of incentive processes to CPP can be assessed by tioning sessions (Box 1). Finally, a comparison of behav-
manipulating the perception of the CS+, for example, by ioral frequency/time in the conditioning compartment
using clear versus opaque walls between compartments between baseline and test may then show the degree of
during testing [26]. With clear walls, the CS+ is visible also operant conditioning and reveal how much of CPP sojourn
from the sham-conditioned compartment and may induce time can be explained by these behaviors. To segregate
approach behavior into the conditioned compartment. operant conditioned behaviors from conditioned drug
With opaque walls and the CS+ only being visible inside effects, the scoring may need to be done retrospectively,
the conditioned compartment, it may not induce condi- that is, behaviors/sequences occurring during the test in
tioned approach behavior from the other compartment. the conditioning compartment may need to be identified
A higher sojourn time during a CPP test in the ‘clear’ and subsequently scored and compared during baseline.
versus the ‘opaque’ condition can provide an index for Although conditioned behaviors should be the same be-
incentive learning as an acting mechanism [26]. Alterna- tween all animals (e.g., hyperlocomotion [35,36,39], instru-
tive measures, such as the time per stay in the conditioned mental and superstitious behavioral sequences may be
compartment may also be considered [25], but interpreta- highly specific for individual animals [32].
Opinion Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

The contribution of conditioned drug effects may be Concluding remarks

tested by measuring the acute drug effects on behavior In this opinion article, we discuss the alternative explana-
during conditioning trials (e.g., on locomotor activity [37]), tions for an observed CPP and advocate the view that
and then assess them again during the test trial, separate- although remaining a valuable instrument to assess the
ly for conditioning and pseudo-conditioning compartments. potential of a stimulus or drug treatment to serve as a
An increase in behavioral frequency/time between baseline reward, the interpretation given to concomitant changes in
and test (and between treatment groups) provides an genetics, epigenetics, neuropharmacology, and neuroanat-
indicator for conditioned drug effects. omy must take into account processes besides classical
Depending on the species tested and the reinforcer conditioning based incentives that can contribute to results
used, a fine analysis of CPP behavior may be able to tell of CPP experiments. Accumulating evidence shows that
more about the specific effects of central nervous system there are multiple processes working in parallel which
(CNS) manipulations. Different anatomical lesions may determine the establishment and retrieval of a CPP. It
block, for example, a morphine-induced CPP to the same is suggested that by relatively modest expansions in the
degree by either inhibiting conditioned approach test design and a fine analysis of behavior during CPP
responses or behavior in the conditioning compartment establishment and testing, advanced use of the technique
[26]. It may also help to reveal why certain reinforcers, can be made which may then yield valuable information on
such as cocaine, work in a CPP paradigm only in some but the nature of the reward learning and retrieval processes
not all individuals [34]. Applying an analysis of all three involved. Because not all processes apply to the same
mechanisms may, thus, be able to tell an experimenter by extent for all natural or pharmacological reinforcers alike,
which way a CPP was blocked. the interplay between the described, but so far only sepa-
rately investigated processes needs to be characterized
Other mechanisms affecting CPP simultaneously. For each reinforcer, appropriate instru-
Memory mental and conditioned behaviors shown in a CPP setting
Whether or not any of the three possible effects of the need to be identified so that interpretation may no longer
treatment will be manifested in the test trial will depend rely on sojourn times only. Based on that, the interpreta-
on whether the animal remembers/retrieves the respective tion of manipulations will advance and help to understand
associations [26,44]. A drug may be reinforcing and at the the often complex effects of genetic or pharmacological
same time establish a state–state dependent learning interventions on parallel acting brain systems that control
[45,46]. This may diminish the probability of recalling reward learning.
associations when animals are tested in a drug-free state
[23,47]. Furthermore, should an additional treatment ef- Acknowledgments
fect on the CPP be the object of interest (e.g., a genetic This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants
DE 792/2-4, Hu 306/27-2, as well as NEURON-ERANET DISCover
manipulation), such a treatment can potentially influence
(BMBF 01EW1003), and funds of the Friedrich–Alexander-University
establishment of the three processes above, but also the Erlangen–Nuremberg.
memory/retrieval for any of these. A further complication
arises when one considers that a treatment may influence References
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