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Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences

cite as: J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 1, 1–6

Special Issue: Cognitive Aging: Special Article

50 Years of Cognitive Aging Theory

Nicole D. Anderson1,2,3 and Fergus I. M. Craik1,3
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2Department of Psychiatry and 3Department of Psychology,

University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Correspondence should be addressed to Nicole D. Anderson, PhD, CPsych, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest, 3560 Bathurst Street, Toronto,
ON M6A 2E1, Canada. E-mail:

Received July 21, 2016; Accepted August 4, 2016

Decision Editor: Bob G. Knight, PhD

Objectives:  The objectives of this Introduction to the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences special issue on “50
Years of Cognitive Aging Theory” are to provide a brief overview of cognitive aging research prior to 1965 and to highlight
significant developments in cognitive aging theory over the last 50 years.
Method:  Historical and recent theories of cognitive aging were reviewed, with a particular focus on those not directly
covered by the articles included in this special issue.
Results:  Prior to 1965, cognitive aging research was predominantly descriptive, identifying what aspects of intellectual
functioning are affected in older compared with younger adults. Since the mid-1960s, there has been an increasing inter-
est in how and why specific components of cognitive domains are differentially affected in aging and a growing focus on
cognitive aging neuroscience.
Discussion:  Significant advances have taken place in our theoretical understanding of how and why certain components of
cognitive functioning are or are not affected by aging. We also know much more now than we did 50 years ago about the
underlying neural mechanisms of these changes. The next 50 years undoubtedly will bring new theories, as well as new tools
(e.g., neuroimaging advances, neuromodulation, and technology), that will further our understanding of cognitive aging.
Keywords:  Attention—Cognition—Cognitive neuroscience—Executive function—Language—Memory—Neuropsychology—Social

This special edition commemorates the roughly 50  years have lost some of their force” (Baars, 2012). Empirical
of theoretical work on cognitive aging. As an Introduction proof of cognitive aging appeared in the 1930s, when Miles
to this issue, we first briefly review cognitive aging efforts evaluated the perceptual, motor, and cognitive abilities of
prior to the mid-1960s, then describe the mid-1960s as a 1600 people aged 6 to 95 years old, and reported declines
pivotal point for cognitive aging theory, and finally com- after age 30 in these skills, including learning ability (e.g.,
ment on how the field has evolved since then. Miles, 1933). Age-related slowing emerged as a salient fea-
ture in the 1930s; the fact that most intelligence tests were
speeded led Lorge (1940) to correct intelligence test data
Cognitive Aging Research Prior to the for speed of processing, finding that intelligence did not,
Mid-1960s in fact, decline with age. Lorge’s discovery of the relation-
Observations of cognitive aging date back millennia. Take, ship between speed and intellectual capacity reminds us of
for instance, the sixth century BC poet Solon who, in writ- Salthouse’s later and more encompassing theory that age-
ing about life’s hebdomads, or periods of 7 years, “… in the related changes in speed underlie changes in a number of
ninth, though he’s still capable, his tongue and expertise cognitive domains (e.g., Salthouse, 1996).

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. 1
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2 Journals of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 1

This early literature was predominantly descriptive, In 1966, Bromley made the very prescient observation:
comparing task performance across age groups in cross- “Intellectual processes appear to become more differenti-
sectional designs, and typically used the same intelligence ated as we grow up. There is some evidence – too little to
tests that were used in the study of child development. In support firm conclusions – that during maturity and old
1955, Wechsler identified the maintenance (“hold”) and age the process of intellectual differentiation reverses…”
decline (“no hold”) of what was later termed crystal- (p.  205). One early finding perhaps contributing to this
lized and fluid intelligence, respectively (Cattell, 1963). observation was Balinsky’s (1941) report of a U-shaped
Uncovered too was a decline in what we now call working function of correlations between performance on various
memory, thanks to the inclusion of backward digit span in tests from the Wechsler–Bellevue Scale, where inter-test
intelligence testing (Bromley, 1958). correlations were high in 9- and 12-year-old children, but
then decreased across age groups until the mid-40s, after
which correlations increased again in the 50- to 59-year-old
Emergence of Cognitive Aging Theory: The age group (the oldest age group included). Bromley’s reflec-
Mid-1960s tion presages the notion of dedifferentiation—the height-
1965 marked the beginning of a sea change in cognitive ened correlation among cognitive, perceptual, and neural
aging theory. This was the year that Welford and Birren processes—that was revived in cognitive aging research
(1965) published Behavior aging and the nervous system, in the 1980s (e.g., Baltes, Cornelius, Spiro, Nesselroade,
a collection of chapters on slowing, attention, memory and & Willis, 1980) and still remains a topic of interest today,
their relationship with biological and health factors that particularly in relation to the dynamic activity of the brain
together provide a strong foundation for cognitive aging (e.g., Ferreira et al., 2015).
theory. Patrick Rabbitt (1965) reported a study in which
younger and older adults sort cards as quickly as possible
into piles. Sorting was done once into two piles and once Cognitive Aging Theory: Evolution Since the
into eight piles, defined by the number of relevant (target) Mid-1960s
stimuli in that condition. Moreover, each card contained Two notable trends in cognitive aging research over the
0, 1, 4, or 8 irrelevant stimuli. Older adults’ sorting times past 50  years reflect changes in the parent discipline of
were more vulnerable to the increasing amount of irrel- cognitive psychology; the first is an increasing differentia-
evant information, particularly when fewer stimuli were tion among components of cognitive performance (accom-
relevant. Rabbitt concluded that older adults have greater panied by a growing realization that life-span changes in
difficulty ignoring irrelevant information compared with these components peak at different ages) and the second
their younger counterparts and suggested based on some is a shift in emphasis to the cognitive neuroscience of age-
of his previous work that this may be due to a reduced related changes—attributing cognitive changes to age-
efficiency of perceptual grouping. Although the way in related changes in brain structure and function (e.g., Raz,
which we carry out and describe research has certainly 2000). With regard to changes with age in general intel-
changed since then (e.g., in his paper, stimuli were stenciled ligence, some influential researchers argued that there is lit-
onto cards that participants manually sorted, participants tle or no decline (Baltes & Schaie, 1976) and that popular
were referred to as Ss in the manuscript), the ability of conceptions of age-related losses are a “myth.” This opti-
older adults to ignore irrelevant information and both the mistic position was hotly contested, however, withone line
hindrances, as well as the surprising advantages of them of argument being that fluid intelligence declines markedly
doing so is still a topic of much interest today (e.g., Biss, with age after peaking in the 20s or 30s, whereas crystal-
Ngo, Hasher, Campbell, & Rowe, 2013; Weeks & Hasher, lized intelligence is maintained until the 60s or later or even
2014). improves across the life span (Cattell, 1971; Horn, 1970;
1965 also brought us Schonfield’s letter to the journal Horn & Donaldson, 1976). The analysis in terms of com-
Nature. Until that time, cognitive aging researchers had ponent abilities was taken further by Salthouse (1982) who
focused on the acquisition and short-term storage of new showed that measures of vocabulary and general informa-
information and reported equivocal findings. Schonfield tion hold up well into the 70s at least, whereas speeded
showed for the first time age-related deficits in retrieval measures such as digit-symbol substitution decline precip-
from long-term memory—free recall performance itously from the 20s or early 30s. This account in terms
decreased across age decades (20s to 60s+), but recognition of differential age-related decline, presumably linked to
did not. These early ideas were later fleshed out in Craik’s differences in vulnerability to aging of the relevant brain
notions of the depletion of attentional resources with age regions, is still the current view. For example, Park and
and the effects of environmental support, in which a task colleagues (2002) presented compelling data showing that
environment supporting elaborative encoding or guiding whereas working memory and speed of processing decline
retrieval can compensate for older adults’ reduced atten- steadily for the 20s to the 80s, forward digit span shows
tional resources that render encoding and retrieval less only a moderate decline, and verbal knowledge actually
effective (Craik, 1986). increases from the 20s to the 70s. Later work has shown
Journals of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 1 3

this useful categorization of crystallized and fluid abilities theoretical statements concerning the nature of human
to be too broad, however. A recent online study of almost attention were put forward by Broadbent (1958), Treisman
50,000 participants showed that the age of peak perfor- (1964), and Kahneman (1973), with the first two focusing
mance on a large sample of intelligence tests varied from on selection and the last on arousal and effort. As described
the late teens to the 50s (Hartshorne & Germine, 2015). earlier, Rabbitt (1965) demonstrated that older adults were
In line with previous formulations, the tests that peaked less able to ignore irrelevant information when selecting
late (e.g., vocabulary and comprehension) tended to reflect targets, thereby implicating both selection and inhibition
crystallized intelligence, whereas those that peaked early as aspects of attention and choice. Other aspects include
(e.g., digit-symbol coding, letter-number sequencing) reflect sustained attention, divided attention, set switching, execu-
aspects of fluid intelligence, but there is no clear categorical tive control, and (probably) working memory. One clear
shift from one type to another type of test. trend over the last half century has been the study of age-
Paul Baltes (who sadly died in 2006) was a major con- related changes in these types or components of atten-
tributor to the field of cognitive aging. He took a very tion, rather than simply “attention” as such. This trend, in
positive, optimistic view of aging, acknowledging that both the aging literature and the literature based on young
cognitive abilities do decline, but that older adults possess adults, has continued despite clear evidence that these vari-
some degree of “latent reserve” that can be activated with ous types of attention are often highly interrelated. Because
the investment of additional time and energy. Together much of the work on attention involves frontally based
with Margret Baltes he argued that older individuals cope cognitive control mechanisms, it might be expected that all
with a decrease in environmental adaptability by strategi- aspects of attention should decline with age. This follows
cally choosing classes of behavior that are most adequate from work showing that the frontal lobes are areas of the
for their personal lifestyle. They termed this the process brain known to be particularly vulnerable to the effects
of “selective optimization” (Baltes & Baltes, 1990). Paul of aging (Raz, 2000; West, 1996). Teasing out age-related
Baltes also directed a large-scale study of memory train- effects has been surprisingly complex, however, as shown
ing in Berlin, demonstrating that by implementing strate- by the following brief accounts.
gies older adults could improve their memory dramatically Following the work of Rabbitt (1965), further research
for specific materials (Kliegl, Smith, & Baltes, 1989). In has generally confirmed an age-related decrement in selec-
line with other results, however, such gains tended to be tive attention (e.g., Plude & Hoyer, 1985) with later work
restricted to the practiced situation and not show “far trans- by Plude and colleagues suggesting that the problem lies
fer” to other situations (Baltes & Willis, 1982). One other specifically in the feature-integration phase of perception
interesting result from the Baltes group was the discovery (Plude & Doussard-Roosevelt, 1989). Such difficulties in
of a strong link between sensory functioning (visual and selection are compounded by age-related inefficiencies
auditory acuity) and various measures of intellectual ability in inhibition (Hasher & Zacks, 1988; although see also
(Baltes & Lindenberger, 1997). Further, these relations were Kramer, Humphrey, Larish, Logan, & Strayer, 1994). In an
much stronger in an older group (70–103 years) than in a influential article, Hasher and Zacks (1988) proposed that
group of younger adults (25–69  years). The authors con- older adults are less able to inhibit unwanted or irrelevant
sidered various possible accounts of these findings, some- material, which then “occupies space” in working memory,
what favoring a “common cause” hypothesis—the notion thereby reducing temporary storage and further processing
that age-related decrements in brain structure and function abilities. Further work has suggested that inhibition is not
are associated with correlated losses in a variety of sensory a unitary construct, however, and that this approach may
and cognitive functions. It seems possible that the increased help to understand when age-related decrements are and
linkage with age between sensory and cognitive functions are not found (Kramer & Madden, 2008).
could be another example of the general age-related loss of The ability to manipulate top-down control of selection,
differentiation among abilities noted earlier. for example, selecting sometimes based on color and some-
Age-related changes in attention and memory have been times on shape, is referred to as task switching or set switch-
major topics in the field of cognitive aging during the last ing, and this literature shows some agreement with respect
50 years. Continuing on the trend mentioned earlier in this to age differences. Paradigms typically contain some blocks
Introduction, a further sign of increasing differentiation of of trials in which the selection criterion is stable (e.g., select
cognitive abilities is the distinction among various types by color only) and some blocks in which participants must
of memory (e.g., episodic, semantic, implicit, explicit, and switch unpredictably from color to shape from trial to trial.
prospective) and aspects of attention (e.g., selective atten- The longer latencies associated with mixed blocks versus
tion, sustained attention, inhibition, and set switching). pure blocks are referred to as general task-switching costs;
Recent evidence shows that these varied aspects of atten- these costs increase with age. The longer latencies associ-
tion and memory also appear to age differentially. Research ated with switch versus nonswitch trials within a block are
on memory is well covered by Park and Festini (2016), called specific task-switching costs, and there is good agree-
so we will describe some highlights of the “attention and ment that general costs increase throughout adulthood
aging” literature in the present introductory article. Early whereas specific costs remain relatively stable (Kray &
4 Journals of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 1

Lindenberger, 2000; Reimers & Maylor, 2005; Verhaeghen working memory and that older adults are less adept at this
& Cerella, 2002). The Reimers and Maylor study was form of processing (Braver et al., 2001). Braver’s approach
conducted online on more than 5,000 participants aged emphasizes the point that various aspects of attention—
between 10 and 66  years; they found that general costs in this case working memory and executive control—are
were lowest for participants in their teens and increased closely interwoven. More generally, when attempting to
steadily from the age of 18 to 66 years. understand age-related problems of attention, it is increas-
Sustained attention over several minutes is another ingly clear that while attention is not a unitary construct,
aspect of attention that remains stable with age—at least its components (inhibition, executive control, working
until the mid-40s. Berardi, Parasuraman, and Haxby memory etc.) are also not unitary constructs—possibly
(2001) and also Carriere, Cheyne, Solman, and Smilek right down to the level of specific tasks. This understanding
(2010) reported minimal adult age differences in aspects of calls for a new framework for the interpretation of “atten-
sustained attention. However, in another large online study, tion” and its changes with age.
Fortenbaugh and colleagues (2015) reported results from
more than 10,000 participants and found that performance
peaked in the early 40s and then declined. As always, of
The Future
course, the precise pattern may depend on the exact task We can forecast a few trends in the future of cognitive
chosen; Fortenbaugh and colleagues used a city versus aging research. We anticipate a greater focus on cognitive
mountain scene discrimination task, whereas Berardi and aging throughout the adult life span, not from cross-sec-
colleagues (2001) used a digit discrimination task and tional studies but rather from the many large longitudi-
Carriere and colleagues (2010) used the sustained attention nal studies that are currently ongoing. Some of this work
to response task. might be interventional—our understanding of midlife pre-
With regard to divided attention, Craik (1977) made dictors of later life cognitive ability is growing, but what
the bold assertion that “One of the clearest results in the if we intervene at midlife in some of those harbingers of
experimental psychology of aging is the finding that older cognitive decline? More sophisticated neuroimaging tech-
subjects are more penalized when they must divide their niques with better spatial-temporal resolution, and perhaps
attention, either between two input sources, input and ways to track neurotransmitter activity or gene expression
holding, or holding and responding.” This claim was chal- in real time, may be developed that will afford a better
lenged, however, in a study by Salthouse and Somberg understanding of the neural contributors to cognitive aging
(1982) who controlled for age differences in single-task and provide another avenue to intervene. Technological
performance and found no significant age difference in advances will not only support cognitive functioning but
divided attention ability. A later study from Salthouse’s lab could also help us move our labs into the real world and
(Salthouse, Rogan & Prill, 1984) did find an age-related track cognitive functioning as it is influenced by people’s
decrement in divided attention, however; the authors sug- environments. Whatever the future may be, it will stand on
gest that the discrepancy between the results may reflect the the solid foundational theoretical understanding of cogni-
fact that task complexity was greater in the second study. tive aging that has developed over the last 50 years.
Verhaeghen and Cerella (2002) reviewed the results of a
series of meta-analyses and concluded that age deficits in
dual-task performance are in fact generally found.
The Special Issue
Finally, the topic of age-related differences in “executive Several influential cognitive aging theorists have contrib-
processes” or “cognitive control” has received progressively uted to this special edition. Salthouse highlights how an
more attention in the course of the last 50 years. An impor- individual difference approach has advanced our under-
tant paper by Hasher and Zacks (1979) drew the distinc- standing of cognitive aging. Three empirical papers applied
tion between automatic and effortful cognitive operations, individual difference approaches. Thorvaldsson, Karlsson,
illustrating their claim that effortful processing requires Skoog, Skoog, and Johansson demonstrate marked cohort
considerable amounts of processing capacity and that age effects in both baseline cognitive functioning and cognitive
decrements are typically found on such tasks, in contrast decline. Gow, Pattie, and Deary identify associations of
to the absence of such decrements on automatic tasks. The midlife leisure and late life physical activity with cognitive
notion that conscious, effortful processing requires cogni- ability level and cognitive decline, respectively. A  paper
tive control which in turn becomes less efficient with age from the late Humphreys and colleagues demonstrates the
is now generally accepted. Two brief examples are first the utility of technology to facilitate cognitive assessment in
work from Larry Jacoby’s lab (e.g., Jennings & Jacoby, low income, low literacy settings, where the effects of age
1993); in this study, the authors found that older adults and education on various cognitive domains are remark-
were impaired on consciously controlled memory pro- ably similar to what the earlier studies demonstrated.
cessing. The second example is the suggestion from Todd Harkening back to the dawn of theoretical cognitive
Braver and colleagues that one major aspect of cognitive aging, Rabbitt reflects on the evolution of research on age-
control consists of maintaining a task-related context in related changes in speed of visual recognition. Kensinger
Journals of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 1 5

and Gutchess place cognitive aging in a social context with Berardi, A., Parasuraman, R., & Haxby, J. V. (2001). Overall vigilance
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and affective cognitive aging, whereas Fischer, O’Rourke, Aging Research, 27, 19–39. doi:10.1080/03610730126014
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