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I can’t vividly remember my age, but 

I think I am between 10 and 12 years old when I

have my social media account specifically a Facebook account. Matter of fact the one who made
my account is my best friend since I was not an expert in using the internet back then, and I only
have my account because she insists that I should have one too. Growing up with social media is
beneficial and unhelpful; on the contrary, it is obstructive. Social keep me updated about the
nation's recent issues and not only here in our country as well as internationally.  I am active on
Twitter and I can say that Twitter is my newspaper where I can read news and as well as tweets
about local and international articles. It is now my habit to check my social media every day
even just scrolling my Facebook feed or reading tweets on Twitter. It is now my daily routine to
check all my social media. Twitter for my breakfast, Instagram for my lunch, snacks are my
telegram, and Facebook for my dinner. On the other hand, social media can be also a hindrance
to the everyday life of a person. Students who rely upon social media on how productive they
will be and ended having low grades because of internet addiction. An example of this is often
those students who skip classes just to play online games. Furthermore, social media have a
crucial impact on and influence on people these days. Youths use social media as their other half
or their diary just how they post all events in their life and I think it is not accurate. We must
always put personal boundaries and distinguish the private from the general public when it
involves posting on social media. I realize that I should be attentive to what i'm posting or
tweeting and exercise proper behavior online and be a responsible online citizen.

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