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Ques. to customer -

1) Who all r there from ur team present today

2) What's the volume of txn & how frequently u receive ur bank stmnt

3) Do u want to reconcile for all accounts


overview - handles statements from Banks and integrates with multiple Oracle Cloud applications such
as Payables, Receivables and Payroll

allows analyzing financial transactions for a given period of time and provides information regarding
sources of fund and use of fund to ensure liquidity in order to meet payment obligations of the

provides information relating to cash flow of the organization, by processing and analyzing all cash and
bank transactions

recon. page : process of analyzing a/c's and providing a justification for a/c balances , identifying diff and
making corrections ; checking tht amnt showing in a/c's is correct Manual : bank sometimes by mistake
deposit/withdraw incorrect amnts from bank accounts

co. having main bank a/c with Small banks

Ideally we should go with oth the options to see system txn and stmnt lines together as we c side by side

AP line explanation - wen 1 of supplier's insists to make payment in any other bank a/c , which is
different from usual a/c

AR line explanation - wen we want to make 1 of our bank a/c active, then we can request client to make
payment into this a/c

You are allowed to reconcile across bank statements from the single bank account
value date and Booking date

Transaction type on reco. page



Swift MT 940

Edifact Finsta


Evosys solution for banks not providing Swift MT 940 - Macro enabled excel templates(after filling up info
- macro excel will generate CSV file into Swift MT 940 format)

P2P last entry of recon. :

Cash clearing account ( bcoz it's not yet reconciled)

How to void an already reconciled transaction?

Mark it as unreviewed and then make it unreconciled

Reconciliation references

AP - payment document no.

AR - receipt no.

CM - Txn no.

Matching rules are the mix of matching criteria and matching types

matching criteria - amnt/ date / reco. ref./ txn type

matching type - 1 to 1/ 1 to many/ many to 1/ many to many.

Tolerence level

Date - bank clearing check

Amnt - foreign currency rounding

if no then 0

in auto reco. applies in only 1 to 1 rule

Matching rule set/bank stmnt reco. rule sets(Group of matching and tolerance rules) order/sequence
should be followed.

Sequence 1(if its not able to reconcile some lines then only)<sequence 2.

Assign bank stmnt auto reco. rules to bank stmnt auto reco. rule sets < assign it to a bank a/c(in control
tab on bank a/c page).

only 1 matching rule

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