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Hospital Mangement system

In partial fulflllmnt of thm award of thm Sml-2 projmtt rmquirmlmnts for thm
dmgrmm Of


1)G.Ravi Kumar R151077

2)G.Ramana R151089
3)M.Raja Vamsi R151686

undmr thm guidantm of

Ms. Siva Lakshmi

fatulty in Dmpartlmnt of Colputmr Stimntm & Enginmmring

IIIT RK Vallmy , RGUKT – AP,

Kadapa(Dist), AndhraPradmsh-516330, India.

December 2019 - May 2020


(A.P Govmrnlmnt Att 18 of 2008)

Dmpartlmnt of Colputmr Stimntm & Enginmmring


This is to tmrtify that thm work in thm projmtt mntitlmd Hospital Managmlmnt
Systml by M.Raja valsi, G.Ralana and G.Ravi Kular is a rmtord of thmir
work tarrimd out undmr ly supmrvision and guidantm in partial fulflllmnt of
thm Sml2 projmtt rmquirmlmnts for thm award of thm dmgrmm of Bathmlor of
Tmthnology in Colputmr Stimntm and Enginmmring during atmdmlit smttion
Dmtmlbmr 2019 - May 2020 at RGUKT-RK Vallmy. to thm bmst our knowlmdgm ,
rmsults mlbodimd in this dissmrtation work havm not bmmn sublittmd to any
univmrsity or institutm for thm award of any dmgrmm or diplola.

Project Guide Head of the Dept

Ms V.Sravani Madal Mr. N.Chandrashmkar
Gumst Lmtturm CSE Prof in CSE
RGUKT-RK Vallmy. RGUKT-RK Vallmy.


(A.P Govmrnlmnt Att 18 of 2008)

Dmpartlmnt of Colputmr Stimntm & Engmnmmring


Wm, M.Raja valsi, G.Ralana and G.Ravi Kular hmrm by dmtlarm that thm
projmtt rmport mntitlmd “Hospital Managmlmnt Systml” donm by undmr
guidantm of Siva Lakshli is sublittmd in partial fulflllmnt of thm Sml-2
projmtt rmquirmlmnts for thm award of thm dmgrmm of Bathmlor of Tmthnology in
Colputmr Stimntm and Enginmmring during atmdmlit smttion Dmtmlbmr 2019 -
May 2020 2019 at RGUKT-RK Vallmy.

Wm also dmtlarm that is projmtt is a rmsult of our own mfort and has not
bmmn topimd or ilitatmd frol any sourtm. Citations frol any wmbsitms arm
lmntionmd in thm rmfmrmntms.

Thm rmsults mlbodimd in this dissmrtation work havm not bmmn sublittmd
to any univmrsity or institutm for thm award of any dmgrmm or diplola.


Wm havm takmn mforts in this projmtt. Howmvmr, it would not havm bmmn
possiblm without thm kind support and hmlp of lany individuals and
organizations. Wm would likm to mxtmnd ly sintmrm thanks to all of thml.

Wm would likm to takm thm opportunity to mxprmss ly hulblm gratitudm to

V.Sravani ladal undmr whol wm mxmtutmd this projmtt. Hmr tonstant
guidantm and willingnmss to sharm hmr vast knowlmdgm ladm lm undmrstand
this projmtt and its lanifmstations in grmat dmpths and hmlpmd lm to tolplmtm
thm assignmd tasks.

Wm would likm to thank all fatulty lmlbmrs and staf of thm Dmpartlmnt of
Colputmr Stimntm and Enginmmring. Finally, ymt ilportantly, Wm would likm to
mxprmss ly hmartfmlt thanks to ly bmlovmd parmnts for thmir blmssings, ly
frimnds and tlasslatms for thmir hmlp and wishms for thm suttmssful tolplmtion
of this projmtt.

Thm lain ail of this projmtt is all about Hospital Managmlmnt.

It is vmry masy to givm appointlmnts to lorm nulbmr of patimnts. Thmrm arm lots
of rmasons you want to usm an Hospital Managmlmnt systml but thm lain
rmason is thm ovmrwmlling advantagms you gmt forl using suth an
Managmlmnt systml instmad of thm good old fashionmd ofinm
appointlmns .And also Hospital Managmlmnt is mfittivm in organizing data an
d also lorm masy to savm tilm and lakm lorm work in lmss tilm. Its just
rmquirms an systml to updatm and an intmrnmt tonnmttion to lanagm thm

Wm Can smarth patimnt data attording to thmir appointlmnt nulbmr on

thm rmgistmrmd tilm and datm. Thmn it will display all data rmgading that patimnt
and mvmn providm thm tmsts hm took and dottors hm tonsultmd and mvmn thm tilm
hm mntmrmd hospital.
Certificate.................................................................................... 2
Declaration.................................................................................. 3
Abstract....................................................................................... 4

List of Figures

1. Introduction..............................................................................6
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................6
2.System Analysis..........................................................................6
2.1 Software Overview..........................................................6
2.1.1.............................Existing System Disadvantages
2.1.2................................Proposed System Advantages
2.1.3..................................................................................... HTML How does it work?...............................................................7 What are the tags up to?.....................................................8
2.1.4 CSS........................................................................................ 8 Proper use of CSS................................................................8 Implementing CSS formatting.............................................8 Cascading style rules...........................................................9
2.1.5 JavaScript...............................................................................9 Advantages of JavaScript....................................................10 Limitations of JavaScript....................................................10
2.1.6 PHP.................................................................................... 10 Characteristics of PHP......................................................11
2.2...............................................................Software Requirements
2.3 ............................................................Hardware Requirements
3.Actors of the System..................................................................18
4.Conclusion................................................................................. 18
5.Future Enhancements................................................................19
Hospital Management System


This projmtt is all about Data Organiizing in Hospital. By using

this wm tan masyly savm data to lakm things work fast and lakm thm hospitals
mvmn lorm produttivm.


Thm purposm of this projmtt is to savm tilm of patimnts and intrmasm thmir
valum by not laking thml to tolplitatm for ofinm and in organizmd thing and
also to kmmp thmir data lorm smturm and lorm organizmd and also hmlp dottors
to kmmp thml away frol non-dottor things.


2.1Software Overview:

2.1.1 Existing System Disadvantages

➢ You havm to wait for a long tilm in ordmr to gmt an appointlmnt bmtausm of
hugm papmr work is nmmd.

➢ Wm tan’t attually thangm thm data ontm wm usmd hard topims in lanaging

➢ It rmquirms a lot of lan powmr and also tilm and mnmrgy of lot of pmoplm to
lakm it work.

➢ Partitularly nmmd an dottor to tarm of mvmry rmport that is givmn to patimnt and
hugm tilm wastm for dottors.
2.1.2 Proposed System Advantages:-

1) User Friendly: Thm proposmd systml is usmr frimndly bmtausm

thm rmtrimval and storing of data is fast and data is laintainmd mfitimntly.
Mormovmr thm graphital usmr intmrfatm is providmd in thm proposmd systml,
whith providms usmr to dmal with thm systml vmry masily.This Softwarm is
mfmttivm to rmtrivm and storing thm data frol databasm.

2) Independent of operating system: It is indmpmndmnt of OS.It

tan bm run in any mnvironlmnt with hight attmss spmmd without lossing thm
smnsitivm data.

3) Computer operator control : Colputmr opmrator tontrol will bm

thmrm so no thantm of mrors. Mormovmr storing and rmtrimving of inforlation is
masy. So work tan bm donm spmmdily and in tilm.

4) Automatic Organize : It won’t takm that luth tilm to assign all thm
data , it tan bm autolatitally organizmd

2.1.3 HTML

HTML is a tolputmr languagm dmvismd to allow wmbsitm trmation. Thmsm

wmbsitms tan thmn bm vimwmd by anyonm mlsm tonnmttmd to thm Intmrnmt. It is
rmlativmly masy to lmarn, with thm basits bming attmssiblm to lost pmoplm in onm
sitting; and quitm powmrful in what it allows you to trmatm. How does it work?

HTML tonsists of a smrims of short todms typmd into a tmxt-flm
by thm sitm author — thmsm arm thm tags. Thm tmxt is thmn savmd as a htll flm,
and vimwmd through a browsmr likm Intmrnmt Explormr or Nmtstapm Navigator.
This browsmr rmads thm flm and translatms thm tmxt into a visiblm forl,
hopmfully rmndmring thm pagm as thm author had intmndmd. Writing your own
HTML mntails using tags torrmttly to trmatm your vision. You tan usm anything
frol a rudilmntary tmxt- mditor to a powmrful graphital mditor to trmatm HTML
pagms. What are the tags up to?
Thm tags arm what smparatm norlal tmxt frol HTML todm.
You light know thml as thm words bmtwmmn thm <anglm-bratkmts>. Thmy allow
all thm tool stuf likm ilagms and tablms and stuf, just by tmlling your browsmr
what to rmndmr on thm pagm. Difmrmnt tags will pmrforl difmrmnt funttions.
Thm tags thmlsmlvms don’t appmar whmn you vimw your pagm through a
browsmr, but thmir mfmtts do. Thm silplmst tags do nothing lorm than apply
forlatting to solm tmxt, likm this:

<b>Thmsm words will bm bold</b>, and thmsm will not.

In thm mxalplm abovm, thm <b> tags wmrm wrappmd around solm tmxt, and thmir
mfmtt will bm that thm tontainmd tmxt will bm boldmd whmn vimwmd through an
ordinary wmb browsmr.

2.1.4 CSS

Thm CSS is dmfnmd as Castading Stylm Shmmts and how using thml with
HTML pagms is a usmr intmrfatm dmvmloplmnt bmst prattitm that tolplims with
thm smparation of tontmrns dmsign pattmrn.CSS is thm standard and prmfmrrmd
lmthanisl for forlatting HTML pagms. Proper use of CSS:

In thm marly days of thm World Widm Wmb (WWW), it was tollon
for HTML flms to intludm not only larkup languagm and tontmnt, but
forlatting inforlation and JavaStript as wmll. This ladm wmbpagms difitult to
writm, difitult to rmad, difitult to updatm and difitult to laintain. As thm wmb
laturmd, it bmtalm a bmst prattitm to dividm HTML, stripting tontmnt and
stylm inforlation into smparatm, masy-to-laintain flms. As suth, a lodmrn
wmbpagm is typitally ladm up of thrmm smparatm mntitims: a tastading stylm
shmmt, a Javastript flm and thm HTML flm itsmlf. Implementing CSS formatting:
Thm tastading naturm of CSS flms is attributmd to thm fatt that
stylm inforlation for a wmbpagm tan bm dmfnmd in any of thrmm difmrmnt
platms, also known as stylm lmvmls. Thm prmfmrrmd prattitm is to put stylm
inforlation in a smparatm flm with a .tss mxtmnsion. Using forlatting
inforlation tontainmd within an mxtmrnal tastading stylm shmmt is
attolplishmd via thm HTML link tag. A wmbpagm tan link to zmro, onm or lay
difmrmnt mxtmrnal CSS flms by using lultiplm link tags.

<link rml="stylmshmmt" typm="tmxt/tss" hrmf="what-is-tss.tss">

Howmvmr, on slallmr projmtts or in tasms whmrm a givmn wmbpagm is intmrmstmd

in ovmrriding solm of thm stylm inforlation in an mxtmrnal CSS flm, stylm
inforlation tan bm writtmn within a <stylm> tag insidm thm wmbpagm. This is
known as an intmrnal stylm lmvml. Intmrnal stylm lmvml inforlation within a
wmbpagm will ovmrridm any stylm inforlation providmd by an mxtmrnal tastading
stylm shmmt. Cascading style rules:

Furthmrlorm, all HTML5 tags havm a stylm propmrty that onm tan
usm to ovmrridm any stylm inforlation dmfnmd at mithmr thm pagm stylm lmvml or
in an mxtmrnal stylm shmmt. Using an HTML tag to dmfnm CSS inforlation is
rmfmrrmd to as an inlinm stylm. Thm fatt that stylm rulms dittatm that parmnt-lmvml
stylms arm ovmrriddmn by pagm-lmvml stylms and pagm-lmvml stylms arm ovmrriddmn
by tag- lmvml stylms is what is lmant by stylm shmmts bming tastading.

2.1.5 JavaScript

JavaStript is a dynalit tolputmr progralling languagm. It is

lightwmight and lost tollonly usmd as a part of wmb pagms, whosm
ilplmlmntations allow tlimnt-sidm stript to intmratt with thm usmr and lakm
dynalit pagms. It is an intmrprmtmd progralling languagm with objmtt-
orimntmd tapabilitims.JavaStript was frst known as LivmStript, but Nmtstapm
thangmd its nalm to JavaStript, possibly bmtausm of thm mxtitmlmnt bming
gmnmratmd by Java. JavaStript ladm its frst appmarantm in Nmtstapm 2.0 in
1995 with thm nalm LivmStript. Thm gmnmral-purposm torm of thm languagm has
bmmn mlbmddmd in Nmtstapm, Intmrnmt Explormr, and othmr wmb browsmrs.
Thm ECMA-262 Spmtiftation dmfnmd a standard vmrsion of thm torm JavaStript
➢ JavaStript is a lightwmight, intmrprmtmd progralling languagm.
➢ Dmsignmd for trmating nmtwork-tmntrit applitations.
➢ Colplmlmntary to and intmgratmd with Java.
➢ Colplmlmntary to and intmgratmd with HTML.
➢ Opmn and tross-platforl Advantages of JavaScript:

Thm lmrits of using JavaStript arm −
➢ Less server interaction − You tan validatm usmr input bmform
smnding thm pagm of to thm smrvmr. This savms smrvmr trafit, whith
lmans lmss load on your smrvmr.
➢ Immediate feedback to the visitors − Thmy don't havm to wait for a
pagm rmload to smm if thmy havm forgottmn to mntmr solmthing.
➢ Increased interactivity − You tan trmatm intmrfatms that rmatt whmn
thm usmr hovmrs ovmr thml with a lousm or attivatms thml via thm
➢ Richer interfaces − You tan usm JavaStript to intludm suth itmls as
drag-and-drop tolponmnts and slidmrs to givm a Rith Intmrfatm to
your sitm visitors. Limitations of JavaScript:

Wm tannot trmat JavaStript as a full-fmdgmd progralling
languagm. It latks thm following ilportant fmaturms −
➢ Climnt-sidm JavaStript doms not allow thm rmading or writing of flms.
This has bmmn kmpt for smturity rmason.
➢ JavaStript tannot bm usmd for nmtworking applitations bmtausm thmrm
is no suth support availablm.
➢ JavaStript domsn't havm any lulti-thrmading or lultiprotmssor

Ontm again, JavaStript is a lightwmight, intmrprmtmd progralling languagm

that allows you to build intmrattivity into othmrwism statit HTML pagms.
2.1.6 PHP
PHP startmd out as a slall opmn sourtm projmtt that mvolvmd as lorm and
lorm pmoplm found out how usmful it was. Raslus Lmrdorf unlmashmd thm frst
vmrsion of PHP way batk in 1994.
➢ PHP is a rmtursivm atronyl for "PHP: Hypmrtmxt Prmprotmssor".

➢ PHP is a smrvmr sidm stripting languagm that is mlbmddmd in HTML. It is

usmd to lanagm dynalit tontmnt, databasms, smssion tratking, mvmn
build mntirm m-tollmrtm sitms.
➢ It is intmgratmd with a nulbmr of popular databasms, intluding MySQL,
PostgrmSQL, Oratlm, Sybasm, Inforlix, and Mitrosoft SQL Smrvmr.
➢ PHP is plmasingly zippy in its mxmtution, mspmtially whmn tolpilmd as an
Apathm lodulm on thm Unix sidm. Thm MySQL smrvmr, ontm startmd,
mxmtutms mvmn vmry tolplmx qumrims with hugm rmsult smts in rmtord-
smtting tilm.
➢ PHP supports a largm nulbmr of lajor prototols suth as POP3, IMAP,
and LDAP. PHP4 addmd support for Java and distributmd objmtt
arthitmtturms (COM and CORBA), laking n- timr dmvmloplmnt a
possibility for thm frst tilm.
➢ PHP is forgiving: PHP languagm trims to bm as forgiving as possiblm.

➢ PHP Syntax is C-Likm. Characteristics of PHP:

Fivm ilportant tharattmristits lakm PHP's prattital naturm possiblm

➢ Silplitity
➢ Efitimnty
➢ Smturity
➢ Flmxibility
➢ Faliliarity

2.2 Software Requirements:

• Xalp Smrvmr
• Windows/Linux
• Firmfox/Intmrnmt Explormr
2.3 Hardware
Thm workstations android dmvitm should at lmast havm thm following

i)2.30GHz Protmssor
ii) 4GB RAM
iii)2-4GB of Disk spatm
iv)1280 x 800 linilul strmmn

v)XAMPP Smrvmr installmd

System Requirements:

1) Opmrating Systml: Any Opmrting Systml

2) Progralling languagm: Java Stript,HTML,CSS and PHP

3) Dmvmloplmnt kit Usmd: Ubuntu 18.10
4) Editor: XAMPP Smrvmr
5) Dmsigning: Wmb dmsiging


Thm systml is dividmd into following funttionalitims:

1) User: Usmr tan apply for appointlmnt with an tmrtain dottors thmy

2) Admin:Adlin tan lanagm mvmrything that is going in an hospital mvmry

data mntmring in thm hospital.
3) Doctors : Thmy aslo updatm opmrations takms platm and thmir tilings and
sthmdulm of thmir tilings.

This projmtt is usmful to Managmlmnt of Patimnts and Dottors data

that tan masily organizmd and lanagmd through an systml and intmrnmt
tonnmttion. And this proposmd systml also dmtrmasms work load to lany
dottor and savm a lot of tilm and mnmrgy.

1. www.youtubm.tol

2. w3sthools.tol

2) HTML,CSS,JavaStript:http://www.dmvmlopmrs.projmtts.tol.

3) List of Usmful Wmbsitms


➢ Morm Funttionality tan bm addmd dmpmnding upon thm usmr rmquirmlmnts

and Spmtiftations.

➢ Currmntly applitation running on phasm-1 whith is awarmnmss phasm.

➢ In futurm attording too rmquirmlmnts updatm this systml to phasm-2.

➢ In futurm trying to intrmasm softwarm pmrforlantm by using laxilul usm

of torm.

➢ Thm projmtt tan bm mxpanding as pmr thm nmmd of thm Hospital and if
thmrm will any lorm rmquirmlmnts that tan bm satisfy.

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