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S sue MERCHANT OF VENICE ~ HANDBOO} ACT I Scene 1 vg seminmleesnisa 0 pana tn ere a a arneen este ieee raat a tm oan rt tmena nn cope sapere tthe Cn a a ie Ss pre genase 2 See ty ear eae a Fekete etch mtr eens Ae ie ON enaretii ermsrennarcnae e seed eerie gare ioe Senter aay ies eames mtr ee ees — ope aleneacces eee eae see ee eae Sua a {heed on the dangers to his ventures and methods of securing them. Se eee emt ae coe ar rede ent a ‘near tothe shore where his ships could anchor in ease of need, | (G) Every thought of Stanio would make him fearful of dang i alae vette To example ahh ned Sent ll ~ et 1 scene 1 5 danger this ships were: (a) While cooling his soup by lowing om a ed mo the stormy winds at seo ausngerible damages tpn (0) The sandy hourglass reminded im of the richly ‘Sen vessels waecked on the sandy shore ‘uy () Phacking of pase and casting them nthe act see which way fhe wind blew (&) Looking ito map for harbours, channels and even open rode Needs near the shore, iv) Despite dangctohisships Antoni snot woried about his nancial ccuity becuse is business is neither fon any one ship SSP Ry ingle locaton or commercial tareactions of the current yen {The opening scene descrbes the possible dangers thatthe sea could pose ships such a ston winds, dangerous sallow water, 8nd BSS. ond dangerous rocks Antonio Is very confident about his Duchess venture ashe says that is busines enterprises are neither wenSsdeat on a singe ship nor on a single busines transaction of pater yea (iy tt would remind Salarino of the storms winds at sea and of the temible damages they might cause tothe ships (uy Weakthy Andrew refers toa Spanish ship called Andrea captured by the Beda snirs in 15%. tram aground when itwas Being brought re'eagland, Since then Andrew refers to a bg cargo ship. In the hove lines Salarino imagines at his rch cargo ship is grounded sPeSedand hee mast dipped dove lower than her sides a if trying, to kis the sands that surround her. ie) Sundy hourglass i an apparatus used to\indicate time. 1 would Fernie Starino ofthe dangers from hidden banks of sand at se, fon witch a ship may run aground. |) WhenSalaring would goto the cre he would see the ly building fnade of stone This scene would make him think of the perilous Teak ofthe vs and imagine tha collision of his ship with these {chs would be sulci to break his vessel into pieces and seater fon the sea all hee spices and silks 4. ¢@ Salarno has jst said that Antonio was in Jove. Antonio calls the omark as nonsense and completly denies that he sin Tove: Scanned with CamScanner {THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ~ HAND! © see threesome cous crores we ime poor have [Jam the te heoded Roman God that sae FOP ‘snd are cntinsusiy ging whet he IPED TE Rja fran Aga hve are ers with eso ae no wl ot laugh a any wing tough the rave Steer Nestor Rime ens the kc 2 st om. (a Janus i a Reman god wsually depicted with two bends Je te dietone, ~ one fering ad the ter sing: ad ced om go Saturn, the git tose bath the past {Etie He is refered to inthe ett 1 show that here are {ype of people one happy and the ters ests the King of Pye. He vas one ofthe greatest genera Iie ryan War He wos famous for us wisdom, juste, knowledge cial proeund pvt he aged meant the joke was Ta Sy? reefers fo inte ett o descibe he sad and ave people (9) Nature has framed two typeof prope. The fst tye of ouple fhe Rapp nature and obeelnugh even the subj of Iter [Boo wa The second type of peopl ate those wih serious and igre faves who do not Ig even atthe ost amsing joke (0) Atthe endo Salaries speech Bassaia, Gratiano nd Lorenzo come: Scan leaves Antonio then because Antonio’ frends Bassano, Gotan and Lorena have comet ge him company. 4 Gi Gratiano gives the example of a warm-blooded young san who ‘press fis spt and forts Maul to filles ll he looks ke {Er marble image of hs grandiather He docs so to advise Antonio toto emain ninelanchoty. He'skely tbe infected with unde Soc had temper (0) (@) Sore men overcast ther fice with apalexressionasunchanging Se cea that form onthe rae of lk and the Sau that foe the ste of 9 tgrant poo (2) mains an cbstinate silence not to disturb the solemn the ace oy (i) ote extn, Grate seas aout pape wo ty to bin reputation for wisdom, seousness end deep thought by temalning Tt Sach pope mean fo sy tat thy sen wh he auton ‘When they speak, eters should kecp quiet (tv) ‘Tam Sir Orade’ means I speak with the authority ofthe or 1 Scene 3 7 sort Sorme ‘oxic’ The Greek Oras made known the will of Gods and were feccived by all without questions. ‘Let no dog bark means let no ne speak. It fest the aide of {hose wise men who consider temscives 3 the foutain of wisdom Sd want thot when they speak oes should emai sent (9) At the end of his speech, Gratiano advises Antonio not to be one ‘Of those who ty to gain 9 reputation for wadom by being alent Fe farther tells Astnio nt use melancholy asa bait to wia the Fepuaton of wisdom ard cheap populanity, which ske a worthless heap fh, pdgeon Brssano soys that Gatano indulges in such Sle tak much more thn anyother man in Venice and hi reasons ae hike tw0 grains of wea! hidden in two Bushes of worthless stu 6 ( Basmanio and Antonio ae in street in Venice Prior to this extrac, IRntono asks Basan to tell hi about his plas. He ads, that {f Bamana’ plan tas honourable as he he then promises him tverything that he has money, uence, personal help and wost {G9 The above ines mean that at any rate Bassnio could pay the second [ban and retain his grateful debor forthe ist (iy Basanio Says that when he was a boy at school and he lost one ‘otis arrows while shooting, he would shoot another arrow inthe SUNS diction, Ths by risking the second, he eten regained both the ars. (Ge) Bassanio proposes to pay buck his previous loan as well as the prcent loan by eacefully managing the expendtre of his second {oan amount (0) Earlier, Bassanio confesses to Antonio that he as spent his wealth by having a more loaly way of bving than his moderate income ‘Thowed fin. Therefore he hae incurred heavy debts because of IS ‘outh and exteavagane. Ths prover that Bassano isa spendthrt 1. ("air spechless message’ man glance which ae silent mesages fof love, Bassanio wane to say that sometimes he received fom Pots eyes lovely sent messages The words nothing undervalued” fen nok less precious, Baaanio says that his Poti ino Tess presous than Cotas daughter. (G9 Coto the father of Brutus” wife Porta, was the great-grandson of the famous Cato the Censor Inthe Civil War betwen Pompey and (Caer he supported Pompey and was defeated by Caesar, Brats, Jhusband of Fert wae the che ofthe conspirators agonst Caesar Scanned with CamScanner 8 ‘THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ~ MANE and ease his assassination. Tey are feed to show He Tort ‘tBeimont sas precios and gest a Cats davghie, TOPS: (di) The pasnge says that Porti’s fame hod spread throushovt # ‘Word as suitors fom evry part ofthe werk come to Belmont to rom Cchos In Greek {Surped te throne tech he olen we ms InGr Iytlogy gol Meee i ferred to a the fees of the winged Tebn Cuseoallon Iwas kept ata oak ee ia grove sacred f {fal Area gurded by dagen in Coto. Basonio compares Forint Ue golden fleece and msl inhi quest for Port, to Jison on hs voyage t etch the olden flee, He refers to other ‘sites Jason (0) Bassani’ description of Pat in the opening scene reves hat she is paragon among women, She ich and besutal with golden frir'She hos wonderful mena quale and is vious a5 well Ter fame as ated suitor fom al ver the Wer. She sn 80 sry inert ber namesake, Cats daughter and Brut’ wife Basan needs mney to go to Belmont nhs ny love, Pot, He asks Antonio for loan and as Antonio has n0 fea cosh Be tele Bastrio Yo tke loan on is ame |% (Aronia is unable obelp Bosaio at ance since he has no money in hand a al his business ventures aes 8, (3) The sum was thee thousand dats 1 was rege urgently for Bassano to go to Belmont and present himself before Portas a ‘worthy stor (i) Antoni nstrct Bassani to find ut merchant who ready to ive im money agest hi mare (he ct stab rec he not at Anis tat 7 i ready 10 stretch the rei as far asf equip Basan to goto Belmont to woo Fort. ove * (0) Antonio i introduced inthe scene a a ich merchant having many, Shipping ventures at sea, He is ina site of melanchaly ahd not intersted in love. Loyalty and peneosiy towards Dasani ae the aortait fin charocter Compared o Antonio Basson schon sr spend young galt wh lives ie of loary beyond is means He seem to fke undue avaniae of Antonio’ generosity. Unlike Antonio, e sa romantic man, wiho wants to ma ich and beautiful hewess fom Belmont, ee [ACT 1 Scene 2 ° ACT I Scene 2 EY CONTEXT QUESTIONS 1. @) Portis as just maid that she cn neither choose whe ae she ies for refoe the one sbe dives bevuve the choice of er Rusband Sepends on the Tory of eakets devised aceording to her late father’ wil. (i The lotery refers to the choice of the ight cahat containing Port's porta rom among the thee caskets of gol, sver and fad. The Sailor who will make the right choice as pet the wil of Portas father wl yin her im aeriage (ii) Inialy, Portia appears to be anous over the prospect of choosing her uand through lolery devised according ter father’s wil She fects Sad as she can neler choose the ove se Hes ror refuse the one she cictke ass er husband. But Inter en she accepts her fathers will She says Wot she would remain » virgin ike Dina ‘unless sei won in atlage by some suitor fling the cnditons [Of her father’s wl. Neisn's reaction to the leery was positive ‘She calls Port's father pious and asserts that good men do Nave invpiations st he time of death. She consoles Poroa by saying tha the wil be chosen cotely by @ person whom she truly loves. lv) These ines mean that Portia willbe chosen corelly by a person ‘whom she uly Tove. (0) Port's melancholy i the result of her ansiety over the prospect of her future Husband whe the ce of Antonio's melancholy is ‘wnknown. 2 6) Porta and Nerisa are i a room in Portas house t Belmont. They fre dscusing the lotery of easket and about the suitors who have ready come to ny thet hick, In thie cen, Porta is in 2 mood of melancholy and arsicty. (W County Palatine was the Count from Palatinate the region on the ‘west Bank ofthe Rhine in Germany. He was powerful lord who ‘Come ta Belmont to wis Pots’ hand (i) The fist prince described by Porta Is the Neapolitan prince from Naples, aly, Portis describes him a8 a dashing youngster and as wil ab a young horse. He doce nothing but talks of his horse He further conskers his ability to hoe & horse himself as 2 great accomplishment Scanned with CamScanner THE MERCHANT OF VENICE - HANDBOO} ner ene 2 sem (iy () He ia proper mas ptr: He shanduae snd ‘handsome snd fie lookin (©) How ay he is ie He deve very strangely (60) The word dubs refers oa payin which al chores ack (6v) The weeping philosopher refers to Heracitus of Ephesus, He was Grek psoper ho iment he uy and wept evrything inthe word Fotis : Sen nH a na oem wl emblem of sil wath vo bones roses ndemesth 36 uml mown ae “eats end satan (0) County Platine i deserted a a gloomy a self cancsite Fetwaeays own ato ata Porta il et ary i she may choo smene eH mere aisle that Fates dt mae hog fa fs has ha $hrupt manner speach ans ually len is Young 2g ‘ray become a dlploopher ike Heri when he BrOW ok 5.) Earlier Portis deserbed the Newpltan prince as wit 2 2 hore and so atached fo his hore hate always spoke about horse ony. The Count Palatine and Le Bon share the comm (©) The Scots Lond isnot impreniv. ora speaks shnthiscoardce ino sarcastic way by ealng him hind reed med st seosn the Englishman's blow immediatly. The coxsin ef the Sah ord is 9 reference to the frequen laces toon he Sots and the French aginst England when Sctand was ot rar wth England 5) When sober, the young German is ls than a man i behave Gharsceriaic of frowning. and when drunk he is no beter than atest If he worse Papen (Ge i ecery man in no an: He has every man’s characteristics but no 'o Porta she will manage todo without hse personality of his ven 4 (0) (@) When he is rank, hei no beter han a beast. (uy Whe he hears te singing of thrash, the French Lord inp ned. (6) (a) would be a ae were mati to twenty husbands a he evr one nan but ey en By ae (2) Ite were to despise Pot Pra wold 8 Bel the ty and woul fergie hin (0) Porta cout ort ret ilove sce she ould never pou love teeny bands (0) Porn says that the French Lad moc atached to is horse han the Neapolitan Prince and excels Count Flin in frowning Be cars th singing he sas jumping irmedately. ure dour not have anybody fo fence wit Ke wil ake sown shady SS dversry 4. () The baron’ external appesanes des sean strange, He ss edaly dressed and very odin behaviour oo. He wears an fala [ichet ad bresches nh Fen son: He sero Hae pt is attr Germany ands manners fom everywhere. Engen (© Place» al poblet of hesh wine onthe wang sk (3) To prevent the young German rom canes ng cat, Pra instructed Nero pla al got f Rena wien he wong, ish Por was sue tat he German sor a et be et fei the temptation of Rs onl ds eve the pao the dei hime nae within (0) sponge costandy absorts wate. Sty,» dank, who ‘onstanty aks luoe icles sponge’ Son the yong Geman SSe drunkard, Pot cals us 3 "9ponge (0) Nees tele Portis to st aside her ers coneming te tors. ‘She sys tat hey have wormed he fr Secon 10g bok ‘ome snd oto pres theca farther ules Pr’ ate decree concerning the cist an fe set aide and hey ma Wo erin a onary way. Ness’ cor fr Pre cn frth in fer spech aes te 10 S00 Ports teed mind dc to her two stor (Port's et wa at er mariage wl be decd yh of Shakespear's days had fonds for the mares an Teter ofthe thc esset Te stor, oases height eset foreigners a nian Port's pte wl be her husband Portis’ statement thatthe Englishman didnot know Latin, French (i) Inc's metamoxphoes Sta was prophets She wos raed n ini eter (Oey ese Alot she would ie for 5 ay ys 5th rls of and sell ee ard, She waste age old ‘Toman Diana was the goss of moon ond hunting. Sb knows the vgn goes ee Fria oun tial Geocer a s ee rt Eo Lai Fer akan and on n was vey poor Scanned with CamScanner ier oF VENICE = HANDROO sive to remain 3 Virgin Wovcumae unten, fary of casket she eon mariage BY 8 young, powani, Nein enor’ ater (4 To introduce nn tM oe rata nie eel ine cde Dan Sphere ise ple er enn pits ofthe Bn set Sis tian Seve #0 At (oy The suitors given is 8 ae nef Np tay sade YOUN ere ie avs ated aout Me Rone. 0) ocean ste es aways rowingand wns loony. 12 SresturLe tor vm Fane, ad the carci of evry See ha we pens of HS : ysis Taobege rom England, houghhandsome was strangely Oe sed and Sma know Lat French or ian (o) MeSoh Lord wasaconaedand id not repay te Engihman ‘rho gave him blow {0 Thebukeof suo was a drunkard He nhs sober moments, ‘Thane sna man when drunk no beter hana beast. ACT I Scene 3 es CONTEXT QUESTIONS (9 Anno nd ton cording o which fhe flo rosy th amount i do ine, Sok wl be el to take an eat pounds ran ay po Ato’ tody tat he may wih Iwas very unvsise of Antonia to misjudge Shylock’ intentions sign such 2 fatal bond, ie recs into mt (i) Can you help me and will you do me this favour? Gi her Soe nay te aoe rds he mean ta Anan 9 rable man, hone sry ution ones a 1 (00) Shockoe ‘ip rg oy plot ing mery Moran beng oe fats tn the matron Bae ae sl he dangers of the ocean rom the gl, wegen ard danger ec ‘Antonio can be coideed sa pent bares as fis wealth {Rottnbted over he whole vert One cf anton’ ship om its journey to Trpol, anther board forte indie, 9 third Seren tn, oat og a rn wars her sant places He fw overcoat he aes Si unnenenable and dangers bon _ Publican were tax collecrs forthe Remans and were general Upprcive They wesc bated by te owo tree they were gets ‘ole mo elected ave a fom he fovs Publican anata term of contempt and Iothing ine oath of» Jew. Shylock ates ‘Artniobecsune hea Chain ends money witout intrest ad fart abst on hi (i) The words mean that if Shylock could get fold of Antonio st 2 dlnadvantage orn aweakspot be wel stot al the long-standing fated he fas ait Hie (i Shylock had s longstanding grudge against Antonio because ‘Antonio was a Christan snd ook pon the Bly Jewish ace with ltempt He used to lend money without terest and tus Bg flown the ate of iter He even spat on Shylock, hcked him and Caled fim autos dog (io) "The Sacred Nation’ fsa reference tothe holy Jewish race. ‘Antonio ult Shylock for is business deals and for earing pro fr tending money on interest. (0) Shylock plan to get money immediately from a wealthy fellow" {Tuba shows that Shyoch wants fo eceute the Bond 253000 38 possible and uee the chance take his Fevenge on Antonio 4 (9 The topic referred to in the exact ending money for intrest Jinsb asthe cerned son of Tse who Became the hit suces0r to Abraham Abraham as the founder ofthe Hebrew nation and Jacobs grandather. Gi Lata was Jacobs ute. Jaco and Labsn entered int a agreement thar Jacob would ree a hi wage the lambs which were bom teth spot or snp Dring he beeing season, Jaco aranged the ‘Woskin rds in such wa thatthe shadows ofthe rods sbould al bo the sheep, Consequently, most ofthe lambs were Born spot tw steppe sod thus they became Jacob's propery Gi Taking totenst means to charge specific amounts on the money jenvas lon for a spected period. Receiving payment for ones ” 20 Scanned with CamScanner 1 VBNICE ~ HANDBOOK ‘rie weRcilant OF eee ‘ose mi ne ca aoe nice Dontecesetie Henmenar moet eter at sone hy eu atin iy wis tea faa sa oe ey mel i le ae ema feo recht oe ee Reractome ee seeuetnep feta me chemi tine ant i een Sooo desea eee Pee nner ein iene ata are erase iba Sottero Bee erence ieee me encigiaieniat meaner i erneet ood ones area (ii) Shylock bore Antonio's insults patinty since, a a shrewd Jw, Ine was waiting for an opporine time fo take revenge on Anta are, inthe scene Shylock admis that patience the Badge of his ace, (i) Financially Antonio i thea to Stylck’s money lending business because he lends money without charging intrest and thus Brings down the rate of intrest charged by money-lender. sides, he hates Antonio since he ia Chistian, who despises the Jewish race (©) Antonio is a rch businessman but doesnot have ready cash in his ‘hand. Tats why he needs to borrow money from his enemy Shylock to ive it to Bassanio, hs fend ao that he on goto Belmont foes his lady love, Portia, Shylock is ready to led money to Atoms ‘because that would enable him to lake revenge On Aokecg eo the Insults heaped on him by Antoni ae 5. (@) Shylock i refering tothe ise rk 8 speaking abusively of him and his hi Kicking him, calling him a dog oo hi by Antoni such ‘moneylending siting on ° nd dialing he Jews ele tothe iment need of Anton to provide for a Provide for Hasna tpt Dla ont, Shylock is ready to supply the wants provided Antonio fires hf Anum’ rable Hen the moncy on the pete Sate, the pny to be paid wl be am ‘tact pound of flesh from any por of Antonis boy (a) Antonio storms Shylock by saying tht in ure to he fs Wkly to ‘Shuse and grace him ad that Re should end the money a an remy’ rater than end. He challenges fi tec he penalty iThe fals to repay’ on timc. Shylock wing to end te money thot interes becuse he want to tap Antonio na fal bond Sd tae his revenge (This is kind fer you" means his isthe kinds that ofr you ‘This refer to is lending of money without charging ny interest cn i Immediately afer thin the speaker propnss Antonio 10 Sccompany him to lawyer and exc a Bon th his signature srereln the fort to be pad wl be an exact pound of fl rom {ny pat of Antonio's body (0) The third person present atthe scene s Basano. He is euctan 10 (0) cet Syloce terme beenue he id ot tutte hind words ‘Hered by Shylock. He tls Anon tht he wil at have im make Sch an agreement on his account He would rather tema poor ‘She's now and do without hs wants supped a such a pre 6 ( A notary isa lawyer who has the authority to execute offal and tga deiings and agreements Shylock wants o abe Antoni oe ‘try tos he bond document which stipulates that he foto be pld wll b's pound ffs fom any pat of Antonio's body (0 (a singe toe agreement in which Antonio ibe the only signatory (&) mery sport fo 2 pleasant joke (a Bassano tells Antonio tht he wil nt have him, make such an fsgeeement on hin account. He adds that he would ater remain [Foor ase snow and do without his ants supplied st Sach 3 Price. (i) Antoni is confident that there no danger in signing the bond iecasse he is conent atone month Before the date of payment, Fiships wil fave Broughtnine umes he amount hey ae borowing nd thay will not have to pay the penalty. This inent shows ‘Antonio's overconidence and Benton fowords Bassani. (© Shylock fests a pound of Antonios ech to take revenge on ‘nim and to pot hi Completely at hit mere. Shylod’ hatred for ‘Antonio and Chvstans & shown in his absurd demand. Taking, ‘Rivantage of the station be wants to ake revenge on Anton and ail Chto en persecuted mand his tae Shylock appear ie a on ft wit Hate and vengeance, who is ready to go to the ‘nent of getting his enemy's pound of fish to take Ris revenge. Scanned with CamScanner cop VENICE ~ HANDBOOK ewe eee ACT 1 scene 1 s CONTEXT QUESTION: 4) Ts scn tes place in wo PN iment Ppl es pacts alent Ton, Nera Trot anendans erhis dark colo Besuse re Sen eco ner ated Ma eh uP 8 COUN whee thems very cone tothe eth 1) People born in orth a firs 0 noe mth tht i a Sov and Ki. ‘uy Pon in rec mythology iene of he names ofthe Som Cn ca bat fre meas tayo tes, Moros Propose, Ar tte mathe wih an fairskinned man Born i the a a ed open heir cia to ee whose blod is redder Fd lad as considered to be ig of COUPEE Gon) Morora’s peel appearance frightened the brave men whereas tbe pretisl women admired and ved (x) Tespooer is pepared fo change hs dark complexion only to win ver Foti’ favor. Fram the exact we Koo that the Prince of Morocco fs 3 waar i aelfasere man. He has lrg imposing physical appearance 2 eer iu compoon eon opt wo thks eer hn erp ba of i od od the adatatan and afecton ht ejoys nh and tem the nobles nd best of aden nfs fi ew frm, he 22 () Laer of Forta's destiny refers othe lottery devised accord ‘her dre tars i Aci the ltery, each slot he ram an te he cto ok eran lend the ome taining Feta’ portal. The suitor who wil make ice wl win Portas hand in marsage, The lotery 0 tnt doge yh tert prev Tus ro xr her freedom of chice. The str, wi yom fd rho will make the right choice ‘hiss because the sun's ays fale to melt the foe (ii) These fines mean: “If Thad not been : fathers wisdom and obliged oacrp lors hese haa oo sel suceed in winning me bythe means | hace weld ye i) Portas father was prudent tohave, tan arranged for her marrage through not mt seen | we 30 w w 9 ” “a otery. We se that at rend the wiedom of ber father prevalls SAE om os wife by Basan wham she loves ad aires ‘um the extract we Know that the Prince of Moroedo 8 8 warioe Fea cured ean he has a are mpg, pryical appearance ar wt etad of hin dark complonon. He isan epost soho thinks the lind best of maidens He a a es Jration for heron and can be won by aayone, eve 2 acing candidate: He harps on the en of chance ~ choice, Tomery, destin, chosing fortune and harards Porta does not really mean that Morocco hed » good chance Pinning er love, because in Act I Scene 2 sbe bold her former sim kamtempt She thinks the sme of Morocco because ei Benet yonta eats him with perfect courtesy and tact nd speaks seishe hes him i high este “Scimitar mneans sword By wing his sword, Morocco had sain the Feet cfesin and Persian Prince, who ad defeated Sultan Solpman of Turkey thrice. ‘The brave deeds Morocco is prepared to perform in order #0 win Portia ae: (0 to challenge the most brave warrior on earth {Go snatch away the young sucking cubs from the mother bear and dare her wath In Greck mythology, Hercules was renovened for his manliness Rrangand explo: Lich washisservant According tothe legend se psec and Lichas were plaving 2 game of dice. By chance See sng hone came from Lchas. This example i applicable 10 aera ce his fame, wealth and achievements ae of no help veer tain Portia. Te is forced to take his chance against ay inferior Hal Before he fs kod to make the choice, Ports tells Morocco that be Before eee chance Fe must either lave the mate altogether and rake the attempt or svar inthe Chapel before choosing, tat if POLS the neon choice, fhe wil never again speak to any lady fon the subject of aeiQg: ‘Thegoeklee fortune isustly eprexnted blindfolded. Fortune ssid TOS blind sa to the unaccountable variations in her dispensation XS Tavours to mankind. He fears that as the bind fortune is leading Bete te right eshet. the outcome depends only on chance ei a game of ce Scanned with CamScanner ck - HANDBOOK ACT II Scene 2 crows 1 o mean nen wre Lagat Sui st ay en rs eee te nee ‘Sri SSL arg ‘Scop sro mtn in th mm sere ae ine ne me ar in Sch Sey Sine ins he Baers Re far nr he would become afew if Be served Shylock fi hae res cs em Seyi iy Ne ee chr he Seek el ort ate ress hg tc tbe a oy epic ns ee rs a a ones cen he rd ee So ed Ser rater One ee er pra may mms acy ee i ee ate aah umf nc cinta peer ont ee tac Be ene with Bassanio, a Christian. J ul whee oP Sa eee eee father means my father who begot me. Ol erie (armament acnTaLenee es eet et ae ee oe Cope leer sy CONTEXT QUE! some comic elie inte play. the st because the previous ras mood where a 9 Act mt scene 2 sor mt seene mot is ut di of aad rv mf. laurel tes his fer to ve Shylock rope to hang himself int ater thon any prevent becave he has haletarved him {) When Gobo asks Launcelet the way a Shc’ ose, he wren “inctione which Laumceleh gies im provide rel exe the sere ‘Te dnections are fo confusing fr O14 obo t fli. The second example is Launcelts aking his ther’ bising, He neck lore is ater. Being blind, i father wacies Lasrera's face and soys tat Launcelot has more har on his for than that Dobbin, his carhorse 13) Launcrot uses highsunding words in his conversation with obbo {olimpres him thot he posers casi learing and sa gentleman. ‘Shakespeare wants to come tthe audience the habit of some vain people of his tie who pretended to be what ty were pot (ip Lanett ells ld Gobbo “athe? in the fs line ofthe extrac 26 ‘iplan to reveal his identity gradually to him. Inte giver ines Tounef tells Gobo that according to his Fate o Destiny oF the “Tce Sister of the ancient Greeks and such other branches of Teaming the young man is dead {iy O14 Gobbo is stunned on hearing tht his son is dead, He states thot his son vas Bis only support in is old age iv) When Gabo asks Launcelot to tell him wheter his son s really end of nou, Launeclt deamatilly confesses that he is Gobbo's Son Bot Cobo doesnot btieve him. Then Launcelot mentions the amv of his mother, Margery, a8 poof to show that het relly Gale's son (6) Cobb Is fod of bis son. When Launclt tls hi that is son SFA conbo is shocked to eae it and lament that his son was Fis Say Guppor in his old ape. Further Gobbo does nt belive Teaseelon’ confession til he mentions the name of his mother Thon Launeclt tls him that hei his son. Gobo, ting blind, Fea Laameto's fae to ascertain that he is actually his son fustion is when Launcla gives Gabbo directions “The directions ate so confusing that CBR toes not aloe i. Another Humorous station isthe ene SF caunceletseking his father” blessing. He Roel i font of hi Place ha fther fs his Beard and says that Launeeot has ore Tro his fae than thei eaethorse fas on his tai mccot as more hai on hi C6 Tesuncelot responded ‘One humorous st to go to Shylock’s howe 44. When Gobo remarked that Lau thaw Dab ee shathoese asm hi ail Scanned with CamScanner ‘or venice - 1 “OOO, 2 te exe than he ba So has brought 3 ish of fot Date poi mia eo temarked that Launcelot has changed SEU rosie 4) (0) My master's a very Jew: My master i ney : stg tl 6) rnc grein (fara tu ae et ne SA ee seston moaned AE ume th ee Eames nt (0) Te myn oom th oe, aa Sp Ta SA alan Sa a dn untae rsa ae sh Staff ip (9 ome Se sa hae he i ig tei Rt way nr rb Te Apatite (ie Osa Sc cy re 5 Wen on Gatndt n ng Bt aS (a ee Ssh tac he say 00 Tieng y Lan pies te ules» coi MeL eaTeeRE patted coe i eri pu mcs ew avg Ci mar be ee a ek be aha et restates fa if type jee Le De isa (x) After cmplying Lael. fossa ste Cabos to gotshyok ‘dbl him fareelland then ach hs ease He teas soos {0p eo for Lauri wth more ects or eed Steps thn hse ohio ont ad Sydnee en a & () Bawaio wat hoe wo Gor room pein (0) Tote don oa dys when the later makes & limon his trip to Belmont sng 2 lite moderation. ACTH Scene 5 Qe (i ani tls Gestion that he suri nt ard ‘These fut of is ae aceboy Basan ad is ends {islet hisroture uth wilderness {lle eee, avanio oder meee ns dichovboat Ad toe down his ely spite by ering modern (6) ssn aks Gratin ta Beare popey in Belmont cae be fears tha for pope wh dnt Si Gace, ks tao ll appear a fay is wid behavior il be misunersoed at Helin ad Basan may tow cance of marying Prk (7 Gato promise to behave in» pres maser He sys that he il caver gravely an wil ok won on He wl cay Braye bok hs pets and ok nt dae Dat ace fore meas, he wl vel he with hs at aed lems ‘Amer e wil do everything bat pienessCemands ar tis all the customs of good mannors a hosgh eh tying plese bis grandmother by sowing» tad sere behav Bassani tls Gratin that his rude behaviour wil beat or the night beeause of tre party Ths bec Basan wants ht ‘ight to be one off and mith He wl be sory toe Gran Ina sad mood, Basin would pe to we hn in his ie spite and ben hs most musing mood. ACT II Scene 3 CONTEXT QUESTIONS 44) Launcelt et esis house since er fther Shylock was 9 miserly Jew and his stay as his servant has hal-amished hi. He felt tat ‘ny frther stay with him would make fm Uke the jew. Beside, ‘Bassano has accepted him in his service and Laurel feels that Bassai isa beter master, (i) In the above ines, Jessie says that her house is ell ease of ee father savarie: Launcelot with isjlly nature and wits antics and ‘nonsense capering has relieved it of much boredom apd dullness (iy Jessica shows in stords and actions that she Uked Launceots presence inthe house: He calls him a merry devil and thas him For reducing the boredom and dullness in er house She offer hi 2 duct to Jasin ges to Lancet he rnd of dlr ete Ln (0 rappin Basis hws hat gh Sh ats in oer the eer Loren ere Scanned with CamScanner

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