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The Evergreening of Biopharmaceuticals: The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

2016, 56(4) 383–389
Time to Defoliate 
C 2015, The American College of

Clinical Pharmacology
DOI: 10.1002/jcph.642

David F. Lehmann, PharmD, MD, FCP, and Sarabeth Wojnowicz, PharmD

biopharmaceuticals, single enantiomer, value, racemic mixture, outcomes, cost

As a successful product approaches its date of patent This commentary assesses both the rationale for and
expiration, chiral switching, that is, the isolation, the value of preferring the use of single-enantiomer
testing, approval, and marketing of the pharmaco- products over their racemic counterparts in treat-
logically active stereoselective isomer (enantiomer), ing 3 prevalent conditions: major depressive disorder,
termed “evergreening,” allows the manufacturer to asthma, and acid-peptic disease. Standard tools of
maintain market share via exclusivity.1 The market- clinical epidemiology applied to drug therapy (phar-
ing of one stereoisomer typically emphasizes a single macoepidemiology) will assess claims that are made to
pharmacometric difference between the active and in- favor isolated pharmacometric characteristics for es-
active enantiomer via extrapolation to the bedside.2 citalopram, levalbuterol, and esomeprazole compared
On rare occasions, eg, S-albuterol in addition to its with their racemic mixture counterparts.
inactivity may blunt access to the β 2 receptor by
racemic albuterol, given the longer half-life of S- Methodologies Used to Compare Health
albuterol.3,4 However, such reductionism in the ap- Care Value
plication of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Application of Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology to
necessitates a high degree of scrutiny to determine Compare Racemic and Single-Enantiomer Products
whether these differences are actualized in patient out- Health care value is defined as an outcome achieved
comes (eg, prevention of hospital admissions, impact per dollar expended for that outcome to be realized.12
on length of stay, and improvement in standard surro- Although prior reports have assessed the comparative
gate measures).5,6 efficacy and cost separately for pairs of racemic mix-
Altered affinities for drug target receptors between tures and single enantiomers, analyses derived from
pairs of stereoisomers derive from the variability in pharmacoepidemiology have yet to be applied.9,13
their mirror image presented to a 3-dimensional recep- Such techniques can provide a useful measure of
tor binding site.7 Indeed, pharmacometric variations the ability of a drug product to achieve an outcome
are the central cause of the differential affinities for (numerator) in the value equation in comparison to the
receptors that determine their therapeutics, toxicity, cost outlay for that specific outcome (denominator).
and clearance.8 Therefore, this approach should yield clarity in evalu-
Suppositions derived from the extreme reductionist ating the comparative value for racemic mixtures and
approaches inherent in claims of enhanced effectiveness single-enantiomer products available on the health care
or decreased toxicity in the use of enantiomeric com- market.
pounds must be challenged given the lack of a priori The pharmacoepidemiological parameters with
knowledge of all confounders prior to the experimental their derivations used for this analysis follow. The
design.9 Such scrutiny takes on added importance be-
cause single-enantiomer products are uniformly more SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA
expensive than their corresponding racemic mixtures.10
Submitted for publication 23 October 2015;
Furthermore, racemic mixtures typically are products
that have had extensive patient exposure correspond- Corresponding Author:
David F. Lehmann, PharmD, MD, FCP, SUNY Upstate Medical University,
ing to well-defined margins of safety and clinical Syracuse, NY 13210
effectiveness.11 Email:
384 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 4 2016

odds ratio (OR) was considered to be equivalent to “if one enantiomer of a pair does not contribute to
relative risk (risk ratio) because all 3 diseases under the therapeutic effect, the exclusive use of its active
consideration are highly prevalent.14 The method of counterpart must therefore confer advancement in ther-
Hasselbad and Hedges was used to convert measures of apeutics.”
continuous variables into an OR for more meaningful Escitalopram vs Citalopram. Celexa (R/S-citalopram)
use by practicing clinicians deciding on a panoply was approved for marketing in the United States by
of available treatments.15 The active comparator Forest Laboratories in 1998, with generic availability in
rate (ACR) for events in the groups in the racemic 2004. In anticipation of the loss of patent protection,
(comparator) pool were defined as number of events Forest first marketed Lexapro (escitalopram) in 2002.
in the comparator pool divided by the number of Six comparator studies in adults between the 2
events in the total pool. The absolute risk reduction products reached the level of internal validity to be
(ARR) was determined by the formula: ARR = ACR included in the analysis.16–21 Clinical outcome measure
– (OR × ACR)/[1 – (ACR + {OR × ACR})]. The was failure to respond at an endpoint of 6 to 12
number needed to treat (NNT) to determine the weeks. The pooled OR was 0.67 (0.50, 0.89) favoring
number of patients required to be treated with the escitalopram. However, it is possible that the observed
single-enantiomer product for 1 patient to benefit difference between the two products waned between
compared with the racemic product was 1/ARR. the 16- to 24-week period with an OR of 0.96 (0.56-
Further, ORs that crossed unity were included given 1.56).17 Alternatively, the severity of depression became
the small sample sizes that are typical for such direct greater, requiring a selection from a different class of
comparator studies (provided they had internal valid- compounds.
ity). The Cochrane database was used for all pooled Given that all SSRIs are considered to be essentially
head-to-head comparator trials as a check on internal equivalent for the treatment of major depressive dis-
validity. order, the pooled OR for those that were available as
generic products at the time of the initial marketing of
Cost Comparisons Between Single-Enantiomer and escitalopram were sertraline 1.06 (0.73, 1.53), favoring
Racemic Mixture Products sertraline24–26 ; paroxetine 0.89 (0.61, 1.32), favoring
All estimated drug expenditures were based on the escitalopram27,28 ; and fluoxetine 0.81 (0.60, 1.10), fa-
average wholesale price (AWP). Cost comparisons be- voring escitalopram.29–31
tween daily doses of R/S-citalopram (20 mg) and In summary, head-to-head comparisons for esci-
S-citalopram (10 mg) were based on outcomes at talopram vs citalopram show no clinical benefit at
12- and 24-week intervals.16–21 The expenditures for considerable costs for escitalopram, particularly in the
levalbuterol 1.25 mg and albuterol 2.5 mg were com- long-term treatment of MDD. Furthermore, based on
pared with assumptions of the average daily use of the recognized equivalency of cheaper generic SSRIs
8 nebulizer treatments over a 3.6-day period for the when compared to escitalopram, the discrepancies in
inpatient treatment of acute asthma, with the cost of expense favoring generic paroxitine, sertraline, and
acute length of stay derived from federal data sources.22 fluoxetine are even greater should 18- to 24-month
The cost of Nexium R
20 mg was compared with that exposure be required to treat MDD.
of omeprazole 40 mg per day for a 6-week course of Levalbuterol vs Albuterol. Racemic albuterol has been
treatment for acid-peptic disease. available in the United Kingdom since 1968 and in the
Annual drug revenues for the 3 pairs of racemic United States since 1982. It remains the standard treat-
mixtures and single-enantiomers were obtained from ment of acute bronchospasm. Sepracor Laboratories

publicly available data in For purposes achieved patent protection for Xopenex (levalbuterol)
of comparison, if the last available full-year data for in 2005. Five head-to-head studies (3 in children, 2 in
a racemic product was more remote than that for its adults) between the 2 products comparing efficacy on
trade-name single-enantiomer counterpart, the overall hospitalization rate: OR 0.76 (0.58, 0.98) and length of
trend for medication use in nonfederal hospitals was hospital stay.32–35
applied to equilibrate the year for comparison.23 Clinical outcome measures included the hospi-
tal admission rate—OR 0.76 (0.58, 0.98), favoring
levalbuterol32-35 —and length of hospital stay—OR
Evaluating the Rationale for the
1.12 (1.09, 2.77), favoring albuterol.35
Preferential Use of Single-Enantiomer Careful analysis of this single isolated study in the
Products emergency setting that favored a decrease in admission
Claims for Superiority of Benefit rate via the use of levalbuterol leads to the inescapable
The claim of greater benefit from a single-enantiomer conclusion the enantiomer is superior to racemic
formulation can be restated into a simple narrative: albuterol. Were this so, the continued use of this
Lehmann and Wojnowicz 385

true advance in the treatment of asthma would have on the prescribing of levalbuterol by cardiopulmonary
produced a marked impact on the ALOS for patients physicians, with significant indirect assistance by respi-
if used exclusively over racemic albuterol. This most ratory therapists. The history of this large impact for
clearly was not the case, given the far greater expense change in prescribing habits is the clearest example of
of the exclusive use of levalbuterol for admitted pa- pharmacological reductionism.
tients; and most telling, the ALOS for those patients Escitalopram vs Citalopram. In 2011 the FDA issued
exclusively receiving levalbuterol was prolonged when a warning of a dose relationship between citalopram
compared to those who received the racemic product. and prolongation of the QTc interval.39 This warning
was based on ECG surveillance studies for groups of
Claims for Greater Safety SSRIs showing a dose relationship for citalopram and
Enhanced safety from a single-enantiomer product is QTc prolongation. Importantly, however, torsades de
claimed by eliminating the exposure to unwanted side points (TdP) only occurred with intentional overdose or
effects from the inactive stereoisomer. if used with significant confounding factors known to
Levalbuterol vs Albuterol. As it became apparent that cause TdP without drug exposure (eg, severe electrolyte
levalbuterol offered no clinical superiority to racemic abnormalities).40
albuterol, in vitro pharmacokinetic investigations of Furthermore, due to the market longevity of citalo-
the inactive S-stereoisomer demonstrated a delayed pram, these studies did not include escitalopram.
clearance from the alveoli as compared with the R- Indeed, later analyses that did include the single-
stereoisomer (levalbuterol). Inferences were then pro- enantiomer product showed a similar risk for QTc
moted by pharmaceutical manufacturers to extrapolate prolongation as for the racemic compound.41 This
by such PK deduction that bronchial smooth muscle observation is entirely consistent with and explained by
cells were prevented from recruiting β 2 receptor, given the nearly identical IC50 for the hERG channel of both
the receptor blockade by the prolonged clearance of citalopram (3.2 μM) and escitalopram (2.6 μM).42
the S-stereoisomer, which thereby antagonizes access to Therefore, the FDA warning for the racemic com-
the β 2 receptor by the R-stereoisomer.36,37 Despite the pound and not the single enantiomer likely reflects the
paucity of this in vitro information, several reductionist greater reporting bias due to the larger patient exposure
steps were promoted by industry to extrapolate this in the 4 years prior to the marketing of escitalopram.
meager in vitro evidence to the bedside. Hence, in contrast to calls for a moratorium on the pre-
The most profound effect of these unsubstantiated scribing of citalopram in light of the FDA warning43
claims is to add substantial costs of care without (because both drugs are equivalent in their ability to
improving the quality of healthcare (value) in clinical inhibit hERG), such a recommendation exposes a lack
medicine. Indeed, it is self-evident that rigorous head- of appreciation of the pharmacological principle of
to-head clinical trials between levalbuterol and racemic competition for receptor occupancy between 2 antag-
albuterol were widely promoted to practicing cardi- onist compounds.44
ologists and pulmonologists as a means to influence
these providers to avoid even the most remote and Pharmacokinetic Alterations to Enhance Thera-
likely bogus differences in the induction of cardiac tach- peutic Response: Esomeprazole vs Omeprazole
yarrhythmias. These claims derived from in vitro and AstraZeneca lost patent protection for the exclusive

PK-alone studies seemed sufficient for the widespread marketing of Prilosec (R/S-omeprazole) in September
intensive pharmaceutical representative detailing that 2011, followed by FDA approval for Nexium (S-
took place in the aftermath of levalbuterol marketing. omeprazole) in August 2012.
These conjectures were singularly effective to increase The rationale for developing esomeprazole was en-
the market share of levalbuterol because they were tirely based on pharmacokinetic differences between
directed at a core principle of medicine, namely, primum it and racemic omeprazole. Because of the differential
non nocere. variability between the 2 products in substrate affinity
This issue has been definitively put to rest by the for CYPs, particularly CYP2C19, superimposed on the
lack of difference in cardiac risk between levalbuterol polymorphic variability of this isoform, esomeprazole
and racemic albuterol in investigations in hospitalized was more bioavailable than omeprazole. This, in turn,
patients at the greatest risk for adverse cardiac events in resulted in a greater AUC as associated with a persis-
situations of similar degrees of bronchospasm requir- tence of gastric pH above 4.0.45
ing comparable dose intensity of the 2 products.38 Similar to the prior discussion of the β-agonists,
Thus, such a linear chain of deductions initiated such pharmacological reductionism involving surro-
by in vitro studies of an increase in chronotropy due gate markers does not equate with either clinical out-
to the S-enantiomer of racemic albuterol ultimately come superiority or greater safety.46 Indeed, simple
led to a highly successful campaign of direct influence adjustments in the dose regimens of omeprazole can
386 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 4 2016

Table 1. Relative Value Between 2 Product Pairs of Stereoisomers for Selected Clinical Outcomes

$ Spent or (Saved)
Stereoisomer From Exclusive Use of
Pairs Clinical Outcome Odds Ratio 95% CI ARR NNT Enantiomer per Patient

Escitalopram vs Failure to respond at 6–12 0.67 [0.50, 0.89] 0.28 4 $1939

Citalopram weeks endpoint
Failure to respond at 16–24 0.96 [0.56, 1.56] 0.027 37 $35 899
weeks endpoint
Levalbuterol vs Hospital admission rate 0.76 [0.58, 0.98] 0.138 8 ($2696)
ALOS 1.12 [1.090, 2.77] 0.04 25 ($4490)

ALOS, acute length of stay; ARR, absolute risk reduction; NNT, Number needed to treat.
See References 14–21,23 (escitalopram vs citalopram); 32-35 (levalbuterol vs albuterol).

approximate or exceed the optimal goal for gastric pH In the treatment of asthma, a cost savings of $2696
in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).47 could be achieved if levalbuterol was used to abort an
Further, because the clinical studies evaluating either attack for the patient to be subsequently discharged to
esomeprazole or racemic omeprazole in the treatment home. However, should any patient require hospitaliza-
of GERD did not genotype for CYP2C19 as part of tion, this savings would be eliminated by the equiva-
their design strategy, their external validity is called into lence in response to racemic albuterol and levalbuterol
serious question. This characteristic is typically cou- at an additional expense of $4490.
pled with a lack of rigorous patient outcomes despite Given the lack of adequate clinical outcome mea-
reaching internally valid conclusions (vis-à-vis pH). sures for the treatment of acid-peptic disease, their
Last, inexpensive PPIs such as racemic omeprazole insignificant drug interaction differences, and that any
may indeed be more cost-effective than more expensive superiority of esomeprazole is based on a pharma-
alternatives for acid-peptic disease should genotyping codynamic measure of gastric pH sustainability, costs
be used to guide therapy.47,48 alone are a better method to compare esomeprazole vs
omeprazole (ie, no difference in outcome).43,45 The cost
difference for an equipotent dose of the 2 products to
Assessment of the Relative Health Care maintain a gastric pH ࣙ 4.0 for a standard duration
Value of treatment of 6 weeks was $111 per patient more for
Table 1 summarizes the application of standard meth- esomeprazole than for omeprazole (
ods used in pharmacoepidemiology to comparative Figure 1 shows the difference in annual revenues to
studies between 2 pairs of racemic mixture–enantiomer the manufacturer for each of the 3 product pairs. For
products (escitalopram vs citalopram; levalbuterol vs the years selected, the differential in annual revenues
albuterol) for a quantitative assessment of healthcare for escitalopram vs citalopram was $1 933 816 (2011);
value (outcomes/cost).14,15 esomeprazole vs omeprazole, $1 572 564 (2013); and
Based on the literature for the treatment of an for levalbuterol vs albuterol, $22 614 309 (2011). The
episode of MDD, treatment failure was defined at individual year selected for comparison was either the
12 and 24 weeks as the clinical endpoints.16–21 Costs last year that data were publicly available for a single-
were then determined by estimating the expenditures enantiomer product that still retains patent protection

necessary to treat a defined number of patients (NNT) (Nexium ) or the last full year that a single-enantiomer
with depression in order that one patient could achieve product enjoyed such exclusivity.
a superior benefit of escitalopram over citalopram.15,23 Because the most robust data regarding pairs of
Given an NNT of 4 for the 12-week endpoint, an racemates and their corresponding stereoisomers orig-
additional $1939 would be required for superior benefit inate from February 2001 (esomeprazole), February
to be realized for one patient. Moreover, given an NNT 2002 (levalbuterol), and August 2002 (escitalopram),
of 37 for the 24-week endpoint, an additional $35 899 it is these that provide the greatest statistical analytic
would be required for superior benefit to be realized power. However, the “evergreening” of pharmaceuti-
for one patient.17 Further, given the overall equivalency cals is flourishing. To support this claim, here is a list
between SSRIs in the treatment of MDD, combined of additional racemic and stereoisomer pairs that are
with the generic availability of SSRIs at the time of currently marketed:
the initial marketing of escitalopram, these same results r lansoprazole (Prevacid)
between escitalopram and generic SSRIs with minor r dexlansoprazole (Dexilant); date of approval:
variability can reasonably be expected.24–31 Jan 30, 2009
Lehmann and Wojnowicz 387

Figure 1. Annual revenues for 3 pairs of racemic-mixture/single-enantiomer products for selected years.

r loratadine (Claritin) tee of significant return on investment is substantial, to

r desloratadine (Clarinex); date of approval: Dec pursue development of single-enantiomer products is
21, 2001 alluring.
r venlafaxine (Effexor, Effexor XR, Lanvexin, The practice of developing single-enantiomer prod-
Trevilor) ucts on the heels of patent protection loss is simul-
r desvenlafaxine (Pristiq, Desfax); date of ap- taneously an exercise in diversion of resources away
proval: Feb 29, 2008 from pursuit of novel compounds that have a signif-
r cetirizine (Zyrtec) icantly greater potential to improve healthcare value.
r levocetirizine (Xyzal); date of approval: May Unfortunately, greater margins in the short term create
25, 2007 the temptation for the pursuit of enantiomer products,
r methylphenidate (Ritalin, Ritalin LA, Meta- thereby ensuring an immediate financial margin for
date, Concerta, etc) isolated stakeholders.
r dexmethylphenidate (Focalin XR); date of ap- Although the development of enantiomers is obvi-
proval: May 26, 2005 ously advantageous for the bottom line, resources are
r dextroamphetamine and amphetamine diverted from investment in the pursuit of novel com-
(Adderall, Adderall XR) pounds, which is at odds with manufacturers’ claims
r lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse); date of ap- for their commitment to the service of society. This
proval: Feb 23, 2007 diminution creates the milieu for a perverse relationship
that maintains financial security at the expense of
Final Comments
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the practice of medicine and the tyranny of power in the 168.

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