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ketos Stsrt iiH$tt#.+ni18il4,{{i#!#.!Hetint;1,&ipn:n?, j&{.1+rlh4/"irr4F

A. Reod ond number.

r. I Scott: It's Poulo's scorf. 2. tr Scott: Thot's hers, too.

t ] Scott: She's the girl who is

tr Scott: They're Poulo's mittens.
weoring o block coot.

t_ l Kote: Whot obout thot hot?

L I I Kote: Whose scorf is thot?
tr Kote: Whose mittens ore these?
I Kote: Which girl is Pouto?

B. Write.
t. It's her hot. It's hers
2. Thot's my coot. Thot's
his hers
3. It's our cor. It's ours theirs
Those ore his gloves. Those ore
5. Is thot your scorf? Is thot 2

6. It's their computer. It's

2 Unit I/ School Doys

C. Write True or Folse.

l. Which girl is Sue? 2. Which girl is Tino?

She's the girl who is looking She's the girl who is doing some
for something. [*ls* homework.

3. Which boy is Tom? +. Which girl is Lucy?

He's the boy who is writing She's the girl who is looking
on the boord. -
for something.

5. Which boy is Doug? 6. Which boy is Morio?

He's the boy who is reoding He's the boy who is tolking to
o lextbook. the teocher.

D. Look of C. Correct the folse sentences.

Sue is the qirl who is tclkinq to the teocher.

Unit I/ School Doys 3

,i "li"
' ffi* .-
Let's Legrn
A. Motch.
tolking . to music

listening . teoding ' o messoge

o mogozine

tleoning o his room

toking . . on his cell phone
writing . o nop

B. Look of A. Write.
When the bell rong,

1. r1.,1,ffi;ffiift

he wos iisreninq io mtisic. she wos

she wos he wos

he wos he wos

r+ Unit I/ School Doys

"c. Unscromble ond motch.
t. the bell rong I o nop I
wos toking / when I He
He wcs tckrnc c ncp when the
heli r*na.

2. ---_
were cleoning / the bell rong / ,6},ll
t-'z I

lheir room / They / when rr-



3, on her cell phone / She / the bell rong /

when / wos tolking

r+. the bell rong / to music I He / when /

wos listening

D. Look of C. Write the onswers onother woy.

l. Whot wos he doing when the bell rong?
When the bell rcnq" he was tckinq a nop.
2. Whot were they doing when the bell rong?

3. Whot wos she doing when the bell rong?

t+. Whot wos he doing when the bell rong?

Unit I/ School Doys 5

ilmt'E ffimcxd

A. Reod ond write.

ice pops invented outside mixed stick

On Soturdoy, Keith ond Lindo went to ihe pork.

It wos hot outside . They were ploying with

o boll. They o new gome

with o boll.

They were ploying the new gome when their

sister come to the pork. She soid, "Let's go

home." They didn't wont to go. Finolly, their

sisler soid, "We con moke

of home." They ron home quickly.

Lindo put sodo powder in woter. Keith it with o

. Their sister put the ice pops in the freezer.

After dinner, they ate them!

B. Circle the best title.

o. Keith ond Lindo Hove Dinner

b. Keith ond Lindo's Soturdoy

Keith ond Lindo's Sister

6 Unit I / School Doys

{ C. Answer the questions.
l. Who invented o new gome?
2. Who went home?
3. Whot did Lindo put in woter?
+. Whot did Keith mix it with?

D. Circle the correct onswer.

I . Whot does outside meon?
o. in o house
b. not inside

2. Which one meons obout the some os:

They were ploying the new gome when their sister come to fhe pork?

o. First, they were ploying o gome. Then their sister come to the pork.
b. First, their sister come to the pork. Then they ployed o gome.

3. Why did Keith ond Lindo run home?

o. They wonted to moke ice pops.
b. They wonted their sister to be hoppy.

E. Whot obout you? Answer the questions.

l. Do you ploy ot the pork?
2. Whot gomes do you like to ploy?

Unit I/ School Doys 7

ilst'E ffiutild
A. Motch.
I . Whose jocket is it? 2. Whose hot is it? 3. Whose socks ore those?
o a a

They're Wendy's socks. It's Kevin's jocket. It's Emily's hol.

o 'o a

O a

Il's his. It's hers. They're hers.

B. Write. Use his, her, hers, their, or theirs.

t. Whose jocket is thot?
It's Kote's. Thot's her jocket. It's
2. Whose boll is this?

It's Keith ond Lindo's. It's boll. It's

3. Whose gloves ore these?
They're Scott's. These ore gloves.
These ore

8 Unit I/ School Doys

C. Write sentences.
wcs wctcnir,G T i'.
Th*n th* #**,ril*ii rr:n,#.
i"{* w*s uv*tchlr-rg TV when
th* C*'*rh*ii r-*r:q.

t il )i Tinr:
h#l -l-h*n

v) r-t

i-" t


l-1r$"1, LUC'rY


D. Look of C. Answer the questions.

I . Which boy is John? ile's the bcv who is wctchinc TV.

r\, , .!
2. Which girl is Tino? )nes rntr clirlI wno ts

3. Which girl is Lucy?

+. Which boy is Mott?

Unit I/ School Doys 9

fuw&*s ffiBmr& !i, L;riij,:iix-:.,i:irililr-:.ra

A. Reod ond write.

They were omozing. It wos omozing! I wos omozed.

Jenny: You went to the pork yesterdoy, didn't you?

Andy: No, I didn't. I went to the circus.
Jenny: Thot sounds like fun.
Jenny: Did you see the clowns?
Andy: Yes, I did. I sow the ocrobots ond
jugglers, too.

Jenny: Whot did the jugglers do?

Andy: They juggled bolls ond fruit.
Jenny: Whot obout the ocrobots?
Andy: I went bockstoge before the show ond sow them proctice.

Jenny: Why?
Andy: Becouse they're so strong!

B. Look of A. Answer the questions.

L You went to the pork yesterdoy, didn't you? [\*" i cildr:'t.
2. You went to the circus, didn't you? Yes
3. You went bockstoge, didn'l you?
L+. You juggled fruit, didn't you?

l0 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun

C. Circle the onswer.
Penny went to the circus.
l. The clowns were omozing. 2. The jugglers were disoppointing.

o. She wos omozed. o. She wos disoppointing.

b. She wos omozing. b. She wos disoppointed.

3. The lions were frightening. +. Bockstoge wos interesting.

o. She wos frightening. o. She wos interested.

b. She wos frightened. b. She wos interesting.

D. Look of C. Motch ond number.

*k\ *
" ; \*"r


Unit 2 ,/ Weekend Fun I I

r',:ffi81' ,

u il dg 6

LeE',S fl-##riT
-'.- r '_'-. .-'
- ".":l

A. Write True or Folse.

l. The ocrobot is beoutiful. Tru* 2. The mon is strong.

3. The clowns ore silly. +. The doncers ore groceful.
5. The T-shirt is expensive. 6. The ice creom is delicious.

B. Look of A. Write the true sentences.

Poul went to the circus. Whot did he soy?
l. i*ier s*id th* *ar*h*t wcs he*xtiful.
2. ii* **ici

12 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun

C. Answer the questions.
We're omozed!

Whot did they soy? Whot did she soy?

Th*v s*id th*v !i,r*r# e:rnr:x*#. $h* **i,;* it

Whot did he soy? Whot did they soy?

D. Look qt C. Answer the questions.

t. Did they soy they were frightened? li*. thm.',. c*iCn't.

2. Did she soy it wos delicious? Y*s

3. Did he soy they were short?
+. Did they soy it wos exciting?

Unit 2 / Weekend Fun l3

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