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Lopez 1

Ashley Lopez

Claudia Robuck

Intro to Communication

December 1, 2020

Johari Window

I think the perception I have of myself is completely different from everyone else. I wish

I could say the same about what people have described me as, but I do not believe in it. I would

not say that I have low self-esteem or that I have a problem being able to view myself. I think the

reason why the way I perceive myself is because I focus on what I need to work on and all

everyone sees is me achieving those goals but not completely. I see myself as “bold” as well as

“responsive” and this is because I tend to argue sometimes in a negative way. I work on that all

the time, but my temper sometimes gets the better of me. I think about how I can be more patient

and more respectful about what people say and try to listen. Most of the time it works, and I

think that is why some people described me a “patient.” Like I said, I think people focus on what

I am trying to achieve but there is always a lot that I can work on. Not many people outside of

my family know that I have a temper which is why when people outside of my family see it, they

jump to the conclusion that I never had that aspect of me. I think there are things many people

learn about us every day. I was also called “dependable” and “caring” but those are still traits

that I work on because I want to still be described as that. I sometimes feel like I am not

“dependable” enough or “caring” enough. I want to work on those every day because that is the

type of person I want to be. All these descriptions are what we want to be as well as what we

don’t. We just need to work hard for what we want to be seen as.

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