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Nobel Prizes Have Recognized World Wide Lustrous Names

The Nobel laureates have received a great honor on December 8 th. Those whose work in different
academic, cultural, and scientific fields has improved the world as we know it has just been awarded for
their achievements. Let’s see what lustrous names went down in history within the walls of Stockholm
University where the Nobel ceremony took place.

David Thouless Duncan Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz received the physics Nobel award for their
ambitious work regarding the exotic matter. These three lustrous names were born in the United
Kingdom, and their work will improve their field with future new materials. They succeeded to through
complex mathematical framework properties of a peculiar matter. They identified the new phase of such
matter, namely superconductors, thin magnetic films, and superfluids.

As for Chemistry field, J. Fraser Stoddart, Jean-Pierre Sauvage, and Bernard L. Feringa has received Nobel
awards for their new series of nanomachines. This discovery was based on moving molecules from which
the three scientists synthesized their work. The functionality of their nanomachines will help the
development of targeted drug delivery systems in the future. Their new technology has opened the
doors to the same level of innovation the electric motor created in the 1830s. Instead of washing
machines and fans, the nanomachines will empower a better future for humanity.

The Nobel Prize in Psychology went to Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese biologist who discovered the
mechanisms for autophagy. This is a major process that plays an important role in the cells’ degradation
and recycling.

The autophagic process is highly related to fatal diseases such as cancer and neurological illnesses. This is
because the mutation of such a process seems to be the cause of this type of diseases. Consequently, his
study can enable scientists all over the world to understand how cancer works. Once this puzzle is
solved, the next step could be a 100% successful cure.

Bob Dylan, the popular American songwriter and rock musician, was also among the Nobel laureates. His
work that turned song tradition into new expressions has brought him the literature prize. It is the first
time in the history of Nobel awards when a songwriter received such a distinction.

Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström received the Nobel Prize in Economics due to their adjustments in the
contract theory. Their analysis will help revolutionize many economic areas, such as bankruptcy
legislation and political constitutions.

As for the Nobel Peace Prize, it went to Juan Manuel Santos, the president of Colombia. His efforts of
ending the country’s civil war that lasted for 50 years were tremendous enough to earn him this
worldwide recognition. Even though he was unsuccessful, his peace deal with FARC rebels caught the
attention of The Norwegian Nobel Committee.

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