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24/8/2019 Council Post: Your Organization Has Core Values, Now What?

433 views | May 30, 2019, 08:00am

Your Organization Has Core Values,

Now What?
Frances McIntosh Forbes Councils Member
Forbes Coaches Council COUNCIL POST | Paid Program


Frances McIntosh

Frances helps leaders, teams, and organizations build stronger relationships through effective communication.

24/8/2019 Council Post: Your Organization Has Core Values, Now What?

When was the last time you thought about who you are and what you stand for? Most
organizations large and small have core values and a mission statement posted for all to
see. Have you ever thought about your core values and if they align with your company’s?

Whether we have core values in place at the launch of our business or we establish them
somewhere down the line, like Zappos did, they are undoubtedly the anchor that creates
stability when the corporate seas get rough. The media are quick to highlight large
organizations with core values that crash and burn. So, what’s the missing piece? And,
how do some organizations successfully uphold their values while companies like Enron
and Theranos could not?

Core values alone do not make a successful environment or culture -- core values that are
supported by specific behaviors or actions help us recognize when we are out of
alignment with our identity and purpose. Shared values with behaviors that are
observable and measurable create cultural stability.

I quickly realized that people have to know who they are and what they stand for before
they can show up grounded and self-aware. That's why one of the first exercises I do with
my clients is to help them find their core values. When life gets crazy -- and it will -- you
have a greater chance of staying afloat when you are fully aware of what’s important to

Core values are important for individuals, teams, organizations and even families. The
benefits include:

• A healthy, grounded culture

• Increased self-awareness, or the impact your behavior has on others

• The ability to self-correct because you know what you stand for

• Team-building because you and your team have a mutual purpose

• Integrity-building 2/4
24/8/2019 Council Post: Your Organization Has Core Values, Now What?

In years past, designing corporate values has been done by taking the executive team to
an offsite retreat where they would work together to come up with their organizational
values. On the other hand, many companies start without clear core values. Some
organizations wait until their culture becomes toxic. The pain of that forces them to
recreate their culture by defining what works for them because they have become acutely
aware of what doesn’t.

Dare to Lead, the book and associated workshops by Dr. Brené Brown (Disclosure: I am a
certified Dare to Lead facilitator), are based on 20 years of research that defines the skill
sets of courageous leadership. Brené has found that core values are defined as “beliefs
that are most important to you, help you find your way in the dark, and fill you with a
feeling of purpose.” She offers three simple questions from Dare to Lead to ask yourself
when designing your core values:

1. “Does this define me?”

2. “Is this who I am at my best?”

3. “Is this a filter that I use to make hard decisions?”

Core values without specific behaviors are like saying honesty is your value but you’re OK
with telling lies. The behaviors have to be defined, as they help you maintain your values.
Enron’s core values were communication, respect, integrity and excellence. Where were
the specific behaviors or accountability to uphold these? Interpretation of behaviors
supporting values differs from person to person. That’s why it’s so important to
collaborate, define and hold each other accountable.

When we don’t have specific behaviors or expectations set out for our leaders to model fo
their teams, the water gets muddy, and often, the results are employees who are burned-
out, disconnected, distrustful and resentful.

Bottom line: The most effective way to center an organization, team or individual
employee is to establish a set of core values detailing specific behaviors and maintain a
system of accountability that includes everyone. 3/4
24/8/2019 Council Post: Your Organization Has Core Values, Now What?

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Frances McIntosh

Frances helps leaders, teams, and organizations build stronger relationships through effective

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Forbes Coaches Council is an invitation-only, fee-based organization comprised of leading business

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