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Across Down

3. Someone who plays in an orchestra. 1. someone who makes things out of wood.
5. A person who assists a doctor. 2. A person who cleans a building, a school, etc.
8. Somebody who flies airplanes. 4. A person who travels to outer space.
10. Someone who plans or manages construction or machine 6. Somebody who sings profesionally.
projects 7. A person who makes bouquets.
12. A profesional who helps sick people. 8. Someone who can fix pipes.
14. Someone who cures animals. 9. Somebody who does experiments in a lab.
15. A person who draws, paints or sculpts. 11. A person who makes fashionable clothes for a living.
16. A person who puts out fires. 12. A professional who fixes teeth.
19. A person who plays sports profesionally. 13. A person who serves food.
20. Someone who stars in a movie. 17. Someone who tells the news or interviews people on TV.
22. someone who takes dogs for a walk (2 words). 18. A person who serves or works in ships.
24. Someone who delivers mail (2 words). 21. A person who catches criminals (2 words).
23. Somebody who lives from the land's produce.
24. Someone who fixes cars.
25. Someone who cooks at a fancy restaurant.
Search for 30 Jobs
Job Crossword
Across: musician/ nurse/ pilot/ engineer/ doctor/ vet/artist/ firefighter/ athlete/ actor/ dogwalker/ mailcarrier
Down: carpenter/ janitor/ astronaut/ singer/ florist/ plumber/ scientist /designer/ dentist/ waiter/ reporter/ sailor/ police
officer/ farmer/ mechanic/ chef
Job search:

actor doctor miner scientist

architect farmer musician singer

artist firefighter nurse soldier

astronaut flight attendant pilot teacher

athlete janitor police officer truck driver

cashier mail carrier programmer vet

chef mechanic reporter waiter

construction worker


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