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The Law of the Inner Circle

“A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him or her”

By John C Maxwell

The Law of the Inner Circle states that a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him or her.

This also ties with Law of Magnetism which declares that who you are is who you attract. You draw
people to you who possess the same qualities, values, and priorities you do

If you want to experience tremendous success and make a real significant impact, you need to surround
yourself with incredible people who help you maximize your full potential & vice versa.

Steps to increase your relationship skills:

(a) Valuing people every day –recognize people publicly, complement them in writing & practice
gratitude daily
(b) Making yourself more valuable to others-quickest way to improve any relationship is to make
yourself better so you have more to give to others
(c) Putting yourself in someone else’s world –try to help someone in time of his needs
(d) Focus on giving, not receiving—to foster great relationship, you have to want more for people
that you want from them
(e) Being a consistent friend—love unconditionally
(f) Creating great memories for people—be special to others by being present and intentional with
your time, thoughts & actions
(g) Moving towards the kinds of relationships you desire—spend time with people who share your
values & priorities

Source: Change That Up—Transform Your life

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