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2nd Year - BSCE
1. Reflection
- This verse from Matthew 6:24 serves as a reminder
that serving God should come before owning things
or making money. Although wealth and money can
control our lives, they can also breed greed,
selfishness, and a lack of empathy for others. We
should instead make an effort to use our resources
in ways that glorify God and are beneficial to those
around us. We can truly be fulfilled and content if
we put our faith in God and live a life of service to

2. Put a picture that is related to your reflection

The image symbolizes the choice we face between serving

God or serving money, and reminds us of the importance of
making the right choice.
1. How do you demonstrate a deeper understanding of
common good for the society?

By recognizing and identifying the various problems and challenges that

society as a whole faces, one can begin to show a deeper understanding of
the common good. This covers a range of social and environmental
problems, including those related to poverty, inequality, discrimination,
and climate change. In order to effectively address these problems, it is
essential to comprehend their underlying causes and the effects they have
on society.
Furthermore, demonstrating a deeper understanding of the common good
entails actively participating in initiatives to advance society as a whole.
This can include volunteering in one's local community, advocating for
policy changes that benefit the greater good, and supporting organizations
and initiatives that work towards improving the lives of others.
2. As a Perpetualite, how will you show in your own way to
address the common good problems?
There are many ways to approach issues affecting the common good in
one's own way as a Perpetualite. The values of service, excellence, and
leadership that Perpetualites are known for can be used to positively
influence one's community and beyond.
Participating in community service projects is one way for Perpetualites
to address issues that affect the common good. This can entail helping
out at neighborhood charities, taking part in cleanup initiatives, or
spreading awareness of significant social issues.
Dear God,
We come before you today with grateful hearts for the many blessings
you have bestowed upon us. We pray for the common good of our
society, that we may work together to build a world that is just,
equitable, and sustainable for all.
We ask that you guide us in our efforts to promote the common good,
and that you give us the strength and wisdom to tackle the challenges
that we face. Help us to see beyond our individual interests and to work
towards the greater good, for the benefit of all people.
May we be inspired by your love and compassion, and may we be filled
with a spirit of generosity and kindness towards others. We pray that we
may be instruments of your peace, and that we may help to create a
world that reflects your values of justice, mercy, and compassion.
We ask for your blessings upon our world, and we pray that you will help
us to build a better future for all. Amen.

Put a picture that is related to your Prayer

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