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An Unforgettable Incident At School

One day, one of my best friends called Lithum went to the

schoolground. We were going to play Cricket. We were excited and
joyed. I was Bowling and Lithum was Batting. Then a student of a big
class came to the ground and tried to play cricket with us, but we did
not let him to join our team because he was older than us. He went
angrily to the left corner of the ground. We were playing very
cheerfully. Then the first bell Rang. We were a bit sad because the first
40 minutes were finished. After that we saw the older student coming
very angrily and Suddenly he threw the ball on lithum and he was hurt,
he fell down hurted. From his right hand It was bleeding very much. I
was very sad. Then I ran to teacher as fast as I can. Then I informed the
teacher what happened, then teacher decided to call the ambulance
and the teacher called to lithum’s Parents. The whole school got to
know about this sad news. After 15 Minutes of time an Ambulance
came rushing to our school. After school I went to the hospital to see
lithum. He was hurt but the doctors said that he is good now. At the
weekend I tld the whole story to lithum’s parents and At Monday the
parents of lithum came and informed this to madam and they scolded
the older student very loudly. After one-week lithum came to school
but His hand was bandaged so he cant write. Then I write on his book
and I completed his notes. The we shake our hands and be thanked
each other

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