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Health 10 Module 2 Health Career Pathways

4th Quarter SY 2020-2021 Asynchronous Activity

Name: Simacon, Rosalie Date Accomplished:6-11-21

Section: uprightness

What’s More: What is on the news?

1. Search or watch one news article featuring any kind of Health practitioner and about
his/her job.
2. Complete the chart by answering the questions.

What is the title of the article: Global Psychiatry’s Crisis of Values: Dainius Pūras, MD

Link resource:

a. What happened?
- discusses the need for a change in the status quo of mental health care.

b. Who was there?

-Dainius Pūras, MD, is a Lithuanian psychiatrist and human rights advocate.

c. Why did it happen?

-explores critical and philosophical perspectives in psychiatry and engages with prominent
commentators within and outside the profession who have made meaningful criticisms of the
status quo.

d. When did it happen?

-From 2014 to 2020, I held a mandate that is considered to be one of the broadest
mandates: the right to physical and mental health. Mental health was my priority, although I
also worked on different issues related to the right to health in general

e. Where did it happen?

- Special Rapporteurs inform the UN, member states, and other stakeholders, through their
reports and other working methods about opportunities, challenges, and obstacles on the
way to the full realization of human rights
Health 10 Module 2 Health Career Pathways
4th Quarter SY 2020-2021 Asynchronous Activity

What I can do: Decision-making chart

Complete the map with the needed information based on your selected career path.

What are the What career would best suit my personal What are the
reasons for competence and interest? problems in my
pursuing this career plan?
career: I choice a
psychiatrist, Psychiatrist a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and -
because I want to treatment of mental illness. a psychiatrist
help other people, treats mental
who have a health condition
mental illness depression.
My Decision:
and I want to
help them to go
I want to study other mental illnesses and I want to
back to the
help and cure people.
normal situation
they use to be in.

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