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Learning the Power of Mudras:

Energy Healing Hand Positions
By Melissa Crowhurst

Copyright © 2020 Infinite Gratitude t/a Natural Healer.
Last version update: April 2020.

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ISBN: 9798637664283

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To your Divinity and its purpose for this existence.


Introduction .............................................................................................. 9
Quick explanation of Mudras ............................................................... 9
What to expect ................................................................................... 10
Chapter 1. My first mudra ...................................................................... 11
The heart test ..................................................................................... 12
That sweet mudra ............................................................................... 12
Chapter 2. Internal communication ....................................................... 14
Your nervous system .......................................................................... 14
Your hands .......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3. Energy & Chakras .................................................................. 16
We’re all energy.................................................................................. 16
What’s energy healing? ...................................................................... 17
What are Chakras?.............................................................................. 18
Chakra chart.................................................................................... 19
Chapter 4. Mudra basics ......................................................................... 22
What are Mudras? .............................................................................. 22
The five elements ............................................................................... 23
Your fingers: elements & Chakras ...................................................... 24
How do they work?............................................................................. 26
When to do Mudras............................................................................ 26
Body posture....................................................................................... 27
Pressure and flexibility........................................................................ 28
How many and how long for?............................................................. 28
Hand sensations.................................................................................. 28
What to expect from doing Mudras ................................................... 29

Respect your body .............................................................................. 29
Keep a diary ........................................................................................ 30
Chapter 5. The Chakra Mudras............................................................... 32
Root Chakra Mudra (aka. Pran Mudra, Life Mudra)........................... 33
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 33
Sacral Chakra Mudra (aka. Contemplation Mudra, Dhyani Mudra)... 35
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 35
Solar Plexus Chakra Mudra (aka. Rudra Mudra) ................................ 37
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 37
Heart Chakra Mudra (Padma Mudra, Lotus Mudra) .......................... 39
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 39
Throat Chakra Mudra (Granthita Mudra, Gland Mudra) ................... 42
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 42
Third Eye Chakra Mudra (Kalesvara Mudra) ...................................... 44
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 44
Crown Chakra Mudra (Uttarabodhi Mudra, Highest Enlightenment
Mudra) ................................................................................................ 47
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 47
Chapter 6. More Hand Mudras ............................................................. 50
Namaste Mudra (Atmanjali Mudra, Prayer Mudra) ........................... 50
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 50
Divine Connection Mudra (Gyan Mudra, Chin Mudra) ...................... 52
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 52
Energy Balancing Mudra (Apan Mudra, Energy Mudra) .................... 54
Mudra steps.................................................................................... 54
Energy Charging Mudra (Shivalinga Mudra) ...................................... 55

Mudra steps .................................................................................... 55
Negative Energy Release Mudra (Ksepana Mudra, Letting Go Mudra)
............................................................................................................ 57
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 57
An important note about this Mudra! ............................................ 57
Headache Release Mudra (Mahasirs Mudra, Large Head Mudra) ..... 60
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 60
First Aid Mudra (Melissa’s ‘Heart Stumble’ Mudra, Apan Vayu Mudra,
Lifesaver Mudra) ................................................................................. 62
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 62
Sleep & Calm Mudra (Shakti Mudra) .................................................. 64
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 64
An important note about this Mudra! ............................................ 64
Detox Mudra (Detoxification Mudra) ................................................. 67
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 67
An important note about this Mudra! ............................................ 67
Energy Pointer Mudra (Beak Hand Mudra, Mukula Mudra) .............. 69
Mudra steps .................................................................................... 69
Chapter 7. Helping others ....................................................................... 72
Showing Mudras to your client........................................................... 72
1. Balance yourself first .................................................................. 72
2. Show your client ......................................................................... 73
3. Make them aware ....................................................................... 73
Sending Mudra energy to your client ................................................. 73
Step 1. Prepare ............................................................................... 73
Step 2. Hold the Mudra .................................................................. 74
Step 3. Send .................................................................................... 74

Step 4. Disconnect .......................................................................... 74
Step 5. Rebalance ........................................................................... 74
Chapter 8. Self-care and FAQs ................................................................ 76
F.A.Q.s ................................................................................................ 77
Chapter 9. Thank you! ............................................................................ 80
Chapter 10. What about certification?................................................... 81
Further Learning ..................................................................................... 82


Most people would be familiar with the image of a wise Yogi in deep
meditation: sitting on the floor, cross legged, hands facing upward on
their knees with the tips of their thumb and index finger touching,
chanting “Ommmmmm”.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that image, I only bring it up because
many of those same people wouldn’t know what that Yogi was doing with
their hands.

If I asked “What’s a Mudra?” they’d likely say “I don’t know”, not realising
that they’ve probably seen Mudras ‘in action’ at some point in time. But
just like them, many years ago, I too had seen hand Mudras before, but
just didn’t know what I was seeing.

Quick explanation of Mudras

The word ‘Mudra’ is the Sanskrit word for "gesture." There are many
forms of Mudras out there, including body positions and breathing
methods, but what I’m specifically going to dive into with this course are
Hand Mudras and how they can enhance energy healing and personal

A Hand Mudra is when you bring your fingers, or hands, together to

create a specific pattern. The result of that formation, or touch, can shift
our energy to help a specific purpose – I’ll dive into this more later in the

What to expect
There are countless Hand Mudras (and variations of them), but don’t
worry! Because I want everyone to be able to use them (even if you’ve
never heard of them before!), I’m bringing things back to the basics on
the following pages.

Since this isn’t going to be an intricately deep journey into every Hand
Mudra, what I’ll be focusing on is the Mudras which are connected to the
7 main Chakras, as well as the ones I personally use.

By the end of this book you will understand the scientific concepts behind
why mudras work and how to use them in your everyday life!

So, in the coming chapters you’ll:

1. Find out about my first profound Mudra experience; and,

2. Be reminded about how our bodies work; and,
3. Get up to speed with energy healing and Chakras; and,
4. Learn what Mudras are and how they work; and,
5. Understand what to expect from doing Mudras; and,
6. Learn my 7 Chakra Mudra hand positions (plus 7 more!); and,
7. Know how to show others, as well as self-care responsibility.

Okay, now it’s time for me tell you what got me so interested in Mudras
in the first place!

Chapter 1. My first mudra

Back in about 2012 I started experiencing some unusual feelings in my

chest. I didn’t think much of it at first, until it started happening every
day, then multiple times a day.

At that point, I realised my sweet little ‘ticker’ was trying desperately to

get my attention so I told my husband Shawn, “It feels like my heart sort
of trips on itself, as though it does a little tumble, then another stumble,
before it rights itself again.”

Needless to say he marched me straight to our GP (General Practitioner

doctor), where I was led down a short corridor to another room where I
waited for examinations to begin, including an ECG (electrocardiography)

For those who won’t know, an ECG (also known as an EKG) records the
electrical activity from your heart.

The heart test
As I lied down on the cold, paper-covered medical bed, the nurse
delicately placed little (and cold!) wired discs all over my body. As she
kept placing more and more on me I became a little surprised and said
“Oh! I thought you’d only need to put a few on my chest to get a reading
on my heartbeat.”

She smiled and explained how my body was ‘wired’ with its own electrical
circuit; whereby my heart pumps with beautiful harmony to produce the
energetic rhythm which my life thrives upon.

At various points on my body’s ‘circuit board’, electrical charges ‘go off’

as my heart beats, triggering the little discs to take note of how the
rhythm is progressing through my ‘wiring’.

So, in order to get a valid reading, she had to place a whole bunch of those
icy spheres on specific points all around my body.

Given my interest in energy, I chuckled back to her, “So I am a walking

battery?” She returned the good humour, but in a definitive tone, saying,
“Yes, you are my dear.”

A couple of days later when I got the tests back, nothing definitive could
be detected, yet I was still experiencing my little heart stumble as I came
to call it.

So my GP referred me to a Cardiologist (a heart and circulatory system

doctor), who had me wear a heart monitor for a few days to get a better
insight on what was going on.

That sweet mudra

The results of the heart monitor test would take another day or so to get
back, and in the time frame Shawn asked me to do a specific Hand Mudra
– just to see if it would help.

After holding the hand position, a few minutes later, I looked at him with
wide eyes saying, “I can’t feel the heart stumble anymore!”

Amazed, I continued to use the Mudra the next day, and the next. So by
the time we went back in to see the Cardiologist, who indicated I did have
a little murmur, I excitedly told him, “I did this Mudra and it’s gone!”

He simply smiled and say, “Whatever works, as long as you aren’t feeling
it or are unwell, if it worked – it worked.”

Since then, I haven’t experienced any significant heart stumbles – and if I

ever get the inkling I may have felt something, I do that Hand Mudra and
it dissolves away.

I will teach you that sweet mudra coming up, but before I do, I think it’s
important you understand the some of the mechanisms behind what
you’re going to learn. Remember, what you’re learning isn’t just wishful
thinking, there’s science behind this!

Chapter 2. Internal communication

In order for you to effectively use Hand Mudras, having an understanding

of why they work will be extremely helpful in the application. I promise
this isn’t going to be a boring science class. I’ll make it short and sweet!

Your nervous system

Let’s think of your brain as the ‘driver’ of a vehicle (aka. your body), and
in order for it to ‘drive’ it has to use an intricate communication network
within you called the nervous system.

Your brain’s instructions about what to do, in order to get to where you
want to go, are sent out via tiny specialised cells called neurons.

The neurons take messages from your brain, down your spinal cord, then
out via the many threadlike nerves to deliver the directive to whichever
organ or body part it needs to instruct.

From there, the neurons will communicate with each other and create
connections which affect the way we think, move, and behave.

Now, I won’t go into great detail about the other parts of your nervous
system, but suffice to say that there are other network ‘departments’, so
to speak, which will relay information from your body and life experiences
back to the driver, your brain.

What an amazing internal communication system we each have!

Your hands
Okay, so onto the reason I went through that recap: that brilliant
communication network includes your hands.

Each hand has three nerves – the radial, median and ulnar – which are
packed full of motor and sensory mechanisms.

So it’s important to take note that as you learn about Hand Mudras –
you’re not going to be learning empty movements and signs – with the
hopes of some sort of effect.

The formations and light pressure applied with Hand Mudras can and will
send specific signals (messages) back to your body’s driver (your brain) to
help foster a desired outcome.

Chapter Recap

 We have an intricate communication system in our bodies

called the Nervous System.
 Our hands are jam packed with motor and sensory mechanisms.
 Hand Mudras can send specific messages back to our brains.

Chapter 3. Energy & Chakras

You are doing really well sticking with me here, I’m sure you’re keen to
get right to the Hand Mudras! But I honestly don’t feel I’d be fulfilling my
role as your guide in this journey if I didn’t cover just two more
foundational topics: energy and Chakras.

This won’t take long, I promise! And I’m sure you’ll find it interesting, too!

We’re all energy

As you know from the previous chapter, our body communicates via tiny
cells called neurons. So let’s dig a bit deeper – and a whole lot smaller!

Firstly, it’s a scientific fact that all matter on Earth is made of atoms – that
includes you and me, and yes – everything else on this planet.

What are atoms? They’re the infinitesimal building blocks of our being –
they’re made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. In short, they’re tiny
packets of energy with incredible power.

I’m sure it’s no big surprise to you to learn we’re all made up of energy,
but it is something people tend to forget when one starts talking about all

the different methods and techniques to perform energy healing – be it
on ourselves or others.

Energy healing isn’t wishful thinking – it’s part and parcel of our

There’s a reason you “have no energy” when you’re hungry or tired – so

what do you do? You have to eat or rest to get more energy to continue

And I’m sure you aren’t surprised seeing a potted plant growing towards
a window, you know it’s reaching for one of its energy sources – the sun.

Remember a couple chapters back, how the ECG nurse and I joked about
how I was a ‘walking battery’? When you think about it now, you realise
that we all sort of are! We’re living, walking, and breathing vessels of

As you progress through this book while recognising the fact we are all
energy, and that the messages your body is sending to and from your
brain are in fact energy, and that we need energy to survive…

Then it will become much clearer why Hand Mudras play an important
part in bolstering healing – of the energetic type.

What’s energy healing?

For those of you who aren’t familiar with my Energy Healing Through
Reiki book, (which is provided in my Reiki Level I, II + Master Certification
course1), put simply: energy healing is effectively a non-invasive healing

Energy healers channel a specific intention – which may be for

themselves, somebody else, an animal, or even an object – in order to
help foster a positive healing outcome.

Even if you aren’t familiar with energy healing or its techniques, just the


fact that you now understand that our body communicates within itself,
via energy, is important because it supports the fact Hand Mudra
positions can and will affect you.

What are Chakras?

Now that you know we’re all energy, and have a basic understanding of
energy healing, then the last foundational learning component of our
journey together is the Chakras!

The term Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel" and each of us has Chakra
‘wheels’ at the main energy centres in our bodies. The wheels ‘turn’ as
our life force (energy) moves through us – and if they get ‘stuck’ or
stagnant, dis-ease can set in.

We have seven main Chakras, with each one relating to a specific

location, function, and colour.

Getting familiar with Chakras will give you insights on what to focus on
when you’re wanting to heal a certain area or emotion.

Coming up, I will show you the Hand Mudras for the seven main Chakras,
so it’s really important you review the below chart to gain a better
understanding of each one.

Here’s a quick guide to the seven main Chakras, which will tell you where
they’re located, their specific function, as well as their colour:

Chakra chart
Chakra Location Function Colour

Root (or
Tailbone Physical needs Red

abdomen, hip
Sacral sexuality, creativity Orange

Solar Personal and will

Stomach area Yellow
Plexus power

Compassion, love,
Heart Chest area Pink, Green

Throat Neck Blue

Middle of Intuition, wisdom, Deep Violet,

Third Eye
forehead enlightenment Indigo

Spirituality, divine White, Gold,

Crown Top of head
guidance Whitish Violet

Now with the basic knowledge ‘under our belts’ about our nervous
system, energy, and Chakras – it’s time we bring that information
together and move onto Mudras!

Chapter Recap

 We’re all made up of energy.

 Chakras are energetic ‘wheels’ in our bodies.
 We have seven main Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart,
Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

Chapter 4. Mudra basics

Well done! You’ve hung in there with me and now it’s time to dive into
the world of Mudras! There are quite a few components to tie together,
so let’s go nice and slow through each bit!

What are Mudras?

Stemming from the ancient Indian Vedic culture, the word Mudra is an
ancient Sanskrit term meaning "gesture". When we bring our fingers
together to form a specific pattern, or to touch or press against each
other, that formation is called a Mudra.

The actual origins of Mudras remains a bit of a mystery. But when we look
back throughout history, their presence is pervasive.

Whether used as a form of communication or expression, part of a ritual

or dance, enhancing one’s spirituality, or bolstering inner healing –
they’ve been used in ancient cultures – in one way or another – around
the globe.

Our ancestors weren’t using Mudras (or hand gestures) for nothing. Their
widespread use showed that they realised back then, as we do now, that:

Mudras allow us to communicate within ourselves, in order to open up

the relevant Chakras, which will then allow for better energy flow
through our energetic bodies.

This improved flow then helps diminish any dis-ease within us, as well as
enhances our overall wellbeing.

Mudras are commonly used in yoga (such as Hatha and Kundalini) and all
types of meditation. But you don’t have to be doing yoga or meditating
to effectively use them! Mudras can be done at any time and by anyone.

So now we know what a Mudra is, let’s dive a bit deeper!

The five elements

As you now know, in addition to all the complex physical parts of our
existence, there are the energetic ones, such as Chakras – and elements.

Elements? What am I talking about? Don’t worry, let me explain!

Each and every one of us encompasses (and is comprised of) the five
known elements of existence:

 Earth – the physical matter of our bodies

 Water – the liquid part of us (we’re made up of about 60% water)

 Fire – our body heat

 Wind – our breath

 Space – our consciousness, or thought

It goes without saying that if we’re missing any one of these five elements
– we wouldn’t exist. So they’re integral to our wellbeing.

As such, and similar to Chakras, we live more harmoniously when those
five components are in balance. If they’re disturbed or unbalanced, that
can cause emotional or physical dis-ease.

What’s more, if that disruption goes on for a longer duration, the

negative effects can compound and become greater over time.

This ‘balance’ concept isn’t new to our modern culture. We all realise the
importance of living balanced lives between work, play and rest, as well
as mind, body and soul.

Alright, so that all makes sense. But what does that have to do with the
five digits on each of your hands? Glad you asked…

Your fingers: elements & Chakras

Each finger represents one of the five elements! Each finger also
corresponds with the Chakras that can be found on your spinal cord:

 Thumb – Fire | Solar Plexus Chakra

 Index – Wind | Heart Chakra

 Middle – Space | Throat Chakra

 Ring Finger – Earth | Root Chakra

 Little Finger – Water | Sacral Chakra

You will note that there is no ‘finger’ representation for the Third Eye and
Crown Chakras, and that’s because they’re not considered part of your
spinal cord (or back bone).

How do they work?
As mentioned in Chapter 2, when you form and apply pressure (which can
trigger acupressure points in the fingers, too!) with Hand Mudras, your
neurons send specific requests to your brain.

That message (in the form of a Mudra) might be something like, “Hey, I
have a headache, please help!”. Your brain gets the request (via the
nervous system) and responds with a directive back to the appropriate

Hand Mudras are your way of using your physical body to communicate
to your energetic self.

It’s the ‘language’ that, once you learn it, both you and your brain will
understand so you can live more harmoniously together. Now, that’s
pretty cool, isn’t it!

I’ll go a bit deeper into how each Hand Mudra works for certain issues in
the upcoming Chakra Mudras chapter.

When to do Mudras
Just like anything you want to do with focus, the ideal time to do Mudras
is during a time of ‘restful awareness’ such as yoga or meditation.
However, in saying that (and as I’ve mentioned before), those are not the
only times you can do Mudras.

Just as I teach in my Learn to Meditate in Minutes course2, if you don’t

have time to mediate for long periods, then doing it in a fleeting moment
can be beneficial. Getting just a little bit of benefit is better than no
benefit at all!

So if you don’t do yoga or aren’t able to meditate – then doing Mudras

when you’re at rest is the next best option. For example, when you’re
going to bed or just waking up. Or perhaps if you’re sitting down for a


while, like on the bus or train on the way to or from work.

If you want to do a Mudra yet are in motion – that’s okay, too! You can
even do Mudras while you’re walking the dog!

The goal is that you just want to be comfortable and as relaxed as you can
be. Remember, a little bit of benefit ‘here and there’ is better than none!

Body posture
You can do Hand Mudras while in nearly any bodily position (as proven
by yogis!), be it standing, sitting, lying down, or even during a relaxed

The only thing you want to pay attention to, irrespective of the posture
you’re in, is to try and maintain physical symmetry (or evenness).

Why? Because if you’re in an unnaturally twisted or unbalanced position,

you’ll make it difficult for the Mudra (signal) to get back to the ‘driver’
(brain). So maintaining an even postural balance when doing a Hand
Mudra is ideal!

For example, sitting in a chair with one leg crossed over the other isn’t

symmetrical. But having both feet firmly on the floor, with both your
hands resting on your knees – is a balanced posture.

Pressure and flexibility

Remember, your internal communication system is within you, so there’s
no need to apply more than just a light pressure when forming Hand

Also, if you’re anything like me, you might struggle a little bit when
initially doing the formations – whether it’s from unpractised inflexibility
or physical restriction. But don’t worry!

Some gestures aren’t going to be possible for everyone. For example, I

love the Heart Chakra (Lotus) Mudra – but have a hard time holding my
fingers splayed out as much as I would like. As such, I just do the best I
can without straining – and I suggest you do the same with any Mudra
you find challenging.

How many and how long for?

As my general rule, you can hold a Hand Mudra position for anywhere
between 1 to 5 minutes each. But if you feel as though you want to hold
the gesture for shorter or longer – then follow that feeling.

For example, you may want to hold a position for an entire meditation or
yoga session, and that’s fine! As long as it feels right to you, then that’s a
good guide for you to follow.

But in order to not send mixed messages to your energetic self, it’s ideal
that you only do one Mudra at a time. Keep your focus on that Mudra,
then once you’re done with that one – you can do another.

Note: I touch on doing two different Mudra gestures for a specific

purpose in the F.A.Q. section of Chapter 8.

Hand sensations
You’re not likely to really feel anything in your hand (or hands) as you do
a Hand Mudra. But the chances are you’ll feel sensations in the areas

where the healing is meant to be.

This doesn’t mean you won’t feel anything, as some energy healers, yogis
and intuitives may feel something (as they are quite in tune with their
energetic beings) in their hands as well as other areas.

But don’t stress over whether you do or don’t, just as long as it’s not a
negative experience, then it should be fine.

What to expect from doing Mudras

Since we all experience life differently, everybody will have a different
feeling or sensation when doing a Mudra. Let me put this into terms that
may be easier to grasp: food.

Let’s just take eggplant for example.

Just because someone likes and can eat eggplant all day long, doesn’t
mean everyone can. I personally love eggplant, especially in an Indian
curry, but I can only eat small portion of it because if I eat more, I get a
very upset stomach.

So let’s bring this back to Mudras!

Just because a Mudra is supposed to be good for a certain thing, doesn’t

necessarily mean it will work for everybody, in the same way. You may
be able to do a Mudra for a little bit, but if you do it too much – it may
have a different effect (just like the effect eggplant has on me!)

Respect your body

There may be Mudras you just shouldn’t do because your body reacts to
it in a negative way. If that’s the case, please be aware that there is
nothing ‘wrong’ with you or the Mudra, it just means you aren’t meant
to do it.

If you feel any extremes, such as: your body starts to overheat, or you feel
too cold, if your heart speeds up to much, or you get too sleepy – stop
the Mudra and take a rest. Do not persist with any Mudra that makes you

feel unwell, or which doesn’t make you feel better.

Respect your body and remember that not everything is going to work
the same way for everyone. So if you find a Mudra isn’t good for you, just
don’t use it and move on to another.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, not everyone can move their fingers and
hands in the exact ways of the hand positions. So it’s important you just
do the best you can.

Just remember to never over-stretch or strain your fingers or hands –

Hand Mudras aren’t meant to hurt.

Keep a diary

As you start learning how to do Hand Mudras, I recommend you keep a

diary to track your progress.

This will make it much easier to remember which ones worked for you –
and which ones didn’t.

Start off by writing down what your goal is (‘get rid of this headache’) and
then note down the Hand Mudra you practiced with.

Afterward, write how you felt, then over the course of a few sessions
you’ll learn which Hand Mudras are best for you.

Chapter Recap

 Mudra is the Sanskrit word for “gesture”.

 We’re comprised of five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and
 Our five fingers represent the elements, as well as the Chakras
which are located in our spinal cord.
 Only do one Mudra at a time.
 If any Hand Mudra makes you feel unwell, stop and rest. If it
persists, don’t do that Mudra anymore and find another one
that makes you feel good.
 Do the best you can 

Chapter 5. The Chakra Mudras

As you know by now, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of

variations and interpretations of mudras — from health ones to spiritual
ones; from Hatha Yoga to Kundalini Yoga; from ancient Asia to current
day Europe!

There are even completely unique and custom ones people make up for
themselves! The amazing thing is that – as long as it feels good for you –
then it is right for you!

I’m pointing this out because each method has its own unique symbolism
and placement for palms and fingertips – but this is in no way inclusive of
every possibility and gesture from the world of Mudras!

So what I’ve done is distilled down the countless options out there to
present you with those I favour and use myself. And to also remind that
what I’m teaching is no better or worse than any of the other methods
out there. As one of my favourite spiritual teachers and authors once

“There’s your way. There’s my way.

But there is no right way.”
– Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

So with all this said, it’s time we move onto the actual Hand Mudras
themselves! Get relaxed and ready for some easy and instant relief!

Root Chakra Mudra (aka. Pran Mudra, Life Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Root Chakra is connected with

primal needs and tends to affect those
areas in life. For example, insecurity and
family issues.

The Root Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Earth
 Chakra location Tailbone
 Chakra colour Red
 Chakra function Physical needs

Mudra steps
1. Place the tips of your thumb, ring finger and little finger together,
2. Then hold together and extend the other fingers straight out,
3. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around the level of
your tailbone area in a relaxed manner.

Sacral Chakra Mudra (aka. Contemplation Mudra,
Dhyani Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Sacral Chakra is connected with

creativity and sexuality, thus tends to
affect those areas in life. For example,
lack of inspiration or missing the child-
like wonder of life.

The Sacral Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Water
 Chakra location Lower abdomen, hip area
 Chakra colour Orange
 Chakra function Reproduction, sexuality, creativity

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, lay them in your lap – palms up – rest your left
hand on top of your right,
2. Have your thumbs just touching each other.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your hip area
in a relaxed manner.

Solar Plexus Chakra Mudra (aka. Rudra Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is connected

with personal power and will power, and
as such, imbalance there affects those
areas in life. For example, poor self-
esteem or lacking confidence.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Fire
 Chakra location Stomach area
 Chakra colour Yellow
 Chakra function Personal and will power

Mudra steps
1. Place the tips of your thumb, index and ring finger together,
2. Keep the other two fingers extended but in a relaxed manner,
3. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your stomach
area in a relaxed manner.

Heart Chakra Mudra (Padma Mudra, Lotus Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Heart Chakra is connected with

compassion and love; therefore an
imbalance tends to affect relationships
and kindness towards self and others.
For example, lack of empathy and fear of
being hurt emotionally.

The Heart Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Air
 Chakra location Heart and chest area
 Chakra colour Pink, Green
 Chakra function Compassion, love, relationships

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, have the outer edges of both little fingers and
your thumbs just touch, and rest the heels of your palms
2. Extend the other fingers outward, as though you’re pretending
your hands are a blossoming flower.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your
heart/chest area in a relaxed manner.

Throat Chakra Mudra (Granthita Mudra, Gland
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Throat Chakra is connected with

expression and truth. Imbalance here
tends to affect communication and
feeling heard. For example, not being
able to speak up about something of

The Throat Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Space
 Chakra location Throat and neck area
 Chakra colour Blue
 Chakra function Communication, self-expression

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, clasp your hands together with your fingers
2. Ensure your left index finger and left thumb tips are touching and
are on top of your right hand.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your throat
area in a relaxed manner.

Third Eye Chakra Mudra (Kalesvara Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra is connected with

intuition and wisdom. If you have an
imbalance here, you’ll find it difficult to
see things for what they truly are. For
example, knowing something isn’t right,
but ignoring the signs.

The Third Eye Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Light (note: this is not represented as any

finger on your hand)
 Chakra location Middle of forehead
 Chakra colour Deep Violet, Indigo
 Chakra function Intuition, wisdom, enlightenment

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, first place the pads of your middle fingers
2. Then move your index fingers down so you can allow their first
two joints to press against each other,
3. Now touch the tips of your thumbs together and relax the
remaining two fingers,
4. With your thumbs touching and pointing inward toward your
chest, extend your elbows a little bit outward.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your chest
area in a relaxed manner.

Crown Chakra Mudra (Uttarabodhi Mudra, Highest
Enlightenment Mudra)
By doing this Mudra, you will help
unblock this Chakra to enhance the
physical, emotional and spiritual
functions of the Chakra.

The Crown Chakra is connected with

spirituality and recognising our own
divinity. Imbalances here can create a
distrust in the process of life. For
example, disbelieving there is a higher
purpose to, and connection for, your existence.

The Crown Chakra is characterised by the following:

 Element Divine Consciousness (note: this is not

represented as any finger on your hand)
 Chakra location Top of head
 Chakra colour White, Gold, Whitish Violet
 Chakra function Spirituality, divine guidance

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, clasp your hands together with your fingers
2. Extend your index fingers and press them entirely against each
3. Allow the tips of your thumbs to touch and point downwards
toward the ground.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your stomach
area in a relaxed manner.

Chapter 6. More Hand Mudras

Now that you’re familiar with the Chakra Mudras, I’m going to share
some more that can help you in daily life. In saying this, it’s important to
note that there are many (many!) more mudras out there. This is by no
means an exhaustive list!

To narrow it down, I’m including the Mudras that I use myself. I get great
benefit from them, whenever I need them, so hope you can, too – enjoy!

Namaste Mudra (Atmanjali Mudra, Prayer Mudra)

This Mudra’s functions are:

 To harmonise with our higher selves,

 Enhance communication with the Divine,
 To express gratitude and respect.

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, place all the pads of your fingers together,
2. Let your thumbs rest against each other,
3. Allow for a small space in between your palms.

a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your chest
area in a relaxed manner.

Divine Connection Mudra (Gyan Mudra, Chin Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To create a connection between ourselves and the Divine or the

Universal Consciousness,
 To express our oneness with the Universe.

Mudra steps
1. Touch the tip of your index finger with the tip of your thumb,
2. Keep the rest of your fingers extended in a relaxed manner,
3. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner.

Energy Balancing Mudra (Apan Mudra, Energy Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To balance and cleanse our energy,

 To cleanse ourselves of physical toxins,
 Enhances patience and inner harmony.

Mudra steps
1. Touch your thumb to the tips of your middle and ring fingers,
2. Extend the others gently.
3. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner.

Energy Charging Mudra (Shivalinga Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 The stimulation of energy within ourselves,

 To reduce fatigue and unhappiness.

Mudra steps
1. Take your left hand and cup it slightly like a shallow bowl, palm
up, keep your fingers together, including your thumb,
2. Now take your right hand and make a “Thumbs Up” gesture,
where your four fingers are curled in resting in your palm and
your thumb is extended upward,
3. Place your “Thumbs up” gesture into your left hand “bowl”.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture around your hip area,
with your elbows extended outward, but in a relaxed

Negative Energy Release Mudra (Ksepana Mudra,
Letting Go Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 Releasing and letting go of stale and stuck energy and issues;

 Ridding negative energy that you have ‘caught’ from others.

Mudra steps
1. Using both hands, clasp your hands together with your fingers
2. Touch the pads of your index fingers together, and then rest your
thumbs in their respective base,
3. Now move the gesture to where your index fingers are pointed
to the ground.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner.

An important note about this Mudra!

Because this is a “releasing of energy” Mudra, pay attention to not do it
for too long, as you don’t want to pour out all your energy.

If you do this Mudra for too long, you could end up feeling very tired and

Please start of by doing this formation in shorter 15-second or 30-second

bursts at first, until you get a good feel for how it affects your energy

If you feel tired afterwards, refer to the “Energy Charging Mudra” on the
previous pages.

Headache Release Mudra (Mahasirs Mudra, Large
Head Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To reduce tension in and around the head,

 Diminishes tension in and around the eyes and neck,
 Relieves headaches.

Mudra steps
1. Touch the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers together,
2. Fold your ring finger into your palm,
3. Extend your little finger outward,
4. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner.

First Aid Mudra (Melissa’s ‘Heart Stumble’ Mudra,
Apan Vayu Mudra, Lifesaver Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 Alleviating heart and heart-related problems,

 Relieving cardiovascular tension and related issues,
 Dissipates mental anxiety and stress.

Mudra steps
1. Fold your index finger into your palm,
2. Now touch the tips of your thumb, middle and ring fingers
together and extend your little finger,
3. Do this with both hands.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner.

Sleep & Calm Mudra (Shakti Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To improve abdominal (belly) breathing,

 Promoting deep relaxation,
 To calm and soothe for restful sleep,
 Relieves cramping in the lower abdomen.

Mudra steps
1. Touch the corresponding little and ring fingers together,
2. Loosely fold (or ‘drop’) the middle and index fingers downward,
3. Fold (or ‘tuck’) each of your thumbs towards their respective
palms (like they’re hiding underneath the folded middle and
index finger).
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture anywhere you feel
comfortable doing it, and in a relaxed manner. If you find
it too difficult to do this Mudra while trying to go to sleep
– do it before you get into bed.

An important note about this Mudra!

Because this Mudra induces deep breathing, which can really relax you,
using it too much can make you a little bit ‘sluggish’.

As such, only really do this Mudra when it’s necessary and you’re wanting
to really wind down for some time, like before (or when) going to sleep.

Detox Mudra (Detoxification Mudra)
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To assist with detoxification efforts,

 Cleansing the physical body.

Mudra steps
1. With both hands, place each thumb on the inside base of the ring
2. Press lightly.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture with both hands in a
relaxed manner, anywhere you feel comfortable.

An important note about this Mudra!

Because this Mudra aids in detoxification, it can ‘ramp up’ your detoxing
efforts. As such, only do this Mudra when it’s really necessary and when
you’re in a good position to nurture yourself with rest, fresh water and
nourishing food, in the days and weeks which follow.

Don’t overuse this Mudra, and refrain from using it if you’re already going
through a detox or don’t feel well.

Energy Pointer Mudra (Beak Hand Mudra, Mukula
This Mudra’s functions are:

 To help direct healing energy to a specific region of the body,

 Energizes and relaxes the part of the body it’s directed at,
 Can also assist an energy healer by pin-pointing their love-infused
intention to a specific location.

Mudra steps
1. Ensure you take nice refreshing ‘belly’ breaths as you do this,
2. With both hands, close your four fingers together,
3. Fold them into the tip of your thumb,
4. Press lightly,
5. This forms a bit of a point, or ‘beak’ as they call it.
a. Mudra location: Hold the gesture with both hands in a
relaxed manner, where ever the ailment or issue is
i. For example – if you want to relax or strengthen
your heart, place both hands just over the heart
area. Or if have a tummy ache, place both hands
just below your sternum.

Chapter 7. Helping others

As you’re aware by now, Hand Mudras can really enhance your ability to
become more balanced and harmonised within. They can even assist in
quickly relieving physical ailments.

Showing Mudras to your client

If you’re in a position to help others, such as a nurse, carer, Reiki
practitioner, or a natural healer in another modality – then there are a
few ways you can use this knowledge to assist those you care for!

Getting others to use Hand Mudras for their own benefit is so easy that
I’ve outlined the steps below:

1. Balance yourself first

Before you see your client or patient, it’s a good idea to meditate and do
a Hand Mudra prior to your meeting or appointment. By being in a
heightened, balanced state – your healing session will be amplified and
more effective, therefore benefiting both you and your client!

2. Show your client
Using all the same methods you’ve learned for yourself, you can show
your client how to do a Hand Mudra so they can benefit from it either
during a treatment session or on their own.

Ensure they understand not to strain when doing the formation, Hand
Mudras aren’t meant to hurt.

3. Make them aware

Part of your due diligence as a healing practitioner means you must also
make your clients aware of any possible adverse effects or sensations, as
noted in the “All About Mudras” chapter.

If they ever feel unwell or unbalanced when doing a Mudra, advise them
to stop immediately. Get them to rest and talk about what the sensations
were. Take notes for future reference and recommend they not do that
Mudra again.

Also, you may want to instruct them to only do the Hand Mudra in your
presence, for the time being. That way you can help them navigate
through any new sensations or feelings they have as they hold the

Then as they become more aware of their body and energy, you can
coach them on how best to do it on their own.

Sending Mudra energy to your client

If you’re already an energy healer, chances are you understand and know
how to send loving energy to your clients – be they human or animal –
near or far!

This means you can perform a Hand Mudra with the aim of sending its
benefit to the recipient. This process is also easy to do, just follow these

Step 1. Prepare
Prepare for your session by relaxing and meditating. You might want to

do the Energy Charging Mudra to help ‘amp’ up your energy for the

Step 2. Hold the Mudra

Depending on what your focus is for the session, select the appropriate
Hand Mudra and do the formation – and hold it gently.

Step 3. Send
As you hold the Hand Mudra and begin to feel its positive effects – intend
or visualise the Mudra’s healing influence going to your client.

If you’re physically in the room with your client (or even an animal) you
can hover your free hand (if you have one) near the area of concern to
help channel the Mudra’s energy to your client.

Alternatively, if you are using both hands to do the Hand Mudra, you can
simply visualise and intend the positive effects to go to your client.

Step 4. Disconnect
Once you feel you’ve held the Hand Mudra for as long as necessary, or
when the recipient advises they feel better, it’s time to disconnect your
energy from theirs.

This is an important component of self-care whenever you’re performing

energy healing, of any type.

Simply stop holding the Hand Mudra formation, and as you do:

1. Simply imagine the energy connection between you and your

client as though it was a string,
2. See that energy connection being cut, like a pair of scissors
cutting a string. You can even make a ‘cutting’ motion with one
of your hands to help with this process,
3. Then visualise yourself being immersed in white healing light,
from head to toe.

Step 5. Rebalance
At this point, it might be a good idea for you to sit back and ‘take stock’

of how your own energy feels. This will help you decide if you need to do
some Hand Mudras yourself to rebalance! Again, this is integral to do
after you do any form of energy healing.

If you feel ‘off’, you might want to do the Negative Energy Release
Mudra. But remember, don’t hold this for too long.

If you feel a little unbalanced, you might want to do the Energy Balancing

If you feel drained, do the Energy Charging Mudra, then after that do the
Energy Balancing Mudra.

Chapter Recap

 If you decide to help others with Hand Mudras, it’s important

you make them aware of what to expect when doing them.
 If you or your client ever feel unwell when doing a Mudra, stop
immediately and rest.
 Disconnecting and rebalancing after sending Mudra energy to
someone else is an important part of a healer’s self-care.

Chapter 8. Self-care and FAQs

As I mentioned in the previous chapter, please remember that – no

matter how much experience you have in the field of healing – taking care
of your mind, your ‘Spiritual House’ (your body), as well as your spiritual
self is of utmost importance!

This means you must maintain a certain level of self-awareness about

how your own energy feels whenever performing these gestures on
yourself or others.

Thank goodness though, that with Hand Mudras, you will be able to
achieve this increased inner awareness!

As you become more and more balanced, you’ll just ‘know’ when to listen
to your intuition (you know, that little feeling that tugs at your heart!) if
something ever feels ‘off’.

However, none of these techniques should be considered medical advice,

nor should they be used as a replacement for medications or medical
treatments. And remember that if you ever feel unwell, to seek
professional medical attention right away.

The following are some frequently asked questions related to Hand
Mudras which you might find helpful!

 Question: What if I can’t feel anything when I do a Hand

Mudra? Am I doing something wrong?
Answer: That’s okay! As I noted in Chapter 4, you may or may
not feel sensations in your hands or your body when doing a
Hand Mudra. Trust that it’s working for you, and as long as it
feels okay to you, it’s fine!

 Question: What if I feel intense energy in my hands or body?

Answer: This may or may not be okay, depending on how it
feels to you. If the intensity is painful or feels “wrong” – please
stop immediately and refer to the “What if I feel unwell” FAQ
below. If the intensity feels ‘neutral’ or okay, then this is just
the physical experience you’re having as a result of energy
movement within your body.

 Question: What if I feel unwell after doing a Hand Mudra?

Answer: Stop immediately and rest. Ensure you are well
hydrated and have enough good nutrients in yourself (eg. well
balanced diet) and if you can, meditate to allow the imbalance
to pass through your energetic being. Once you’re better, take
note of the Hand Mudra and how you felt so you’re aware of
what to expect or to avoid in future.

 Question: Can Hand Mudras be done by anybody? Or are

there limitations?
Answer: Everybody can do a Hand Mudra, but as I mention
throughout the course, the limitations revolve around how you
feel when doing them. It’s just important to remember they’re
to be used to serve our greatest and highest good, but may not
always be suitable for some people or situations.

 Question: Are there more Hand Mudras?
Answer: Definitely! As mentioned, there are countless Mudras
out there, but I only focused on those connected with the 7
Main Chakras, and another 7 which I personally use for this

 Question: Are there times when you would use two different
Hand Mudras at the same time?
 Answer: Yes, but only when they are meant to be used
together, such as the Abhaya Mudra (where it has two specific
and different hand positions). Since I’m only showing specific
Mudras in this book, which are ideally meant to be done with a
singular purpose, it's not good idea to 'mix' two different ones

 Question: Can I combine Hand Mudras with other energy

healing techniques, such as Reiki?
 Answer: Yes, definitely! You will just want to ensure you use a
complementary Hand Mudra with your other technique. For
example, you wouldn’t want to have someone do the Sleep &
Calm Mudra if they’re trying to stop procrastinating.

 Question: When doing Mudra for each Chakra, what should I

focus on? do we need to concentrate on that chakra? Is it
Answer: You can focus on improving the functions of the
specific Chakra, or you can just focus your breathing. Do what
feels most comfortable and right for you.

 Question: When working through all 7 Chakra Mudras

continuously, is there an ideal time to spend on each Chakra?
Answer: This will really vary depending on how you (or your
client) feels at the time. But to start, I suggest spending
anywhere between 60-seconds to 5-minutes (or more, if

possible) depending on how you (or your client) feel. Follow
your intuition here!

 Question: Is there any way to use Hand Mudras to help rid

negative subconscious “programming” from our minds?
 Answer: Yes, I would first recommend meditating with the
Divine Connection Mudra so you connect with your own higher
self, your divinity. Then do the Negative Energy Release Mudra
with the focus on ‘letting go’ of anything which doesn’t serve
your greatest and highest good. After that, it would be a good
idea to do the Energy Balancing Mudra.

Chapter 9. Thank you!

Again, I’d like to remind you that it’s important that you only hold hand
gestures as they feel comfortable to you, and to practice self-awareness
when performing any kind of energy healing techniques.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed learning Hand Mudras as much as I’ve
loved showing them to you! It’s such an honour to be of service to this
world, so I thank you – from the bottom of my heart – for allowing me to
be a small part of your journey!

And always remember – you are beautiful, just as you are! ! #biglove

Chapter 10. What about certification?

Now that you’ve learned all the Chakra Mudras, perhaps you’d like to
take it a step further and help others! If so, then becoming certified is
easy! To obtain my custom, Natural Healer™ Hand Mudras Energy Healer
certificate, simply enrol in my course here:

The course includes helpful video tutorials, quizzes as you progress, help
and support, as well as supporting and bonus material. Once enrolled,
you’ll get access to my online Student Platform, where you’ll be able to
access all the lectures and progress towards certification.

Further Learning
If you enjoyed this book, you might be interested in learning more about
meditation! Check out Melissa’s accredited Meditation Course at:

Or perhaps you want to learn more about the Chakras and how to heal
them with Melissa’s accredited Chakra Healing on Demand course:

To see all of Melissa’s accredited certificate courses, visit:

About the author
In the early 2000s, Melissa embarked on
a journey of self-discovery which lead to
a very rewarding and beautiful spiritual

She has since mastered the healing arts

of massage, Reiki, and meditation;
sharpened her intuitive skills and
awareness; as well as created her own
‘spin’ on healing, which she refers to as
“loving energy healing” – you’ll often
see her hashtag it as #biglove!

Melissa is the proud Founder of Natural

Healer, a Usui Reiki Master Teacher (2014) and Practitioner, an
Accredited Training Provider (IAOT), CPE Provider and Full Member of the
MAA, President of the Natural Healer Society (NHS), Certified Meditation
Teacher (MSA), and Massage Therapist (DMA) – she offers online courses
that help blossom the soul.

She is also an author, podcaster, blogger, and speaker who loves sharing
easy, actionable ways for people to heal themselves and others.

Deeming herself as an ‘everyday’ person, Melissa enjoys spending time

with friends and family, loves a good laugh, adores animals, gets excited
about cooking creative vegetarian meals, and delights in sharing life
experiences with her husband Shawn.

Subscribe to Melissa’s Blog!

Ways to connect with Melissa:
Melissa’s Blog







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