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Enjoy Your Beauty with Argan Oil

Imagine a tree so revered that in 1998 it forest was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.
Yes, in these trees is the little fruit that gives us the nut to produce argan oil, often called as
“liquid gold”. Natives of the argan woodlands in Morocco have pressed the nut to extract this
precious oil for generations, to use argan oil benefits as a dietary supplement; for wound
treatment and rash relief; and to nourish skin and hair. Their benefits are incredible. One of the
main reasons that argan oil is so good is because it’s rich with vitamin A and vitamin E, and is
also packed with antioxidants, omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid.

Research shows that when applied to skin, argan oil benefits include easing inflammation while
moisturizing the skin, so it’s perfect for wounds and little rashes. When applied externally,
trocopherol from the vitamin E helps to boost cell production. Cosmetic companies are including
it in their high-end anti-aging, hair and skin care products, because this boost promote healthy

skin and hair. Thankfully for our pockets, you don’t have to purchase luxury hair and skin care
products to get argan oil benefits. You can purchase just the oil, making it a versatile addition to

your beauty routine.


Argan oil is most commonly used as a skin moisturizer to hydrate and soften skin. With its high
vitamin E and fatty acid content, argan oil is the ideal product to give skin a natural boost. It

absorbs easily and is non-greasy and non-irritating, which makes it a great natural moisturizer.
It’s just so easy to use all over the body, including the face and neck. Simply smooth a few

drops into your skin using gentle rubbing motions, as you would any face and body lotion. Not

only does argan oil act as an effective moisturizer, it can also give skin a youthful glow and
reduce the visibility of wrinkles. Its anti-oxidant effect makes argan oil the ideal anti-aging

product. It restores elasticity and leaves skin feeling plumper and softer. The best way to apply
argan oil for the most prominent anti-aging effects is to massage a few drops into your face and
neck before bed. It acts as a moisturizer and anti-ager, all in one!

Probably the most known use for argan oil is in hair care. It’s proven to make hair softer, silkier
and shinier. It can act as a moisturizer for the scalp to fight dandruff and dry scalp. It can also
promote the growth of healthy, strong hair as opposed to thin, brittle hair. It can even undo
some of the damage done through chemical treatments and dyes, and can be used to treat split
ends and frizzy hair! Vitamin E promotes healthy hair growth as it contains antioxidants, which
help boost cells and encourage them to produce healthy hair, and for hair regrowth. How
awesome is that? Using argan oil to condition your hair is extremely easy. It comes in several
types of applications and products and has so many ways to use it for different results: as a
shampoo, leave-in conditioner, styling agent or hair mask. Any of these uses will give you a five-

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star hair!

One of the biggest problems of people suffering of skin conditions like acne, is to find a good
moisturizer that doesn’t make it worse. Where many oils and moisturizers can exacerbate
these, argan oil actually soothes afflicted skin and promotes healing! Acne is often the result of
oily skin. Since argan oil is non-greasy, it helps to balance skin by providing natural moisture.
Argan oil also contains anti-oxidants which help to heal damaged skin cells and reduce
inflammation. Applying a few drops of argan oil to skin afflicted by acne after cleansing and
patting dry ensures that essential moisture and nutrients are introduced to clean, dry skin.
Rubbing in gently and repeating twice daily can help clear up mild acne as well as balancing oily
or dry skin.

Razor bumps and razor burn are uncomfortable and unsightly. Argan oil is an effective
treatment to soothe the skin after shaving, both for men after shaving their beards and for
women after shaving their legs. The antioxidants in argan oil are generally beneficial for healing
skin which is irritated, cracked, damaged or even burned. It is best used as a preventive for dry
or sore skin, but it can also be used to speed up healing. Its properties include reducing
inflammation, soothing pain and increasing healing rate. Smoothing a few drops of argan oil into

sore or damaged skin helps to speed up the healing process.


Winter has your lips chapped? Argan oil benefits more than just your skin and hair; it makes for

a wonderful lip treatment or lip balm substitute! Rub in 1–2 drops and wipe away any excess.

This will not only relieve any cracked lips, but also keep your lips soft, smooth and conditioned.
Now, let’s talk about how this can help your nails! Argan oil’s non-greasy moisture is an ideal

treatment for cuticles and nails. Remove all polish from fingernails and toenails and rinse
thoroughly. Dot a fraction of a drop directly onto each nail, one at a time, and rub into the nail

bed and cuticle. Leave on until all nails have been treated. Wash and rinse thoroughly and then

apply polish as desired. The oil will not only help to condition your nails, but it will also help keep
your cuticles moisturized so you don’t develop painful hangnails.

Stretch marks are an issue for many pregnant women, but argan oil is the ideal protection
against stretch marks and sagging, puckered skin after birth. Argan oil increases the elasticity of
skin due to its vitamin E content. Using a few drops of argan oil to rub into breasts, stomach,
bottom and thighs during pregnancy will reduce the likelihood of developing unsightly stretch
marks. Argan oil is also idea for keeping skin and hair soft, healthy and hydrated during
pregnancy. All of these incredible benefits in just one bottle! The best thing about argan oil is
that is can be safely used in its pure form and doesn’t need to be bought as an ingredient in
lotions, conditioners and moisturizers. One bottle of argan oil is extremely versatile and can be
used for anything your body needs. This miracle oil will change the way you enjoy your beauty!

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