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Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Majene Sulawesi Barat


This research aims at finding out the use of Barron’s TOEIC strategy to improve the
reading skill of the eleventh grade students at SMK Negeri Tinambung academic year
2010/2011.The objectives of the research were to find out whether or not the use of
Barron’s TOEIC preparation course package significantly improves the reading ability of
the eleventh grade students at SMK Negeri Tinambung academic year 2010/2011.The
research used quasi experimental research design. The samples consisted of 50 students
which belonged to two groups; experimental group and control group. The research data
were collected using the reading test which was given to the both groups. The research
results indicated that the use of Barron’s TOEIC strategy did not significantly improve the
reading ability of the eleventh grade students at SMK Negeri Tinambung academic year
2010/2011. The results of posttest of both groups were improved, but the use of Barron’s
TOEICstrategy gave better progress than handbook of vocational school namely English in
Progress Business & Management for SMK Year XI: TOEIC based Activities, By Munash
F. Anwar. It was proved by the mean score of posttest of the experimental group was
higher than the control group in reading (85.40 > 79.20).

Keywords: reading, Barron’s TOEIC strategies

INTRODUCTION countries whose languages are different

from Indonesia is conducted in English for
Teaching English as foreign it is used by most countries in the world as
language always needs the development. a language of communication. Science
It must be relevant to the students’ need. and technology have been progressing
They should be formulated in the rapidly, spread all over the world, and
curriculum decided by the government. followed by significant growth of
Beside that, the local government should industry.
generally support to the central Vocational education in particular
government to improve the achievement should have a great role in providing
of the students’ subjects and especially to industries with skilled workers. The
improve the achievement of students’ government should realize that vocational
English subject. education must be improved. It is also the
The need for English is time now for the government to improve
increasingly felt in almost every facet of the English teaching and learning at
life in our country, Indonesia. Every vocational schools to provide better
transaction and interaction with other graduates who don’t merely master their
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Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 5(2) September 2017

department know how and vocational There are many research results
skills, but are also aware of English indicate that most of Indonesian students
language skills. They should be ready to still find difficulties to comprehend
adapt themselves to the demand of English textbook. They are the negative
international market, and compete to the reading attitude, the lack of interest,
challenge of the globalization era reading knowledge, reading skill, and
(Kaimuddin, 2009: 1). reading strategies (Anas, 2008:1).
The vocational schools curriculum Realizing the problems stated, there must
should meet and be relevant to the be efforts to improve the teaching of
industrial needs. Therefore as the science English at vocational schools. One thing
and technology progress rapidly, the that must be done is to develop the
vocational curriculum needs revision and teaching materials, teaching methods, and
refinement in accordance with the teaching strategies.
industries or work demands. Other Barron’s TOEIC is an English
shortcomings are: overcrowded teaching package that contents English
classrooms, poor textbooks and teaching materials, teaching methods, and
supporting materials. One of the main teaching strategies for preparing the
factors, contributing to the failure is learners to comprehend the listening and
curriculum and syllabus is an important reading skills in general and comprehend
component of a successful language TOEIC test in particular (Luegheed, 2000:
program (Brown, 1995:42). In the other 1). The teaching materials content two
aspect that should be paid attention is how skills: listening skill and reading skill. The
the vocational students can master the word choices used in this package are
language skills in general and listening related to the business field. It is relevant
and reading skills in particular. The to the vocational school of content based
vocational high school students have very curriculum. These help the students of
low scores in listening and reading skills vocational school in general and help the
among four skills. It showed the students’ students of business department of
achievement in reading and listening skills vocational school in particular (Lougheed,
is only about 30% and 28 % (Hasanah, 2000: 2).
2009: 77). TOEIC is focused on the filed of
Reading skill is also important to business where the content of the
be mastered by the students. The materials related to the language use
fundamental goal of any reading activity (Lougheed, 2000: 1). It helps the
is to know enough scientific concepts and nonnative speakers in improving their
to know the interpretation of the language. English skills of business field. That is
The effective reader brings with him the why the English teaching material of the
ability to recognize the purpose of the text Barron’s TOEIC preparation course
as a whole, to see how the text is to package is provided for the vocational
recognize and to understand the school students in general and business
relationship between sentences (William, and management department in particular.
1991:13). The basic goals of reading are Some points that make TOEIC, TOEFL,
enable the students to gain an and IELTS different are in the model of
understanding of worlds and themselves, reading, the language use, and the English
to develop appreciations and interests, to skills teaching material. The model of
find solutions to their personal and group reading of TOEIC uses pictures that will
problems, and to develop strategies help the learners to comprehend the
(Tierney, 1990:12). speakers talk easier. Then all pictures
related to the business field that available

73 ISSN: 2354-7340

for the vocational schools students in Harmer (1991:190) stated that

general and business department students reading is an exercise dominated by the
in particular (Lougheed, 2000: 1). eyes and the brain. The eyes receive
Based on the description of messages and the brain then has to work
background above, the researcher out the significance of these messages. A
formulated problem statement: Does reading text moves at the speed of the
Barron’s TOEIC strategy significantly reader or other words it is up to the reader
improve the reading ability of the eleventh to decide how fast he/she wants to read
grade students at SMK Negeri the text.
Tinambung?. Basically reading deals with ability
Relating to the problem statements of people in articulating a written text, and
mentioned above, the objectives of this understanding the meaning that is
research is to find out whether or not conveyed in it. Reading does not simply
Barron’s TOEIC strategy significantly spell word in a sentence. Moreover,
improves the reading ability of the reading is an activity to comprehend the
eleventh grade students at SMK Negeri whole ideas conveyed by the writer
Tinambung. through written text. Reading can be
The results of the research are defined as the skills and knowledge to
generally expected to be: understand how phonemes, or speech
1. The source of information to develop sounds, are connected to print; the ability
the teaching materials, the teaching to decode unfamiliar words; the ability to
methods, and the teaching strategies to read fluently; sufficient background
improve the students’ ability in information and vocabulary to foster
reading. reading comprehension; the development
2. Useful information for the English of appropriate active strategies to
teachers who teach reading especially construct meaning from print; the
at vocational school, so they can make development and maintenance of
this research as one of references to motivation to read.
develop their strategy to teach reading Walker (1996: 19) defines that
skill. reading is an active process in which
3. Useful information to everyone who is readers shift between sources of
interested in reading skill. information (what they know and text
says), elaborate meaning and strategies,
check their interpretation (revising when
LITERATURE REVIEW appropriate), the use context to focus their
response, It means that reading activity
A. The Concept of Reading needs a comprehension to interpret (read
between the lines) message from the
1. The definition of reading written text. Manzo’s (1993: 77) defines
Reading is defined as an active attempt to
as the
a writer’s
act ofmessage.
The readers interact with, and
definition of reading stated by William reading the lines, reading between the
(1991) that reading is a process whereby line, and reading beyond the lines. The
one looks at and understands what has first of their definition, the line refers to
been written the key word here is the act of decoding the words in order to
understand, -merely reading aloud without construct the author’s basic message.
understanding does not count as reading.
Asking students to read aloud, if a teacher 2. The categories of reading
already knows that they can read is an
activity of very limited value.

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Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 5(2) September 2017

According to Burn (1984: 150), applying new knowledge to an existing

reading consists of four categories, they situation, or applying existing knowledge
are as follows: to a new situation. It is also concerned
with the production of new ideas and the
a. Literal reading solving of problems of an open-ended
This is the level of getting the kind, where more than one course of
primary, direct literal meaning of action is possible.
reasoning for merely a skill of finding In this research, the researcher uses
what the authors say. In this case, a reader Barron’s TOEIC preparation course
must first understand what the authors say package where the category of reading it’s
before drawing an inference or make used is literal reading, interpretive, and
evaluation. The students are able to recall, applied reading.
identify, classify, and sequence details,
facts, effect, and stated main ideas from a 3. Strategy of reading
variety of written materials, and can Becoming a good reader, we
interpret directions. should know, understand and comprehend
how the strategies of reader to read well.
b. Interpretive reading To get the comprehension of reading, the
It means that how to think in reader should know four strategies of
which readers identify ideas and meaning reading below.
that are not stated explicitly in the written
text. In addition, it is higher than literal a. Skimming
reading in that reader may generalize. Skimming is a high speed reading
Determine cause and effect relationship, process and involves visually searching
identify motives, and make comparison. the sentences of a page for clues to
To comprehend at the interpretative level, meaning. It is mainly used when
the reader must be able to understand an researching and getting an overall idea of
indirect message which is contained in the text, it can be contrasted with scanning
literal words, and must infer what the (Lougheed, 2000: 7).
author means or tries to say. Skimming is used to quickly
gather the most important information, or
c. Applied reading ‘gist’. Run your eyes over the text, noting
The basic concept of applied important information. Use skimming to
reading is evaluating written material, for quickly get up to speed on a current
instances comparing the ideas discovered business situation. It is not essential to
in the material with known standard and understand each word when skimming
drawing a conclusion about accuracy, (Lougheed, 2000: 8).
appropriateness, and timelines. The reader There are many strategies that can
must be an active reader, questioning, be used when skimming. We read the first
searching for fact, and suspending and the last paragraph using headings,
judgment until he/she considered all summarizes, and other organizers as they
material. move down the page or screen. The reader
might read title, subtitle, subheading, and
d. Creative reading illustrations. Consider reading the first
Creative reading involves the sentence of each paragraph.
positive response of reader about what has
been read. Sometimes a response may not b. Scanning
be evident because its intensely private. Scanning is reading a text quickly
Understanding at creative level involves in order to find specific information.

75 ISSN: 2354-7340

Scanning is used to find a particular piece as well as English business books. Use
of information. Run our eyes over the text extensive reading skills to improve
looking for the specific piece of general knowledge of business
information that is needed. Use scanning procedures. Extensive reading is carried
on schedule, meeting plans, menu lists, out to active a general understanding of a
etc. in order to find the specific details usually somewhat linger text (book, long
which are required (Lougheed, 2000: 3). article, or essays, etc). Pleasure reading is
Scanning is a specific reading skill often extensive.
which is often used in combination with Extensive reading sometimes help
others such as skimming and intensive learners get away from their tendency to
reading (Richard, 1985: 250).Learners overanalyze or look up words they don’t
need to learn different ways and know and read for understanding.
understand that choosing how to read is Authentic simple texts can either be
important step in building reading skill. Its devised or located in the real words by
purpose is to extract certain specific simulating reading for enjoyment or
information without reading through the reading where all concepts, names, dates,
whole texts. So the exercise of this and other details need not be retained;
strategy may ask the students to look for students gain an appreciation for the
names or dates, to find a definition of affective and cognitive window of
essential concept, or to list a certain reading. Sometimes this activity helps
number of supporting details. In vocation learners get away from their tendency to
or general English, scanning is important overanalyze or look up words they don’t
in dealing with general like schedules, know, and read for understanding in order
manuals, forms, etc. comprehension and avoid
misunderstanding toward the reading
c. Intensive reading materials the readers should know the
Intensive reading is used on phase in conducting reading activity
shorten texts in order to extract specific (Lougheed, 2000: 6).
information. It includes very close
accurate reading for detail. Use intensive 4. Phase of teaching reading
reading skills to grasp the details of a
specific situation. In this case, it is a. Pre-reading
important to understand each word, Reading is a meaning seeking
number or fact (Lougheed, 2000: 6). process. Effective readers are active, not
Intensive reading involves learners passive. They take sometimes before they
reading in detail with specific learning begin to read a text to:
aims and tasks. It includes skimming a 1. Activate prior knowledge; prior
text for specific information to answer knowledge refers to all the
true or false statements or filling gaps in a knowledge which readers have
summary, scanning a text to match acquired through their lives. Some
headings to paragraph, and scanning theorists use the term prior
jumbled paragraphs and then reading them knowledge synonymously with
carefully to put them into the correct order world knowledge, background
(Lougheed, 2000: 6). knowledge, memory storage, or
experiential background.
d. Extensive reading 2. Preview the passage (vocabulary
Extensive reading is used to obtain and structure of the text);
a general understanding of a subject and unfamiliar key words need to be
includes reading longer text for pleasure, taught to students before reading

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so that new words, background 2. Answering questions that they have

information, and comprehension formulated during pre-reading as
can improve together in addition, well as others that have arisen
basic frameworks which are through the reading.
included in the text should be 3. Selecting fix-up strategies: re-
pointed out such as cause-effect or reading confusing passages,
problem-solution. It can be examining the context of unfamiliar
beneficial to call attention to words.
specific plans of paragraph or text
organization such as signal words, c. Post-reading
main ideas of sentences, Post-reading activities encourage
highlighted phrases, headings and student to reflect upon what they have
subtitles. read. For the information to stay with the
3. Make predictions; depending upon students, they need to go beyond simply
the content area; a discussion of reading it to use it. It is able to involve
the author of particular work can answering questions, summarizing main
be helpful to the understanding of ideas, drawing conclusions, or applying
it. the information to a new situation.
4. Establish a purpose, when the
students have a purpose for
reading a selection, they find that B. Barron’s TOEIC Strategy
purpose not only directs their
reading towards a goal, but helps Barron’s TOEIC preparation
to focus their attention. Purposes course material is an English teaching
may come from teacher directed package that contents the teaching
questions, questions from the class materials, the teaching method, and the
discussions or brainstorming, or teaching strategies for preparing the
from the individual student. Along students to comprehend the listening and
with the questions, it is a good idea the reading skills in general and
to pose predictions of outcome and comprehend the TOEIC test in particular.
problems which need to be solved. Among TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS,
These may be generated by the TOEIC is focused on the filed of business
students or the teachers, but the where the content of the materials related
teachers should use these to guide to the language use. It helps the nonnative
students in the needed direction for speakers in improving their English skills
the assigned selection. of business field. That is why the English
5. Generate questions; whenever teaching material of the Barron’s TOEIC
teachers or students decided on preparation course package is provided for
questions to be answered by the vocational school students in general
reading, they are activating prior and business and management department
knowledge. These questions tend in particular. Some points that make
to focus attention and provide for TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS different are
purposeful reading. in the model of reading, the language use,
and the English skills teaching material.
b. Whilst-reading The model of reading of TOEIC uses
Students need to monitor their pictures that will help the learners to
understanding in an ongoing manner. comprehend the writer’s text easier. Then
They may accomplish this by: all pictures related to the business field
1. Making notes about concept/idea that available for the vocational schools

77 ISSN: 2354-7340

students in general and business encounter an unfamiliar word, they should

department students in particular. write it down in a notebook. They should
Barron’s TOEIC preparation try to use it in a sentence, or even better in
course package is used as either a self- a dialogue. Have the students create their
study course or class course. It is an own skits using the words in their own
English teaching material, teaching personal word lists.
method, and teaching strategies for If the students insist on lists, show
preparing the learners to comprehend the them all the charts of words in the various
listening and reading skills in general and sections of both the listening and reading
comprehend TOEIC test in particular. In a sections. Have the students use these
class situation, this will provide an words to learn how to use words in
excellent structure for helping the students context.
improve their English language skills
especially listening and reading skills b. The reading exercise
(Lougheed, 2000:vi). This also gives the The strategies emphasized in the
teachers what they want: a scheme to help reading review are not only for reading on
them improve the English language ability TOEIC exam. They can be, and should be,
of their students. applied to all reading a student might have
There are two sections on the to do. Use reading material in this review
TOEIC preparation course material, the such as English news magazines, and
listening and reading reviews. Each part newspapers.
both listening and reading consist of some To prepare for the four parts of the
subpart. For further explanation of them, reading comprehension section (the
the following explanation. vocabulary exercise, the grammar
Again, the best way for students to exercise, and reading exercise) we must
improve their reading is read, read, read. develop certain skills below:
On the TOEIC preparation course
material, even the grammar activities 1) Analyzing vocabulary. Some
focus on reading. They demand the items should be analyzed in this part as
students understand the whole context of mentioned below:
statements, not just an isolated part. That a. Prefixes. A prefix is a syllable
is why the structure activities are in the added to the beginning of the root
reading section. of a word. The prefix can change
As in the listening comprehension the meaning of the root word. The
section, it is as important to know why an root duce comes from the Latin
answer is wrong as it is to know why an ducere, which means to lead. By
answer is right. Training the students to adding the prefix, you can change
use the strategies mentioned in this section the meaning of the word.
will make them more efficient readers. Memorizing the prefixes will not
always help you understand the
a. The vocabulary exercise meaning of the word. A prefix
All students want to know words added to a word changes the
and more words. Remind them that meaning very subtly. It will be
important to know how to use them. They better for you to learn the word in
will learn more by reading and learning context. Here are some common
words in context than they will from prefixes and their meanings. Note
memorizing word lists. how the abstract meanings. Note
They can and should create their how the abstract meaning of the
own personal word lists. Every time they prefix and the root is subtly

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Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 5(2) September 2017

different from the actual meaning (answer the easy questions first;
of the combined word. guess if you do not know).
b. Suffixes. A suffix is a syllable a. Questions on advertisement.
added to the end of the root of a Advertisements on the TOEIC are
word. The suffix can change the similar to those found in
grammatical structure of the root magazines or newspapers. You
word. Memorizing the suffixes can find other examples in
will not always help you English-language newspapers and
understand the meaning of the magazines and ask yourself
word. It will be better for you to questions about the products being
learn the word in context. advertised.
Knowing the suffixes will help b. Questions on forms. A form is a
you determine the word’s part of template: a standard form that an
speech in a sentence. individual adds information to.
c. Word families. Word families are These could include magazine
created by adding endings to a subscription forms, purchase
word. These endings will change orders, immigration forms, hotel
the word into a noun, verb, check-in forms, telephone,
adjective, or adverb. message blanks, etc.
d. Similar words. It is to confuse c. Questions on reports. A report is
words that have similar meanings a short paragraph containing the
or similar spellings. However, kind of information that might
these words cannot be included in a capsule summary. A
interchanged. report could appear in a
newspaper; it could be part of a
2) Analyzing reading passage. larger document such as annual
Now practice the PSRA report; it could be most any kind
strategy with the following of descriptive or narrative prose.
reading passages. Each reading d. Questions on letters. The TOEIC
passage in this TOEIC. This will will generally always have one
give you more practice. For each letter on this. The important
reading passage, you should circle information is generally contained
the key words; answer the in the body of the letter-the part
questions in your head; time between the greeting and the
yourself as you read; and finally closing.
answer the questions. PSRA e. Questions on faxes. A fax is like a
(Predict, Scan, Read, and Answer) letter except it is delivered
is the strategy used in this TOEIC electronically on a fax machine.
preparation. Predict (look at the The main difference in format is
introduction line; look at the the additional piece of information
question and answer options). that tells how many pages were
Scan (look for the key words from sent as part of a fax.
the questions; look for the key f. Questions on memos. A
words from the answer option; memorandum (memo) is an
answer questions in your head, not internal form of communication
on your answer sheet). Read (read that is sent from one member of a
quickly, but carefully; do not stop company to a member of the same
if you do not know a word; company. Today these memos are
confirm your predictions). Answer often sent by computer. Computer

79 ISSN: 2354-7340

mail is referred to as e-mail, short n. Questions on magazine articles.

for electronic mail. Like a newspaper article, a
g. Questions on tables. A table is a magazine article is written by a
compilation of data that is useful journalist. The topic could be any
for quick comparison. Tables subject.
could be on most any subject. o. Questions on schedules. A
Look for tables in English schedule is a printed form with
language newspapers or lists of information: stock prices,
magazines or also material printed train departure times, payment
in your own language. schedules, etc.
h. Questions on indexes. An index is p. Questions on calendars. A
a compilation of information that calendar is a form for keeping
people can use to find additional track of future event or activities.
information. A telephone book is The calendar could be personal,
an example of an index. like a daily diary, or professional,
i. Questions on charts. A chart can like a timeline for completion of a
be either table or a graph. Charts subject.
are found in most printed
j. Questions on graphs. A graph is a METHOD OF THE RESEARCH
drawing that shows the
relationship between variables. On This research applied a quasi-
the TOEIC there can be line experimental design using two groups’
graphs, bar graphs, or pie graphs. pre-test and post-test design. The
k. Questions on announcements. An experiment involved two groups, an
announcement is similar to a experimental group and a control group.
report except it has more The experimental group received a
immediate information. There is treatment (Barron’s TOEIC preparation
usually an announcement on this course package), a treatment under
TOEIC. investigation, while the control group
l. Questions on notices. A notice is received a different or a usual treatment
information that the writer feels (the use of handbook of the second year
the general public or specific students of SMKN 1 Tinambung). The
product users must be made aware control group is needed for comparison
of. There are often notices purposes to see if the new treatment is
attached to walls and public more effective than other (Gay, 2006:
buildings or enclosed with product 254).
literature. This research has two kinds of
m. Questions on newspaper articles. variables: independent and dependent
A newspaper article is a passage variables. The independent variable of this
written by a journalist for a research is Barron’s TOEIC preparation
newspaper. Usually the topic is course package, while the dependent
very current, but there are many variables are students’ achievement on
kinds of newspapers: some come listening and reading ability.
out daily, others weekly. Even The population of this research
companies may have their own was the eleventh grade students at SMKN
internal newspapers which, 1 Tinambung in the academic year
because of their small size, are 2010/2011. The total numbers of
often called newsletters. population were 185 students that

ISSN: 2354-7340 80
Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 5(2) September 2017

belonged to 6 classes. The samples were questions correctly, they will get the
selected based on the cluster sampling maximum score. In this case it is 100.
technique. It was sampling which groups, (Depdiknas, 2006: 5)
not individuals, were randomly selected. b. Tabulating the score of the students
All members of selected groups had c. Classifying the score of the students
similar characteristics (Gay, 2006: 119). d. Calculating the mean score and the
The researcher took two classes: one class t-test between reading omprehension
as experimental group and the other as of experimental group and control
control group. Class XI1 (Akuntasnsi 1) group by using SPSS 16 program
was taken as experimental group and class (Gay, 2006:378)
XI2 (Akuntansi 2) was taken as control
group. Class XI1 (Akuntansi 1) consisted
of 25 students and class XI2 (Akuntansi 2) FINDING AND DISCUSSION
consisted of 25 students; by the reason
both belonged to the business department. The researcher used written tests
This research employed the reading test as namely listening test and reading test to
instrument. collect data, pre-test and post-test. These
Before analyzing the data, the data tests aimed at collecting data of the
was collected with instrument and then students’ listening skill and reading skill
analyzed them by using the procedures as of groups, the experimental group and the
follows: control group. The experimental group
was given treatment by using Barron’s
a. Scoring the result of the TOEIC preparation course material.
students’ test
Score = A. Findings

𝑥 100
The researcher found the score of
pretest and posttest for both group
Where the correct answer was experimental group and control group
given 5 and the incorrect answer was after conducting treatment.
given 0. Because the number of questions
was 20, so if the students answer all

1. Score classification of students’ pretest of reading ability.

Table 1. The percentage of students’ pretest score of reading ability

Classification Experimental Group Control Group

Score F % F %
Excellent 96 – 100 0 0 0 0
Total 25 100 25 100

Table 1 above showed that the category, 5 students (20%) got poor, 1
students’ pretest result for experimental student (4%) got very poor, and no one
group, most of them were in good student got very good and excellent
category, 7 students (28%) got good, 7 category.
students (28%) were categorized fairly For control group, most of
good, 5 students (20%) were in fairly students got fairly, 8 students (32%) got

81 ISSN: 2354-7340

fairly, 1 student (4%) was in very good The table shows below, that the
category, 6 students (24%) were percentage of students’ posttest score in
categorized as poor, 3 students (12%) got reading ability taught by using Barron’s
good, and no one student got very poor TOEIC preparation course package was
and excellent category. different from those who taught by using
handbook of SMKN Tinambung namely
3. Score classification of students’ English in Progress Business &
posttest of reading ability. Management for SMK Year XI: TOEIC
based Activities, By Munash F. Anwar.

Table 2. The percentage of students’ posttest score of reading ability

Classification Experimental Group Control Group

Score F % F %
Excellent 96 – 100 0 0 0 0
Total 25 100 25 100

Based on the facts in the table above, the students’ achievement in experimental
students’ achievement in experimental group was increased. It was as same as
group was increasing, most of students control group. Moreover in control group
were in very good category, 14 students there were still 20% students categorized
(56%) got very good, 7 students (28%) as fairly good.
got good category, 2 students (8%) were
in fairly good category, 1 student got 4. The mean score and the standard
fairly and poor category or (4%), and no deviation of the students’ pretest of
one student categorized as very poor and reading ability
excellent. The following table showed the
In the other hand, in control results of students’ reading ability of
group 9 students (36%) got good pretest and posttest. The researcher
category, 6 students (24%) were classified calculated the mean score and standard
as very good, 5 students (20%) got fairly deviation in order to know whether or not
good and fairly, and no one student was there was not significant difference
classified as poor, very poor, and between the students’ score in
excellent. The data showed that the experimental group and control group.

Table 3. The mean score and the standard deviation of students’ pretest of reading ability

Group Mean Standard Deviation

Experimental 66.40 14.543
Control 65.20 12.373

Table above shows that the and control group was 65.20 which was
mean score of students’ pretest results for also categorized as fairly classification.
experimental group was 66.40 which was Based on the table above, the
categorized as fairly good classification researcher concluded that the students’

ISSN: 2354-7340 82
Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 5(2) September 2017

mean score of experimental group was means that there was not significant
statistically different with control group. between the students’ reading both
Gay states (2006: 124) that when experimental group and control group
variables have equal intervals, it is before the treatment. So it indicated that
assumed that the difference between they had the same or relatively the same
close score is essentially the same. So the knowledge in reading.
students’ mean score between
experimental group and control group 5. The mean score and the standard
was relatively the same. Those deviation of students’ posttest of
experimental group and control group reading ability
had the same or relatively the same After knowing that there was not
knowledge in reading skill before a significant difference between the
treatment. students’ ability in reading of the two
To know the significant groups, the researcher could infer that
different, the researcher used t-test they had the same basic ability before
formula to analyze whether or not there they were given the treatment. The result
was statistically significant different. In of pretest score was used to compare with
this case it was analyzed at level the result of posttest score.
significant .05 by applying SPSS version The students in both groups
16.0. were given posttest after treatment to find
Based on the statistics test in out their reading ability by using SPSS
asymptotic significant (2-tailed) column, version 16.0. The results of posttest are
in relation to the data of pretest of presented in the following table below:
reading, the .755 was greater than .05. It

Table 4. The mean score and the standard deviation of students’ posttest of reading ability
Group Mean Standard Deviation
Experimental 85.40 11.449
Control 79.20 10.476

The table 4 above shows that the mean group was 11.449 and the standard
scores of both groups were different after deviation of control group was 10.476.
the treatment. The mean score of After we know the students’
experimental group was 85.40 which was mean score of posttest was different, the
categorized as good category and the researcher decided whether or not it was
mean score of control group was 79.20 statistically significant different. In order
which was categorized as good category. to know it, the researcher applied t-test
The standard deviation of experimental analysis by using SPSS version 16.0.

Table 5. The t-test of the students’ posttest on reading ability

Variable Probability Value Asymptotic Significant

Posttest .05 .051

Based on the table 5 above, the that H1 was rejected and of course, the
researcher concluded that the probability statistical hypothesis of H0 was accepted,
is more than .05 or .051 > .05. It means it means that the use of Barron’s TOEIC

83 ISSN: 2354-7340

preparation course package was not able were improved but the experimental
to give significantly the improvement of group was not significantly more
the students’ reading ability than the use improved than the control group. The
of handbook of SMK Negeri Tinambung researcher found out that the probability
namely English in Progress Business & was more than .05 or .051 >.05 at the
Management for SMK Year XI: TOEIC degree of freedom was 48.
based Activities, By Munash F. Anwar. The researcher concluded that
the use of Barron’s TOEIC preparation
course package was not significantly
B. Discussion improved in learning English reading
than the use of handbook for vocational
The data collected through school namely English in Progress
the tests as mentioned in the previous Business & Management for SMK Year
part showed that the students’ ability to XI: TOEIC based Activities, By Munash
read improved statistically. It was F. Anwar.
supported by the mean score rate of result The data indicated that the two
of the students’ pretest and posttest of groups were statistically different of the
experimental group. The mean score of students’ result in English reading. Even
pretest and posttest of experimental though both of them could improve the
group were 66.40 and 85.40. While the students’ reading ability, but the
mean score of pretest and posttests of experimental group was not significantly
control group were 65.20 and 79.20. The improved than the control group.
data in previous part showed that the use
of Barron’s TOEIC preparation course
package was more improved statistically CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
in learning English reading than the use
of handbook for vocational school A. Conclusions
namely English in Progress Business &
Management for SMK Year XI: TOEIC Based on the findings and
based Activities, By Munash F. Anwar. It discussion in the previous, the researcher
was supported that the mean score of comes to conclusion. The achievement of
posttest of the experimental group and students’ reading ability was improved
the control group was statistically by using Barron’s TOEIC preparation
different (table 10). The mean score of course package and handbook of
experimental group, 85.40 was higher vocational school namely English in
than of the control group, 79.20. Progress Business & Management for
Based on the t-test both pretest SMK Year XI: TOEIC based Activities,
of experimental group and control group By Munash F. Anwar. They were
were not significantly different. It categorized as very good and good
concluded that the ability of both groups category which was the mean score both
was similar. Those experimental group experimental group and control group
and control group had the same level or 85.40 and 79.20. It means that the
relatively the same baseline knowledge in experimental group was higher than the
reading. control group (85.40 > 79.20). But the
To know whether or not the data of posttest indicated that the
experimental group was significantly statistical hypothesis is based on the t-test
more improved than the control group, in asymptotic significant (2-tailed), the
the researcher used t-test by applying probability is more than .05 or .051 > .05.
SPSS 16 (appendix 12). Both groups This means that H1 was rejected, and of

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About the author:

Umar, S.Pd., M.Pd. is a lecturer of Department of English in the University of Sulawesi
Barat, Majene Indonesia

ISSN: 2354-7340 86

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