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Nama: Muhammad Aji Saputra

NIM: 1810201069

Kelas: PSIK 6B1

Tema: Education During Pandemic Era

Education and Promotion about The New Normal In The Era of The Covid 19

Education and promotion of the new normal in the era of the covid 19 pandemic has an
important role in the success of the government and society in carrying out life during the covid
19 pandemic, the community and the government get a direct impact from health, economic and
education problems that have been stopped during the covid 19 pandemic. Education and
promotion The new normal is one way to prepare people to be more alert and pay attention to
themselves in terms of health during activities outside the home. Educational activities,
promotions and socialization of health and the new normal in several areas are important, so that
health information is evenly distributed and reduces the number of people with covid 19.

Since the enactment of PSBB (large-scale social restrictions) and the new normal during
the Covid-19 pandemic, education and promotion to the public has become important, especially
during the transition to the new normal and suppressing the transmission and spread of the
existing virus. Public understanding of the new normal is still very little due to the lack of
education and promotion, especially for people with low education.

Education and promotion of the new normal life era is very important because the
majority of the community is dominated by the elderly or elderly who can be classified as
vulnerable to body immunity and lack of understanding of using social media so that there is a
lack of education that can be conveyed during the covid 19 pandemic. In addition, education and
promotion related to the new normal era, it is also carried out by means of counseling and
installing leaflets on the streets and the promotional education provided must be balanced with
health information in maintaining endurance in addition to educating about health protocols.
The form of education provided by the government and health workers to the community
is in the form of an overview of the process of transmitting the virus, symptoms of the covid 19
virus, other disease factors or comorbidities that can increase the vulnerability of the community
to covid 19, prevention of the covid virus such as washing hands, wearing masks, keeping a
distance, how to handle if exposed to covid, and maintain health by exercising or eating healthy
food and adding vitamins or supplements besides education given about what to prepare for the
new normal era. There are several things that are very important in the success of the education
and promotion, namely the existence of public awareness about the new normal and health
protocols during the pandemic in addition to avoiding the existence of hoax news.

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