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Girl with a Pearl Earring

Johannes Vermeer
Girl with a Pearl Earring represents a young woman in a dark shallow space, an
intimate setting that draws the viewer’s attention exclusively on her. She wears a blue
and gold turban, the titular pearl earring, and a gold jacket with a visible white collar
beneath. Unlike many of Vermeer’s subjects, she is not concentrating on a daily chore
and unaware of her viewer. Instead, caught in a fleeting moment, she turns her head
over her shoulder, meeting the viewer’s gaze with her eyes wide and lips parted as if
about to speak. Vermeer’s subject is a generic young woman in exotic dress, a study in
facial expression and costume. The work attests to Vermeer’s technical expertise and
interest in representing light. The soft modeling of the subject’s face reveals his mastery
of using light rather than line to create form, while the reflection on her lips and on the
earring show his concern for representing the effect of light on different surfaces.

Reflection of my Appropriation Art

Before I chose a painting that I would recreate, what I did first is I analyze
the possible resources that I have here in my house and when I saw the painting of
Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring I immediately decided that this is the
painting that I want to recreate. The blue scarf that I used in my head is the favorite
scarf of my mama, she always brings it with her wherever she goes. The nude cloth that
is on top of my head is our old curtain, we never use it anymore so I decided to just cut
it and use it to cover my head. Luckily, I already have a pair of pearl earrings that was
given to me by my mom during my graduation so it was perfect for this project. The
brown jacket and the inner white polo that I was wearing was given to me by my
grandmother, she gave that jacket to me during my research days and that polo during
my immersion days when I was still in grade 12. Fortunately, all the materials that is
needed in recreating this art is present in our house and I didn’t had a hard time
searching for it. Lastly, while doing this I realized that it takes a lot of patience in doing
this kind of project because you will have to search for materials that is needed, how will
you execute your pose and how will you deliver your art properly but I guess I survived it
and I’m thankful that I was able to finish this without getting mad or frustrated.

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