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The Eyes of the Dragon

Story: The Eyes of the Dragon

Category: Twilight
Author: AccioBourbon
Last updated: 07/27/2009
Content: Chapter 1 to 1 of 1 chapters

Summary: Sir Edward wishes to capture the attention of his Queen. Lady Bella is in love with Sir Edward. They both
seek the help of Merlin, who has plans of his own for our hero and heroine. Dragons and Magic and romance--oh my!
*Chapter 1*: The Eyes of the Dragon
The Age of Edward Contest
Title: The Eyes of the Dragon
Pen Name: AccioBourbon
Type of Edward: Medieval Edward
If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this contest visit: The Age of Edward C2 Community:
Disclaimer: Any recognizable character is the property of its creator. I own nothing but the plot.
The Eyes of the Dragon
Merlin of Britain was weary. No sorcerer had ever wielded more power or directed the course of events more than Merlin.
For centuries, he had watched men struggle for power, killing for land, for glory— for women. Finally, Britain was a country
united under a strong king, no longer the fractious land it had once been. Merlin had chosen a powerful warlord, Uther
Pendragon, and by summoning the Dragon, Merlin had manipulated persons and events to set Uther on the throne and
take from him a son, Arthur, who would succeed his father as High King. By bloody struggle, Arthur had united all of Britain
and repelled the Saxon invasion.
His goal of securing a peaceful Britain accomplished, Merlin was ready to rest... rest for a very long time. He imagined a
retirement to the misty Isle of Avalon, enjoying the tranquility of the forests and the company of the beautiful young maidens
who waited upon the Lady there.

I am tired. The world no longer needs the Ancient Magic I wield. No more potions, no more charms, no more spells.
They have their Christ, their Camelot, and their Round Table, and they grow fat and content.
But who will serve as Arthur's counselor, if not I? Someone must fill my shoes... must ensure that Arthur's rule
continues and that peace endures. I need a successor, one I can mold and shape to carry on what I have built...
The Lady Bella sat at the Round Table in the Great Hall of the castle, idly pushing food around her trencher. She had been
at court not quite a year and had dazzled many a knight in that time. A slip of a maiden, she was passing fair, with lustrous
waves of hair the color of dark mead, and large brown eyes that were seldom still. She resembled one of the fairy-folk,
and because she was an orphan and fostered on the misty Isle, there were rumors in Camelot that she was born with
powers of enchantment.
At the moment, her eyes were fixed upon a knight who sat on the other side of the enormous table but who took no notice
of her. Sir Edward was tall and himself passing handsome, with a jaw that seemed to be carved from the smoothest
beechwood and eyes the color of ferns in the deep forest. He was not broad and muscular, but had a fine set of shoulders
that sat beneath a head of thick auburn hair, which caught the glow of the firelight. The Lady Bella was consumed with
every aspect of his being: his appearance, his voice, his hands—even his scent. She was sorrowful that Sir Edward
seemingly took no notice of her.
Sir Edward, in turn, sat staring with barely concealed disgust at a couple seated to his right. Sir Jasper and Queen
Gwenyvere once again had eyes only for each other. They sat with bodies turned completely toward one another,
oblivious to those around them. They were a golden couple, both fair-haired with angelic blue eyes. He leaned close,
placing his lips near her ear and speaking words that brought a blush to her cheek. The Queen raised her goblet and took
a sip of wine, the red liquid staining her upper lip. Sir Jasper watched her mouth with lustful eyes. For Sir Jasper indeed
lusted for the Queen, as she did for him. He enjoyed his position as her Champion, and, it was rumored at court, she
enjoyed whatever position he chose for her.
Sir Edward's disdain for Sir Jasper was boundless. His adoration for Gwenyvere was chaste, pure. He would worship her
for the perfection she embodied and live for just one token of her notice. If he could but capture her attention by performing
a great deed in her honor... but Edward was not one of Arthur's most favored knights, as he was still young and untested
by a serious challenge or quest. He needed help if he ever was to earn the affections of his queen.
In his chambers at the top of the castle's north tower, Merlin awoke with a start after a poor night's sleep. His dreams were
filled with hazy images of an unclothed man and woman enjoying each other's pleasures, their faces unseen in the dim
light. The two were consummating a passionate love that burned so intensely that Merlin awoke weeping. That these two
were important, he had no doubt; his dreams held deep meaning and were often prophetic. The significance of the
prophecies was not always clear, of course, but therein lay the fascination.
A brief moment of the Sight told Merlin that he should expect several visitors today, one very soon. He dressed and broke
his fast, then seated himself at the desk in his library to record the erotic dreams of the previous night.
In his deep voice he bellowed, "Come!" just before the knock sounded at the door.
Sir Edward cautiously entered, his eyes slowly adjusting to the low light. He glanced at his surroundings, taking in the walls
lined with shelves, on which sat countless books, pestles, crockery, and bottles containing all manner of mysterious
contents. Merlin's power inspired fear in the hearts of most men, yet Edward was determined not to let the sorcerer see
into his own. For a moment, the old man simply gazed at the young knight.
This Sir Edward is as beautiful as they all say. He attempts to hide his feelings from me, as if this control will somehow
shield him from harm. But alas, I fear his innocence and his idealism may be his undoing, but perhaps... ?
"My Lord Merlin, I beg your pardon for this interruption of your morning. I seek your counsel."
"My young knight, it is no great interruption, as I was prepared for your visit," said the old wizard with a small incline of his
gray head and a hint of a smile.
"And that would be why you bid me enter before I had knocked?"
"Precisely. But despite any rumors to which you might be privy, I cannot truly read thoughts. I bid you tell me yours, so that I
might know what occupies your head." Merlin motioned Edward to come closer and take a chair by his desk.
"Sir, my devotion to my king is the root of my concern. I do fully love and cherish his queen, but her attentions are occupied
by Sir Jasper. I believe his attentions to her to be... inappropriate. He is the reason for the court rumors that sully her
reputation. In turn, they reflect poorly on the king and by extension, our kingdom. 'As the King does fare, so does the
"Yes, yes, man," said Merlin impatiently. "You need not quote that to me. I wrote it. Surely, you realize that as her
Champion, Sir Jasper is entitled to more attention from the Queen than any of the other Knights of the Round Table. If she,
in turn, enjoys his attention, what is the harm? Are you merely jealous of Sir Jasper and the benefits he enjoys?"
His answer and the manner in which he gives it will tell me much.
"Lord Merlin, allow me to speak plainly. If Sir Jasper succeeds in seducing the Queen into allowing him in her bed, if
indeed he has not already done so, the consequences for Arthur and the Land are dire. She deserves a Champion whose
adoration of her is chaste, not based on carnal desires." Edward paused and swallowed hard. "I wish to be that
Could it be his intentions are truly so? I sense that his wish to save Arthur and the Land from scandal and ruin is
sincere. He may have a part to play in this.
"And..." prompted Merlin.
"And I need your help. I have not been in service long enough to have proven myself to the King and Queen. I need a
challenge, a quest that will demonstrate to all that I am worthy of the Queen."
"Then why not ask for such a quest from Arthur? He is quite fond of sending knights on quests, as you well know."
Sir Edward considered his next words carefully.
"Again, sir, I speak plainly. I do not desire some ordinary quest, one in which I must battle an evil lord to rescue a maiden
whom I have never met, or escort a young bride to her new home." Edward's tone began to betray his control over his
impatience. "I wish instead to make a difference to Arthur and to this Land. I seek a quest that will alter the course of
events for the better."
Merlin released his withheld breath and sat back into his chair.
"Sir Edward, I will help you. Despite your best efforts to conceal them, I have searched your feelings and found your
motives to be sincere. I will devise such a quest for you, but I need time to plan and prepare. I will send for you when I am
ready. I bid you good day."
And with that Merlin, dismissed the young knight.
Late that afternoon, Merlin again prepared for a visitor to his chambers. This visitor intrigued the old wizard, who had
observed the young maiden since her arrival at Camelot. Raising his head and staring with eyes slightly unfocused, he
rose and opened the door to find young Lady Bella before it, her hand raised, prepared to knock.
"Welcome. I have long looked forward to our conversation, Lady Bella."
For her part, Bella appeared unsurprised at Merlin's fore-knowledge of her visit.
"My Lord Merlin, I do humbly beg your pardon for disturbing your solitude," she replied, head bowed. Her eyes were
downcast in a gesture of respect to the most revered sorcerer in all of Britain.
"Child, your training with the maidens who serve the Lady of the Lake is most certainly evident. Please, be seated here by
the fire. I beseech you to speak freely to me. Long have I wished to again converse with someone from the misty Isle."
"Father," she began, using the traditional form of address to Merlin used by the maidens of Avalon, "I deeply love a knight
who serves our king, but he does not return my affections. Indeed, he scarce knows that I even live."

So lovely, for one whose heart is so sorely troubled. She has long desired this man. Surprising, that it has taken her
this long to approach my counsel.
"He loves another." Merlin stated this as fact.
Bella nodded, eyes moving to the fire.
"And you need my help." Merlin waited through silence for Bella to put words to her next thoughts.
"Yes, Father. This man's very existence consumes my every waking moment and fills my dreams each night. There can be
no other for me, long as he draws breath. If he cannot be mine I am resolved to leave court and return to Avalon."
"And this man is?"
"Sir Edward, my Lord," she replied, looking down at her small hands, gathered in her lap, and Merlin thought he heard in
her voice the beginning of tears.
"Fair lady, if I agree to help you, you must first do something that you may find... unsettling."
Her eyes met the sorcerer's and setting her mouth firmly, she nodded once.
"Lady Bella, look into my eyes and do not avert them until I speak. Do you understand? Regardless of what you see, you
must not break my gaze until I say. Do we have an understanding?"
"Yes, Lord Merlin."
The wizard leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of her face, his index fingers over her temples, his thumbs
on her jawline. His eyes met hers in a locked stare. Her large brown eyes never flitted from his and Merlin decided that
any man in this court, once he had looked into those eyes, might belong to her.
The old wizard had not attempted this act in decades, perhaps even a century. "I hope my heart can bear Her beauty,"
was his last conscious thought.
Images flashed through his mind, seemingly random but becoming cohesive and clearer... eyes the deepest green... a
woman's head tossed back in the throes of agonizing pain... the wail of a newborn... green eyes... a boy immersed in
books, robed as a scholar... Arthur as a graying man, flanked by a young sorcerer... the Land green, verdant, fertile...
Arthur wounded on a battlefield, resting in the strong arms of this sorcerer...
"Enough!" Merlin removed his hands from Lady Bella's head, slumping in his chair. She shook her head as if to clear it
and wordlessly rose to fetch a cool, moist cloth. She pressed it to Merlin's forehead, mopping his brow gently. Then she
filled a mug with water and offered it to him. He managed a gesture of thanks before turning his gaze to the fire.

She holds the key. I know not why or precisely how, but the destiny of this Land lies with this maiden. Her child is
important... but who...? green... ah, that is his part.
She will have him. She must have him.
"Lady Bella, you will achieve this young knight. I can promise most solemnly that he will be yours. Listen carefully." Merlin
sat up in his chair, his back straight as a lance, his entire person seeming to strengthen before her eyes. He spoke with
"Sir Edward is soon to embark on a quest of my making. I shall produce a charm for you that, when worn upon your breast,
will change your appearance to that of a young man. You will accompany him as his squire. At a crucial point on this quest
—and you will know this moment when it occurs— you will reveal your identity to him. From that moment forward, you will
possess his heart, his body, and his soul."
Lady Bella's expression moved from shocked surprise to apprehension. She anticipated Merlin's next words.
"Child, are you familiar with the laws of the Ancient Magic and how it exists in our world? I ask you this because the
making of such a powerful charm requires use of such magic."
"I am, Father. To maintain balance in the natural world, any use of the Ancient Magic requires an element of sacrifice."
"Excellent, Lady. Had you been born a man, you might well have made a powerful wizard."
"Thank you, my Lord, and I am prepared to face a sacrifice. Can you foresee—"
"No, I cannot yet foresee the nature of this sacrifice. I am sorry," Merlin replied gently. "And now I must begin preparing the
ingredients for the charm, while you must prepare yourself for your role as a squire. I leave that task to you. When all is
ready, I will send the charm to you and you will place it around your neck such that the charm lies against the flesh between
your breasts. I will then summon you and Sir Edward back here to receive your instruction for the quest."
Bella rose from her seat to begin her tasks. Without meeting his eyes, she spoke her thanks before slipping out the door.
Merlin believed he heard a smile in her soft voice.
Lady Bella made her way down from the high tower, lost in thought. The experience with Merlin had shaken her. What she
had seen in his eyes was one of the great mysteries of the Ancient Magic.
When Merlin had held her head between his hands and she met his fixed gaze, Bella found his eyes were surprisingly
clear for a man whom legend held was centuries old.
His eyes are the color of the sea as I saw it on the journey from the Isle.
But abruptly, the rest of the room faded, the only things still clearly in focus for her were his eyes. And then, those eyes
became red, a glowing red like the deepest embers in a fire. And the scene changed...
A cavernous space filled with clinging mist... warm... a rock of the strangest color, but the rock slowly begins to move,
uncoiling, rising... I am unable to look away, unable to scream... a dragon, its beautiful, regal head turning to face me,
with serpentine eyes the deepest gray-blue. Rising to its feet, the dragon bares his chest and unfurls wings broad as a
ship's sails... I will die here, but it will be a sweet little death...
"Lady Bella, are you unwell?" asked a melodic voice, a voice belonging to a pair of large, strong hands, which now
grasped her upper arms and helped her lean against the closest wall. Sir Jasper gently brought her from her reverie,
searching her face with arresting blue eyes that held genuine concern. "How do you fare?"
"Thank you, Sir Jasper. I am well, just... remembering an odd dream."

Sir Jasper, who has just taken on a new squire...

"Will you walk with me, sir?" asked Bella, smiling at him and slipping her hand into the crook of his arm. They began at a
slow pace down the long hallway.
Despite the rumors at court, the Lady Bella had no serious powers of enchantment, yet she had been fostered by those
who studied those powers and devoted their lives to mastering them. Unbeknownst to anyone at court, she was a child of
Beltane, conceived during the ancient fertility rites still performed in remote parts of the kingdom. She was, therefore,
blessed with a small amount of magic. Now, she decided, was the time to use such magic.
"Sir, it is said that lately you have a new squire?"
"I do, my Lady. Young William shows great promise, and is strapping for a lad of his age, much bigger than my last
"Sir Jasper," said Bella, smiling at him with a seductive, sideways glance and gently squeezing his arm. "I have need of a
set of livery and weapons designed for a small man. Would you allow me to borrow those of your last squire?"
He stopped and turned to her, his dazed expression proof that her illusion of glamour was working. Thank you,
His smile now seductive, he leaned closer, his arresting blue eyes fixed on hers.
"Why, Lady Bella, what use have you for a set of livery and weapons?"
"Would that I could tell you, sir, but I cannot. Trust that they shall be in good hands and well-cared for."
"That is not my concern, Lady. What is my concern is who, exactly..." and he dropped his eyes down her figure and back
up to her face, "will be wearing these items."
"Again, I cannot say, but my possession of these items must be held in the strictest confidence."
Sir Jasper grasped Bella by one arm and pulled her into a dark alcove off the hallway, forcing her back to the wall and
holding her in place, his hands on her waist.
"Lady," he breathed into her ear, "my silence comes at a cost."
"And your price?" whispered Bella, trying to conceal the tremor in her voice.
"Simply one kiss from you, my Lady," he said, brushing her cheek with his nose. "What say you? Have we a bargain?"
"We do," she replied with a small sigh, clutching Sir Jasper's hair with both hands and pulling his mouth to hers. Her kiss
was tentative, uncertain, but then her confidence grew and she deepened it. He tastes of sweet honey and mint. He
moaned and felt her legs begin to weaken. The knight's hands moved from her waist, sliding up her back to support her.
His knee forced its way between her legs as he pressed the length of his body against hers. Bella's mouth opened further
under his, as he learned her flavor. This time they moaned together.
Sir Jasper broke the kiss but embraced her gently before freeing her from his arms. He placed a warm hand under her
chin and smiled.
"Lady Bella, you may have any property of mine that you require, for as long as you require it. You have but to send a list to
William and he will deliver it to your chamber."
Bella sighed in relief and gave him a grateful smile.
"Lady... your kiss tells me much. The man who owns your heart is indeed fortunate, for you do not love indiscriminately or
fleetingly, but with your whole being. To the rest of us, you appear as a lovely enchantress, but when you kiss him as you
have me... you will appear to him as the Goddess herself."
Edward, all that he says, I will be for you...
Sir Jasper peered into the hallway to ensure there were no witnesses, then extended his arm to Bella.
"Come, Lady, our absence from dinner in the Hall will be noted."
"Sir, you have my sincere thanks. I fear I am at a loss for any more words at this moment."
"I wish you well, Lady Bella," he replied, adding with a roguish smile, "And I pity any man who stands in the way of your
plans, whatever those may be."
Bella sat before her dressing mirror, clad only in a plain shift. In the palm of her hand she held a tiny pouch of the softest
moleskin, stitched tightly closed and strung onto a long necklace made of braided lacing. It had been delivered an hour
ago by one of Merlin's messengers, accompanied by a note sealed with his marque. The note read:
Lady Bella, this is an illusionary charm that will change your appearance and your voice in the eyes and ears of all
others, including yourself, for as long as you wear it. Your thoughts and feelings will still be your own. There is but one
rule to its use: you must not allow the charm to become wet or its power is lost. After placing it around your neck and
dressing as a squire, come to my chambers for further instruction.
The significance of what she was about to do was not lost on Bella, as she had spent every waking moment since her
meeting with Merlin contemplating these events. The truth of Merlin's solemn promise she did not doubt. By using this
charm. she would set events in motion that would secure her heart's deepest desire.
But there were a dizzying number of details to manage, as well. Thanks to Sir Jasper's generosity and the assistance of
his squire, she would be outfitted in the proper attire. Those new garments were waiting now, spread across the bed:
buckskin leggings, a linen shirt, a heavily padded doublet, and a colorful, belted tunic. A scabbard and sword also lay on
the bed, along with a small, studded, wooden shield. These were training weapons, not intended to see battle. A fine pair
of boots, brand new from the look of them, completed this outfit. She was certain these were a gift from Sir Jasper and
never worn by his former squire.
Her fingers automatically went to her lips when she recalled her interlude in the alcove with the fair-haired knight. Bella
wanted to believe that her behavior (and his) was influenced directly by the magic she had summoned, but in truth, they
had both enjoyed the kiss and bore some responsibility. She felt a measure of guilt for that enjoyment and sought to dispel
it by imagining the moment in which she would finally feel Edward's lips on hers. How much more the experience will
mean when I am with the man I love.
When Sir Jasper's squire delivered the clothing, she took the opportunity to question him about the details of outfitting a
knight. This and the handling of weaponry were the two responsibilities of a squire for which her knowledge was most
lacking. She was raised on Avalon to learn the management of clothing and table, as well as care of horses. She was an
excellent rider and hunted passingly well. Thankfully, she had brought her own bow to court, along with her favorite small
knife, a gift from the Lady herself. Bella smiled, imagining how pleased the Lady would be if she knew the initiative Bella
was taking to secure her own happiness.
Bringing herself out of her memories and into the present, she rose and stood before the mirror, pushing the shift off her
shoulders and watching it pool on the floor. She held her breath as she placed the necklace over her head and settled the
charm between her breasts. She closed her eyes, exhaled before looking into the mirror.
A stranger stared back at her.
He was dark, as Bella was, with large brown eyes framed by long lashes, and dark hair that fell to his shoulders. His
features resembled Bella's but with a stronger jaw and higher forehead. He was at least a head taller. She decided that
this version of herself could easily pass for her brother.
She held one hand before her face, marveling at the dusting of dark hair on the back, and the long fingers. These larger
hands fascinated her... so manlike. Suddenly her eyes flew to her lower front and her mouth fell open in horror.
Bella was an observant young woman and had heard others speak about relations between men and women, yet she had
never seen an unclothed man. These appendages completely shocked and fascinated her. I cannot but hope that I will
know how to... handle these parts. She colored intensely at the very idea that she and Edward were now alike in this way,
and what this similarity might mean on their journey. Relieving oneself, for example... Stop! I will not trouble myself with
these thoughts until the need arises, or something else rises—Goddess! Would that happen to her while she was so
near Edward?
Lady Bella clenched her fists tightly, shook them hard, then opened them, breathing deeply to calm herself. It was time to
dress and visit Lord Merlin. She scribbled a note for the messenger to deliver to the sorcerer, to alert him to her visit. It
was time to face Sir Edward... man to man.
"A squire?" asked Sir Edward. "I must take a squire with me on this quest?"
"You must," replied Merlin, never lifting his eyes from the map he was drawing on a sheaf of parchment. "Unless you
believe you can manage food, weapons, and a full suit of mail by yourself on a single horse?" His tone implied that no
answer was required.
"But I have no squire, Lord Merlin. I have had no need of one, nor am I considered experienced enough to instruct another
on the finer points of knighthood." Sir Edward pushed one hand through a long shock of hair and began to pace.
"Rest your concerns, young man. I have found a squire for you, one newly arrived at court and eager to learn all that you
might impart." He glanced out the window to check the time of day and Edward saw a trace of a smile on Merlin's face.
"He will be here presently to meet you and receive instructions."
He continued to sketch the map while Edward paced the room, idly picking up strange objects and noting with horror the
contents of several large bottles. Suddenly, Merlin set down his stub of charcoal.
"Ah, he is arrived. Sir Edward, please get the door."
Edward wondered if the old wizard was ever surprised by a visitor. He crossed the room in several strides of his long legs
and opened the door. He stared down at a boy, perhaps no more than six and ten, who looked as if the rest of his body
had yet to catch up with the length of his legs. A mop of wavy chestnut hair framed a pale face with angular features. Large
eyes, deep brown, stared back at him with some degree of alarm.
"Enter, young sir!" exclaimed Merlin. The boy stepped quickly around Edward, and went immediately to the sorcerer's
side. "I would like you to meet the knight you shall serve, Sir Edward of Northumberland. Sir Edward, this is... ah... oh,
bother! What is your name, boy?"
"My name? My name is Bell—Bellarius, Lord Merlin. Yes, Bellarius." Bella sighed with relief. How could she have
forgotten a name? "Good day to you, Sir Edward."
She caught herself just before she dropped a curtsy. Bella cleared her throat and bowed low to Edward.
"Sir, I am honored to serve as your squire on this quest. I will do my best to be of good service."
"Bellarius, I must tell you that I have never had a squire before, but for my part, I vow to take seriously every aspect of your
education and training."
Edward's eyes met the young squire's and he found himself unable to pull away. The young man's eyes did not seem to
match the rest of his person. They were soft, of such a rich brown that they might have belonged to a deer, and they
carried the wisdom of years within them. They were the sort of eyes in which a man might gaze, lose all sense of the
passage of time, and wake to find himself quite late for a meal. He shook his head slightly.
"Lord Merlin, let us hear of this quest."
"Indeed, sir. Come, the both of you, and sit here by the fire. There is a story to tell."
The old man gestured to the empty chairs, one of which Edward took. The other chair was close by his, such that when
she sat, Bella's arm brushed his and all of her senses were assaulted by his nearness: she felt his warmth, the firmness of
his muscled arm, and she inhaled a scent that almost made her dizzy with longing.

Oh, surely this is the sweetest torture ever endured by woman—or man. How shall I manage an entire journey by his
Merlin began: "In the West Country, there is a series of underground caverns. These caverns are known only to the
ancients, and perhaps the fairy-folk, if they might travel there. Within these caverns, there dwells the Dragon."
"Dragon?" scoffed Edward. "Dragons are but a myth, a story to frighten children."
"Good sir knight, I must warn you not to interrupt this tale again, or I shall summon Sir Galahad, who will—as I am sure you
know—be more than pleased to take on this quest? Shall I continue?"
"Begging your pardon most humbly, Lord Merlin."
"Very well then. The Dragon, who has lived in these caverns since long before Joseph of Arimathea brought the Grail to
this land, has become restless. The Dragon senses the changes in our world: the spreading of Christianity, the rejection of
the old ways, the disbelief in the Ancient Magic. To your understanding, my children, the Dragon is the Magic. It is the old
ways. It represents the very Land Uther fought to establish and Arthur fought to unite and defend."
Edward and Bella listened to Merlin with rapt attention.
"But the Dragon begins to stir, and when he has grown restless in the past, he becomes dangerous. When men seek him
out, he is reassured of their belief in his existence... his knowledge that he is feared. He will calm and no longer trouble the
world of men.
"Edward and Bellarius, you will go to the Dragon's lair where you will retrieve a scale from the Dragon and return it to
Arthur and Gwenyvere. Over the centuries, other knights have attempted to prove their worth by challenging this Dragon.
None have succeeded because none have known the truth."
Bella sensed that Merlin enjoyed the effect of a dramatic pause and so waited a respectful moment before asking: "And
the truth would be...?"
"That the Dragon is not our enemy, boy! The Dragon must live if the King and the Land are to flourish. Men need a reason
to quest, a sense of purpose that is greater than themselves. The Dragon fulfills this need." At these words, Merlin looked
pointedly at Edward. "You, Sir Edward, will remind our King and Queen of this simple fact when you do something no
other knight of this realm has accomplished: bring back proof that the Dragon is still quite real."
Bella subtly tried to observe Edward's reaction to Merlin's words. He was stick-straight in his chair, eyes no longer
focused on Merlin, but on the sky just outside the window. She wished she had the powers of a sorcerer, to be able to see
into Edward's feelings at this moment. She supposed that they were hopeful—hopeful that this quest would enable him to
prove his worth to the Queen, thereby securing a position by her side. His hope, ironically, made her rather sad.
For his part, Edward was indeed thinking of all that Merlin had said. The prospect of facing an angry dragon would terrify
any knight. Edward would be a fool not to see the danger. But he would be a bigger fool still if he did not see it as a
splendid opportunity.
"Not bad," Sir Edward said, slightly out of breath, "Your form is most pleasing, and your movements rather graceful,
actually. You should be thrusting a bit harder, however."
"Thank you, sir. I shall work harder," replied Bella. "But if it pleases you, might we break for a meal? I am quite famished,
my lord."
"Of course, lad. I've enjoyed our lesson so much that I quite forgot the time."
An exhausted Lady Bella returned her sword to the scabbard, unbelted it, and set it down. They had left Camelot at dawn,
ridden all day, and stopped to rest under a shady tree by a stream bank. Edward had insisted on a swordplay lesson to
gauge her skill with a blade. To her astonishment, Bella found that she possessed some aptitude for fighting. She
wondered if Merlin had added a few extra ingredients to the charm.
Wearily, she went about preparing a late-day meal. She had slept little last night, her thoughts consumed with doubts
about her ability to pass herself off as a knight's squire. Lying close by Edward tonight meant that again she was unlikely
to sleep well. On the other hand, she would be lying close by Edward.
Their meal of roast pheasant, oat cakes, and elderberries was spread under the tree as Edward sat down to eat. Bella
stood by patiently.
"Bellarius, please join me. I do not stand on ceremony in general, but most especially not while traveling."
Bella sat down across from him and Edward noted how smoothly the boy moved. In fact, it had been a day of small
surprises for Edward as he observed the young squire. It began when they mounted their horses. Bellarius swung up into
the saddle and settled in the sidesaddle position, but then quickly swung his leg over to sit astride the horse. Edward did
not comment as he saw color flood the young man's face. And the boy was modest in the extreme, always moving
completely out of Edward's sight when he needed to relieve himself and turning his back when Edward needed to do the
And the way the boy moved... Edward had never seen any man move as quietly as Bellarius did. Each movement was
graceful, unhurried. Each action of his hands was sure and steady. No wonder, then, that the boy was an excellent hunter.
Earlier he had returned quickly with a pair of young pheasant hens, having used just two arrows to take them.
"Bellarius, you do not touch the pheasant. Are you unwell?" asked Edward, studying the boy's face.
"No, Sir Edward, I do not generally eat meat," she replied. Bella took a nervous swallow of wine.
"Really? No wonder you are so slight," Edward scoffed. He stretched out on his side, supporting his head on his hand,
watching her eat. Bella tried not to stare at the very picture of maleness reclining before her: the sheer length of him, his
long legs, his broad shoulders.
"You should eat meat to grow stronger, if you wish to be knighted one day. What do you eat then?" He reached for the
bowl of elderberries and took a handful.
"Mainly vegetables, fruits, and bread."
"Indeed? Was your mother a rabbit?"
"No, sir," replied Bella with a smile. "And you have a bit of elderberry juice by your mouth, just there." She reached forward
and wiped the juice from beneath his bottom lip with her thumb.
Edward moved quickly to grab her wrist, his large hand wrapping completely around it.
The warmth of the young man's skin was startling, but it was nothing compared to the sensation the young squire's thumb
had left on his lip. Edward released his wrist slowly and they locked eyes. Bellarius's were wide, perhaps in fright.
Bella silently cursed herself for her carelessness. To touch him like that, as if they were lovers flirting over dinner in the
Great Hall! She rose and quickly began to clear the meal, steadfastly keeping her eyes from Edward's face.
"Bellarius, we will camp here for the night. First we will work some more on your weapons skills, and then I believe a bath
in the stream here will be in order."
Bella's breath caught in her chest.
"You must be the aggressor, Bellarius, when you see the opportunity," Sir Edward said, advancing on the young man as
they practiced. "Parry... that's it... now high outside! Now, pivot... excellent, your footwork is very good... parry — low
inside, high inside... Now, prepare... tighten your grype... let me see your foyne... unff!"
The squire had thrown all of his force into the last thrust, which Edward had expertly deflected with his much longer,
broader weapon. He lowered his sword, signaling the end of the current lesson.
"That last foyne was much better, Bellarius, but I sense that you are still holding back. You are no longer a page, battling
with a wooden toy sword. If we are attacked on this quest, I have every expectation that you will draw your blade and come
to our defense. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Sir Edward," said the young man, panting and wiping the sweat from his brow. "You should have every confidence
that I would fight to the death if we found ourselves in danger." The squire's voice was firm and genuine. Edward sensed
that it was important to Bellarius that he be believed on this point.
"Very good, lad. I think that's all the lesson for today. Let us bathe in this stream before we bed down for the night."
Bella forced herself to remain calm as several equally distressing thoughts flew through her mind. I cannot bathe with
Edward! I will see him naked, and that would not be proper, and it would not be honest because I am a woman, even
though he doesn't know that. And if I see him naked I might desire him even more, if such thing is even possible, and if
I desire him, he might see that I desire him, and- oh Goddess!- what would he think of me then?
And finally, she remembered Merlin's warning: The charm must not get wet.
"Well... hmm. My lord Edward, I believe I will simply wash by the side of the stream. I tend to catch sniffles rather easily,
and truth be told, I am quite afraid of the water, being unable to swim." This last part was a complete lie, as all of the
maidens on Avalon who serve the Lady of the Lake are taught to swim as children.
"Bellarius, you must learn to swim. I insist upon this. According to Merlin's map, we must cross a river in the next day or
two. I cannot afford to lose my first squire on our first quest together." Edward gave Bella a mischievous smile that made
her stomach do a tumble. "I will teach you to swim as soon as this quest is over, lad."
"Thank you, Sir Edward," replied Bella, lowering her head to show her respect and gratitude, but mainly to hide the color
that she was sure had come to her cheeks when he had shown such concern for her.
The young knight walked to the edge of the stream and began to take off his clothes. Bella turned quickly and proceeded
to unpack the bags on her horse, preparing their camp for the night. She studiously kept her eyes averted from Edward as
she worked.
This self-imposed distraction was working — until Edward stepped into the stream and felt the water. "Ahh! God's
wounds, but that is cold!"
Startled, Bella's eyes looked up and there she saw the object of her heart's desire, dressed as he was on the day he was
born. His back was to her, and he stood knee-deep in the stream. The sun was very low in the sky and the light reflected
off the running water, making it sparkle. Edward stood in the sunlight, fairly glowing as the late-afternoon light touched his
skin. His shoulders and his back were as beautifully defined as any carved statue. Bella's eyes travelled down the length
of his body, along his tapering waist, past a bottom that she could she could not find words to describe, and down the long
muscles of his legs. She continued to stare, lost in her appreciation and her awe. On other occasions she had marveled at
the beauty of the human form, but never before had she seen anyone demonstrate it more thoroughly than the man who
stood before her.
Bella shook her head to clear it and silently chastised herself for her blatant staring. Embarrassed, she returned to her
work, making their bedrolls ready on the ground beneath the spreading tree.
Later than night, Bella lay awake, too acutely aware of the man sleeping next to her to relax into slumber. She listened to
the sounds of Edward's even breaths. He turned in his sleep, his back to her. Very, very slowly, she reached a hand
toward his hair. She touched her fingertips to it and almost gasped at the softness. In her daydreams she had done this
very thing so many times that she could scarcely believe she was not dreaming at this moment. Feeling bolder, she laid
her palm on the back of Edward's head and stroked it lightly, once... twice. She sighed very quietly, closed her eyes, and
finally found sleep.
As the dawn was breaking, Edward opened his eyes and took in his surroundings, his mind slowly shaking off a deep,
peaceful sleep.
All was still around him, save for the morning chirp of a bird in the tree above. He looked at his young squire, still fast
asleep next to him. The young man's face was completely relaxed in his slumber. His face appeared softer, younger, and
more full, almost feminine. His lips were slightly parted and wavy locks of hair fell down across his eyes. Edward used his
fingertips to lightly brush the hair back from his squire's forehead. I will protect this boy from harm with everything I have,
and I will see that he grows into one of the noblest knights ever to have served our King. Thinking of Arthur bestowing
knighthood on Bellarius in turn made him think of the Queen, and Edward just then realized he had not once thought of
Gwenyvere since leaving Camelot.
"Tell me, Bellarius," said Edward, as they rode side-by-side later that morning. "What are the three essential parts of the
Code of Chivalry?"
Bella swallowed her momentary panic and recalled her conversation with Sir Jasper's squire, William. I know this, I know
"Duty to one's countrymen, duty to God, and duty to women," recited Bella.
"Very good. Now give me an example of a knight behaving in a chivalrous manner for each part of the code."
Bella paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts.
"Oh, come now, Bellarius. You should have prepared these answers when you were a but a page." Edward caught his
squire's eye and gave him a teasing smile.
Bella returned his smile, but with a hint of triumph. "A knight shows mercy and courage when he defends even the weakest
and the poorest of his countrymen. He shows his duty to God by his faithfulness to the church and by always championing
good over evil. A knight must cherish not only his own lady but all ladies, demonstrating gentleness and graciousness in
his service to them."
Edward stared for a moment, slightly stunned at his response. Most of Arthur's knights could not have offered a better
description of chivalrous behavior than had this young squire.
"That was... quite good, young man. One more question: Existing beneath each part of the Code is a guiding principle, the
foundation, if you will, upon which the entire Code rests. What do you think that principle is, Bellarius?"
She thought for a moment. I must answer this correctly. In just two days time, I have come to want nothing more than to
make him proud of me. He is a genuinely good man, and if I were truly a squire, I would want no other knight as my
And just like that, Bella knew the correct answer."Sir, the guiding principle of the Code of Chivalry is honor."
Edward's entire face was lit with pride, and the smile he gave Bella again made her insides tumble. With that smile he is
more dazzling than any sorcerer's spell or incantation.
"May I ask you a question, Sir Edward?"
"Of course, Bellarius. I cannot promise I know the answer, but as your knight, I must certainly try."
"Sir, what part of the Code do you believe is of the most importance? Which part must be understood first, if a knight is to
live by it faithfully?"
Edward was silent for a long moment, and Bella began to fear that her question was somehow inappropriate.
Finally, he spoke. "I believe that the Code of Chivalry must apply to all men. No man is above it, be he you, me, Sir Jasper,
or the King himself. It follows then, that if it must apply to all men, then all men have the right to be protected by it.
Regardless of his or her station, all of humanity should be treated with honor, mercy, and kindness. If it does not apply to
or protect all, then it quite simply does not work. This I believe, Bellarius."
Bella nodded and remained silent for many miles after. She treasured this time with him and conversations like the one
they had just shared. At this point on their journey, of two things the Lady Bella was quite certain: that Sir Edward of
Northumberland, knight of the Round Table, strived to be a truly good man, and that she was more in love with him than
The rest of that day's journey passed without incident and Sir Edward and Lady Bella shared a day of conversation that
varied from lighthearted, verbal sparring to thoughtful discussion of philosophy and spirituality. Sir Edward was clearly a
Christian, while Lady Bella considered herself as having one foot in the old religion and one in the new. This duality did not
bother her in the slightest; she felt strongly that very little in this world could be understood in terms of absolutes.
That night they both slept much more soundly, comfortable in their new companionship. Bella had not felt more cared for
or respected since she had left Avalon, and Edward had never felt as understood by another person as he did in the
company of Bellarius. If he could make a squire feel this important, Bella's heart thrilled imagining how he might make the
woman he loved feel.
On the third day they awoke to perfect weather. Merlin's map indicated that they would come upon the land called
Casselargh late that afternoon, if they made good time. There they would find the entrance to the lair of the Dragon. In
anticipation they had dressed that morning for battle. Bella donned the heavily padded doublet, then helped Edward into
his tunic of chain mail. It was long, falling all the way to his knees, and had full-length sleeves and a hood that protected his
neck and throat. When he was finished dressing, Edward looked at her and solemnly thanked her for her service on the
quest. It was all Bella could do keep the tears from her eyes.
Since she had heard Merlin's story of the dragon, she had often thought about the vision she had seen when the sorcerer
looked hard into her eyes. Was it the same dragon she would see on this quest? Was that vision prophetic? The worst
part of these thoughts was that she could share not them with Edward.
They came upon the river shown on Merlin's map. It flowed fast and deep, due to the heavy spring rains. According to the
map there ought to be a bridge over the river, but when Edward and his squire reached it, they discovered that the bridge
had fallen into disrepair and was now impassable. They stood on the riverbank now, considering the situation.
"Bellarius, we will have to cross the river on our horses. I know that you cannot swim, but you should not be afraid, as the
horses can swim with us on their backs. It is important, however, that you not let your horse sense any of your fear, as the
strong current alone might be enough to panic him. Stay close behind me and hold on tightly to both the reins and his
mane. Are you ready?"
He studied his young squire's face and was pleased to see him look serious and determined, with no trace of fear.
"Yes, Sir Edward," he replied, squaring his shoulders and sitting tall on his horse. "I am ready."
Edward gave him one of those smiles. "Good lad."
Bella's stomach lurched and she almost reached out to him right then and there.
They nudged their horses down the embankment and into the water. It was a rocky bottom and the horses had difficulty
with their footing. The water became gradually deeper, rising up to the horses' shoulders. Bella gave frequent, reassuring
strokes to her horse's neck and spoke softly to him.
The water was now as high as Bella's hips. Suddenly, Edward's horse stumbled badly on his right side and both he and
Edward were completely submerged. When the horse surfaced, exhaling and snorting water, Edward was no longer on
him. Bella looked frantically at the water in front of her and saw bubbles break the surface but Edward did not come up.
She fought back panic and then realized what was happening. His mail is weighing him down and he cannot get his
head above the water! Holding fast to the reins, she leaned forward and swung her swung her left leg back as if to
dismount. Merlin's voice, full of authority and decisiveness, filled her head.
"You must not allow the charm to become wet or its power will be lost... At a crucial point on this quest—and you will
know this moment when it occurs— you will reveal your identity to him."
There was no question in Bella's mind that this was that moment. Dropping fully into the water but still holding the reins,
Bella took a deep breath. She dove under and opened her eyes, spotting Edward immediately. He was struggling to free
himself from his mail. He looked at Bella and stopped, his eyes huge and confused. She grasped the inside of his
forearm and clamped down hard. He did the same on hers. She pulled with all of her strength, enough to help Edward into
an upright position so that his face just broke the surface. She pulled Edward toward her horse, and together, they held
fast to the saddle as the current swirled around them.
The horses continued to swim, reaching shallower water and regaining their footing. When Bella and Edward were again
able to stand they struggled out of the water, falling to the grass on the embankment and breathing hard.
"Sir Edward," said Bella, "are you all right?" She looked at him cautiously, trying to gauge his reaction to what he was
"What... has happened here? You are... not Bellarius. You are a woman? Lady Bella?"
"Sir, I can explain all—"
"What manner of trickery is this? Are you truly the enchantress they say you are? Is this some magic you learned on the
misty Isle?" He was becoming angry now, and Bella struggled to find the words that would help him understand.
"Please, good knight, let us move to to higher ground, see to our horses, and I will explain all."
They climbed the rest of the embankment, reaching a sunny spot at the top where their horses had begun to graze. They
both struggled out of their heavy wet overclothes until they were both in shirts and leggings. Bella reached into a saddle
bag and pulled out a goatskin of wine. She gestured to the ground, indicating that they should sit. She took a long drink of
wine and passed the skin to Edward, who studied her face but did not drink.
"I assure you, sir, the wine is not enchanted."
Edward took a long drink and passed it back to Bella. "I am waiting for your explanation, Lady."
"First, I assure you that you see me now in my true form. I am the Lady Bella. I have been using a powerful charm given to
me by Merlin to disguise myself as a squire, so that I might accompany you on this quest."
"But why? This quest is not your concern. It was given to me by Merlin."
Well, Bella, how are you going to answer him? The Lady would say that a direct, honest answer is almost always the
best one. A lie, on the other hand, is almost always followed by more lies.
Taking a deep breath, she replied in a shaking voice, "I have been deeply in love with you, Sir Edward, since first I came
to court. I have tried to win your attentions, tried to get you to see me, but you have had eyes only for the Queen. My
longing for you has never been inconstant. I sought the help of Merlin and the charm and this quest are his plan." She
sighed, waiting for Edward to take in all that she had confessed.
Edward studied Bella's face for a long moment, studying her features, which seemed at once both familiar and completely
new to him. The chestnut hair, the deep brown eyes, the lovely mouth. They were Bellarius's features, but they belonged
just as perfectly on Bella. How could he have overlooked this face before him, the loveliest face he had ever seen?
Finally, he spoke. "This explains the feeling I have had since I first met your eyes in Merlin's chambers. The feeling that I
have been wanting something that I could not have, something that was ever out of my reach. These last few days have
been the happiest of my life, yet a sadness lay underneath, a loneliness that I could not understand."
"And now, sir?" asked Bella, more frightened than she had ever been in her life. "How do you feel now?"
Edward leaned closer to Bella and ran a finger lightly over her cheekbone, down her face and along her jaw to her lips. He
rested his finger there.
"As if I am reborn." With his other hand he took one of hers and raised it to his face, kissing her palm with closed eyes. He
held her hand against his face for a moment before looking at her. "May I kiss you? Please?" The last word he uttered as
a whisper.
Bella did not answer but instead initiated the kiss herself; after nearly a year, she was finished waiting. Instantly, she was
drowning. The feel of his warm mouth on hers sent a thrill through her insides and down into her lower belly. He began to
kiss her harder, taking her head between his hands and moving his own to the side to take in her mouth more deeply.
Bella exhaled into the kiss, unable to stifle a moan. Edward pushed her back onto the ground so she that she lay beneath
him, then took her in his arms. He met her eyes, searching for and easily finding the words he wanted to say.
"Bella, I will love you, cherish you, and honor you with every part of my being for the rest of our time in this world, continuing
on to forever in the next. Please say you will have me."
She, in turn, searched Edward's eyes, but was unable to find words as lovely or as eloquent as his, so she simply said, "I
They passed the next half hour in deep kisses and warm caresses, learning the feel of each other's skin. Finally, their
passion reached a point where Edward had to pull away, doing battle with his arousal. He pulled Bella's head down to his
chest and spoke against her hair.
"Bella, my love, we must stop. I want nothing more at this very moment than to make love to you, but I meant what I said
about honoring you. I would take you back to Camelot and make you my wife before I would take your innocence here. Do
you understand?"
She swallowed hard and nodded, her eyes filling with tears at the nobility and goodness of the man who held her. "I love
you, Edward."
"As I you, beautiful one."
Closing their eyes, they fell asleep in the warm sun, covered in a blanket of happiness neither ever knew existed.
Edward woke first and guessed by the position of the sun that they had slept for at least two hours. His stomach made it's
emptiness known, waking Bella, whose ear was pressed against his chest. Embarrassed beyond words, his hand flew to
his face and dragged upward, into his hair. To his delighted relief, Bella simply laughed.
"Are we hungry, my lord?" asked Bella, looking up into Edward's face with a sleepy smile. His breath caught for a moment
and he wondered how she could possibly be more lovely than the last time he looked at her.
Gently, he pushed Bella onto her back and hovered over her, his intense gaze moving to her mouth then back to her eyes.
"I am quite starved, lady. Would that I might make a fine meal of you," he whispered before lowering his mouth to hers and
kissing her until she was nearly out of her mind with desire.
Pulling away reluctantly, he stood and helped Bella to her feet. She was swallowed up by her clothing now that she was
again her normal size. Looking down at her appearance, she laughed again, and Edward thought it was wonderful to see
her be so carefree. As Bellarius, she was usually very serious.
"Come," she said, tugging on Edward's hand, "let us see if any of our food has dried out enough to be edible."
They ate a quick meal of dried meat and berries and shared more of the wine, laughing together over memories of Bella's
sword-fighting lessons. Edward was in still more awe of her skill when he realized that he was, in reality, fighting a woman
who had never before handled a blade.
The meal finished, they began to saddle and re-pack the horses.
"Edward," asked Bella, tightening the girth under her horse, "how do you feel about continuing this quest, now that you are
traveling with a woman?"
"I've been thinking about that very thing, my love. I realized something: the young man with whom I have been so
impressed these last three days, the lad who hunts better than I, sits a horse as well as any knight, and is wise beyond his
years, is, in fact, still with me on this quest." Bella could not suppress a winning smile. "But that does not dismiss the fact
that the woman I love is following me into danger. Promise me, Bella, that when I tell you to stay back or to get out and find
safety, that you will do as I say? The thought of losing you after just now finding you... " He leaned his head against his
Bella slid her arm about his waist. "My love, I will be by your side, just as I have been these last few days. You will have my
sword, my lord, just as if I were still your squire." She paused, considering her words. She did not wish to lie, neither to
Edward nor to herself. "I will do as you ask, but if I see your life in danger, you must understand that I will not stand by and
watch you die."
Edward ran his hand through her hair and sighed. "I do not like it, but if I am being honest, I would expect no less from
Bellarius either. He understands the Code as well as any knight of Arthur's court."
They stood before a small opening in a hillside, which corresponded to the spot marked plainly on Merlin's map. Edward
had made a torch from a small log, the end of which he coated in pine resin. Bella lit the torch with one of their fire-starters
and took it from him. They walked together into the cave, both armed with their swords. Edward had drawn his and in his
other hand he carried his shield.
The cave floor began to slope downward almost immediately. As they walked down the steeply descending path, Bella
noted the smell of the passageway. It grew progressively more damp, more earthy. The smell was not unpleasant but
instead reminded her of the deep forest on Avalon.
Presently the passageway opened into a large cavern, in which huge formations hung from the ceiling. A light mist
hovered in the room and seemed to grow denser very quickly. Inhaling, Bella noted how pleasant the smell was, how it
made her want to inhale all the more deeply.
Turning to Edward to see if he noticed the same, she froze when she saw his face. He was staring intently at her as he
began slowly circling her. She maneuvered slowly in response, turning toward him to keep him in her sight. The look on his
face was predatory and his movements both frightened and excited her. What made Bella more frightened was how badly
she wanted to stalk Edward.
"Bella," he breathed, "I don't understand what's happening. I've never felt this kind of want before, this need."
"I think the mist is dragon's breath, Edward. I've heard stories of it told on Avalon. It has magical properties and we are
now breathing it. At this point... we are powerless."
Edward approached Bella suddenly and pulled her into a crushing embrace, then set upon devouring her mouth. This kiss
was a world apart from all of Edward's other kisses that day. It was desperate, it was needy, it was furious. It was heaven.
Her own overpowering want sapped the strength from her legs, and Bella began to sink to her knees. Edward followed.
His hands were everywhere on her body and yet nowhere she needed them to be. They pulled the clothing from each
other, clawing at laces, grabbing at collars, shoving and pulling and lifting. Only when Bella's naked body was under his
and she had the entire length of Edward, every glorious inch of his warm skin, pressed against her, did they slow their
"Bella, I don't want to hurt you. I love you. I'm sorry."
She reached up to his face and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. She opened her legs and wrapped them around
Edward's. She could not bear a second longer the absence of contact that her body craved there.
"Edward," she breathed into his ear, "love me. Fill me with all you are. I am not afraid."
And with those words, words that were both blessing and absolution, he pressed his hard length against the warm, wet
center of all women's secrets. Edward felt her hands on him, guiding him to the place she needed him, but he already
knew when he was there. He pushed his hips forward... and was enveloped in paradise. From very far away he heard her
gasp in pain.
It was bliss, it was exquisite, it was torture. He fought to control the impulse to push into her fast and hard, the drive to
satisfy this need that was close to destroying him.
Bella grabbed his head and forced his eyes to hers. There was pain etched on her face and her eyes were wet.
"I'm here. I love you." Simple words, but they brought him back. She had saved him again, for the second time.
He slowed his movements, focusing on her face and her reactions to his touch. His hand slid up her waist and found her
breast. He squeezed gently and stroked the nipple with his thumb. He was rewarded with a tiny cry of pleasure... the most
beautiful sound. Her face relaxed and he needed to hear that sound again. He lowered his mouth to her breast and took in
the nipple, sucking softly, and when she began to writhe beneath him, he bit down gently. Her cry, much louder this time,
made his hips start moving again. This time, Bella began to move with him, rotating against him with small motions that
seemed to bring her as much pleasure as they did him.

"Edward, please move faster. I need to feel... more... please," she sobbed.
He did as she begged and moved faster, his desperation matching hers. The feel of her... the warmth... the tightness... it
was too much but not enough. How could that be? How could any man bear this?
"God in heaven, Bella... I had no idea... I can't..."
Bella, her face flushed and shimmering with sweat, her head thrown back, resembled no earthly being Edward had ever
seen before. A faint light seemed to emanate from all around her and Edward had to look away from her beauty to regain
his senses.
"Goddess!" Bella cried out. "I am your child; I do your will!"
She buried her head into Edward's shoulder, needing his shelter. If there were a way to climb inside of him, she would
have done so. Her hands clutched at his back and she lifted her head, searching for—needing—his mouth. She kissed
him, pouring her breath into him.
"Edward, I'm there... I'm... yours."
They cried out together. As God and Goddess were one and the same, so Edward and Bella had merged into one.
Their bodies stilled, their breathing slowed, and at last their pounding hearts quieted. Edward pressed his damp forehead
to hers, his eyes closed. He whispered a quiet prayer and covered her face in small kisses, dropping down to her
shoulders to do the same there. She continued to cling fiercely to his upper arms, terrified to let go. The Goddess had
come, unbidden, to be with Bella and she did not understand why.
Edward raised his head and looked around the cavern, noting that the mist had thinned considerably and their torch still
burned on the ground near them. He helped Bella to dress, stopping frequently to place small kisses on her body where
bruises were already beginning to appear. The floor of the cavern was hard and cold, far from the soft, sinking comfort of
a marriage bed.
When he was again dressed for battle, Bella eyes searched his face. She reached up to push his damp hair back, a
gentle gesture that made him sigh.
"Your cares show so clearly upon your face. I know that this was not the way you saw our first time together. But know this,
Edward: the place or the time matters not. It was still a glimpse of heaven, where our souls touched and laid claim to each
other for the rest of our days. There will never be another for me."
"Nor for me, Bella," said Edward quietly, placing one more kiss on her mouth, imbuing it with all the love and admiration
he felt for her.
They drew their swords and, side by side, walked to the far end of the cavern where the passageway continued down.
They soon entered another cavern, this one even larger than the last. It was familiar to Bella, and she realized with near
panic that it was the same cavern she saw in her vision with Merlin. She stopped and turned quickly around, searching for
the strangely colored rock formation.
"Edward, the Dragon is here! I am sure of it! It sleeps... but it is here."
"But there is no dragon —" Edward had barely begun to argue when he followed Bella's terrified stare to an enormous
rock near one wall. The rock was different shades of blue and patches of gray that matched the color of the surrounding
Before both pairs of astonished eyes, the rock began to stir and then it moved, as the rest of Bella's vision came to life.
The Dragon uncoiled from its slumber, raising its head and very slowly turning it to face them. Again, Bella found herself
unable to move or scream.
The Dragon's eyes opened and looked directly at them. The large snake-like eyes with their blue-gray centers seemed to
calmly consider Bella and Edward. The Dragon did not seem the slightest bit surprised to see them standing in his lair.
"Bella," said Edward quietly, trying to remain calm but never taking his eyes from the Dragon, "do you remember our
When he heard no response from her, Edward turned. She was still standing immobile, staring at the Dragon.
"Bella! Take a deep breath! Breath, my love, and look at me."
From far away, Bella heard the knight's command and did as he ordered. Calm slowly filtered through to her senses and
she was able to speak.
"Yes... you will distract the Dragon by engaging him while I search the ground for a scale. If none is found... you... will stay
at his head and do battle while I approach the tail and remove a scale."
"Excellent, beautiful one," he replied, "You would make a fine knight, lady, of this I am quite certain." He pushed all his fear
of losing her back down inside and gave her one of his smiles instead. "Are you ready?"
She nodded and returned his smile.
And then time slowed and all movement became dream-like.
Edward let go a harsh, guttural cry, raised his sword, and charged the Dragon. As in her vision, the Dragon stood, pulling
back its head and spreading its wings. Bella quickly searched the ground for a scale but looked up to find Edward
climbing one of the Dragon's legs, holding his shield before his face. The Dragon, outraged, lifted its leg to shake the
knight off, but Edward dropped down and straddled the leg. He clung tightly to the Dragon, using just his own legs to stay
securely seated.
"Hurry, Bella!" But she could find no scales on the ground. God or Goddess! Would that you might come to my aid now!
No sooner had the plea formed in her head than Bella had a clear picture in her mind of a cat scratching behind its ear
using a back foot. Bella looked at the Dragon's enormous back legs and, there, stuck between two talons of a foot was a
shining blue scale the size of a dinner plate. Desperately, she pried the scale loose.
"Edward, I have it!" she yelled, turning to run toward him. But the Dragon struck out with his foot and one claw barely
caught the calf of her right leg. She fell with a scream of pain.
"Bella!" Edward yelled, now raging furiously at the Dragon with his sword. "Are you all right?"
The Dragon reared its head back again, narrowly missing the point of Edward's blade.
Examining the gash in her leg, Bella clutched the scale to her chest with one arm and struggled to her feet. "Edward, I am
fine! Truly, it is but a flesh wound."
Waiting until the Dragon held its leg still, Edward slid to the ground and tried to reach her. But the Dragon was tired of the
knight and annoyed by the swinging of his sword. It lowered its enormous head and with a simple toss, sent Edward
twenty feet through the air, where he landed on the rocky cave floor with a clang of shield and mail.
Bella's heart stopped.
She struggled to reach to him but felt as if she were back in the river, fighting the current. Finally, she pulled his head into
her lap, pushed the mail away from him, and ran a hand through his hair.
Do not cry. Do not panic. Edward would expect his squire to keep his wits, stay calm, and decide the right course of
She put her face near his nose and almost laughed with relief to feel his breath on her cheek. She shook his shoulder
"Edward... Edward, my love, can you hear me? I need you to wake up. I need you to get up. Right now."
Edward stirred and moaned so low that Bella barely heard it. Again, she felt like laughing but her joy fled when he quieted
and his body again went limp.
Anger replaced Bella's fear. She laid his head gently down and stood to face the Dragon.
Pulling herself to her full height, she threw her shoulders back and looked the Dragon in the eye. It stared back at her with
those great eyes the color of a raging sea.
Raising her arms straight out to her sides, palms up, Bella spoke an ancient word in a commanding voice.
The feeling began in her hands and spread up her arms to her chest, a warm rush of sensation more powerful than
anything she had ever felt.
On the ground, Edward turned his head and looked for Bella. He was certain he was suffering delirium. She stood before
the Dragon, no longer clothed as a squire, but in pale blue robes that draped to the ground. A belt of gold adorned her
waist. She was bathed in light and stood taller than a man. Though a faithful Christian, Edward nevertheless believed he
was in the presence of the Goddess herself.
Exhausted, he closed his eyes and slipped back into unconsciousness.
"Ancient one," the Goddess addressed the Dragon, speaking through Bella, "This maiden and this man serve a purpose.
I know it is no coincidence that they are here together before you. I will know your plan."
The voice of the Dragon filled her head... and Merlin of Britain spoke.
As you well know, these lovers have this day conceived a child. This child will one day be the next Merlin. He will take
my place and become Arthur's most trusted counselor, guiding him as our world and our ways fade from memory and
the new beliefs and new knowledge take firm root. The united Land and the lasting peace I have built will endure even
when I no longer wield power in this world.
"Merlin, surely you did not believe that I would agree to this plan? Agree to a world where the old ways and the old beliefs
would pass out of all knowledge? I cannot allow this to come to pass."
What then would be your will? You cannot deny that the world is changing before our eyes. You will still be worshipped.
It will be by some other name and the rituals will change, but you will always exist.
"You are correct in your understanding of the changes that will come, Merlin, however, you are wrong about the Ancient
Magic. It must remain for the same reason you sent this brave knight on this quest: mankind needs it. As they need to
quest to experience the pursuit of a higher purpose, so they must also have Magic. They need wonder, mystery—belief in
that which they cannot explain or understand."
What would you have me do?
"I will bless this child with powerful magic and ability as great as yours, Merlin. You have but to teach him well. Help him
understand the source of his power and teach him how best to wield it only for good. He will not be a difficult apprentice.
His father's beliefs in fairness, justice, and mercy will run in his veins. You are given the tools to leave this Land in the best
of hands, my old friend. Do not disappoint me. And, when you are ready to leave the world behind, you will be welcomed
with open arms to Avalon."
Around the edges of his clouded mind, Edward heard a woman's commanding voice echoing through the cavern. He
opened his eyes and his vision slowly cleared. The apparition clothed in blue still stood before the Dragon, and Edward
watched in wonder as the Dragon sat back onto its haunches and bowed its great head. The apparition shimmered for a
moment and then disappeared, leaving Bella standing in its place. She slowly crumpled to the ground and was still.
Edward struggled to his knees, the pain in his head threatening to burst open his skull. He crawled to Bella, who was
waking and trying to push herself to a sitting position. She saw Edward and reached for him. They clung together, tears of
relief running down their faces and mixing with their smiles.
The Dragon watched the pair without moving. Indeed, it was so still that Bella and Edward did not flee from it, but instead
watched in awe as the Dragon rose to his feet, turned his massive body, and lumbered out of the cavern. He disappeared
down the passageway, the sound of his massive footfalls fading to silence.
Before Bella and Edward lay the shining blue Dragon scale.
"Edward," said Bella, wiping the tears from her face, "I do not remember what happened or why I awoke here on the
ground. And why has the Dragon left?"
"I don't know, my heart. Let's make our way back to the outside and rest. Right now, all I want is to lie with you in my arms
and feel you breathe next to me. When we're rested, we'll make our way home to Camelot."
He placed a kiss on her forehead, one under each eye, and a long, lingering one on her sweet mouth.
"I believe we have several questions for Merlin," he said, smiling down at her.
A/N: Thanks very much to ElleCC who, in a moment of insanity, offered to beta this. She lassos my unruly commas and
makes 'em all behave. Thanks also to daisy3853 for reading drafts and cheering me on while I wrote my first lemon, and
crysross for feeding me Monty Python quotes (did you spot the references?)
Co-author credit ought to go to my husband, Mr. Accio, who spent hours talking with me about theme and plot details. His
patience with my fanfic illness is almost as amazing as he is.

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