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Test task:

CLI Tool - ​ ​

API - ​
strings.json file is attached

1. Create the "Lokalise test" project in your Lokalise team via UI.

2. Upload the attached .json file into the “Lokalise test” project using the CLI Tool.
2.1 The "NewlyImported" tag should be added to the imported key on upload.
2.2 The filename attribute will be assigned to the imported keys. You have to include the full
path into a filename on import.

3. Create a new key in the “Lokalise test” project using UI

4. Export the .json file using the CLI tool

4.1 Exclude the "NewlyImported" tag on export (only keys from step 3 must be included in the
exported file)

Provide me with the import and export CLI commands that you used.

Here are the questions that have been recently asked by one of our customers:

I am trying to upload my keys via API and my placeholders are getting changed on upload.

The string “​I have %@ books​” changes to “​I have [%s] books​”. What am I doing wrong? I want
to keep the original placeholder format.

Here is my full API request body:

"filename": "strings.json",
"data": "ewoKIlRlc3RfMDAxIjogIkkgaGF2ZSAlQCBib29rcyIKCn0=",
"lang_iso": "en"

Here are is one more question that has been recently asked by a customer:

How I can see only unreviewed keys in the Editor?

How would you respond to that? We assume you would need to read through​ ​​m​ and​m​ a little in order to be able to answer.

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