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Experiment 2.

Student Name:Shubham UID:17BCS4070

Branch:CSE Cloud Computing Section/Group:17AITCC1/GroupB
Semester: 8th Date of Performance:25/07/21
Subject Name:WFC Lab Subject Code:CSA-434

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Running Your Project in AngularJS

2. Task to be done:

1. Run the project

2. Make the changes and see the update in the app

3. Steps for experiment/practical:

1.Go to the bit bucket account and reset your password.

2.After resetting the password open the angular project folder on the system.
3.Now we have to create a repstiory on the bit bucket.

4.Click on create repository.

5.Fill up the details.

6.Now select https and copy the url and paste it in the bash.
7.Make an angular-application folder in angular project and with the help of bash enter in it
using command: cd angular-application.

8.Check the status using command: git status.

9.Copy all the files from the my-app to angular-application except node modules.

10.Go back to bash and type: git status (We will get files in red color)
11.Now we have to check all the changes using command: git add .
12.Now again check the status: git status (Now the files will be of green colour).
13.Now we have to provide the id using command: git commit-m “Initial Value”.
14.Now using command: git push origin master.
15.Now we can check that all the files have been uploaded to the bit bucket repository.

Making the Changes and Send the updates.

1.) Open the visual Studio and open app.component.css(it’s Empty)

2.)Move to app.component.html.

3.)Use ng serve –open to shoot the app in the browser.(If error occurs then use pip install)
4.) After successful compiling the app will be opened in browser automatically.
5.)Change the title according to you by changing title in app.component.html
6.) Delete unnecessary buttons from the app.component.html
7.)Making basic calculations edit the code in index.html.
8.)Finally the updated application can be viewed in the browser.
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1.Learned how to run the application.

2.Making changes in the Project and shoot the application on the browser.

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks


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