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Experiment 1

Student Name: Shubham UID:17BCS4070

Branch: CSE Cloud computing Section/Group:17AITCC1/Group B
Semester: 8th Date of Performance:23/07/2021
Subject Name: WFC Lab Subject Code:

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Set up the system and Create a Project in AngularJS

2. Task to be done:

1. Download sample project from

2. Install Visual Code studio

3. Install GIT

4. Create a simple project in AngularJS.

3. Steps:

1.Now download and install VISUAL STUDIO CODE.

2.Go to GIT website and download, install GIT from there.

3.Create a new folder on the desktop.

4.Open the folder and open git bash by right click.

5.Now type command: git config –list.

6.Now set username using command:config –global “shubham”.

7.Now set the user email using command:git config –global
Making the angular project.
1.Open the folder angular project and open git bash there.
2.Type command:npm install -g@angular/cli

3.Type command:ng new my-app(it will create a folder named as my


4.Enter the folder by command:cd my-app/(it will be master which tells

the bitbucket is now linked.)
5.Open the visual studio and check the folder that is created.

6.Use command:ng serve –open. (to shoot the app in browser)

7.Open the browser and typre:localhost:4200.and hit the Run and Watch test.

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

Successfully executed and learnt how to create a simple angular JS project using git,
visual studio, bitbucket

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks


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