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Fall of the Broken Glass

Warriors are for battle,
victory is for brave warriors
The world is like a battle field
for its unending war
Words are sharp swords for slaying,
Dreadful actions are hammers for smashing.

I am never a sword or even a hammer,

I am a broken glass, fragile as it is.
I don’t have the strength that the world is looking for.
Everyday slaps me hard
‘till I became wounded and worthless.

I tasted the hideous world

with its sweetest chaos
I heard the violent screams of trouble
I am scared and tears blurred my vision
Then, I started to drown in the ocean of my blood
I can’t breathe, I can’t.

I closed my eyes
and the darkness filled me
No more pain, hatred and loneliness I will feel
It indeed, made me smile for the last glimpse
And so, I am enclosed with my final wish,
to rest in peace

Impossible Euphoria
Take me to the hidden place of delight
Where the sun kisses the sea
And the waves embrace the coast
Where all creatures are singing with glee

Take me to where silence is symphony

Where I can hear the murmurs of the wind
Blended with the leaves rustling from clustered trees
Creating such majestic orchestra into my ears
Take me where the sun shines in shimmering shot
Where the clouds are as white and fluffy as it was
And the sky is wrapped with blue blanket
Where I can touch the heavenly bodies so hot

Take me to where the rainbow ends

Or even to the astonishing realms of magical worlds
Where I can see the silver splash of waterfalls
As it land on the splendid surface of the Earth

Take me to wonderland
where Alice explored
A place of magic and wondrous beings untold
Where I can be wild, free and bold

Take me to where I can find serenity

Where I can unleash the million miseries
And sobs my heartaches away
Take me to the impossible paradise

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