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Some cities have few controls over the design and construction of housing and

office buildings. People think that they should be free to choose the design
they like.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In the modern day, it is true that in some cities, the citizens have some
freedom in designing their own houses because of the limited in government
regulations on how it should be. Although there are several benefits in this trend, in
my perspective, the merits are overshadowed by the demerits.
On the one hand, there are many benefits of having less restriction on
building design. One of them is that it gives scope of aesthetic and creativity. This
allow designers to be morn open for new ideas and freely experiment with diverse
materials and designs, that can bring more innovative and impressive buildings.
Secondly, the unlimited in construction will give owner opportunity to fulfill their
personal preferences. Some individuals may be passionate about traditional
designs, while others prefer the modern ones as well. A building should not be
considered as a simple shelter but a place where its owner feels a sense of
satisfaction as well.
On the other hand, I believe that the disadvantage of this trend are more
significant. Firstly, houses which are built without any restriction or uniform
building codes may be vulnerable to serious damage, especially by natural damage.
For instance, in Vietnam, which is always suffer with a major amount of typical
storm in summer. Due to the lack of government control in building houses,
whenever a huge storm strikes, thousands of houses lose their roofs, and even
worse, completely collapsed, causing to both lose lives and properties. Moreover,
without any strict, the overview of the city can be distorted.
In conclusion, although there are many benefits of allowing the citizens have
freedom in designing their own houses, it seem to me that the advantages are
eclipsed by the disadvantages.

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