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Living in Harmony


1.1 Healthy and Unhealthy Environments

An environment is a place where living things live. Cities, mountains, deserts and forests are all
environments. Living things get food and water from their environments. A healthy environment is
clean. It has everything we need to live

An unhealthy environment is dirty. It might not have everything we need to live.

Exercise 1

© SD Ignatius Global School

Arranged by :Alfazza Marsalma, S.Pd Page 1
Living in Harmony

1. What is environment?
2. What type of environment do yo live in?
3. Do you think you are living in a healthy environment? Why or why not?
4. Why do you notice that is unhealthy about your environment?
5. Look at the picture below! Imagine that a bird lives in the forest,
will it stay alive? Why or not?

Forest cleared for building

Quiz 1

1. It’s the example of ......... environment

a. Healthy b. unhealthy c. dirty

2. There are so many ........ In this place

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Living in Harmony

a. Flowers b. rubbish c. clean water

3. A Place whre living thing live is known as……
a. Land b. soil c. habitat
4. Habitats provide living thing with…..
b. air, water, food, space, and energy
c. air, water, food, space, and shelter
d. air, water, food, space, and friends

5. which of the following is known as environment….

a. Land b. deserts c. water

Exercise 2

1. An environments is a place where you can find?

a. living things b. dirty place c. clean place
2. A clean home environment is a?
a. Living thing b. dirty place c. healthy place
3. A healthy Environment is?
a. Empty b. clean d. dirty
4. Plants and insects live in a healthy?
a. Yard b. waste bin d. pile of rubbish
5. You will find insects and… a healthy yard
a. Rubbish b. plants d. forests

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Living in Harmony
1. The air is clean and fresh, it does not have much vehicle smoke and dust.
2. Clean, neat and orderly environments.
3. The source of clean water that odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
4. Drains or gutter flowing smoothly.
5. Garbage does not pile up and scatter.
6. Have many of green plants that thrive, green plants release oxygen that makes the air feel
We must keep the environment clean, the healthy environment will make us comfortable,
peaceful, and keep our body health.


1. The air is dirty, because have much vehicle smoke and dust.
2. Not clean, neat, and not orderly environments.
3. The source of water that dirty and smell.
4. Drains or gutter is not smooth, because clogged with garbage.
5. Garbage piled up and scattered.
6. Plants do not thrive, so plants become barren.
The unhealthy environment can disturb the health.


Keeping the home environment clean

How Anna keep her home clean;

My home always clean
The floors always swept and mopped
The window glass cleaned
The chairs and tables cleaned from
The bathroom is cleaned once a week
The bathtub is drained regulary

My yard is always cleaned too

Plants are watered everyday
The dry leaves are swept

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Living in Harmony

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Living in Harmony

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Living in Harmony

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Living in Harmony

Keeping the school environment clean

How Anne keep her school environment clean;

My school always clean
My school residents always keep the school
Each class has a picket schedule
We take turns cleaning class
My classroom floor is swept
Chairs and tabales are arranged neat
We take turns erase the blackboard
We don’t litter
We thrown garbage in the dust bin

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Living in Harmony

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Living in Harmony
Keeping the school environment clean and tidy

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Living in Harmony
How John helps to kep his home and school clean

© SD Ignatius Global School

Arranged by :Alfazza Marsalma, S.Pd Page

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